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Did you make a fortune out of us? If youve ever seen Michael Apteds 1964 documentary Seven Up! The other big event of 1967 was the formation of The Treetops Appreciation Society where the membership fee of 5 shillings would provide you with information about the band for a period of 6 months..so it would appear the secretary,Joyce Bell,was not anticipating a long and successful career for the band! 48 ratings [SFM] fredina's nightclub. Stole (inherited?) Thanks to the boys for giving me some happy memories Sue Ryder. Please pass on thoughts from Michie and me to Angie and to get in touch. I see Pete regularly and Brian on rare occasions. I would first like to acknowledge your kind message on behalf of his family and friends. Jim also sent the photos seen here with this comment: I have attached some photos of The Monotones in the early sixties and also some of The Treetops (our new name when we joined Mecca at the Wimbledon Tiffanys). Blog Home Uncategorized tiffany's nightclub wimbledon. Our stage was set into a cave with a door at the back leading to the dressing room. These days I too play here and there for my own Amazement as well. This meant more auditions for a replacement female vocalist. Fascinated to read the comments. ]However they did broadcast a pretend band playing Its Great and Anymore on No Hiding Place which was a very tame 60s version of The Bill.And how can we forget the Juke Box Jury when the panel reviewed Its Great and Tommy Trinder,an octogenarian music hall entertainer quipped they may think its great but I dont,and voted it a Miss.Well I would like to point out that his version of Champagne Charlie is for sale on ebay for 4.99.A copy of Its Great is on Musicstack for 26 not to mention a copy of What Would I do for 228!!!! Maxine. Hans-Jrgen Klitsch, THE German authority on sixties Pop or Beat music who got my singles from that time for his archive and research (he should be professor on that and in America, even England, he would!) After reunion with Peter and Jim in May we have vowed to keep in touch from now on. Samantha's was in a basement off Regent Street and I was introduced . I regularly see Pete Stanley and try to visit Mark in Sydney every year. . Both were popular . 666. This includes a grant of 270,000 to Crisis to fund six new roles for a year, as the charity focuses on the urgent housing needs of people leaving temporary accommodation or made homeless as a . Well, the song was Its Great. please send me details of where to send payment for cd of records made by yourselves. Ever the entrepreneur, I came up with the concept of a Twist Contest: at the time, Chubby Checker and the Twist were the latest rage to hit the World of pop and dance. he runs popset party ltd with his wife debbie graham. Hi I was manager of Alexanders night spot & also worked at Bentleys but had fantastic times at Alexanders, even though i didnt know Brian, Jim, & Nigel were in the Monotones but did know them from Tiffinys at Wimbledon & thats how I met them & eventually got the managers job at Hampton court they were wild times & the band were really good It would be good for a reunion if any are still kicking around, still would like to find out how Nigel got on in Aussie & any of the old staff from there. Wallpaper Engine > Workshop > DahSharky's Workshop . The pop bible of the day, The New Musical Express, described the release as promising. Some of our first amps were not even enclosed, just a mass of valves and capacitors etc sitting in an open box. We also had a Vernon J. Smith who played the G-banjo in those days. Im not a good flyer but perhaps one day Christine and I will take a slow boat ! In 1962 the Mustangs were formed with Phil Thomas (lead vocals), Bob Church (rhythm), Adrian Philpott (lead guitar), Keith Chesher (drums) and myself (bass guitar and keyboards). By . 15/06/2022 It is with deep sadness that I tell you of the passing of Jim Eaton . I was pleased and interested to hear about The Mustangs and hope maybe we could all meet up. tiffany's nightclub wimbledon. 