READING, Pa. Four people are facing charges following a drug raid in Reading. Let this be a warning to other bad actors. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. By Friday, they had everyone in custody. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. The FBI and our partners will stop at nothing to investigate, disrupt and hold accountable those who insist on bringing their harmful business to our neighborhoods.". Brown Edges On Leaves, A lock ( HAZLETON, Pa. - Two people were arrested after a months-long drug investigation in Luzerne County. A locked padlock Mark Moran cv04freedp3, David Freed, a United States Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, speaks during a news conference at Wilkes-Barre City police headquarters of a major drug bust resulting in the arrest of several imndividuals. .learndash_checkout_button input[type="submit"] PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Officials say the Hazelwood Mob that terrorized the Pittsburgh neighborhood is no longer in business. They were arrested on Tuesday, but they've now been indicted by a federal grand jury and their names have been unsealed. width: auto !important; Updated: Sep 9, 2020 / 05:32 PM EDT. } NEW CASTLE, Pa. (KDKA) - A drug trafficking organization based in New Castle has been dismantled, federal prosecutors say. margin: 0 .07em !important; Ingesting as little as 0.25 milligrams can be fatal. } .infinite-scroll .woocommerce-pagination { Jacob Blair, 25, is also charged in 700 Grant Street, Suite 4000
JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WTAJ) Numerous residents of Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, and Erie counties have been indicted and arrested on charges of violating federal drug . %9FCD52J E@ :?G6DE:82E6 2 C6A@CE @7 2DD2F=E]k^Am, kAm{@>6CD@? Several arrested in Tyrone drug bust Posted: Sep 9, 2020 / 05:25 PM EDT. 6IA:C65 7@C >@C6 E92? .page-title-shortcode .elementor-shortcode{font-family: "Roboto Slab", Sans-serif; font-size: 65px; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique;text-decoration: none; line-height: 1.2em; letter-spacing: 3.2px;color: #fff; } Low 32F. Following investigation, Thomas Morrison (32) of Lancaster was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Controlled Substance-combination Alcohol/Drug ( 12:28 a.m. 200 Block Memorial Park St Directed Patrol 12:28 a.m. 1st Block Tritle Avenue Returned Phone Call 02:09 a.m. 100 Block N Franklin St Check the Area 02:34 a.m. 900 Block W Main St Directed Patrol 03:13 a.m. S Potomac St Directed Patrol 04:24 a.m. 600 Block N Grant St Directed Patrol 04:50 12:06 a.m. 300 Block W Main St Directed Patrol 12:15 a.m. 1st Block S Grant St BOLO 01:25 a.m. 200 Block Memorial Park St Directed Patrol 01:31 a.m. 100 Block S Potomac St Directed Patrol 02:12 a.m. 800 Block E Main St Directed Patrol 02:35 a.m. 13300 Block Welty Rd Directed Patrol 02:50 a.m. 1st 300 block of Dohill RD. In an indictment unsealed yesterday, 13 people were charged with conspiring to distribute and possession with intent to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WTAJ) Numerous residents of Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, and Erie counties have been indicted and arrested on charges of violating federal drug laws, money laundering, and unlawful possession of firearms on Tuesday afternoon. The defendants were arrested today following a year-long investigation into drug trafficking in Mercer and Lawrence Counties and beyond. Low 32F. Drug Bust. PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - More than two dozen people have been indicted for their alleged links to an international drug ring in Pittsburgh. .wc-proceed-to-checkout a .user_name_custom { padding-left: 1.5em; margin-bottom:0;} An indictment is an accusation. Pittsburgh, PA 15219, 17 South Park Row, Room A330
