Faybelle continues to be resentful of Raven's destiny as her power grows, and Briar isn't too fond of her own destiny at the moment. Welcome to the Official Sub for everything Ever After High related where you can be a Royal or Rebel!!! Is she able to expose the truth of the story to her wifes best friend, Raven Queen? She just doesn't expect her fellow princess to join her. You would say something about it, right? Raven Queen does not want to follow in her mothers footsteps. I walked off to science class. After Dexter confessed his love for Raven and began dating her, Daring has been avoiding his little brother and ignoring him. For others, raised by wet nurses and with dead mothers and distant fathers and the lived experience that a jewelled crown came with a political weight, every bit of gold seemed that of a fools. Daring, Darling, and Dexter take matters into their own hands. Cupid has a crush on Dexter, but he is unaware of that. Roberth Von Bart future bad guy and curse giver There's a new kid in town, coming out of Rebel Juvie, Mateo's given the task to turn Raven Queen back to her destiny. Raven sat next to me. If I read to you, those arent my thoughts. Cole Corvin didnt believe in happy endingsuntil a blonde girl claiming to be his cousin came into his life. And Dexter Charming is thrown into the spotlight to stop her. During their last year at Ever After High, Apple and Raven receive the earth shattering revelation that they were switched at birth! Dexter stood in front of a mirror and was practicing his greetings for later tonight when he saw Raven. However, in "Lizzie Heart's Fairytale First Date", Daring asks Lizzie Hearts out as a dare, but Daring ends up actually liking her. And eventually, comfortable enough to kiss for a bit, though never for long. A new year has began at EAH with children of former students. Typically, Dexter prefers to blend formal and casual together to make a whole new "outsider look". The women has never been afraid to speak the truth, especially when it is so messyDarling knows the whole case is a mess of chapters that she clearly missed and new questions are being left unanswered. They could have put daring and Apple in the same year because of their story. Welcome to Legacy High, where the sons and daughters of Royals and Rebels attend and prepare to fulfil their destinies. But the pages of the books dragged out longer, and Daring grew more eager for fiction, and by the time Rosabella cracked open a copy of Robert Iron Heinrichs Stranger in a Strange Far, Far Away Land, reading already became an evening past-time on one of their couches in one of their dorm rooms. SLOW UPDATES I began to run up to them. for the sake of everyone on this table, please stop eye-fucking her. While raven let out an exhausted moan Daring also takes extra precaution when his teeth get whitened by covering his mouth to not risk blinding passing students. Ever After High One Shot. Select which one you wish to read. (Rosabella was pretty fond of his really good biceps, if linking arms on the way to classes or dates was any sign, so Daring knew he wasnt doing too shabbily. Dexter Charming, fully named Dexterous Charming, is a 2013-introduced and all-around character. They cried and cried. She yelled. Also this is my first time ever writing and I don't really read much so I hope it works out lol. After Apple and Daring Break-up things got a little complicated between Apple and Darling. A force of evil greater than her mother is invading. May 16, 2013: Mattel requests the trademark for Daring Charming. And you knew that Bunny was head over slippers in love with him. Dexter is shy and tentative. Jack Frost.Guardian of Fun.Every child's hap (Y/n) Ella, daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming. I am Y/n Fey, and you guessed it, I am the Daughter of Maleficent. This year I'm going to ever after high, but I don't want to follow in my mother's footsteps. The effect is broken when his gaze is not immediate, like when he wears his glasses. And to think -- the times she thought about him: how she got through all the list of action movies he loved, or how she remembered his ever-complicated drink orders and the moods in which he preferred them, or the efforts she put into being friendly with Dexter and Darling, and reminding Daring about their lives. What will become of them? She moaned and moaned. That is for you, and ultimately me, to decide! After all, their heroes in training, aren't they? Mess of a Fantasy (Darise Ever After High Fanfiction) 58.3K 2K 26 Daring Charming, my best friend: the hottest guy in school, the heir to the Charming throne and the one who, I didn't know at the time, held the key to my wild, rebellious heart. <3, Press J to jump to the feed. Dexter has a complicated relationship with his brother Daring, as it is shown in the Ever After High books, that they often compete with each other to show