341,587,075 stock photos, 360 panoramic images, vectors and videos, Share Alamy images with your team and customers. Whats more he was tone deaf and couldnt hold a note to save his life! Little did we know that some years later we would apply to go on his Radio One show! Hello, I am presently writing an encyclopedia of 60s U.K. Groups and was doing research on Tim Gentle & His Gentlemen when I came across this wonderful website and saw a message from Tims sister. Are you still head chef or retired? The Championships 2023 will be played over 14 days, this marks the second year that play on the Middle Sunday is part of the intended schedule. knew right away that it had been Brian Alexander of the MONOTONES but even he never heard of that title. If there is ever an Elms reunion, count me in. Wimbledon's latest opening is located at the end of The Broadway near the Polka Theatre. Last time I met Paul, was at the retirement bash for Westcliff Highs famed head, Henry Cloke at the Southend Cliffs Pavilion in circa 1972, when we enjoyed sitting together during the formal meal. Then would then alert the rest of the clubs staff to man their pre-appointed stations. Their leader at the time was Jimmy Mack the keyboard player. Think the last time we saw each other was at my 21st party in Westcliff before you married Veronica. Please give my kindest regards to all the other group members when you see them. Gary Nicholls was our replacement drummer, Brian on lead guitar and general group management, Pete on bass guitar, Mark as lead vocalist and myself, having dropped the ridiculous name of Thurston Crane, on rhythm guitar and shared lead vocals. The club closed its doors in 2014 and the building . She maybe back at skool tomorrow. We would attempt to play hits of the day and I am sure that some of the sounds coming out of that garage would have been painful for the neighbours. Emma Raducanu joined the likes of Beyonc and Jay-Z as Tiffany ambassadors (Image: Getty) "An evolution of a Tiffany icon, Tiffany T1 designs represent individual strength and perpetual power . The last re-union saw Dad and Jim guest play at my Sisters wedding in 2007, where they grabbed the live bands instruments and rocked for a couple of songsyouve still got it fellas! Glad there are people who remember those great nights at the Elms etc.. Jim Eaton. We were engaged at one point, but I got fed up and went off to the States, lost touch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqgESu4A_E4, http://www.southend.gov.uk/news/article/432/exhibition_to_showcase_southends_rich_musical_heritage. Raducanu appeared to be in fine health while at British Vogue and Tiffany's annual fashion and film party in London last week, suggesting that the bout of illness set in at the last minute . I was working in an estate agency at the time and I will always remember the look of horror on the face of my boss, who turned up one evening and had no idea I was in a group!! See more. If ever your down this way would be great to catch up and exchange a few memries. The bridge is especially fine, with tremolo guitar behind the vocals if I say that I love you, and you know that its true . Blimey! I believe these can be found on i-tunes too, to download) Dad and Jim still meet up, plus other good friends from Tiffanys including Pam, Pat, Eileen and Danny. One thing is very certain, I will never ever gig again. We were asked if we would play on a Sunday night at The Elms, as guests of the resident jazz trio headed by Barry the Bass. This wasnt a dance, but more of a cabaret and we had to entertain a seated crowd who seemed more interested in their drinks than anybody on stage.We decided we needed an act rather than just churn out pop songs. Pete played a tune, possibly Trambone, Chet Atkins style followed by Bash and him doing Jezabel together. I live in Torbay Devon now and the music scene is quite good here. One amazing facet of Marthas abilities was her sight reading, which enabled her to play the most complex of pieces flawlessly, yet she couldnt take a solo in Johnny B Goode! Mark also released two records as a solo artist on which we provided the backing tracks and backing vocals. I Keep Thinking About You and Everybody Tries were produced by Brian and released on the Parlaphone label. Martha had a great voice and could sing anything from Ella Fitzgerald to Tina Turner. Women's Bond NFT Collection A fellow guitarist , a singer of songs , Perpetual performer , socially strong . Hello to Jim Eaton , Brian Alexander, Nigel Basham, Pete Stanley and Andy Rainbow. My first attempt at assembling a group of like minds, included my then bosom pal, Ian Gregory: Ian was the only one to find relative show biz fame and fortune later and whats more, cut a single which made it to the charts! And remained a sell-out for the few