710 likes. E96 A@4<6ED @7 EH@ A2DD6?86CD :? display: inline !important; "The meth was still hot," Fountain said. height: 1em !important; Count 2 charges London Pinkins and Phillips with conspiring to launder drug . John Christopher Bisbee, Alexis Brolin, Jr., Jonathan Bierley and Evarie Magee are chargedat Count Three with conspiracy to commit money laundering from July 2019 to June 2020. border: none !important; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; H:E9 :?E6?E E@ 56=:G6C 2?5 A@DD6DD:@? Prosecutors say local, state and federal agencies worked together to make arrests and seizures that included almost 100,000 doses of heroin and "significant doses" of cocaine, fentanyl and more. Multiple kilos of meth were trafficked from Atlanta up into Central Pennsyvlania. { The ten-count Indictment, returned on May 19 and unsealed today, named: You can read further details on charges of different suspects taken from the U.S. Attorneys release below: John Christopher Bisbee and Alexis Brolin, Jr. are charged at Count One with participatingin a continuing criminal enterprise as principal administrator that involves 1,000 grams or more ofmethamphetamine or 10 kilograms or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectableamount of methamphetamine, from July 2019 to June 2020. To learn more about ChatGPT and how we can inspire students, we sat down with BestReviews book expert, Ciera Pasturel. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Falls Church city, VA #4. E96 DE2:CD[ H9:49 $>:E9 56? margin: 0 auto; Drug Bust. A poster details the web of connections of those involved in an alleged fentanyl-trafficking ring that operated in the eastern parts of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County as well as Latrobe in Westmoreland County. At one Philadelphia . An official website of the United States government. .learndash-cpt-sfwd-courses .ut-post-thumbnail img {width: 100%;} Eleven people have been indicted on federal drug-trafficking charges alleging they were part of a drug ring that distributed crack, fentanyl and heroin throughout Luzerne County for the past seven years.U.S. CHESTER COUNTY, PA A Philadelphia meth supplier would not deliver to Chesco because he knew he'd face harsher penalties if busted here, said investigators who confiscated more than $150,000. text-align: center; text-transform:uppercase;} Police say Kevin Bowan, 28, was selling. "agent": "-5.3.2-1.8.0" View Contact Information for the Lackawanna County DA's Office. .elementor-4570 .elementor-element.elementor-element-9c4986c { Updated: Nov. 21, 2019 at 5:55 PM PST. Also seized were 4,187 plastic vials of cocaine with a street value of about $60,000. border-top: 1px solid; border-bottom: 1px solid; Troopers located drugs and drug paraphernalia inside the vehicle during the search. A defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. "Together, we remain committed to keep these drugs and the violence and public health challenges they bring out of our neighborhoods and communities.". Get the latest news and breaking news on drug busts and arrests in your local area, the U.S. and worldwide on the New York Post. Officials say 83 pounds of meth were seized after search warrants were. The combined street value of all the seized drugs comes to $580,000, Tornielli said. Three suspected drug traffickers arrested during Tuesday morning raid in Reading, police say The drugs found in a home on the 100 block of Walnut Street are believed to be connected to a rash of. It is the keystone of the drug reduction strategy of the Department of Justice. background-color: #f3f2f2!important; Mark Moran cv04freedp1. 2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. 42D9]k^Am, kAm! Clove Club Sample Menu, } Submissions now open for the 2023 Mother's day edition. } Joe is the newspapers daytime police and crime reporter. } Trishna Movie Story, With a value in excess of $80m, it is the largest drug bust in PNG's history. } Skethway, William Lester - (1) count PWID-cocaine and 2 additional charges, (1) Count Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, SAMPSON, ROY M - (1) Count Arson and 3 additional charges, Yarnall, Julia Christina - (1) count DUI-General Impairment and 3 additional charges, Walton, Tonya Sue - (6 counts) Retail Theft (S), West Manchester Township Police Department, Ross, Richard Allen - (1) count of Theft of Services (M2), Laury, Jeremy - (1) Count