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Find this alter near the western edge of the map in Svoduforsar. Assassin's Creed Valhalla How to farm lynx paws | 3 LocationsAre you looking for best spot to find lynx paws in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? For more information, please see our Ceremonial Sickle Location. Travel to Fornama, a small property along the southeast coast of Vangrinn. You may want to upgrade your Hugr-Rip so that you have two energy meters before attempting this World Event. 6. Gullnamar contains 15 Artifact Locations in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (ACV). Once the armor is gone, you can "stun attack" to kill the lynx fast. Thanks for the tip, There is also white mushromm that kulls ya if you dont heal, Thank you I knew there was but I haven't seen it yet haha, Do you have to do anything specific to get hare's foot from rabbits? They include . This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Ubisoft or Ubisoft. Weighing between 12.5GB to 26GB, the new mode has a 1pm BST launch time for fans living in the UK. Bring down the ladder, climb it, and take the Book of Knowledge. You should immediately focus on the young lynx. Thes legendary animals can be found in the Dark Weald to the to the southwest of Wincestere. The path behind the first waterfall has plenty of goodies to loot. Zarmena Khan Tuesday, August 02, 2022. Donate specified resources or items to complete the alter and receive one Skill Point. 12. r/ACValhalla. Check out All Dawn of Ragnarok Mysteries for more information. lynx paw ac valhalla locationnorco sight 2020 shock sizenorco sight 2020 shock size HALIBUT: Coast Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, SHAD: Coast Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, HADDOCK: Coast East Anglia, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, PERCH: Rivers Ledecestrecire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenfordscire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Snotinghamscire, EEL: Rivers Ledecestrecire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenfordscire, Sciropescire, BULLHEAD: Rivers Ledecestrecire, Granteridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenfordscire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Snotinghamscire, Essex, Glowecestrescire, BROWN TROUT: Rivers Ledecestrecire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Snotinghamscire, FLATFISH: Coast Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire, BREAM: Coast Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire, BOLLOCK: Rivers Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire, BURBOT: Rivers Oxenfordscire, Cent, Sciropescire, Suthsexe, Glowecestrescire, Hamtunscire, SALMON: Rivers Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Snotinghamscire, GREY TROUT: Rivers Cent, Essexe, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire, STURGEON: Rivers & Seas Cent, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire. The chest will be situated near a small opening next to a big rock. About 500m southeast of Hodda Shelter, youll find a large pool of lava with a dwarf named Linco nearby. There's a young lynx and an elder one. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. To find the Legendary Blood Swine, players will need to head to Eurviscire and enter Bleasby Swamp, northeast of Repton. Here they need to reach the Fannaraki Summit, in this location the players will find . The Eurasian lynx (L. lynx) and the Iberian lynx (L. pardinus) are their European counterparts. I think you might be mistaking a reindeer for a deer, Arctic Fox does actually spawn in the cold/winter biomes of England, like Eurvicscire and Snotingham. Reindeer do, but they are different. Durant vos aventures dans le monde d'Assassin's Creed Valhalla, vous pourrez croiser quelques animaux plus froces qu' l'accoutume. Get on Mikkes boat and ride with him to the shore. As promised, Assassin's Creed Valhalla update 1.6.0 is now live across all platforms. Once you collect Your job is to find the cats paw to tie the magic rope. Completing the quest will also get you +2 skill points. Assassin's Creed Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok Best Spot to Farm Lynx Paw : promote. To get their armor down, you have to shoot at their weak spots. Break the crate blocking the way by shooting it outside. The best location to find and farm Dog Fang in AC Valhalla is in Cent. They are needed for the Completionist All the Way trophy or achievement (100% Completion). Where to find Lynx and Lynx Paw for the Hunter