The ground-water site inventory consists of more than 850,000 records of wells, springs, test holes, tunnels,drains, and excavations in the United States. Call Us. 2. Alachua County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board Meeting, 10:00 AM, Alachua County Administration Building, 12 SE 1st Street, Gainesville, FL 32601 Jack Durrance Conference Room, Second Floor - DIAL IN NUMBER: Toll free 1.888.585.9008 CONFERENCE CODE: 864 183 272 GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: To conduct the regular business of the Alachua County Transportation . Objectives. The main objectives of a groundwater monitoring system are: Measure the level and quality of groundwater including its annual and seasonal fluctuations. Some part of the precipitation that lands on the ground surface infiltrates into the subsurface. A public meeting was held on Monday February 27, 2023, and EPD is accepting comments through Monday March 6, 2023. The bill, which the state House of Representatives passed overwhelmingly early this month, would require groundwater monitoring at ash ponds that have been closed to continue for 50 years after. Regional Offices and Conservation Districts, Find My Soil & Water Conservation District. Example of map with arrow and circle icons. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. An official website of the State of Georgia. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. During 2021 the maximum monthly mean water level was 3.8 (March 2021) and the minimum was 5.1 (November 2021). Groundwater levels vary depending on the amount of recharge and discharge to and from an aquifer. Manage and lead the Field Service and Technical Service Departments with a clear vision by executing technical support of active, installed, and post startup projects and aftermarket sale support . Date Senior Project Manager . If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. hbbd```b``.E!R9D2?$ 3}D2tS`vfW lav sB@o#oC@
1984: 3: Another look : National survey of pesticides in drinking water wells : phase II report. Post-closure care spans for decades into the future and will include inspecting the closed ash ponds and landfills to verify continued structural integrity, maintaining the integrity of the final cover system, and maintaining the integrity of the groundwater monitoring network. Georgia's partial program allows the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) to enforce rules promulgated under its solid waste statute related to CCR activities in non-Indian country . The water will be tested and comprehensively treated before either being discharged through a permitted outfall, or reused for plant processes. document.write(": " + mydate + ""); A copy of the February 9 notice is AIR QUALITY 2.1 Air Quality Monitoring Parameters. Comply with monitoring requirements outlined in Part 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) section 130.4, the Clean Water Act (CWA) 106 (e)(1), as well as various State laws and regulations; Establish, review, and revise water quality standards in accordance with 40 CFR 131 and CWA 303(c); Determine attainment of water quality standards in accordance with 40 CFR 130.8 and CWA305(b)); Identify impaired waters, existing or emerging water quality problems, and/or changes and trends in water quality in accordance with CWA 303(d); Gather information to design specific pollution prevention and remediation programs, and support implementation of water management programs in accordance with CWA 303, 314 and 319; Support the evaluation of program effectiveness and determine whether program goals, such as compliance with pollution regulations or implementation of effective pollution control actions, are being met in accordance with CWA 303, 305, 402, 314 and 319; and. for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion Exposure Pathway, Averaging Approach to Soil Compliancefor Direct Contact Exposure Scenarios, for Evaluating the Soil-to-Groundwater Pathway, forDemonstrating Completion of Soil Removal Actions at Corrective Action Sites, Hazardous Site Response Release Notifications, Recycling, Waste Reduction, and Diversion Grant, Local Government Scrap Tire Abatement Reimbursement Program, Municipal Measurement Program for Waste Diversion and Recycling, Georgia EPD - Coastal Stormwater Supplement to the Stormwater Management Manual, Watershed Planning and Monitoring Program, Analytical Excellence Supporting Environmental Compliance. Example of Trend Anaylsis Graph with trend line and control buttons. available 2 Booklet. Monitoring is being conducted in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. This calculator was designed to be a simple tool to help GW systems determine their system's log inactivation. In December most of the State experienced abnormally-dry conditions and several counties in eastern Georgia experienced moderate drought (Georgia | U.S. Drought Monitor (, 2022). On February 9, 2023, EPD announced a second stakeholder meeting to discuss the Minimum Standards for Public Water Systems, Section (Steel Casing of Drinking Water Wells) and the Rules for Safe Drinking Water, Rule 391-3-5-.07 (5) (b). This website presents an overview of groundwater levels throughout Georgia. For basic groundwater monitoring systems, install 'shallow' piezometers to about 3m below the watertable, with the bottom 2m of bore casing slotted . Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure youre on an official state website. Georgia Power Plant McIntosh CCR Landfill 4 Draft Permit Information. Alley, W.M., 1993, General design consideration. