It is necessary if you are going for kappa container. The main and makeshift bridges tend to be a bit busier than the land crossings, and some players do stake them out with a scoped rifle to take out anyone crossing them. And the real reason why people do quest is for the kappa container not the rep. ZB-1013 or Stronghold is at the northern end of the map and features an unlockable extract, loot, and views of other locations such as crackhouse, construction, and the train crossing. You have to extract from the side of the map opposite where you spawned. Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter, Key to the closed premises of the Health Resort, Health Resort management warehouse safe key, Health Resort east wing office room 107 key, Health Resort east wing office room 108 key, Health Resort west wing office room 104 key, Health Resort west wing office room 112 key, Health Resort west wing room 321 safe key, Health Resort office key with a blue tape, TerraGroup Labs manager's office room key, Car dealership director's office room key, Unlocks the door at the military checkpoint tower on, Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time. Customs is one of Escape from Tarkov's most popular maps played, and for good reason. Separate map page here. PlayerAuctions is here to provide you with all the things you need to escape the accursed city of Tarkov! Military Base Checkpoint (SCAV) -This location is in the northeastern area of the map. This key is unique as it can only be used 25 times and is needed to get the Crash Axe item from Ragman. SELL. On the western end of the construction site is warehouse 17. Should I just hand it to Therapist then? Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter. Construction is a two story concrete frame of a building. Although you can also be lucky and find it in the Power Tower southwest of the New Gas Station or the passage connecting the Military Checkpoint with the Power Tower. You'll need an Escape from Tarkov Military Base Checkpoint Key for stocking up on your grenades, weapons, and ammo. a military checkpoint key, two . On the west side of the map are the rail stations, storage area, trailer park, and the customs warehouse, which is also called Big Red. The rail stations are located at the northern and southern points of the map. These dorms are the location of many Quests and unlockable rooms. It is tempting to use the construction sites scattered around the area as sniping or scouting positions. It's found on the couch of the dead SCAV inside the South-. In the server room on the first floor. This is probably the most popular area on the map. . . Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!If you feel inclined in to supporting me please use this link that will take you to Mind charity, Stream Schedule ---------------Streams everyday starting at 8AM GMTLivestreams: Discord and Twitter for updates on Streams--------------- Video Details ---------------Outro Song: Dubby Steps 7 - Niklas Gustavsson--------------- Piranha's Playlist Links ---------------All Piranha Videos: Piranha Shorts: Tarkov Videos:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKay6PRUt_nRFb_4NWspE4OJYAll Cycle Videos: Useful Tarkov Links ---------------Keys:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKazChCtRR2TaEBKhvV33mDZXTasks:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKayPUL1OmubMKgvatIr45AXhExtracts:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKax0XTjC98oU8Mc0blUajuyLLooting:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKazmY6D5ZC-ef9CvXUBchbVtTarkov Maps: Prices: https://tarkov-market.comTarkov Ammo: Piranha's Links ---------------Twitch: #escapefromtarkov #guide Oh. Can't let a perfectly good body armor go to waste. Inside the gas station is a back hallway, you will need two keys to open the doors. There are a couple of computers inside that can have flash drives. Started Yesterday at 10:44 AM, By ZB-1013 is a doorway located underground in Reshala'sbuilding in the center of the map. Typically he will stay well behind his guards and try to attack players while hidden from view. Trust Regain is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Grab one now to get a leg up on pesky Scavs and other players on the map. Here are our guides for the games other maps: Those are all the Escape from Tarkov Customs map extraction points that we know of. Requires: Factory Key, lever in Warehouse 4. Every Customs raid starts with a 35-minute time limit. This site uses cookies to provide enhanced features and functionality. The second key needed is a storage key; it can be found on scavs or under the desk in the cabinet. A key to the military base checkpoint gatehouse. The key can be found in jackets or on dead scavs. High Quality Map with all the SCAV Sniper ad SCAV Spawn locations If theyre present, that means the extraction point is available. The most notable of all the rooms in the dorms area is the marked room on the top floor of the three-story dorms. (Military checkpoint, factories/silos, and Old Gas Station. Both of the bunkers are on the southern end of the shipping yard and act as extraction points. 