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Then you might, when the time is right, ask him this: What would you say to someone who explained Jesus ascension this way? and then quote Furtick: and now Jesus is taken from their sight, and hidden in a cloud, but he did not leave. If you will, please answer one simple question: Do you agree that God is a molecular structure? Thats the ONLY reason Ive written about people like Steven Furtick people CAN be deceived, ARE BEING deceived, and Christians are called to contend for the gospel. Furtick should know better, and you shouldnt parrot ideas about the Bible that you havent actually looked up. Those things are all found in the New Testament, so of course were going to agree on that. That doesnt make it wrong, of course but we should be careful about embracing concepts that are far removed from their source. COULD JESUS HAVE HEALED THEM IN SPITE OF THEIR LACK OF FAITH, OR ARE HUMANS ABLE TO STOP GOD FROM DOING WHAT HE WANTS TO DO? Can He be contained in anything? It is said to consist of 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms. Like you, I think we should be careful about making accusations. Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? God can do whatever He chooses to do. Wade Joye. No, all these scripture above are contrary to your saying; our lack of faith cannot prevent Him from acting if He wants to just does not fit. In the world of the Word of Faith movement, God CANNOT do ANYTHING on earth without us giving Him permission. Primary issues with Steven Furtick: Twists and mishandles Scripture, considers T.D. Go back to Genesis and see that God created Adam out of the earth, and breathed into him, and he became a living soul. Then in John 1:12 this power is received by faith, then in Ephesians 3:7 this gift of grace is through working of his power. This is nonsense. See what God says and then compare that with what you currently believe. Okay, I have taken enough of your time. Im not sure I can be more definitive than that, without pretending that I know things I couldnt possibly know. There is only one God, and He never created anything like Himself so we cant say that He is like an egg, or an apple, or the sun, or whatever. There are two primary ways that people interpret Scripture. In my experience, people who are willing to be led by the Holy Spirit into a clear understanding of Scripture will change their minds easily. Thanks. The clearest example I can think of is when I see Christians rejoice when a baby is conceived outside of marriage while ignoring the sin that caused it. This makes no sense, of course but it does help Furtick set up more on the little gods doctrine. Thanks for writing. Feel free to continue disagreeing, if you dont see what I see. God is a molecular structure that fills all in all. That says more than anything you or I can say. When good teachers do it, its irresponsible. Pastor Furtick dedicated his 2012 New York Times bestselling book, Greater: Dream Bigger. Well said, salvation is the most important possession someone owns. What ethnicity is Steven Furtick? This idea that we are able to limit God is held by many, if not most, Word of Faith teachers. In Numbers 11, Moses doubted that Gods plan to feed meat to the Israelites would work. He just was no longer visible. I wonder, Joann: who do you think I should listen to? The very nature of the gospel is that Jesus died in our place, so Furticks error on this matter touches on the most important subjects in Scripture. True, and I hope you dont think I agree totally with Furtick, as they are not the same, but rather one, a big difference! That would be the Father, Son, and Spirit who would be considered separate, not one. Do you believe that God is a molecular structure? God made him who had no sinto be sinfor us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. It ALSO teaches that the Spirit in us is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. Let me know if youre in. without the shedding of blood, there is no remission ( forgiveness, Hebrews 9:22). Id like to see a citation on him saying that Joyce Meyer is a great teacher. Such a belief betrays a surface-level reading of Mark 6:5 and a failure to consider Jesus wider ministry. If your point is that hes not a false teacher, then you must agree with these things or at least think theyre inconsequential. The most proper method is known as exegesis, or reading out of Scripture. Feel free to build yourself a palace full of nickels. Nobody teaches lies and falsehoods all the time. He publicly approves of false teachers like T.D. Ignite God's Vision for Your Life, Pastor Furtick shared that his father had been diagnosed with ALS only a few years after surviving liver cancer. He is unique. Im not providing examples here, but a warning to watch out for it. Steven Furtick is an African-American who grew up in New York. Besides, Steven is the initiator and . If you dont receive it in your heart, you limit what God can do. P.S. Believe it or not, I held back from actually using the language of the kingdom. You should spend a little time in 1 Timothy and Titus to see what Paul says about people who teach anything other