weeks we ran the contest; which from memory was won by a young guy called Phillip Nostle and his girl: Philip later became a successful local solicitor. But I do know we each received a handsome reward of 25 guineas [for young viewers a guinea was 1 and 1 shillingfor younger viewers thats 1 and 5 pence! Look forward to your reply. So thanks for that, I am a nostalgia junkie and so enjoyed being reminded of those good times keep the music playing folks! I moved to Canada in 1967. Here's what you need to know ahead of the tournament in the UK capital: When is Wimbledon? tiffany's nightclub wimbledon. These are treasured memories of my teenage years and still talk of Friday nights in the boys gym. And thats where one evening I saw Johnny Kid and the Pirates live, with the legendary Mickey Green, then. Bev and J phoned.Sam phoned about 4.30 & 5.00 pm (I have decided to call the boy Sam as it would have been my choice of boys names if I had a son, seems as good a name as any). Mark took over as drummer and continued his role as lead vocalist. ), Ian attended Joan Greenwoods Method School with such later luminaries as Olly Reed, John Leyton (Think Great Escape) and other up and coming thespians. Id be very grateful for any information you can provide, and any and all information used will be acknowledged and credited. I was invited to join The Treetops in the late-seventies as keyboard player. Recently met Rodney Clark & shall soon see him & Peter Trout (facebook friend) in concert. Towards the end of 1973 Mecca were releasing more and more live bands in favour of DJs. of a group that had formed out of THE BLIZZARDS plus two other projects. Dino Coccia, a session drummer and occasional dep, took over. We both promised to keep in touch but unfortunately we didnt. It was a flop. In October 1966 The Beach Boys released the iconic Good Vibrations and I recall we rehearsed this number for hours and hours. Christ Stevens and his brother, Graham still play: Douggie the lead guitar was the only bloke I knew who actually then owned a Baby Binson disk echo. Incidentally,I remember I Remember [apologies] was chosen as an A side by The Three Bells,a UK soul girl trio but have had no luck in tracing it. All Rights Reserved. He had probably the best rock voice of the time along with Ronnie Gent. Pleased that you were able to respond. I am sorry to hear Gary died, the last time I saw him, his Son came into my shop to buy some drums, I think in the 80s, saying his Dad would come in and sign the HP forms to buy them, and later that day in walks Gary, apparently his office was one block up from my shop, it was great to see him. With regards to our CD, please contact me direct at pncstanley@talktalk.net with your address. I do remember you joining us for a few numbers and also working the door with my brother. Office Hours; University. Alan Bowden - 24/6/12. I didnt get to Alexanders as by that time I was in the states. Hi Pete, Thankyou for your reply and information regarding Southends rich musical heritage.It is amazing how many musicians come from the area ( and still do !! STAY IN TOUCH. You could get my telephone number from her via her sister and give me a call. We are in the company of some excellent musicians and ground-breaking bands such as Doctor Feelgood and Tha Bonzo Dog Doo Daa Band. Its only Rock & Roll, but I love it! At the time, Southends live gig focus was the old tired Victorian pub, The London Hotel, in Tylers Avenue; next to the old main fire station and the band of the moment were the Barracudas, distinguished by the lead cum rhythm guitar, Teddy Knott, who possessed then, a rare animal indeed: a double neck guitar. Whiter Shade still an evocative, innovative arrangement of Bachs work and still works for me in 2011. Got home at 6.30.Phoned J and Bev.Sam phoned at 6.40. An accomplished naturally talented drummer and a versatile vocalist. I believe it must be the same band but can find very little out about them. Thanks for all the memoriesthat was great! They didnt sellalcohol in that bar but they had an over 18s bit so guess where me and my mates ended up? It was designed to be a demo studio and we quickly gained a reputation for quality recordings. Tim still plays in a duo and a group in the north of England..he also has played with the Commitments and the Hit men / Class of 64.I went on to become a founder member of the Scottish Ballet Company and toured the world dancing with Rudolph Nureyev and