Deliveries in Assassins Creed Valhalla.You only need to know the location of one animal as they respawn, you can leave the are, meditate and return, its a quick and easy way to get animal part.All content is bought, recorded, edited and uploadedWEBSITE - - - - - (Licence On Request)Pchelaudio (Licence On Request) 5 poasible lynx paw's easy#Shorts #ACV #AssasinsCreedAC Valhalla live stream, learn from my mistakes or help me avoid them, my first time going thru this game and so far it has been GOOD :D NEW UPDATE!!!! Once you have unlocked the Lynx mount, go to your nearest stable, and you will see the Mount button when you get closer to a Lynx. Cargo is a type of Collectible in Assassins Creed Valhalla (ACV). Youll then find the chest containing Vangrinn Platinum Ingot 9. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This alter is in the middle of the swamps south of Eitri. lynx paw ac valhalla locationelton john albums in orderelton john albums in order Sacrifice: 2 Lynx Paw There are numerous Lynx nearby. STARFISH: I've been told they play to the beat of their own mayonnaise. When you approach him hell jump into a pit. 5 poasible lynx paw's easy#Shorts #ACV #AssasinsCreedAC Valhalla live stream, learn from my mistakes or help m. AC Valhalla Arctic Fox. 2 Lynx Paw There are numerous Lynx nearby. You might want to fully upgrade it before contributing any Silica at this alter. . The swamp in Grantebridgescire and East Anglia is by far the place to be if you need Heron beaks. Can't post on main sub but I want to share this massive achievement of mine. When you defeat the two lynxes, you'll receive the Wildcat's head. I am your host Lord Fenton. Their weak spots are basically their two rear legs. You will wake up in a prison cell in Feigardr, minus most of your gear. Mythical Memories are historical Dwarven blacksmith locations. Occasionally prompts Eivor to comment on how lit it feels. Simply head to the fast travel location at the Saint Hadrian's Priory and move northwest and you will reach a place where there are houses. Fortunately, there is a location in This guide shows where to find all Cargo Locations in AC Valhalla. 2018 - 2023 - Gamer Tweak. Once Barid, the king is back at his house, he will gift you the Lynx mount. Please let me know if there's anything I need to add or change. This is a pretty meaty update that adds a new free game mode: The . VIPER: Leather, Viper Egg. ac valhalla lynx location. To get the Lynx mount you need to jump into the game's DLC map of Ireland. You can actually get Gullinbursti as a mount in the game by completing A Beasts Burden. VIPER: Leather, Viper Egg. you need to be friends with ubisoft accounts at this moment to increase the chance of getting the quest, i did this in East Anglia - Scottoh Farm AVENGE QUEST DONT CLICK!!!! To be more specific, this is to the southwest of the city of Anecastre, on . Defeating them will grant you a special trophy from each one, which you can bring to the Hunter's Hutt in your Settlement for rewards. i. Unlock the exit by pulling the shelves out of the way, then climb out and speak to Banski to complete the World Event. Continue by using the tree on the left to climb out and reach the second waterfall. archaicdemon 1 year ago #1. This AC Valhalla Dawn Of Ragnarok All Book Of Knowledge Locations Both are quality packages, but also take many hours to complete. You can climb out using the wooden platforms next to you. These DLCs have added more armor, weapons, and, most importantly, animals to the game. Jump in after him. The Iberian lynx is the most endangered feline; as of 2013 possibly fewer than 300 . In Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Mystery points of interest are sites that offer a variety of activities and rewards. Now that you have found Barid, all you have to do is take him back to the Longhouse. seem to have a higher chance of dropping antlers. 18. r/ACValhalla. Once theyre about to reach you, use the Power of Jotunheim to teleport away so that you can push the shelves needed to advance. Pigs and Sheep are excellent for farming leather and animal parts. The Hunter's Hut was built in 873 by the Viking shieldmaiden Eivor Varinsdottir of the Raven Clan using resource gathered from raiding monasteries. This update, which is version 1.6.0, is set to hit PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms on the morning of August 2nd. Head to the Hodda Shelter afterward to find Carr and get your reward. We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! The alter requires 2 lynx paws. Where to get the Lynx Mount in Ireland. Can loot