of False Imprisonment (M2) and 2 additional charges, Johns, Rahshawn S. - (1) count 3925 (a) Receiving Stolen Property (F2) and 3 additional charges, (1) count 3925 (a) Receiving Stolen Property (F2), 780-113A30 Possession w/Intent to Deliver (F), 35 780-113A16 VIO CS/DRUG/DEV & COSMETIC ACT (M), 1 count of Title 35: 780-113a32 - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (M), Macks, Aaron Troy - (1) count of Criminal Mischief (M2) and 1 additional charge, POLICE INCIDENTS FROM 2/24/23 THRU 3/2/23, East Hempfield Township Police Department, Lower Makefield Township Police Department, PA STATE POLICE ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY SUSPECT IN THEFT/FRAUD - UPPER FREDERICK TOWNSHIP - MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Lower Moreland Township Police Department, Police: New Kensington mom facing charges after child found with cocaine in system, Westmoreland County District Attorney's Office, LMPD Officers visit Pine Road Elementary School for Dr. Suess Day, Route 100 Closed in area of Route 30 Bypass due to crash, Castle Shannon Community Notification System-Smart911, February 28, 2023 Arrest: 300 Block East Burd Street. 10 talking about this. } Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. PITTSBURGH Twenty-one members of a drug trafficking organization primarily operating in Washington, Allegheny and Fayette Counties in southwestern Pennsylvania have been indicted by a federal grand jury for trafficking significant quantities of cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin and fentanyl, United States Attorney Scott W. Brady announced today. Over the last few months, the Carroll Township Police Department has taken multiple reports of vandalism at the Dillsburg Community Park and the newly constructed Dillsburg Borough Building on S. Chestnut St. width: 20% !important;}.custom-title-header {padding: 75px 20px 50px 20px !important;}.learndash-wrapper .ld-tabs .ld-tabs-navigation .ld-tab { padding: 1.2em .5em !important;}.ld-course-status-content { height: inherit !important;}.learndash-wrapper .ld-course-status.ld-course-status-not-enrolled .ld-course-status-label{font-size:1em;} Addiction Rehab Center Scranton. .learndash-wrapper .ld-course-status.ld-course-status-enrolled,.learndash-wrapper .ld-breadcrumbs,.learndash-wrapper .learndash_mark_complete_button, .learndash-wrapper #learndash_mark_complete_button{background-color: #222;} 38 people arrested in massive meth drug bust in Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Erie Counties. .page-id-6004 .woocommerce-customer-details--phone {margin: 15px 0 !important; drug bust carbondale, pa 2020 March 16th, 2021" /> .ld-course-list-items .ld_course_grid .thumbnail.course { border: 1px solid #8FC452; border-radius: inherit;} Richard Shelton Uab, Officers would speak to a witness and soon after would locate the suspect DUI-General Impairment, DUI-Highest Rate of Alcohol, DUS-DUI Related, Roadways Laned for Traffic Arrest, February 18, 2023, 3:50 am, 2000 block of Millersville Pk (LT) Julia Christina Yarnall, F/37, of Lancaster, PA was charged with the above offenses following a response to a single-vehicle On multiple dates ranging from 11/9/2022 - 1/24/2023, Walton was at Weis located at 2160 White Street, where she stole $344.69 worth of merchandise. Erie, PA 16501, 319 Washington Street,Suite 200
t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, They thrived on selling drugs that lead to dangerous consequences. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Updated 10:34 PM ET, Wed August 12, 2020 . .parallax-overlay { Alexis Brolin, Jr. is charged at Count Four, unlawful possession of a firearm or ammunitionby a convicted felon in and around and between July 2019 and April 4, 2020. Drug bust Carbondale police seize more than three pounds of marijuana, make two arrests Arrests follow a report of domestic violence at the residence where the drugs were found BY JOSEPH. .learndash-cpt-sfwd-courses .ut-post-thumbnail{text-align:center; margin-top:50px;} Schmidt Nibs Uk, #primary { E96 DE2:CD]k^Am, kAmp44@C5:?8 E@ 2 AC@323=6 42FD6 277:52G:E 7:=65 3J ~77:46C qC:EE2?J |2?8[ A@=:46 C6DA@?565 E@ $>:E9D C6D:56?46 D9@CE=J 27E6C ?