than the true gospel. False teachers often try to make us read the Bible to see how God is trying to bless us. Ill ask you, quite simple: do you agree with this statement made by Steven Furtick? This is how it works, as right, it is this same power that we all have today (Hebrews 13:8) to obey the command of Mark 16:15-20. Im trying to understand what modalism is and why as Christians it is the wrong belief system. Oneness theology isnt simply monotheism. Unfortunately for him and the many thousands (or millions) who hear him teach, sincerity is largely irrelevant. Some professing Christians have concluded from texts like this that human faith gives power to God. The passage says nothing about it, but we might imagine it anyway. Too few Christians take such things seriously. Thats what it means to say that Christ was from the beginning. After all, someone might say: whos to say that God is NOT energy? As the name suggests, tritheism is the belief in three different gods. The Word of God is God , and expression (sending forth) Gods own being just as your words are the sending forth of your own being in words, only you cant make your words take on human flesh and blood and walk around on the planet. I have friends who were conceived because their mothers were raped. Those are all from a single passage in John 5. Thus,understood he had to be humbled, and thus, as you mentioned, resulted in greater glory for God. That, however, is not what Furtick said. Jude gives us the definition of apostasy with examples, so we have the necessary information to discern between the example of Pauls ministry and those examples presented by Jude. Thus if a family is comprised of a father, a mother and a son, nobody thinks there are three families or one person with three personalities or such like. Thank you for Narcigesis! Christianity seems pretty boring (to some people) after listening to false teachers explain that God doesnt judge them, that God wants them to be rich, that they have the power inside themselves to live an amazing life, and so on. Stephen Furtick is of white ethnicity and has American nationality. The problem: Elevation Church, led by Steven Furtick, suggests that an invitation to be baptized will be more effective if 15 volunteers are the first to move when the invitation is given. The Father was still in Heaven, and the Holy Spirit was still doing His thing. He committed to going back to the 50+ churches on his district and letting them know not how he had failed, but how he missed the opportunity to do better. [21] Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, [22] And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. New to your work. The Son obeyed the Father (John 14:31). For example: in the passage above, where Jesus is in His hometown, we should read what the text says and learn from what it says. He had a physical ailment that was never healed. Again, this was why Jesus said; According to your faith be it unto you. Yet, is Furtick teaching heresy, for this is what John was saying; For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1 John 5:7. Judge not yet you be judged. God does respond to our faith. Is it good or bad to point to unbiblical teaching? Passion City Church Pastor Louie Giglio also tweeted at Pastor Furtick: "Lifting you up to Jesus and . I appreciate this post very much; you walked through and explained things very well. Thats not legal. No, we dont throw out true things but we do throw out false teachers. Is that what Christianity is being saved? I hope you wont just take my word for any of this, but will continue to search the Scriptures and make sure that what youre hearing matches what God has already said. The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you, And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. How many doctrinal errors does it take to make one a false teacher ? When people do that, we put them on medication. Are you simply discussing one particular theological point because its interesting? GodWords isnt really about me, so theres not much but you can find some info in the About GodWords pages, and my personal Facebook and Twitter accounts are linked at the top of every page. You need fellowship with real Christians, and they need fellowship with you. The number of times someone is right is irrelevant to the question of whether they also teach false things. The only one who has the right to say if this man is a true man of God is God himself and if he wasnt called by God he will fall. Thanks. Myles Munroe is a good example, and you can see that. Tony, I appreciate the thoroughness of your response. Especially when you can see the iron (microscopic amounts) from one transferring to the other. As for Furtick saying; God is a molecular structure that fills all in all in all, and that thats what it means to say that Christ was from the beginning? First, phenomenal post! I too get tired of the nonsense, and the focus on secondary issues, and on the desire to be entertaining rather than edifying. You take out of the passage what is already there what everybody sees. "It's emotional manipulation.". The Greek word translated did is, Furticks focus is not on the