them, but no loot? Just go to the spot I've shown on the video and your golden. How to defeat Wildcats of the Weald. It definitely feels like the drop rate for those is lower than things such as deer hoofs and boar tusks. If you haven't yet fought a lynx yet, they are animals that lunge wildly. Players will find this one in Hamtunscire, England in the Dark Weald located west of the Afon River and southwest of Wincestre. WHALE: Will lure you to the world's edge and laugh when you desynchronize. To unlock the Lynx mount players will need to complete the first quest of the DLC called Blood Bond. Animaux Lgendaires. Work with him to escape the prison. Les affronter vous demandera . Assassin's Creed Valhalla guide, walkthrough. Just by repeating the same steps.You must be aware of that you can get nothing from one lynx when the next one will give your item. Published July 29, 2021 8:41 AM, Assassins Creed Valhalla Wrath of the Druids Snake Location Guide, Assassins Creed Valhalla Blood Bond Guide, AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok Hreidmars Cursed Armor Location, Treasures of River Dee Guide Assassins Creed Valhalla, War Letter Locations Assassins Creed Valhalla Sigrblot Festival, LoLdle Answers Today: Classic, Quote, Ability, Emoji, and Splash, Valorant Gekko Abilities, Contract, and Release Date Revealed. SEAL: Leather, Seal Tail. When you make it back to Barid, the king will ask for your advice on what to do with Thorstein. Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hare's Foot is a quest item you'll need quite early in the video game developed by Ubisoft in order to complete the Cerneley Offering Altar.. You should get possession of the needed items quickly, as most of them leave this resource. Because of their size, it's not often that they're right up on you. My guess is that the sex and age of the deer matter when getting antlers. There is more to hunting than just killing the animals in the game, players need to also collect the resources for these hunts and take on Hunting Deliveries. There's a young lynx and an elder one. Speak to Ingrid at Hodda Shelter afterward to get your reward. The Yngling Seax Dagger is an early weapon you can find in Norway, southwest of the Nottfall camp you raid early in the story. Find each Dwarf afterward at one of the Dwarven Shelters to receive additional rewards. It seems that none of the animals there drop trade items. In one of the houses, there are some dogs that you can kill and loot to obtain Dog Fangs in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. AC Valhalla has a rich and deep hunting mechanism that players can use to hunt various species of fauna spread throughout the map. I'm a freak when it comes to note taking. Destin will be tied up and surrounded by Jotun and Muspel warriors. Travel to Svoduforsar on the northwest edge of Vangrinn. In this video I'm . Equip the Power of Jotunheim and head further into the cave. (Blue): Poisonous. The river behind Ravensthorpe has tons of eels and is shallow enough to run through, which can make for some really entertaining spear fishing. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. This ability is perfect for nailing down those weak points. You will earn 1200 XP for each World Event you complete. The locations of all nine Legendary Animals begin as mystery markers on the map and will eventually morph into blue pawprints. Pick up the chest and go up the path on the right leading up to the first waterfall and jump to enter the cave behind it. This walkthrough will guide you to all Artifacts in Gullnamar Territory and how to get them. Once you meet Barid you get a mission called Blood Bond. In this video I'm going to show you 3 extremely perfect spot locations for lynx paws. This Farming / Fishing guide for Assassins Creed Valhalla will show you were to quickly and easily farm Lynx Paws. This page of IGN's Dawn of Ragnarok DLC Guide for Assassin's Creed Valhalla contains info to help you find all the Mysteries in Vangrinn. archaicdemon 1 year ago #1. Go to the back . To get his armor down quickly, you need to use your bow and target the weak spots. Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, 12 Best Weapons to Use in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Best Armor Sets to Use in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, 6 Best Abilities to Use in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Settlement Guide - Ravensthorpe Features and Upgrades, Abilities and Book of Knowledge Locations, Every Easter Egg To Find in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Daughters of Lerion - Locations and Battle Tips, Treasures of Britain - Locations and Guide, Hidden Ones Bureaus - Locations and Guides, Order of the Ancients - Templar Locations and Clues Guide, A Fated Encounter DLC Guide - Odyssey Valhalla Crossover, Character Customization Guide - Tattoos and Hairstyles, All Known Bugs, Glitches, Fixes, and Workarounds, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, The Simpsons Hit and Run Designer Wants to See a Remake - IGN Daily Fix. I thought maybe it was leather and it just didn't pop up on screen, but that's not the case. updated Nov 25, 2020. You can find him in Sciropescire, west of the Uriconium Ruins. Cookie Notice Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough by, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guide and Walkthrough. Avenge Quest is HERE!!! Each Dwarf in Distress will reward you with 450 XP and a clue to the location of one of Suttungr's Outriders. - Variety Gaming Content! Free him to get a clue to the location of Suttungr's Outrider Banir. AC Valhalla Black Bear Location. Arctic Foxwolves and Polar Bears are strictly found in Norway. Assassin Creed Valhalla: How To Get The Lynx Mount. When your back is turned, Linco will transform into a Jotun Dwarf and knock you out. In Dublin you meet your cousin Barid. 184. 2 yr. ago. Lets see how to unlock the Lynx Mount in Assassins Creed Valhalla. I also doubt that there are different ages and sizes of deer in this game, along with different drop rates. You play as the Viking warrior Eivor, who leaves his or her home of Norway in order to establish a settlement in merry old England. It's located in a main building . Use the Power of Muspelheim to reach the hammer, then return to Linco. Carry Mikke out of the tunnel and youll complete the event. Gaming community for the game Assassin's Creed:Valhalla. Franchise development and recruitment speacialists focused on startup franchsiors VIPER: Leather, Viper Egg. After saving Destin he can be found at Hodda Shelter. Then when you return, your mount should be visually correct. Exit the cell, grab your gear from the storage room in front of you, and kill the guard. lynx, (genus Lynx), any of four species of short-tailed cats (family Felidae) found in the forests of Europe, Asia, and North America. WINTER CHANTERELLE (Yellow): Restores health. Nope, just keep on killing them. Like other Legendary animals in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, the Blood Swine can be found in a separate boss arena, marked with a blue paw print on the map. Next, let's say you want to see what Banski is up to. As they can both attack at the same time, dodging is crucial here. They are needed for the Completionist All the Way trophy or achievement (100% Completion). This Assassin's Creed Valhalla Vangrinn Mysteries Walkthrough will guide you through all Mystery Locations in the Vangrinn Territory. Once at the top, you're . updated Jul 5, 2022. The Blood Swine can be found in a swamp in Eurvicscire and it is filled with tall grass that makes it hard to see your opponent. Completing Hunting . Players can farm resources from this animal in the Rygjafylke location in the game. When you reach the hunting area you will find a boss arena in the rocks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There are eleven legendary animals in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Ingrid can be found at some ruins about 800m northeast of Hodda Shelter. At the foot of a golden mountain, youll find Banksi. News, rumors, discussion and everything that goes with it for Ubisoft's latest Assassin's Creed : Valhalla, Press J to jump to the feed. Ingrid will be trapped in a pit by snakes, Jotuns and Muspels. How to defeat Gemad-Wulf. This guide on Where To Find All Heroic Sagas In AC Valhalla Dawn Of Ragnarok lists the location of all twelve tales of Gaefuleysi so you can collect . Posted Mar 9, 2022 by johnny-hurricane. One such feature is the ability to mount a Lynx. Each Dwarf in Distress mystery will have a Dwarf being threatened by enemies. This guide shows where to find all Alpha Animal Locations in AC Valhalla (also called Legendary Location: Wincestre. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Legendary Animals . Once the shelf is close enough to the opening, you can make the jump to open the chest with the Dwarven Blacksmith Helmet. Your job is to find the cats paw to tie the magic rope. Assassin's Creed Valhalla. ), PIG: Leather, Animal Heart, Guts, and Bone, SHEEP: Leather, Animal Heart, Guts, and Bone, SQUIRREL: Leather, Animal Heart, Guts, and Bone. The game brims with phenomenal main quests along with noteworthy . I am your host Lord Fenton. However, it oftentimes still lets me loot them. Location: You will find this altar in the western part of the region. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Carr is trapped inside a partially submerged cage, surrounded by Jotuns. This is Steinbjorn, and is directly north of the synchonization point. This allows you to steal the key from the guard. How To Enable Youtube Channel Monetization In 2022 (Guide), Assassins Creed Valhalla Trailer Out, Optimized for Xbox, You Can Now Play As Snoop Dogg In NHL 20 Starting Today, 10 Best Point & Click Games To Play (2023). The quest will start the minute you step down the boat in Ireland. Join. Gulr-vik Altar. When you arrive to this fight, you'll find two Lynxes. And . Speak to Linco and hell ask you to retrieve his hammer located in the center of the lava pool. This video guide will show you how fast you can get two Lynx Paws for the Altar. me in twitter username Skatha21 if you want to add me :D lets be friends Amber Gaming's Channel: stream, Valhalla, Viking Assasin's creed Valhalla game play lets playleave a like subscribe and hit the notification bell so you wont miss any of my live streams thank you!If you want me to talk more please commentHit the like, subscribe and turn notifications on so you don't miss anythingJust a dude from Finland who do videos about body transformation journey, pets/wolfdog, Assassin's creed games and perhaps later on about other gamesLink for opal maps:'s creed#Valhalla#Shorts#wolf#wolfdog#Viking#livestreamFirst try on the AC Valhalla#Livestream, Valhalla, Viking Assasins creed Valhalla game play lets playIf you want me to talk more please commentHit the like, subscribe and turn notifications on so you dont miss anythingJust a dude from Finland, body transformation journey, father, pet ownerWolfdog owner, 4 kids, Assassin's creed games RABBIT: Leather, Hare's Foot. the fact that most of their attacks at the end Found the Players will find this one in Hamtunscire, The house is located at about 160 meters southeast from . Good luck! This allows you to jump over some icicles and to a side room with a wealth chest containing the helmet. The locations of all nine Legendary Animals begin as mystery markers on the map and will eventually morph into blue pawprints. This Offering Altar requires 2x Lynx Paw. And while there are a number of typical bug fixes in this patch, this update . Mysteries get marked by blue icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. Lynx Paw location in Assasin's Creed Valhalla! 1. To reach the Dwarven Blacksmith Helmet, get to the far right side of the room to lure the rats to you, then when they get close, teleport to the middle Jotun plate. When the cutscene concludes, the mystery is completed, and one Skill Point is received. The following is a list of wildlife I have encountered, their drops, and notes. In AC Valhalla Polar Bears On the world map they are marked by this icon: . The Hunter's Hunt was an establishment in Ravensthorpe that served as the residence for Petra and her brother Wallace. Players can hunt down an Arctic Fox to get the Wolf Fang and Arctic Fur resource. WHALE: Will lure you to the world's edge and laugh when you desynchronize. You will encounter some enemies on your way but that wont be a big hindrance. This is where the mythical boar Gullinbursti was crafted. This alter requires 5 wolf claws. 0. None of the Mysteries are missable. Their map markers are blue in color. Take out these weak points to bring their stun bars down. Carr is located a short distance northeast of Afalvat Mylna. BLACKISH PURPLE RUSSULA (Purple): Restores Adrenaline. Takes away about half of your healthbar. Where is Madam Nazar Today in Red Dead Online (March 2023). There are a few mushrooms Eivor can snack upon, with varying effects. To begin the fight, get to the location shown in the map below, marked by the animal paw symbol. Replenishes rations. They're abundant AND slow! The world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla is absolutely massive and a joy to explore. Yes, Valhalla now includes even more companions that can join you on your adventures. Puzzle that caused us big problems was Unseal The Well during the quest Well Traveled. Horses haven't dropped a single thing for me so far. Wildcast of the Weald. Artifact Collectibles get marked by white icons on the world map automatically when synchronizing the viewpoints. We can also help with whether you want to let Rued Live or Die - Kill or Spare Rued Choice Consequences, or who