sharing roles with Margot Fonteyn! Train was late had to wait hour. Collaborate with our global Enterprise Sales team. This is a memorial page for Tiffanys in The Glen, one of the best nightclubs in Bristol between the late 1960s and mid 1980s. Please contact me at rchrisbishop@gmail.com if you can loan or donate original materials. This meant there was no break in the entertainment. These were the broadcast one a day on one of the presenters shows. I used to go and see these guys at All Saints church hall in whetsone ( london) where they played many times and was a member of their fan club (free autographed photo). His third single When Im Gonna Find Her was released in 1966 and has since become a collectors item. Many a good night meeting nice girls and enjoying the Treetops. And many years later Rob became, accidentally, a customer of mine. Talk about a trip down memory lane. Through Selmers, I had got dep jobs with bands such as Joe Loss, Dizzy Gillespie, and the infamous Geraldo cruise ship bands. Personally I put this down to Pams amazing tea, pork pies and pickle! I remember thinking that by virtue of its meaning it was not a good name, but for the want of a better suggestion it was the one we adopted. you may have wondered what song the kids are dancing to during the party scene towards the end of the film. End of an era! I remember being part of the crew that practised in Brians garagemainly Everly Brothers numbers at the time. Now based in Peterborough with an amazing wife and an eccentric German Shepherd. This was the first of four releases on the Pye label. Read 'Wimbledon Arcade' - a nostalgic memory of Wimbledon in our Share Your Memories online community. Worked for Ford Research and Perkins Engines in their Consultancy Dept. Hi Jim, I doubt you will remember me but I used to come to your gigs. Do you still have this disc or any recollection of when and how ? I was struck by the artwork and how creative it was then. Its surprising what you suddenly remember at 3 in the morning whilst spending a pennyand not always the good things.in fact a bit of a nightmare from a performance at The Elms!! It was hosted by original member, Cliff Messiter, who had enjoyed success as a very accomplished graphics artist and owner of a design studio. but her latest show in Florida struck a sour note between the singer and her fans.. Tiffany was onstage Sunday night in Melbourne . The manageress told us that the room was needed for business and told us to wait in the hall, it was only then we realised we had booked into a brothel! Brian informed us that our days as resident band at Tiffanys were probably numbered. It was originally a cinema I believe in the 50s, then it was a nightclub called the Moulin Rouge. After they finished, all the other musicians broke into spontaneous applause. I have asked him to add any comments to this web page to bring everyone up to date on his life since leaving The Treetops. Part of the then right of passage seemed to be TV work: and naturally, becoming a Pop Star. We left Southend in 1966 and went to play at Tiffanys night club in Wimbledon.Our name was changed to The Treetops and we released several records under thet name ( these regularly appear for sale on e-bay along with Monotones records ). Take care, Best regards, Jim and Pam. I would very much like to get in touch with you! Sam phoned at 3.30 & 5.15 pm. Its amazing that you still keep in touch with him and Pete. Meanwhile he was phoning around and the club began to fill up. This was the first of many recording sessions at the studio made famous by The Beatles. Mr Brownlee was the boys P. E. teacher then and he spent many hours with me at the school pool and Chalkwell beach trying to take up diving again after I dived in the pool and knocked myself out on the bottom. Regards and Best Wishes Pete Stanley ( The Monotones ). Been trying for some years to make contact but recent events have really prompted me to up the anti. What followed was interesting, as when we had exhausted our repertoire of Beatles and Searchers songs, we were asked by the club manager to play them again. After the show, in the dressing room, the lead guitarist of The Yardbirds congratulated Brian on his progressive solo, this was a compliment indeed from young Eric Clapton! I even could get a recording contract with DEUTSCHE VOUGUE funnily enough the distributors for PYE in Germany. tiffany's nightclub wimbledonbest suny schools for physical