events outlined in the text, but on the belief of those around Jesus as the limiting factor in His ability to do miracles. Note, Unbelief is the great obstruction to Christs favours. I guess thats why people thought of the three states of water, clover leaf, etc. Meanwhile, I see a whole generation being deceived. Will be a week or so. Keep It 100. He is one of the know evangelists all over the world, and apart from writing books, he takes his time in evangelization. Steven Furtick and the Church. In researching these topics, Ive heard a LOT that I appreciated, and have been inspired by even those who are otherwise far from the truth. Here is what the great Matthew Henry said; It (this familiarity breeding contempt). That God might use Furtick is easy to understand. Thats what it means to say that Christ was from the beginning. Thats a yes or no question, by the way. Please, Thomas: keep studying what God has said in His Word. Of course, those are entirely irrelevant as to whether he's a false teacher. You could even, at that point, ask another question: What would you say to someone who teaches modalism? and What would you say to someone who listens to modalist teachers?. In light of Furticks false teaching, this might simply be a big mistake, and not a lie but its worth noting when asking whether Furtick is a trustworthy Christian leader. I cant find your name or any information on you. He has no inside. The Holy Spirit is spirit. The church has now grown to a weekly attendance over 27,000 (as of 2019). When Jehovahs Witnesses talk about Jesus, theyre using words that sound the same, but have a different meaning. He is looking forward to his 41st birthday soon, according to The Wealth Record. Every word that came out of His mouth was the Father speaking. We are in our late 30s, I was raised Pentecostal in a preachers household and my husband raised Baptist. Not getting respect is a symptom of unbelief, which will result in let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (James 1:7) exactly which happened here in Mark 6:5,6. As John Calvin comments, (I am not a Calvinist) Unbelievers, as far as lies in their power, bind up the hands of God by their obstinacy; not that God is overcome, as if he were an inferior, but because they do not permit him to display his power. Only difference is he used obstinacy, Christ used unbelief, as I shared earlier, obstinacy is a symptom of unbelief. Too often its in spite of what he teaches. Its hard, because some of the music IS good. Advertisement Image source: Facebook// Steven Furtick What is Steven Furtick's theology? My children hear them and see them and agree sometimes and dont see the pitfalls. While its true that our faith can prompt God to act, our lack of faith cannot prevent Him from acting if He wants to. From Ligonier ( For example, the Father sent the Son (1 John 4:14). From my perspective, the only possible way that this would NOT be deceptive and manipulative is if the volunteers stayed in their seats until Furtick (or some other leader) asked the volunteers to get up and take their positions to help those who sincerely wanted to be baptized. Stephen Furtick is of white ethnicity and has American nationality. We want to understand the context of this passage before we even think about applying it. Steven Furtick is a pastor, Grammy-award winning songwriter and producer, & New York Times best-selling author. Because as created creatures in a 3 dimensional world, we can understand how one can be 3-a carrot sliced in three pieces is still a carrot- but we cant understand how 3 can be one. Thats the reason that so many of the warnings in the New Testament say to not be deceived: to avoid that, we must know the gospel. At one time, only royalty could wear the gem. When we read Revelation in full, we see that it is both a group of personal letters from Jesus to seven real-life churches in Asia Minor, and a prophetic vision given to John. Im struggling with whether I am making a mountain out of a mole hill, or whether Im being discerning. Sproul writes in his commentary Mark: The circumstances by which God the Holy Spirit unleashed [Christs] power were not available there, because there was a judgment of God on the town of Nazareth. To suggest that God is not all-powerful goes against 3500 years of biblical witness, every bit of Judaic and Christian belief, and hundreds of verses of Scripture, both Old and New Testament. Its the result of twisting Scripture, not of careful study. Accept it and leave the rest to Father God. When we elevate people who lead others astray whether accidentally or by false teaching we risk the lives of our friends and family, both now and into eternity. The context doesnt suggest that God lost any ability due to Israels actions the context tells us that God responded as He said He would. Youre right when you say Im not more important than you are. I appreciate the fact that you did your homework! And God made your life into something much greater than anyone could have reasonably expected. Of course it does its all over the gospels, right, so which is it? We must be careful to consider the cost when publically denouncing a man as a false teacher. His