their love, and in both the cartoons and the books, it is shown that Dexter feels insecure to Daring and always compares himself to his older brother. My heart was broken. Language: Daring felt a very sudden, cold fear that he had upset her. ", Daring also plays the hero role in Damsel-in-Distressing, in which he "saves" the girls in scenarios that would otherwise render them helpless. According to Darling Charming's 'Signature - Rebels' diary, his sister Darling states that even though there are many unrelated Charmings in the Fairytale World, their family are THE Charmings, and it was just heard from the Ever After High staff that there is an unusual fairytale story known as "Princess Charming". A strange thing is happening in Ever After High. He has blonde hair, light blue eyes, fair skin, and a moustache. That while I was the wicketkeeper, someone had thrown their bat and accidentally hit my-. Snow White and the Evil Queen are determined to have a proper heir, no matter the cost. He also likes to wear shades of gold, a color of royalty. For an eldest son, you never had to do much outside of hero stuff, did you?. The reason why wasn't all that dramatic, b Raven Queen has been kidnapped. How will Snow White, King, Queen Charming, and Apple White react when they find out the truth? He never did, but he would always pass by conversations in common rooms -- no matter how the world sells the narrative, we are naught but prizes for princesses, it doesnt matter how many witches or woods they endure, we deserve autonomy too. His birthday is on April 2nd, meaning that his sign is Aries. Aside from his confident airs, Daring has shown to be a sensitive guy at times, prone to emotional outbursts in times of great stress. This book are stories about the favorite Ever After High ships. Come and read this new tale of Ever After High. From The Evermoor Bloodline have been Keepers of the Enchanted Library that keep records of fairy tale characters family, pas Snowflake An Ever After High Fanfiction Por lo que castiga a una alumna y est harta de las injusticias utiliza una pocin para cambiar esto, pero la cocina mal causando un efecto diferente. King Charming is threating the safety of the world and his loyal officers and army are just going along with it. To better cover the various aspects of the subject matter, this article has been split into one main page and several subpages. He and Humphrey Dumpty appear to be closely acquainted, as Dexter also worked with him to run the voting site for Thronecoming. I got up and everyone was looking at me. Faybelle continues to be resentful of Raven's destiny as her power grows, and Briar isn't too fond of her own destiny at the moment. Call 415-854-3282 or email Or: King Charming is a greedy a-hole and his children know better and do better. This is the story that should've played out if people weren't so homophobic and descendants didn't kill ever after high. A new ever after high student is officially presented. Feel free to comment about anything you might have questions about. After finding out that the second prince that was supposed to be her Prince Charming was a Prince for another story, Apple goes to the forest to cry, only to be attacked by an evil dragon and saved by a bold, heroic, and selfless knight. In Latin American Spanish, Daring Charming is voiced byIdzi Dutkiewickz. The evil queen has finally been put back in her mirror cell. He plays for the Ever After High's bookball team and seems to be quite skilled at the sport. This is the second book of my series 'The Love of Raven Queen and Dexter Charming.' One shots and short stories Cupid, his trademark Mattel name is also not his full name or real name. Darling knows Daring well enough to be forward with him when he is vulnerable, such as when Daring realized he was not Apple's Prince of Destiny, and Darling told him that it is time to turn the page, as some of them are not going to follow their original destinies. Your right! said Dexter. At times, he has a tendency to compare himself with his older brother, Daring. The Man in the Moon.Guardian of All Children.The one who created every fairytale and their worldBut I call him Father. The students of Ever After High begin the preparations for the new holiday, but they are going to have to see just how passionate Cupid can get about her holidays. ARGRUEEEEEHHHH! raven screamed with all her might, her husband grabbed her hand and squeezed her hand. A force of evil greater than her mother is invading. Early October, 2013: Dexter Charming makes his diary debut in, October 08, 2013: Dexter Charming makes his book debut in. For some, being born with a silver spoon in their mouths meant that the taste dulled their senses until they could accept no less than platinum. Dexter had just enough time to take off his glasses and set them on his desktop before his just-barely-older brother tackled him. He seems to favor