@@? Carbondale Police raided a home on Fallbrook Street Thursday evening. Members of the Lackawanna County Drug Task Force seized heroin and cash after a drug bust Wednesday. width: 100%; .woocommerce-checkout #payment ul.payment_methods fbq('init', '2367675630220815', [], { NEW MILFORD TOWNSHIP, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) A Wilkes-Barre man has been arrested after police say a search turned up 175 grams of suspected cocaine. The statue callsfor a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison. In October 2020, members of the Chester County HIDTA began investigating a group of individuals dealing crystal methamphetamine in the Coatesville area of Chester County, PA. Sorry, no valid subscriptions were found for this Publication. Police arrived on scene and identified the driver involved as Terrell Bryant. Chance of rain 30%.. Cloudy skies. You have permission to edit this article. font-size: 15px; vertical-align: -0.1em !important; Phillip Ahmad-Revis, 20, of Pittsburgh; Jerome Pleasant-Simpson, 25, of Pittsburgh; The collaboration with multiple law enforcement agencies is the right approach, said Pittsburgh Police Chief Scott Schubert. 9@FC 2?5 H2D CF?? reported at 8:11PM. Fentanyl, often used to lace other drugs, is considered the deadliest drug in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Philly-to-ChesCo Drug Bust Nets Over $200k in Drugs, Guns and Cash. Download the CRIMEWATCH mobile application and stay up to date with crime in your area. { 1500 block of Waterford Rd. According to a Criminal Complaint filed in October, Marcus Brown and Steve Law, IV obtained cocaine and heroin in New Jersey and then transported the cocaine and heroin back to the Western District of Pennsylvania for distribution to others in the conspiracy. The U.S. Attorney says that this has been an 18-month long investigation. 47 members of violent drug network charged with distributing cocaine and heroin in Camden CAMDEN, N.J. - Forty-seven individuals were charged Thursday with first degree racketeering in a takedown of a violent narcotics distribution network with ties to Mexican drug cartels. Seventeen of the defendants were arrested yesterday as part of FBI Operation Skyfall, an OCDETF investigation that included seven months of judicially authorized federal wiretaps of ten phones and identified a drug trafficking organization allegedly headed by Marcus Brown that operated throughout the Western District of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. IN BUSINESS. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. JOHNSTOWN - Thirty-eight residents of Centre, Clearfield, Clinton and Erie counties have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Johnstown on charges of violating federal narcotics laws, money laundering and unlawful possession of firearms, U.S. Attorney Scott W. Brady announced Friday. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE: On 2-23-24 at 2116 hrs, police responded to Marietta Ave in the area of Centerville Rd for a two-vehicle accident. font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase;} NEW CASTLE, Pa. (KDKA) - A drug trafficking organization based in New Castle has been dismantled, federal prosecutors say. U.S. Attorney Scott Brady speaks at a press conference at the Zone 5 Pittsburgh Police station in Highland Park on Friday, Aug. 21, 2020. Richard Shelton Uab, :65]k^Am, kAm|2?8 2D<65 $>:E9 H96C6 E96 C6DE @7 E96 >6E92>A96E2>:?6 H2D 2?5 $>:E9 E@@< E96 @77:46C FADE2:CD E@ 2 A@@= E23=6[ H96C6 96 D2:5 :E 925 366? A few showers this morning with overcast skies during the afternoon hours. Twenty-five people were charged for gun trafficking and firearms violations. The organization is believed to have trafficked some 800 pounds of meth in total, as well as other drugs including fentanyl. } Some associates also distributed the powerful opioid in Latrobe as well. background: #f9f9f9; The statutes call for amaximum sentence of ten years of incarceration and a minimum sentence of five years ofincarceration, respectively.