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how much water is available on Earth and 1.5 General Precautions 1.5.1 Safety Proper safety precautions must be observed when collecting groundwater samples. Groundwater and Purchase Water System Permitting Checklist This site-specific plan identifies the enhanced water treatment system, controls and monitoring that will be used during the process to ensure that the water discharged is protective of water quality standards. The following State of Georgia programs have provided some of their technical guidance documents on-line. They consist of crustaceans, worms, and a large variety of aquatic insects. Continuous Groundwater Monitoring Low-Flow Sampling Remediation Measure water level and water quality at local or regional scales. An official website of the State of Georgia. Note: If you have received ARPA funding from the Office of Planning and Budget for a drinking water-related project, and you have questions about the State Environmental Review Process (SERP), please contact Peter Nwogu at [emailprotected]. From monitoring air quality to permitting underground storage tanks, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Environmental Protection Division protects and manages the state's air, water, and land resources. Clarke, J.S., 2003, The surficial and Brunswick aquifer systemsAlternative groundwater resources for coastal Georgia. In the Coastal Plain Province, the surficial aquifer system consists of layered sand, clay, and in some places limestone. Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia. Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia. AAS is housed in the NonPoint Source Program, Watershed Protection Branch of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) and is funded by a United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Section 319(h) Grant. Investigate and remediate ground water and soil for The Education and Certification Program. An official website of the State of Georgia. Last week, the EPA rejected the premise that groundwater legally could remain in contact with the dry ash a statement that will likely impact Georgia Power's closure plans at Scherer and four. Backfill around the slotted section with washed gravel or coarse sand, put a bentonite plug on top and backfill the rest of the annulus with drill spoil. The part that continues downward through the soil until it reaches rock material that is saturated is groundwater recharge. Manual for On-Site Sewage Management Systems. The Branch's Watershed Planning and Monitoring Program establishes water quality standards for Georgia's waterbodies, conducts monitoring throughout the state, and conducts an assessment of monitored waterbodies' compliance with water quality standards. Groundwater Monitoring Plan; . These tables present the monthly mean depth to water level in feet below land surface for each month (columns) of every year (rows) during the period of record for a particular well. How you know. Environmental Protection Division Environmental Protection Division How can we help? Nineteen of these gages are centennial gages with over 100 years of recorded data. These maps from the National Integrated Drought Information system show when and where dry conditions were occurring in Georgia during 2021. EPD has developed the Macroinvertebrate bioassessment data is maintained in the Georgia Environmental Monitoring and Assessment System, also known as GOMAS. The Coastal Plain is underlain by alternating layers of sand, clay, dolomite, and limestone that dip and thicken to the southeast. Landfill Design and Operation Plan Supplemental Data for Solid Waste Handling Permit [Revised May 2014], Inert The guidelines were revised in 2012 and encompass considerations, system and monitoring requirements, and design standards for urban water reuse in the state. Drinking Water Permitting and Engineering Contact Peter Nwogu Primary: (470) 845-2567 Application and Modification Forms Click Here for More Information on Drinking Water Permitting Processes Application for a Permit to Operate a Public Water System (MS Word) [Revised Oct 2016] Drinking Water Project Submittal [Revised April 2017] 12-5-20, et seq. These observations combined with limited water quality data are measured to contextualize the IBI scores. The surficial aquifer system typically is under water-table (unconfined) conditions and provides water for domestic and livestock use. Surface Coastal Plain aquifers generally are confined, except near their northern limits where the aquifers crop out or are near land surface. Refer %PDF-1.7