his first born, Daring, and spends a lot of time grooming him for the throne at the expense of spending time with his other children. The The first few shorts were released on May 30, 2013. Daring is birthday is 2th of April. In the destiny conflict, he is on theRoyalside because of family loyalty and expectations. He thought about how, once, he had to rescue her. Okay, good. He has high expectations of his sons. He likes to blend styles as a mixture of formal, to reflect his royal heritage as a prince, and casual, as to reflect he mostly doesn't care how he looks (Unless, of course, he has a special date with Raven). But her roommate and the Ever After population want her to move in the opposite direction. Pool Builders New Orleans, Apple meets a gorgeous woman at one of her friend's parties and pursues a relationship with her. :). A fairytale that was hidden from the world. Rosabella Beauty (current), Apple White (formerly), Lizzie Hearts (formerly) I began to walk up to raven when 2 little kids hugged Raven. She just hadn't expected it to actually happen. ~~~~~~~ 8 pages June 7, 2021 storage. He didn't even have time to say "Wait! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. I mean, other than for activism purposes, I havent really been reading. Voting for the new navigation tab characters has officially begun! It was a simple question.To Tell or Not Tell? But tonight something is different, something new lands on top of the queens desk. But now it is time for Dexter to shine on his own, so maybe you could help him out. Daring is also friends with most princes. Elise Snow, daughter of Queen Elsa, is starting a new school life at Ever After High. This leads Apple and Snow to believe that the knight that saved her was Darlings oldest brother Daring, and that Daring is her true love. "Sleeping in my class?" Est presionado, angustiado y paga su frustracin con los rebels. Daring has short and wavy light blond hair, pale skin and pale blue eyes. Hopper Croakington II is his roommate and they get along as well, as well as his brother Dexter Charming. How simple it was - a quick kiss. The Charming family is a very extended one in the world of Ever After and the high school here has two representatives: the brother Daring and Dexter Charming. Raven Queen transfers to a new school half way through the term, all is well apart from the destructive rivalry between cliches in the school. One night when she comes back late, laughing about what a good night she had at the bowling alley and goes to bed, homework undone, Blondie just gapes. "Why can't he be the father, I need him to be.". In "Way Too Wonderland", it seemed as if he and Raven have gotten closer since their date at the movies. Dexter often hangs out with the other Royals, in particular his brother and Blondie Lockes. COMPLETED Highest Rank (s): #1 in madelinehatter, #1 in hollyo'hair, #1 cacupid, #8 in sparrowhood, #1 in duchrow, #1 in ravenqueen, #3 in everafterhigh and #100 in no. Especially when she rips a page out of her destiny. Its highly empress-ive.. Raven threw - And sometimes Poppy. all her might, her husband grabbed her hand and squeezed her hand. Despite being a well known and popular character, he has only had one official doll. He wears a light purple jacket, a grey button . The effects of Raven signing on Legacy Day are continuing to ripple out, but what will happen if that book turns out to be a fake? Shy and introve Snowflake An Ever After High Fanfiction Uhm. Daring Charming did not lose grace in social situations. I rolled my eyes, here we go again, another semester of hard work and no fun. But what will hold true in a world where any possibility may be, and any destiny may be chosen? Daring initially denied Cerise Hood's request to try out for the bookball team, because he believed she was a "damsel-in-distress," but later asked Cerise to join the Thronecoming game when they needed her. This is suggested numerous times, with one example being in "Spring Unsprung" when Cupid and a few other students track him down and ask him to slay a dragon that's running rampant. I felt a wired burning sensation on my face. While Daring has the adoration of many girls in school and has been known to embrace this, he has shown little interest in being in a committed relationship. "Great job honey!" said Dexter to his sleeping wife. everafterhigh eah ravenqueen applewhite daringcharming dextercharming rexter cerisehood dexven briarbeauty monsterhigh lizziehearts ashlynnella madelinehatter darise ever hunterhuntsman kittycheshire maddiehatter fanfiction 1.2K Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 A Mixed-Up Destiny Disaster by Lauren 17.5K 524 31 A Sparrow Hood x Reader story. Romantic Interest(s) Beautys the youngest daughter of a rich merchant. Sophia Jurksztowicz Pronunciation, You had always been friends with Alistair. Dexter Charming, fully named Dexterous Charming, is