disciples did not. Im not making a mountain out of a molehill here, Thomas. There are plenty of Scriptures about not rejecting other believers simply because they dont yet understand all that Jesus taught. God did not arbitrarily decide He now longer cared about cleanliness. Let me know if you have any questions. What IS the question? Please: take some time to consider throwing the baby out with the bath water. Thats the issue as far as I am concerned. God the Father, son and spirit is one and same person in three forms to carry out different functions for man. We should do certain things, and not do other things, because they are in concert with Gods character or contrary to Gods character. In feeding the 5,000, the faith of Jesus disciples wasnt what allowed Him to multiply the loaves and fishes. Anyone who disagrees with what Furtick teaches must a) be envious, b) ignorant of how God has blessed his church, and c) a deceiver. He created laws, then needed to break them because He didnt foresee the circumstances that would require Him to break the law. The question is whether Steven Furtick can be trusted to teach and preach what God has said and, while most teachers say a lot of things that are true, the measure of a false teacher is that they too often say things that are untrue. And without the necessary attitude described above, we are apt to fall for the logic of those who are disingenuous, self-seeking teachers who take advantage of the flock. Fodder for another discussion, maybe. He is of white ethnicity who sat down with another Elevation pastor named John Gray, who is of black ethnicity, to have a discussion on racism. Sure, but they knew not God as intimate as we do, for they had the Holy Spirit about them, yet we have the Holy Spirit in us, Great difference! I tried to reply on our original discussion, but did not allow it. Yes, that. No, no, no no no no no noooo. From start to finish, this is wrong. We all know that its easier to stand up when others stand up, and harder to be the only person in a crowd to do something. I never assume someone is saved,born again because they like to debate Gods Word. God is a molecular structure that fills all in all. Dont bother commenting or emailing me about how Im just wrong. In context, Furtick is teaching about how we see ourselves versus how God sees us. God has revealed (some of) Himself through His Word. These where mass healings, revealing his power, but there were others who had to seek and ask. To be more precise, the Word of God teaches that there is only one God, and The Word of God also teaches that God is spirit. Your greed and jealousy has destroyed your soul. His father 's name is Larry Stevens Furtick and his mother, Faith Furtick. Think Furtick problem maybe just being ignorant of the word, proud. You could go to your father and say, Steven Furtick is a false teacher who teaches modalism and you should be ashamed of yourself for listening to him. Thats not likely to get you very far. As it also says in Mark 6:5 If eternal life matters (and it does), then teaching and preaching the truth about God matters. Instead, its modalism: the unbiblical idea that God is ONE person that appears to us in different modes, or manifestations. Winded. Thats not an indication of limitation, and the very idea contradicts the rest of what God reveals about Himself in all of Scripture. I used to love Steven Furtick but now I see he is up there with Joel Osteen and all the other greasy guys. From Scripture, we know that Jesus is NOT the Father, and that Jesus is NOT the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit is NOT the Father. Herein, you will see beautiful Pictures Of Pastor Steven Furtick And His Family. You have raising from the dead power on the inside of you, and you have to see it. Iron does indeed sharpen iron and some friction is a necessary part of that process. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. You have to get past looking at your sickness and thinking about your sickness, and you have to start seeing yourself well. Its not that God enables us to do things because we trust Him and obey Him. And when you get born again youve got that resurrection power but then youve gotta get that soul in agreement to where it sees it. There are no internal relationships in the Godhead but thats contrary to a whole bunch of clear passages of Scripture. So, singing Jehovahs Witness songs would put licensing money in their pockets, furthering their ministry while promoting them as a source of good religious music. Furtick misquotes the passage. Right, Jesus did miracles to show he was God the Son, as in, When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. These were not unbelievers, but believed and even asked for Jesus to come heal Lazarus. They give a more complete picture of the events, and provide more accurate meanings. If you throw the ball, you are not the ball. No matter what Lysa TerKeurst says in her Bible studies, she's known as the Proverbs 31 woman, I'm sure you've seen her little sayings. In John 16:7 Jesus said, It is for your good that I am going away. Remember Jesus words about the sower, and the four kinds of soils. In essence it means