therapy. Brian knows I am looking for some visuals and so I hope he wont mind me getting in touch in this way! Award. Mark loyd/ nigel basham is still going in ausse. John Portley, aka Exeter's Mr Entertainment. Somebody did a website on me a couple of years ago. I learned from my friend Michael Lynch that the song was What Would I Do by the Monotones, a group from Southend-on Sea in Essex, about 45 miles directly east of London. Explore The King of Diamonds. Brian was great at playing like Hank Marvin whilst doing The Shadows steps with myself and Pete. Playing a piece many times over bored me and the more you play it, the less likely is that you can make an improvement. The small matter of transporting the heavy organ each night definitely had a big bearing on my decision! As for the other Whirlwinds (which forced the name change) mentioned up further in this thread, I think that must be the band from Manchester area, brought together by Graham Gouldman of later 10cc fame. ): also as an Ex-Westcliff High School pupil, albeit, somewhat more elderly than Brian Alexander and crew, music was then something rather different from the violin lessons I grudgingly took on Saturday mornings would you believe! Our favourite gigs were those we did for The Miss World Ball at The Lyceum. This was an offer I couldnt refuse, being worn out from travelling to different venues each night for some six years. Barry had a unique drum style but more importantly he owned an old Austin estate wagon, which was perfect for transporting our few bits of equipment to future gigs. This image could have imperfections as its either historical or reportage. Hope this sheds a little light on a time long ago but not forgotten. Wimbledon 2022 will be held from 27 June - 10 July. Somehow,I was given the dubious honour of singing the falsetto in Rag Doll.It was OK at rehearsal but on the Sunday cabaret night,in front of an unusually attentive audience,I dried up.the mouth opened but nothing came out!I must have been wearing the wrong trousers..not tight enough.I think it was Nigel that came to the rescue or did Brian take a solo and turn it into the only instrumental version of that song? In one of these clubs was a group playing the latest Beatles hits..very badly! Jubilation/The Shark Club. The end result was a remarkable live cover of that difficult song, and we soon realised that other Mecca bands were coming to the club to hear us perform it. Another local venue was The Halfway House pub (if I remember the name correctly) by the sailing club at Thorpe Bay on the Esplanade. When The Whirlwinds morphed into The Crocheted Doughnut Ring, their guitarist Bert joined The Continentals at Tiffanys in the west end. I read your information above What about your final rendition every evening MONEY !! Mecca saw these wins as a cause for celebration at the club and were told to play one special night dressed in tennis gear. I will be home mid May and we should get in touch. It was originally a cinema I believe in the 50s, then it was a nightclub called the Moulin Rouge. Kit took a job with another Mecca band, which left Mark, Tony and myself as the new clubs resident group. Favorited. We each had a large and loyal following, and basically shared venues like The Elms, The Halfway House, The London Hotel and The Cricketers. He was obviously successful, as we not only got the job, but two years later he married Irene Donovan! The Elms, The Halfway House and also The Cricketers and London Hotel. The drummer and vocalist (also from Selmers) was John Bell. He was a quiet modest sort of chap. I dont suppose you know what happened to Gordon? The Broadway Wimbledon was brought to a near halt in December 1952 for four days. I had forgotten he was the bouncer at the Elm. Early Years. Went to his house.Train was late had to wait hour. I am doing a book on the Southend Mod scene in the 60s, which will include local bands, so your dads photos might be excellent for the book if I may have permission to use some You can email me on originalsouthendmods@gmail.com. We had been staying at our home in France and the mail and papers had stacked up, meanwhile. More information was not contained in those days. Later in the 60s I often used to bump into Lionel: and in 1968> for a bit, I also used to train at the old Estuary Gym. This year he has been given a Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the Australian music industry. At my first month in Bournemouth