In this report, the aquifers are referred to as crystalline-rock aquifers. A more complete discussion of the States groundwater resources is provided in Clarke and Pierce (1985). Macroinvertebrates are organisms that lack a backbone and are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Learn how we are A Citizen Wherever We Serve plus tips to prevent fraud and stay safe around water or electricity. This water quality data, in addition to water quality data collected by municipal wastewater permit holders as part of their Watershed Assessment and Watershed Protection Planrequirements, is available through the GOMAS Public Database Portal. Translate this page to any language by choosing a language in the box below. Alist of real-time recorders can be found here. Southern Company. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use or at the end of the address. Instructions for using this tool can be . EPA published the GWR in the Federal Register on November 08, 2006. list of real-time recorders can be found here. How you know. All rights reserved. Stream measurements -- Minnesota. Water-level trend lines are generated by Simple Linear Regression. Privacy Policy. var dateModified = document.lastModified; How you know. for a Permit to Operate a Public Water System (MS Word) [Revised Oct2016], Water Project Submittal [Revised April 2017], Protection: New Well / Spring Application [Revised Jan 2022], Water System Water Conservation Questionnaire (MS Word) [Revised Jan 2004], Plan For Public Water Systems (Appendix A) [Revised Jan. 2000], Completion Data Form [Revised November2014], Water Checklist #1 - New Surface Water Treatment Plant, Water Checklist #2 - Submission of Engineering Report, Water Checklist #3 - Submission of Pilot Studies, Water Checklist #4 - Submission of Engineering Plans, Groundwater and Purchase Water System Permitting Checklist, to Change Water System Inventory or Laboratory Services Form, Monitoring Report Form [Updated Dec 2016], I Assessment Form [Effective April 1, 2016], II Assessment Form [Effective April 1, 2016], System Start-Up Procedure and Checklist [Effective April 1, 2016], Water Sanitary Survey for Public Water Systems [Revised May 2001], Water System Description (Part B) Sanitary Survey for Public Water Systems [Revised May 2001], Water Sanitary Survey for Public Water Systems [Revised January2017], Water Treatment Plant Monthly Operating Report Forms (Excel Format) [Revised Nov 2005], Water Treatment Plant Monthly Operating Report Forms (Excel Format) [Revised Nov 2022], Plant Monthly Operating Report Forms (Excel Format) [Revised June 2008], 2 DBP Monitoring Plan {Revised Jan. 2015], Determination: Treatment Technique for DBP Precursor Removal (TOC Removal Report) [Revised Dec 2003], 2 DBPR Operational Evaluation Guidance Manual, 2 DBPR Operational Evaluation Report for Ground Water Systems, 2 DBPR Operational Evaluation Report for Surface Water Systems, 2 DBPR Operational Evaluation Report for Consecutive Systems, Confidence Report Certification [Revised January2023]*Updated*, to Georgia's Laboratory Certification Program, and Copper Consumer Notice Certification Form, Lead and Copper Summary of Materials Survey Form 2016, Lead and Copper Final Targeted Sample Sites Form 2020, Consumer Notice for Non-Contracted PWSs 2016, Consumer Notice Certification Form for Non-Contracted PWSs 2022, Click Here for More Information on Drinking Water Permitting Processes, NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permits, NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permits, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Individual Permit Electronic Applications and Forms, Permit Conditions: Limitations and Monitoring, Permitting Strategies & Reasonable Potential Analysis, Wastewater Technical & Environmental Review. Georgia EPD and USGS have partnered on special studies, such asGeorgia Coastal Sound Science Initiative,Coastal Georgia/Upper Floridan/Saltwater Intrusion Modeling, andSouthwest Georgia/Agricultural pumping/stream-aquifer interactions. ; O.C.G.A. Georgia has the 5th largest network of stream gages in the US. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use or at the end of the address. The database contains data for common water quality parameters as measured in streams, rivers, and lakes across the state. Click here for a list of permitted drinking water facilities. Many of these documents require an Adobe Acrobat PDF reader plug-in. An official website of the State of Georgia. The ash pond dewatering plan for Plant Branch was approved and updated by EPD in November 2018. 356 0 obj
This treatment and removal activity is known as "dewatering". ], Major PSD (Prevention of Significant Deterioration) increment consuming sources [Revised Aug 2002] (Excel spreadsheet format), Technical Guidance for Clean Air Act, Section 112(r) [Revised Sep 2000], Procedures for Testing and Monitoring Sources of Air Pollutants. National Weather Service, Climate Prediction Center. Georgia monitors its rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, beaches, wetlands, and groundwater. Water quality monitoring in Georgia began in the 1960s. available EPD has developed the Georgia Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (2021) that outlines Georgia's monitoring objectives, monitoring design, and core water quality indicators. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use or at the end of the address. A copy of the first stakeholder meeting notice on this itemis Real-time data Streamflow|| Water-Quality|| Groundwater Levels|| Precipitation Statewide Rainfall Map Live Streaming RiverCams Flood Inundation Maps StreamStats- online tool for basin and flow characteristics USGS Flood Event Viewer Sign up for custom Water Alerts by text or email All data is reported to the Georgia EPD and test results available to-date are posted on this site. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with numerous local, State, and Federal agencies, collects hydrologic data and conducts studies to monitor hydrologic conditions and better define the water resources of Georgia and other States and territories. Air Branch: (404) 363-7000. Hicks, D.W., Krause, R.E., and Clarke, J.S., 1981, Geohydrology of the Albany area, Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey Information Circular 57, 31 p. Jones, L.E., and Maslia, M.L., 1994, Selected groundwater data, and results of aquifer tests for the Upper Floridan aquifer, Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, area: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94520, 107 p. Krause, R.E., and Randolph, R.B., 1989, Hydrogeology of the Floridan aquifer system in southeast Georgia and adjacent parts of Florida and South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1403D, 65 p, National Integrated Drought Information System, accessed March 17, 2021 at URL. Clarke, J.S., Hacke, C.M., and Peck, M.F., 1990, Geology and groundwater resources of the coastal area of Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey Bulletin 113, 106 p. Clarke, J.S., and Pierce, R.R., 1985, Georgia groundwater resources. Groundwater conditions in Georgia, 2015-16 The U.S. Geological Survey collects groundwater data and conducts studies to monitor hydrologic conditions, define groundwater resources, and address problems related to water supply, water use, and water quality. Water Mission Area National Groundwater Monitoring Network. Through the information provided, learn how we are protecting the environment by removing water from ash ponds during the closure process at our power plants across the state. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Groundwater and surface water monitoring is required by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) to detect and quantify potential changes in groundwater chemistry. *NEW*, Northern ], Water & Wastewater Operator Certification Board under the Georgia Secretary of State's office, Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control 5th Edition, Correspondence: DNR Erosion and Sedimentation Rules and Regulation & the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act of 1975, as Amended Through 2000, Model Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance, Technical Panel Completion Report - Published, Getting the Dirt on Clean Streams: Straight Talk on Preventing Erosion, Guidance On Submitting Water Quality Data For Use By The Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Land Development Provisions to Protect Georgia Water Quality, Informational Brochure on General NPDES Permit For Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities, General NPDES Permit For Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities, General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activity, Proposed Modifications to the Municipal Storm Water Management Program, Fact Sheet for Proposed General NPDES Permit For Municipal Storm Water, Fact Sheet for Proposed General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities, Information on the Storm Water Phase II Final Rule and Permitting Program, Microbiological Sampling Site Plan Guidance, Minimum Standards for Public Water Systems [Revised May 2000], Business Plan for Public Water Systems (Appendix A) [Revised Jan 2000], Operation and Maintenance Plan for Public Water Systems (Appendix B) [Revised May 2000], Public Water System - 1996 Compliance Report [Revised 1997], SWAP (Surface Water Assessment and Protection) Implementation Plan - Final [Revised Mar 2000], Consumer Confidence Report Guidance and Preparation Manual [Revised Apr 2002], Watershed Assessment and Protection Plan Guidance Documents, Planning Standards North Georgia Water District, Linking State Water Programs to Watershed Management, Developing Regional Watershed Protection Plans - A Guidebook for Local Governments, Appendix A: Alcovy River Watershed Protection Project, Appendix B: Description of Commonly Considered Water Quality Constituents, Appendix C: Watershed Protection Fact Sheets, Interim Strategy for Managing Saltwater Intrusion in the Upper Florida Aquifer of Southeast Georgia, Supplement to the Interim Strategy for Managing Saltwater Intrusion in the Upper Floridan Aquifer of Southeast Georgia, Water Management Plan for Coastal Strategy Area, USGS Water Resources Information for Georgia, Household hazardous wastes [Revised 1999], Scrap Tire Industry Survey report [Revised Oct 1998], Public Involvement in Environmental Permits: A Reference Guide, Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Enhanced Inspection/Maintenance Test Equipment, Procedures, and Specifications - Phase II (Ver 3.4), Dirt 2 (Erosion and Sedimentation Control Technical Study Committee). Having reviewed such application, the Environmental Protection . available Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy is responsible for the effective protection, management and conservation of BC's water, land, air and living resources. To determine the quality of benthic macroinvertebratecommunities in wadeable streams and rivers, GA EPD conducts macroinvertebrate bioassessments. State of Georgia Environmental Protection Technical Guidance - DNR - EPD Technical Guidance Documents - Free to Download Here! These documents, listed below,are maintained by EPD and updated periodically. Long-term, systematic measurement of water levels provides essential data needed to evaluate changes over time, develop groundwater models, forecast trends, and design, implement, and monitor the effectiveness of groundwater management and protection programs (Taylor and Alley, 2001). It leads work on climate preparedness and adaptation and leads plans to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets. Georgia Power helps you save money and use energy wisely at home.