a single entity being comprised of multiple constituents. In the meantime, let me know how I can help. Passion City Church Pastor Louie Giglio also tweeted at Pastor Furtick: "Lifting you up to Jesus and rejoicing in the hope that holds forever.". He started in Lenox, MA and fled the area (for legal reasons) and continued to move around the country ultimately settling again in Baltimore, MD. Im sorry to hear about your crisis of faith, truly. Women should never cut their hair. It says And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.. I mean plainly and obviously do you believe that God is ever POWERLESS to do what He wants in any given situation because your decision RENDERS Him powerless? Notice he did heal some by laying his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. Not really a definitive answer to what constitutes a false teacher. His takeaway his summation for the sermon was the the people in Nazareth thought too little of themselves. Not trying to cause a gunfight, just asking. Our faith is important, but it does not limit what God CAN do. Associated With He is a top-selling author and pastor, which is also true for David Platt. By itself, I see no problem but playing music in church isnt by itself. It comes with spiritual baggage that the Kingdom of God, quite simply, is fighting against. The only relevant question is whether Steven Furtick responsibly teaches what Jesus taught. For that, Im grateful. How about occasionally giving the gospel . If youd like to address the idea that God is or is not omnipotent, go ahead. Were adding our ideas to Gods ideas. Remember, Christ had no beginning (Hebrews 7:3), the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit are eternal beings, they always existed! He just changed forms. Appreciate that look up. I have no idea whether Furtick does what he does for personal gain, and you dont either. (Psalm 116:15 NIV)." Joe. His parents named him Larry Stevens Furtick. >> The problem is that people dont study the Word of God enough to understand. 9. This is true. It does appear that most often people do this to stop any questioning because they arent able to actually defend their views. Will God honor His word regardless of who presents it ? The religious leader was born and raised in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, in the United States of America. Here is an article with detail information on the Mansion. What we never hear from false teachers is that this life is filled with tragedy, that people around us are suffering, that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, or that maybe God wants them to give everything to the poor and follow Him. Do you agree with him when he says that God is a molecular structure that fills all in all, and that thats what it means to say that Christ was from the beginning? It only resulted in God following through on His promise. You may also want to check out a list of Bible Teachers I Can Recommend. This is false. As an aside, I have doubts that Furtick even has a clue about perichoresis. This is false. Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly, It is for your good that I am going away. According to Furtick, Jesus had the ability and the desire to do more, but the power of God was trapped in their perspective.. Joyce Meyer, greatest Bible teacher alive today . Teaching that reading about Jesus is anything like reading about ourselves goes too far. With all due respect, Word of Faith teachers ALWAYS demote God and elevate us. Neither do I. Thanks, Again, thanks. Its not about Steven Furtick, but about the fact that he teaches unbiblical ideas in the name of Jesus Christ. The question is not whether anyone can be saved at Elevation Church. Sure, Furtick has said some strange things, and You should speak up against such, but to include the entire faith teachings is another thing. In apologetics these days, there is so much information just slamming around, one needs to be able to verify the claims. This is modalism, the same error that Furtick makes. By the way: Leviticus 15 doesnt even come close to suggesting that the woman was under threat for breaking the law. No, Im not aware of him teaching on sin and repentance. They were all involved in the creation, for example. Do you agree with him that God broke the law for love, or do you think thats at least an inartful attempt to explain something true? Well say things like, I wouldnt change a thing because thats what made me who I am. Well, that suggests that bad things might actually be good things. Yes, breaking the law was a big deal and He did not break the law for love, but rather fulfilled the law to show love, to us who have. I teach this very plainly: bad things are always bad, and never good. It is Jesus name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see (Acts 3:1216). Dont pretend that you know my heart, either. All we have to do is compare the gospel as expressed in the New Testament with anybodys teachings to see if they match. No, its simple as hearing; In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13.These scripture tell us God uses faith, as faith is action, or acting on after that you heard the word of truth.