a 2013-introduced and all-around character. I just I just hope Im not boring you. They also share a love for reading. With love, comes death. I mean, I get good grades in Kingdom Management. I normally dont care about the cases that land on my desk, but this one leads into something I wish it hadnt. With Rosabella, things felt right. Family. At the end of the First book Just a little thing for some of my favourite couples at Ever After High. Jensen Radio Bluetooth Pairing Pin, But Apple has a secret: she despises classical music to her very core. He does have some sense of duty though. The effects of Raven signing on Legacy Day are continuing to ripple out, but what will happen if that book turns out to be a fake? (Ever After High Shipfics), Ever After High Academy:The Year of Destiny, Kitty Cheshire/Madeline "Maddie" Hatter/Lizzie Hearts, A little bit of Apple Bashing at the start, Relationships will added as I update this work, god I hope you guys think Im funny because I certainly think I am, Faybelle gets bullied but its ok guys its funny. No wonder youre as you are., Youre so smart. Come and read this new tale of Ever After High. PTCVBF HERE. Duchess Swan, the daughter of the Swan Queen, is the newest member of the Ever After Royals. Theres a lot to being the next Beast. Daring felt like he couldnt keep up. How, because each generation, the beasts castle would be secluded, so when destiny was done and over, him and Beauty had to live and move into it. Despite a life of being prepared for a destiny as the Prince Charming from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", he eventually chooses to follow his destiny as the future Beast of "Beauty and the Beast". Name That's a lot of destinies needing a Prince Charming. Someone she had no idea existed until tonight. However, her and Raven are unable to think of any couples or potential couples. No he confessed. Ever After High experienced some topsy-turvy weather when the Snow King was cursed with Kindness Blindness and declared a state of eternal winter on the hottest day o Hello. King Charming is the husband of Queen Charming and the father of Daring, Darling, and Dexter. Also this is my first time ever writing and I don't really read much so I hope it works out lol. Ephemeral: Lasting for a very short time. #1 in rapple 4/30/16 I learned from Ms. Yaya, Babba Yaga's sister, the cricket coach. Spring Unsprang. It's the day after Epic Winter and all the students are starting to hear the rumors about Rosabella and Daring. The cousins are Bountiful, Breathtaking, and Beloved, Charity, Courageous, Cherished, and Caring, Elegant and Errant, Fragile, Fearless and Fairest, and Good-Enough, Gallant, Glorious, Gutsy, Gracious, and Gorgeous. In English, Daring Charming is voiced by Evan Smith. A Darabella Fanfiction, because Daring/Rosabella is fantastic and I am w e a k. Written for the tumblr user eccentricextrovert for the Ever After High Holiday Exchange! I know you love Darabella (as well The Adventure Zone, which doesn't feature at all in this fic . Dexter Charming is sensitive, caring and shy. However, Dexter has secret feelings that Daring is somewhat overshadowing him. Please enroll (Subscribe) to our Royalistic School (Sub) for the best of fun! and fell asleep. For the first time in nearly a decade, Ever After High's doors will open once again, teaching children of Royals and Rebels alike. ), And to be fair, Rosabella kept all of the gifts. I don't know why she was crying, but she was. Warm Brownie With Ice Cream, According to "The Storybook of Legends", he is nine months younger than Daring, while "The Unfairest of Them All", notes that he is the older twin brother of Darling. Dexter is shy but friendly. The evil queen has finally been put back in her mirror cell. little twin babies. Destiny was something that was set in stone. Hunter Huntsman Raven Queen (Ever After High) Melody Piper All Ever After High students plus some Monster High crossovers :) Cerise Hood Lots of romance lots of defying destiny exciting stuff THERE'S MONSTER HIGH IN HERE TOO but it's mostly focused on the students at EAH ENJOY!! Farrah Goodfairy calls him charming. So steadfast, always holding her ground. (Quick disclaimer I do not own anything all rights to The plot and characters go to Twyla Evermoor Daughter of the Book Keeper Both Rosabella and Daring have developed strong feelings for each other. Kiss a princess, wave a weapon around or so. Apple White, student at the esteemed Piper University for classical music, is a girl of many talents, one of which being her masterful piano playing. He is often seen escorting his (previous) future queen Apple White and he is well-practiced in gallantry. Its a boy! screamed a nurse in excitement. Just be awesome, tall, handsome, popular, and incredibly good-looking. Date Published: January 19, 2015 Date Partially Completed: April 14, 2016 Date Completed: June 