that outlines Georgias monitoring objectives, monitoring design, and core water quality indicators. Landfill Site Suitability Criteria Guidance and Checklist [Revised May 2014], Inert Just click the button Meet our leadership team, learn how we create a culture of diversity and inclusion and find data on our companys performance. A Development Guide to Risk Management and Cost Control (PDF), History of the 2016 Edition - Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control, Verification of Lawful Presence for E&S Certification, Erosion & Sediment Control Recertification Course Offered Online, Re-certification Requirements for GSWCC Approved Trainers, Third Party Sponsored Continuing Education Course Requirements. The Georgia Ground-Water Monitoring Network is designed to evaluate the ambient groundwater quality present inGeorgia. Georgia Power will continue to monitor groundwater during and after the closure process to comply with the requirements in the federal and state rules. An official website of the State of Georgia. An official website of the State of Georgia. All plans which were completed and sealed prior to July 1st 2016 may utilize the products and practices as specified in the Manual (Fifth and Sixth Editions). Groundwater Monitoring Since 2016, Georgia Power has installed approximately 600 groundwater monitoring wells to actively monitor groundwater quality around its ash ponds and on-site landfills. Georgia Environmental Protection Regulations and Forms Below are links to frequently requested State of Georgia environmental (EPD - Environmental Protection Division) forms and instructions, contact names and phone numbers or other information, sorted by regulatory area. Groundwater Contaminant Fate & Transport Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Completion of Soil Removal Actions at Corrective Action Sites Program Specific Topics Asbestos Hazardous Waste Lead-Based Paint Scrap and Used Tires Solid Waste Surface Mining Underground Storage Tanks About EPD Contact Us State Climatologist Air Branch Careers The Georgia Environmental Protection Division has received a new application for the reissuance of an existing LAS permit. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure youre on an official state website. **NOTE: Due to a translation error with the disk file, some graphics are not readable. Cooperating organizations and agencies include the following: Organizations have access to USGS Cooperative Matching Funds (CMF) which support joint projects with state, regional, tribal, and local partners to provide reliable, impartial, and timely information needed to understand and manage the Nation's water resources. 2023 Articles. available Electric Transportation Business Programs, Electric Transportation Charging Infrastructure, Selling to Georgia Power as a Qualifying Facility, Georgia Power Shares Energy Saving Tips on National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, Georgia Power Celebrates MLK Day as a day on with largest volunteer response on record, Georgia Power's Michael Anderson appointed to Chair of the Board of Saint Joseph's Health System, Tree Planting Tips to Help Cut Your Energy Costs, Georgia Power seeks recovery of fuel costs, Vogtle Unit 4 completes cold hydro testing, Georgia Power ranked #1 by J.D. 1992: 4: Atlas of depth-duration frequency of precipitation annual maxima for Texas / 2004: 5 A copy of the February 9 notice is available here . Packing and shipping materials. 7.3. A Development Guide to Risk Management and Cost Control (PDF), Mailchimp - Subscribe to our Erosion & Sediment Control mailing list. Water quality data is being collected on the various waterbodies in the State of Georgia to satisfy six major objectives: Georgia surface water and ground water monitoring is conducted in accordance with approved methods that are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Manual. 382 0 obj
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FH^j2Ir$:>}f$ The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) serves as Agent for the Council, and supports the Council by examining applications, issuing licenses and certifications, performing practical drilling examinations, and conducting investigations of complaints, and other duties following approval by the Council. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. endstream