1. Two loot locations of note are a van and a railway car. If you happen to find a key, hold on to it. If it is available, there is an extract downstairs. There is a bathroom on the first floor with the door closed. The followers are very aggressive, but they tend to stick close together. Getting through Customs in real life can be a painful experience, but in Escape From Tarkov? Draw them into an enclosed space like inside the dorms. The shipping yard is across the street to the south of the gas station and the scav checkpoint. Pasted as rich text. Escape From Tarkov Customs Points of Interest A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. Locations: Dorms, Gas Station, tower north of Gas Station and Military checkpoint near Gas Station Hostiles: Reshala and four heavy guards Top rewards: Bitcoin, Roubles, TerraGroup Labs key card . Escape From Tarkov is a tactical first-person shooter with MMO type features as all players attempt to complete tasks as well as survive in Tarkov before taking . Nowadays, Tarkov is separated by unseen borders, controlled by different groups. Youre in a world of hurt if you dont know the Customs map extraction points. It seems they are just being bought up as soon as they are stocked. Military Base Checkpoint Key at Jaeger not restocking? You need a key to get inside of the building, but the cars around the checkpoint can have some medicine and loose loot. There are two blue buildings on the far ends of the Big Red campus. Another sniper scav is in the shipping yard. Henry Stenhouse serves an eternal punishment as the Associate Editor of AllGamers. Used to trade for M-2 Tactical Sword that's worth 1mil+. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The best way to kill Reshala and his followers is to kill the boss first. Learn where to find all the Quixote Valley lost balls in Walkabout Mini Golf VR! Customs is one of the best playable maps for beginners in Escape from Tarkov. The building has two unlockable rooms in it, and a view on the shortcut. The Smugglers Boat is a PMC-only extraction point located to the north of the east bank of the maps large river. The warehouse is most notable as a scav extraction point and a good landmark. There are several locked doors throughout the building, but the keys can be found on dead scavs and in filing cabinets throughout the map. Find the river from the main section of the map and follow it right to reach this spot. There is a van near the gas pumps with its back doors open, and a key can be found that is used for a quest on Interchange. Once used, itll close off for the rest of the game. Just east of construction is a gas station. The areas between the buildings are easy chokepoints for both players and scavs, so be very careful when moving between them. Everything you need to know about Customs. Getting through Customs in real life can be a painful experience, but in Escape From Tarkov? Video guide on where to find the \"Checkpoint\" key for the military checkpoint building on Customs. You cannot paste images directly. For the followers, you should carry grenades and wear tier 4 or better armor and a helmet with a visor. Youre looking for a small bunker entrance near some elevated pipelines at the end of the buildings. Wild Hearts Nodachi Build guide Best Nodachi build in Wild Hearts, Player utilizes Elevenlabs Voice AI to generate voice-acted quests in World of Warcraft, Match your Series X fridge with an upcoming Series S toaster. Subscribe: | Membership: the newest videos: formerly known as Military Base Checkpoint KeyBusiness Enquiries: Contact@Piranha.TVKeys: Key Guide Details ---------------This is a guide for the Customs Key, Military Base Checkpoint Key in Escape From TarkovOther Guides:*Therapist: Trust Regain - Notes:*Only 2 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time*Needed to be found for the Therapist task; Trust RegainKey Spawn Location:*In Jackets*In the Pockets and bags of Scavs \u0026 Player Scavs*On Customs sitting next to the Dead Scav on the couch in the boiler building on the east side of CustomsKey Trading:*Skier T4 (after Completing Flint) - M-2 Tactical Sword: 2x Military COFDM wireless Signal Transmitter, 1x Military base checkpoint key, 2x Chain with Prokill medallion, 2x Phased array element*Jaeger T2 - Military base checkpoint key: 2x Technical documentation, 5x Bottle of vodka Tarkovskaya, 3x Can of beef stewKey Lock Location:*This key unlocks the door at the end of the main road on Customs for the military checkpointBehind the Lock:*One Weapon rack*One Grenade box*Two Wooden ammo boxesFor more information visit: About Piranha ---------------Hey guys, this is the Official Piranha YouTube channel! The map is divided into two sides, the Customs side to the west and the Boiler side to the