21, 2016 ----- ((This Ever After High Fanfiction Book is one of the winners of #EAHWattyAwards2016.)) I've made substantial changes to the chapters, so if you've read them and enjoy this story, I'd recommend rereading them. And wow! - I'm resuming this story and making some big changes! Join Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd, Morro, Nya, Sky Who knew one midnight snack could lead to such chaos? When the mirror is broken, when he realizes that he is lost, Daring regrets all the things he's said to her. Saint Luke's Health System Tuition Reimbursement, Trapped by a curse, Cole must find a way to save the people of Grimmsbrooke before they lose everything for good. These shots may include Boy x Boy and Girl x Girl ships. Dexter has a very huge crush on Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen. Think of the Ozians! Being the daughter of Aphrodite wasn't easy. Just-- what a fascinating princess. Lux, Son of Lumiere and Fifi, has been switched to share a room with Daring Charming. In Latin American Spanish, Daring Charming is voiced by Idzi Dutkiewickz. AU where only the Charming family knows Daring's destiny, And Dragon Games didn't happen but it was still discovered that Apple and Darling are true loves, Alternate Universe - Once Upon a Time Fusion, most of the ships aren't focused on actually, also personal headcanon on Cupid's identity, Apple White & Snow White (Ever After High), im not gonna tag relationships until they play a bigger part, Snow White's Prince Charming (Ever After High), Beauty | Rosabella Beauty's Mother (Ever After High). said the nurse. Fanfiction. According to the "Ever After High" books, Dexter has numerous cousins and each set uses the same first letter in their names. Good question.First you must understand that Ever After High doesn't follow the Disney version of fairy tales but the original fairy tales.Another thing is that in most fairy tales the Prince has no name thats why people started to basically refer to that kind of brave,romantic and good looking character simply as Prince Charming.As you can see Prince Charming isn't just Cinderella's prince . Voting for the new navigation tab characters has officially begun! C.A. Ever After High | Raven Queen Apple White | Fanfiction Eah Eah Students Raven Queen. He is part of a fairytale yet to be revealed, since many stories are in need of a Prince Charming and he is a student at Ever After High. He is Dexter Charming and is the son of the King Charming. As (). And I REFUSE to condemn my people to this desity!" Who . for I was late. They cried and cried. He helped search for her when she disappeared in "Way Too Wonderland", and Darling was the first person to notice Daring was missing when his hand mirror was left alone in "Dragon Games". Thought this might be a good way of helping my readers keep track of who is who and what might have changed in this canon. In "Epic Winter", he wears his 'Signature - Royals' letter jacket with a fur-lined collar, but it is under the doll line, "Epic Winter", not "Signature" or "Signature - Royals". said the nurse. Ever wondered what happens after the last episode of Ever After High? My bro Dexter Charming and Hopper Croakington II And will the tension bubbling up between Raven and Apple finally boil over? Dexter is the younger brother of Daring Charming, another Royal, and older twin brother of his sister Darling Charming, a Rebel. He thought about Apple and the role of Snow White. . Welcome to my soon-to-be filled compilation of Ever After High Shipfics! And with your favorite Ever After High couples as well! I feel like every time we hang out, I learn more. This becomes even more pronounced when he talks to Raven Queen, whom he has a crush on, one on one. Close to the end, Daring, now transformed into a beast cub, saves her and the other girls escape from the Jabberwocky, which later prompted Lizzie in 'Friends would be Aces' to accept his offer of friendship and knight him as protetor of wonderland- Though, that title would be rendered null as they'd have their memories wiped later on the chapter. Although he is one of the few students who doesn't already know their story, he pledges to be a gallant prince. It's the same for all Prince Charmings, even the ones we're not related to. She had a few expensive rocks tucked up on one of her bookshelves, and all the flowers placed in a vase until they expired their time. Though, unknown where his roots come from, in his doll profile claims that his father is from: "Every story where a Prince Charming comes to the rescue". No amount of revisionism will save you, amphibian boy. At some point in these evenings, he would be comfortable enough to tuck his head between the nape of her chin and clavicle. He blanked. You have started a time-based quiz! Yes or No. The 19 year old is whisked away to a small town in Maine known as Grimmsbrooke where the once citizens of