to give silver to in AC Valhalla War Weary quest , and a well hidden AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden's Missive Rygjafylke World Event. He has a clue to the location of Suttungr's Outrider Banir. To be exact, you . FLY AGARIC: Woah, man, is that tree waving at us? RABBIT: Leather, Hare's Foot. The best thing to do against these lynxes is dodge at the very last moment when they attack you. Youll find a Dwarf named Jordri near a large tree. Use the ranged ability, Force of the Nornir, to slow down time and shoot anywhere from five to seven arrows at the lynx. Where to find Lynx and Lynx Paw for the Hunter Deliveries in Assassins Creed Valhalla.You only need to know the location of one animal as they respawn, you c. WILD BOAR: Leather, Wild Boar Tusk. Location. Maybe the trade items show up after going back to England? Deer do not stop antlers at all as far as I've seen. Sacrifice: 5 silica This resource can only be found during raids taking place in this region. They provided taxidermy services and facilitated fulfilling orders for specific hunting goods. This page of our AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok guide shows the locations of all Dwarven Altars appearing in Vangrinn region. If you need to charge the Hugr-Rip, you can find Hugr Blooms and a shrine to the right of the tunnel. However, if you wish to see this tale through to its very end, theres actually an additional cutscene for this event. A brutal death. I found a spot with dozens of wild boars if anyone needs them:, Yess thank you. One reliable place to find black bears in Assassin's Creed Valhalla is on the border of Lincolnscire and Ledecestrescire. While you can fast travel between points or traipse around on foot, you'll probably be spending a lot of time on your mount. Entering the arena will trigger a fight with the Blood Swine. Complete the mystery to earn 1 Skill Point. Four new abilities are introduced in the DLC, and each needs two Books of Knowledge to upgrade. Checked below and there's nothing on the sea floor but rocks. There's a young lynx and an elder one. Ceremonial Sickle location AC Valhalla Wrath of the . To unlock the Lynx mount players will need to complete the first quest of the DLC called Blood Bond. The fight isn't too difficult. You should immediately focus on the young lynx. You will find Felman at the sea's edge on the southern coast of Vangrinn. While Wrath of Druids focuses on new storylines and characters, there are some new collectibles and features as well. She has a clue to the location of Suttungr's Outrider Gygr. It was one of the first structures . Destin is located in southwest Vangrinn, in an enemy camp near a crossroad. Each one is found in a specific region in Norway and England. Location: you will find this . Exploring the seas found these three random floating signs. Interact with the character you find at the event marker to begin the quest. - MP Specialist! Assassin's Creed Valhalla is Ubisoft's latest open world action RPG. I was in Ledecestrescire and killed an older male deer with a large rack on two separate occasions and they both dropped antlers. Female deer do not grow horns in real life either. It's as easy to kill as . Thank you @lemmie88 for providing the link to the Megathread for this issue as we are continuing to track reports for our investigation. Youll need to use the Power of Muspelheim to carry Mikke through the tunnel out of the lava. STARFISH: I've been told they play to the beat of their own mayonnaise. In the next cell is a Dwarf named Mikke. Players could mount horses and use them for traveling in Assassins Creed Valhalla but now they can use a Lynx as well. On this page of the AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok guide you will find the location and description of all the dwarven altars available in the Vangrinn region. There are only male and female deer, and no young ones. Since mounts are so important to the moment-to-moment gameplay of Valhalla, you'll want to know how to get them and, of course, the best of the lot: the Hati Wolf. Draupnir Smida is located near the western border of Vangrinn. Power Level: 210. Gulr-vik Alter is located at the end of a small peninsula in the southwest corner of the map. It takes about 2-3 mins if your lucky. There are several lynxes in the area directly in front of the alter. Vangrinn contains 12 Mysteries in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (ACV). Male deer with huge racks (8 point maybe?) The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and the bobcat (L. rufus) live in North America.