east. Extraction for this map is pretty unique but very straight forward. Subscribe: | Membership: the newest videos: Enquiries: Contact@Piranha.TVKeys: Extract Guide Details ---------------Extract guide for the Scav only Military Base Extract on Customs in Escape From TarkovThe possible Extracts that you can use during your current Raid appear under the timer when you load into the Raid and can be pulled up at any time by holding the O button on your keyboardFor more information visit: About Piranha ---------------Hey guys, this is the Official Piranha YouTube channel! Its located on a turning off the main road southeast of the large customs building. A sniper may be able to get a few good shots off but will quickly be targeted by any scavs or players in the area. Esteflavin, February 6, 2020 in Game questions. The room on the upper level also has a key for Shoreline. Inside the old station is a vital loot point. A key to the military base checkpoint gatehouse. Crye Precision CPC plate carrier (Goons Edition), S&S Precision PlateFrame plate carrier (Goons Edition), Mystery Ranch NICE COMM 3 BVS frame system, LBT-1961A Load Bearing Chest Rig (Goons Edition), In the area between warehouse 17 and the repair shop. Powered by Invision Community. Two-way Speaking Military COFDM wireless AV+data Signal Transmitter SG-C10 Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time 1 needs to be found in raid or crafted for the quest Lend-Lease - Part 2 5 need to be found in raid or crafted for the quest Special Equipment 4 need to be found in raid or crafted . He has four heavily armed guards that follow him around. PMC's Escaping Tarkov. The sub-station tends to have some medical loot and a weapon crate and magazines. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!If you feel inclined in to supporting me please use this link that will take you to Mind charity, Stream Schedule ---------------Streams everyday starting at 8AM GMTLivestreams: Discord and Twitter for updates on Streams--------------- Video Details ---------------Outro Song: Dubby Steps 7 - Niklas Gustavsson00:00 - Key: Info00:13 - Key: Spawns01:13 - Key: Lock Location01:37 - Key: Key Overview--------------- Piranha's Playlist Links ---------------All Piranha Videos: Piranha Shorts: Tarkov Videos:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKay6PRUt_nRFb_4NWspE4OJYAll Cycle Videos: Useful Tarkov Links ---------------Keys:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKazChCtRR2TaEBKhvV33mDZXTasks:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKayPUL1OmubMKgvatIr45AXhExtracts:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKax0XTjC98oU8Mc0blUajuyLLooting:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKazmY6D5ZC-ef9CvXUBchbVtTarkov Maps: Prices: https://tarkov-market.comTarkov Ammo: Piranha's Links ---------------Twitch: #escapefromtarkov #guide This is one of the more straightforward routes out, without any requirements. Looking for more Escape from Tarkov extraction points? Like the circle on Woods, there is an item spawn on top of the first table you see that can spawn almost any item in the game at random. The guards are heavily armored with tier 2-6 vests and tier 3-5 helmets with visors. Just head as far into the southwest corner of the map to reach the barrier with buses behind it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Join Our Newsletter and keep up to date on the latest from HyperX. The room in the upper level of Big Red requires a key that can be found on scavs, filing cabinets, or on the flea market. There is a weapon crate near the sandbags that is work looting. When you first enter the area, this is a van to the right where scavs can spawn, dead ahead is a pile of tires next to some sandbags. A key to the military base checkpoint gatehouse. Look for the parked car inside an open gate in the woods behind the dorms building. Clear editor. . Two sniper scavs commonly spawn in the factory and warehouse area. Outside of the dorms in the parking lot are a few cars that can be looted. Customs is a beginner-friendly map that is a lot easier to learn than most of the others inTarkov. (500k+ on flea market on EU). Read more about our cookie policy. The industrial park is near the Factory and features a lot of important infrastructures, including fuel storage facilities, a freight train terminal, offices, dorms, and several unfinished structures. End item flea price. If you go in through the fence, you will end up in a bottleneck that is often near a couple of scav patrol routes, use one of the other entrances to the site instead. This extract has a blue metal dumpster on either side of a fenced gate. Customs is a very easy map to learn and master, up to 13 players can be in a game at once together making it a high PvP map, but most importantly, Customs is very rewarding when it comes to looting. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators .; Keys; Military base checkpoint key (Sniper Tower) $$$ Key Spawn Location: Customs: On the couch next to the dead Scav in the boiler warehouse building on the east side of the map. Your link has been automatically embedded. Ground Cache By Military Checkpoint On the easternmost side of the map, there is a sniper across the main road in the wooded area just north of the extraction point on the eastern end of the road. Yo. The Dorms are two buildings located in the southernmost area of the map. Think weve missed any? The map is a confusing one, but weve highlighted all the, The final PMC extraction point is by far the most complicated exit. I've been watching Jaeger at reset for the past couple days hoping to get a Military Base Checkpoint Key on barter and it's just not restocking. I've been watching Jaeger at reset for the past couple days hoping to get a Military Base Checkpoint Key on barter and it's just not restocking. Checkpoint. Note: The Dorms are located in the south. Video guide on where to find the "Checkpoint" key for the military checkpoint building on Customs. 4. Railroad to Military Base (R3) Railroad to Port (R) Railroad to Tarkov (R2) Scav Checkpoint (S) Sniper Roadblock (N) Trailer Park Workers' Shack (I) Warehouse 17 (17) Warehouse 4 (4) Find out what the Escape From Tarkov best settings are if you're looking to improve your FPS and visibility. . Display as a link instead, East of the storage area is the main Customs area marked by the prominent warehouse called Big Red. The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games. SG-C10. Having accepted the new reality, savage Tarkov locals - \"Scavs\" flocked into well-armed gangs and started the redivision of the city. Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A lot of players are going to go after him, and most will have no problem with sneaking up on you and killing you after you have already done the hard work for them. And the real reason why people do quest is for the kappa container not the rep. Used to trade for M-2 Tactical Sword that's worth 1mil+. Just wanna know if there is anything really useful there, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The area is split between the trailer park, a storage area, and Big Red. Rarely at the passage between Checkpoint and Sub-Station. Upload or insert images from URL. Customs. The building has two unlockable rooms in it, and a view on the shortcut. The flash drives are needed for a quest and can be sold for a fair amount of money on the flea market. The main road forks left at the scav checkpoint. If you cross the river from the southern land bridge, you will come across the RUAF roadblock. The Scav extract Trailer Park Worker Shack is nearby, by the corner of the fence in the area with all the temporary buildings. Requires: 5,000 Roubles per player (max 4). On my channel you will find a variety of content like Escape From Tarkov Gameplay, Escape From Tarkov Help Guides, Escape From Tarkov Tips and more! Military Checkpoint On Woods; Armor Spawn On Map; Looks like some USEC personnel left a Module-3M Bodyarmor at his post at the USEC Checkpoint on the Woods map in Escape From Tarkov. Or is it more worth to get the M-2? It is the second location that was added to the game. This guide will outline the different areas of interest, the boss, some popular loot spots, keys, and the available extraction points. Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The USEC Checkpoint is located along the main road that runs through the Woods map - southeast of the lumber . Cookie Notice Head into the grassy corner area with trees to the left of the buses to reach the extract point. This room has a circle on the floor like the one in Woods that can spawn any high-tier item available in the game. r/TwoSentenceHorror She looked across the room frightened and said, "My family was living in Ruston, Louisiana in 1947 when my brother and three of his friends tied this poor black kid to a barbed-wire fence and took turns beating him, because I lied and told them he whistled at me." x 1 Military checkpoint key. This point has many Scavs and is the only location with easy access through the wall to the extraction zones. That quest isn't worth doing if all it gives you is a little rep when you are already at her max tier to buy from her. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. A light above the extraction will be lit up green when it is open, and red at all other times. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. After choosing one of the sides USEC or BEAR the players character starts to make his way out of the city. The sniper scavs are the only real problematic ones aside from the boss and his followers. Some players like to camp on railroad tracks or in bushes in the area to pick off other players headed to extraction points. The Customs side of the map is a bustling area. I believe it's needed for a quest and it's also used to trade for M-2 Tactical sword which is the highest damage melee weapon in game. If you go past the roadblock to the wall and hug it heading north, you will pass between a fence and a building. The trailer park on the southern end has a bus. Reshala typically doesnt wear a lot of armor. On the paracord extract side. These towers are not accessible to players and can make this guy a bit of a pain if you get in range. Nothing really special. You need to be looking close to the end of the railway tracks. here. This is a large area with several warehouses and bunkers to be explored. South of the van is an abandoned train car with a side panel open, a duffle bag, and the key for dorm room 220 can spawn in the car. Customs Office Key, Military Base Checkpoint Key; Dorms . So, I got lucky and managed to grab one just now on the reset. New Gas Station is a building at the western side of the map, near the main road. This one wont be available in every game, however. Scavs will spawn in this extraction point after a few minutes into the raid. Before you can access it, you first need to ensure that the lever in Warehouse 4 is activated It's on the ground floor, and when you flip it, ZB-1013 will be listed as an active extrtaction point to all players. Started 46 minutes ago, By Youre in a world of hurt if you dont know the Customs map extraction points. Inside tents on roofs of Rogue Buildings. Your previous content has been restored. Before you can access it, you first need to ensure that the lever in Warehouse 4 is activated It's on the ground floor, and when you flip it, ZB-1013 will be listed as an active extrtaction point to all players. He is mostly found around the Dorms or the New Gas Station but, on rare occasions, does venture to the Military Checkpoint and the tower just north of the New Gas Station. The layout of the dorms allows you to reposition and change levels very easily. There is also the main road running across the whole map from the northwesternmost point of the Customs side to the easternmost point of the Boiler side. The location of the actual extraction is inside the eastern Hermetic Bunker door, down the catwalk and behind the chain fence. There are boxes, including weapons crates in almost every room and a lot of loose loot throughout the building, but several of the rooms require keys. The description doesn't even say it gives exp, only rep. Not worth it. This station can have some good miscellaneous loot, including a med bag. Inside Big Red itself is some loose loot as well as a safe and a weapons crate. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Scav equivalent, Old Road Gate, wont charge you to extract. Youll also need to have a. in order to open the door to the Customs extraction point. Once you enter the bus, you can find a key on one of the seats that unlocks East Wing 310 on Shoreline. Several filing cabinets should be looted as they can have a lot of excellent loose loot inside. The sniper spawns just north of the fork in the road as part of the scav checkpoint on the eastern end of the map. If they're present, that means the extraction point is . Die Grasshopper suchen Dich..Ja genau Dich !. Just found one and as I understand it only opens the red tower on customs. Escape from Tarkov Customs Map - SCAV Spawn & Sniper. The region is also famous among players that have spawned on the Customs side of the map due to having several extraction points. The gas station also has four cash registers and a lot of good loose loot and medicine, but it is most notable as one of the spawn points for the boss of the map Reshala. This is a spawn location for scavs, and the AI can be very dangerous, but there is a lot of loot, making it worth raiding. The three-story dorm isnt too different from the two-story dorm. Tarkov Military base checkpoint key for Sale. The area houses a customs terminal, fuel storage facilities, offices, and dorms, as well as a variety of other infrastructure and buildings. There are five scav snipers scattered along the southern and eastern sides of the map. Head into the basement and you can find a locked door to the extraction. Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time, Main Working Area (O11), on a desk with a laptop and 2 phones behind a cage with an orange robotic arm, Behind the orange dome in the Working Area (O11), on a stack of grey containers. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Youll also need to have a Factory key in order to open the door to the Customs extraction point. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Military Checkpoint is at the end of the road past the New Gas Station. You'll be able to do the quest only if you are level 10 or above and have completed the Painkiller quest. blamwhocares Gain-greedy gunmen would go to any length to have their way, including the murder of civilians and direct confrontation with the two private military companies.The players will have to experience living in the skin of one of the mercenaries who survived the initial stage of the Tarkov conflict.