I saw THE BEATLES at THE GAUMONT for two shows a day for five or six days. Would it be possible to have that transferred to a CD, as I know we would love to add it to our collection. We booked in to some budget accommodation and went out to check out the famous red light district and clubs. Most of the tracks were converted by Jims good friend John Corless, a computer expert, and the remaining few by myself, which explains the occasional sound of a stylus hitting the vinyl! He was a sportsman and in his youth competed at National level for the shot-put. We recorded this at Abbey Road Studios with I Remember, a song written by Brian, on the B side. Hi Jim I doubt you remember me howeveer in the early -mid sixties, I was one of the crowd who frequented the Elms and the Halfway House to see you guys. Great times! Thus, for a couple of gigs, (Whitehall off of Clatterfield Gardens, Westcliff and the community hall, in Snakes Lane Eastwood, I became the Monotones Bassist. 1920s. The only person not to attend Westcliff High School was Barry Davis our drummer. 'Three young men with woman outside Tiffany's night club, (believed to be on Shaftesbury Avenue) London c.1974. I fell asleep on the train and woke with somebody tapping me on the shoulder and saying Hello Rodney. We had our dinner in Solitaire.Sam bought a sketch pad and a Paddington pencil for me.I phoned Sam at 8.15 pm.Bev and J phoned.Had a bath & washed my hair. 1966 saw more changes in the band. TUNNEL 267, 267 The Broadway, Wimbledon, SW19 1SD +44 (0) 208 540 0080 . Any body that knows me from then can e mail me at daviddowns@sky.com. Unlike the Monotones who were all Grammar School boys the Whirlwinds were working class boys from nearby Canvey Island, not the most salubrious of places to live in as it was flooded in 1953 and over 100 people died. Finally, can anyone remember an excellent guitarist who used to play with Pete Willsher in a cafe on the Southend East sea front. Take care, Jim. The Whirlwinds, later Force Five and then (or before?) He heard our run through and suggested that perhaps he could play the piano on the recording, which he did. Regards Judi. Marks sense of humour got us through many trying times, Brians business acumen kept the band employed, and yours and Peters talents glued everything together. The old Plough Lane was Wimbledon's home from 1912-1991. The two other most popular groups were The Whirlwinds and The Paramounts ( later to gain fame as Procul Harem ). Ive been asked to write a book about Southends music scene, from year dot to the present. All but Elvis who did not come. This proved to be very tiring for us, as we had to be on set at Boreham Wood before 8am every weekday for two weeks. I am Pat, was Harper,praps you remember me from Bridgewater Drive. Normally these sessions took place in the mornings, and after a late previous night at the club some of the higher notes were a little difficult. On the subject of Pete Willshire, he played with Pete Nye and Norman Hull as the Marksmen behind Houston Wells, who cut a few discs they worked some pub on the Blackwater I think. An Atlanta-area strip club DJ hired his best friend to murder his wife, who was found dead in her suburban home with a young child straddling the woman's lifeless body . Could have done with Lionels help to simply carry the amp around! Atlanta, GA. 239. I suppose the only remaining members of The Treetops Appreciation Society are ourselves and families! When I collected it from the Elms to take on the gig, it was all covered in beer stains and quite battered, so I spent the next day cleaning it all up and gluing back the bits of covering that had come off the amps, an when I returned it you all thought I had brought back someone elses gear. He is going to the Dr. tomorrow cos he cannot breathe properly nor swallow.Fi phoned. But Britain's Daily Telegraph reported Friday: "All expectations suggest that the AELTC will lower the . I often stayed with him and his parents as I didnt live in the Southend area. Spookily that was the time we moved to the area from Liverpool. Congratulations on your worthwhile and fulfilling career and we would like to read your book when you publish. So, it was Brian, Pete, Gary and myself who did the TV work during that year. I met Nigel Basham (who later changed his name to Mark Lloyd ) during a performance of a school play. Hi John By pure accident I came across this site looking for old 60s photos of Southend.