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Georgia Department of Public Health Sorry for the inconvenience. Disclaimer and Work exclusively with EPD regulatory and monitoring personnel 745 Gaines School Road Athens, GA 30605-3129 Phone: (706) 369-6376 Fax: (706) 369-6398 . Information on how to conduct a macroinvertebratebioassessment can be foundhere. The hydrologic conditions for select wells are summarized annually using the groundwater-level monthly statistics tables from NWISweb ( Georgia received higher than average rainfall during 2021 (National Weather Service (, 2022); however, the maps show abnormally dry conditions, shown in yellow, in the southeast, several counties in the west, and a few counties in north GA during February. A copy of the February 2 notice is The Erosion and Sedimentation Act of 1975 requires that, as a minimum, protections at least as stringent as the state general permit; and best management practices, including sound conservation and engineering practices to prevent and minimize erosion and resultant sedimentation, must be consistent with, and no less stringent than, those here This page was updated on slope b = [ (xy) - (x)(y) ] / [ (x2) - (x)2 ]. The surficial aquifer system is present in each of the five physiographic provinces in Georgia. Inert The "Simple Regression" button calculates the trend line for the current set of data displayed in the graph. This tool is for public drinking water systems that use ground water (GW) and want to determine if the chemical disinfection their water system uses provides 4-log inactivation improvements. Best Management Practices for Georgia Agriculture, Watersheds & Water Resources Conservation Programs, for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia - 2016 Edition (PDF), Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia - 2016 Edition (PDF), 2 Booklet. ], Environmental Guide for Georgia Dry Cleaners [Revised Aug 2000], Asbestos Notification Requirements for Demolition, Renovation or Abatement Projects [Revised Apr 1999], Memorandum Concerning Asbestos Floor Tile Projects [Revised Jul 1999], Memorandum Concerning Clarification of Georgia's Permitted Landfills for Asbestos Disposal [Revised Jan 2000], State of Georgia's Rules Governing Asbestos Abatement, Licensing and Disposal [Revised Apr 1999], Lead Based Paint Certification Program [Revised Sep 1996], Lead-Based Paint, Training Provider/Training Managers, Memorandum-Annual Training Course Renewals [Revised Mar 1999], Supplemental Accreditation Information for Training Programs [Revised Sep 1996], Georgia's Lead-Based Paint Waste Disposal Requirements, FY 2002 Local Government Enforcement and Educational Grants Guidelines [Revised Nov 2001], Question and Answer for Scrap Tire Management [Revised Jan 2001], Question and Answer for Scrap Tire Management for Cities and Counties [Revised Jan 2001], Scrap Tire Legislation [Revised Jan 2001], Certification Requirements for Landfill Operators [Revised Dec 2000], Criteria For Performing Site Acceptability Studies For Solid Waste Landfills In Georgia (Circular 14) [Revised 1997], Deer Processing Waste, Disposal of [Revised Oct 1996], Empty Pesticide Containers, Handling of [Revised Jun 1995], Final Cover Installation for an Unlined Landfill [Revised 1993], Ground-Water Detection Monitoring, Established Standards for [Revised Apr 1996], Inert Waste Landfill Operations Guidance Document [Revised Dec 1997], Reporting Requirements for Landfills [Revised Apr 1996], Yard Trimming, Management of [Revised Feb 1996], Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority, Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials Home Page, USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Web Page, USEPA Municipal Solid Waste Factbook Software, USEPA Municipal Solid Waste Characterization Report: 1996, USEPA Office of Groundwater & Drinking Water, Financial Assurance Mechanisms for Local Governments Owners and Operators of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities, Instructions for (the completion of the) Surface Mining Land Use Annual Permit Status Report [Revised ?