Ever After have been robbed of their memories. I felt cold, I hugged myself. Daring is the older brother of Dexter Charming, another Royal, and Darling Charming, a Rebel. When Rosabella kissed his cheek and called him thoughtful, he felt his heart warm up inside. According to Truth or Hair, Raven and Dexter were spotted having dinner together at the Green Bean Garden in Book End. Filled with lots of Holly O'Hair, Duchess Sw 2016 WINNER OF THE EAHWATTYAWARDS FOR ONE SHOTS Why was this happening? Elise Snow, daughter of Queen Elsa, is starting a new school life at Ever After High. danced around the room, spinning around and nearly tripping on the legs of ravens Full Name His birthday is on February 11th, meaning that his sign is Aquarius. "A splinter in my paw!" Every guy in my family has the same destiny to rescue a damsel in distress. Apple isn't sure how she was awoken and everyone seems intent on avoiding her. He looked down at his coffee. Also, I It started out on January 19th of 2018, and is an ongoing series. No fear, Rosabella! So you are the sister of Raven Queen. #1 in eahwattyawards2016 10/18/16 , , With his kind and modest attitude, the girls of Ever After High enjoy his company, Raven, Cupid, Ashlynn, and Cerise in particular. Quienes no le gustan. According to his artwork, he wears one shoe tied (his right shoe) and the other, left, untied. Contents 1 Portrayers 2 Destiny 3 Character 3.1 Personality 3.2 Appearance 3.3 Interests 4 Fairy tale 5 Relationships 5.1 Family 5.2 Friends 5.3 Romance 5.4 Pet 6 Timeline 7 Gallery It's pretty self explanatory so I think it's better to just start reading. I meant, you wont have to rule over anyone. Bitch: Does anyone have the answers to rumplestkiycins hw. Part 1 of Ever After High AU. Dexter had left the room but he Where spellbinding students are destined (or not) to follow in the footsteps of their fairytale parents. No detail seemed to slip from her mind. "Get Out!!!" "OR: Darling tries to figure out how to deal with romantic feelings. Holly O'Hair and Duchess Swan have crushes on him. It's the day after Epic Winter and all the students are starting to hear the rumors about Rosabella and Daring. Romantic life of Dexter Charming, son of King Charming. For the most part, Daring is his father's son - he is, obviously, quite charming and handsome. Darling Charming is always expected to be a proper damsel, but what her Mother, Father, and oldest brother don't realize is that she was never a damsel. Fanfiction. That's ***** Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Ever After High. Appearance. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! mouth curved into a lazy smile and she fell asleep. Did he ever think about Happily Ever After afterwards? Buttercup Wallpaper Desktop, The youngest cousins seem to look up to him and during family get-togethers, he gladly plays games with them, even acting as the "slain beast". - [Yandere Lizzie Hearts x Reader] It had started out simple: hours spent under the trees in the Legacy Orchard, or Rosabella trying to read over the sound of the wind while dragonback riding, her voice starting to sound like a death metal song, or secluded areas of the Castleteria. Ironically, Dexter is jealous of his brother's ability to impress any girl, unaware that he himself possesses an enchanted gaze that makes girls swoon. He and Dexter get along brotherly. He is also one of Ever After High's most athletic students, Daring goes all-out when it comes to bookball. Birthday Ever After High Fandom Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. His grandparents are Alluring and Auspicious Charming. Just now, she's brought up quite the hexceptional holiday concept; a time of the fall season spent in hiding from dark magical monsters by dressing up as them! She is the youngest of the Ella children, and the only one that will take the role of Cinderella. Daring Charming Becoming insane, with short intervals of horrible sanity. Pay attention to the displayed countdown. In English, Dexter Charming is voiced by Evan Smith. Are Apple and Daring not meant to be? They'll do everything in their power to keep their friends and the fairytale world safe. The Man in the Moon.Guardian of All Children.The one who created every fairytale and their worldBut I call him Father. Daring's primary interest is his own appearance, he is often seen admiring himself in his hand mirror. She liked activism circles, didnt she? Nonetheless, he is not afraid to admit to his mistakes and apologize to others. Dexter Charming - The Nobody of Ever After High v2. 10 Questions - Developed by: Ella - Developed on: 2019-03-24 - 3,196 taken. Ms. Margaret began talking. Ever After High Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Kiva, Raven, Maddie, Cerise, Hunter, Briar, Darling, Apple, Alistair, Bunny, Poppy, Ramona, Blondie and Melody finished the first tasks and were ready for the next one.