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This from someone who never misses an opportunity to trumpet his commitment to openness and transparency. Submit a Letter to the Editor. These funds do not provide any transparency, often come from groups outside our state, cannot be regulated, and can have a significant impact on elections. Based on his experience working as both a criminal defense attorney and District Attorney, we believe that his extensive courtroom experience makes him uniquely qualified for this position. Read more on Doesn't it matter Congress members ignored congressional subpoenas? Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. As a student at WSU, Im proud to attend the oldest normal (or teacher) college west of the Mississippi River and study alongside many talented classmates preparing for jobs in the classroom, in health care and as law enforcement professionals. From reporting on all of your favorite teams to the news that matters most in your community, we cover it all. Please consider the following point when voting in the La Crosse County primary referendum question, and for the Wisconsin Supreme Court justice in the upcoming elections. It was recently reported in an April 16 article of the Star Tribune titled, "Trustee calls for U.S. marshals to get Denny Hecker goodies," that the Medina . Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. I think that BTC has completely lost the plot now. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, John S Dudkiewicz: What to consider when voting, Mark Bell: Speed limit should stay 45 on rural highway, Kaileigh Weber: State leaders should invest in higher education, Andrew Sweeney: As a community, we must protect children, Florence Sandok: Supporting Potasiewicz for court, Arla Clemons: Do your homework before Supreme Court vote, Amy Brezinka: Volunteer for the Alzheimers Association, DeLoris Malmberg: 'Pay it forward' a wonderful gift, Gerald Duffrin: Concerns about our democracy, Steve Cahalan: Aarons Reef aquatic pet store opens in downtown La Crosse, La Crosse man arrested in child sex sting, Aaron Rodgers is still with the Packers after his darkness retreat. Here's a look at the most-read letters - La Crosse Tribune | Facebook The committee gave no serious consideration to a proposal to keep the clock running after an incomplete pass. Doesn't it matter that people were killed in the capital? The Spartans are led by 5-foot-9 junior guard Julia Rybacki (14.5 ppg) and senior Heather Gaikowski (11.9 ppg, 8.2 rpg). Brett Knudsen: Why silence on train derailment? Passport to Other Cultures: local stories of the Hmong diaspora Mayoral candidates should explain how they will hold powerful institutions accountable for causing harm. I have a real issue with this. 1 of 5. To celebrate, they hosted a drag show. Then they show us how innocent they are by requesting a pardon. Log In. By Letters to the Editor 11 Feb 2023, 12:01am. She understands the problems of Wisconsinites, having worked through college and law school as a waitress and non-profit administrator. Following the election of a new speaker of the House, Congress can now carry out the work of the American people. It's going to flow better.". Plato's Closet La Crosse, WI. Doreen moved to the woods from Green Bay in 1984, married back-to-the-lander Steve ODonnell, and stayed to raise their three children after he died in 1997. Im wearing second-hand hats, second-hand clothes, thats why they call me Secondhand Rose. And so goes the song, popularized by singer and , I am writing in support of Tim Gaskell for Vernon County judge in the April 4 election. News . Read more on Only this visit was to a highly sanitized border that did not show the true picture. Also, with some exceptions, drones will not be allowed over the playing surface or the team area when teams are on the field. Home granville county sheriff election la crosse tribune letters to the editor. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Please subscribe to keep reading. Winona speaks up: Letters to the editor for the week of Mar. 3, 2023 The 58th Winter Commencement was held at the La Crosse Center Sunday, Dec. 18. Toggle navigation. Don't miss any of today's letters to the editor on the Tribune Opinion Page. Im wearing second-hand hats, second-hand clothes, thats why they call me Secondhand Rose. And so goes the song, popularized by singer and film actress Fanny Brice in the early 1900s, then later, by Barbara Streisand in the movie, Funny Girl.. It wasnt long before I realized just how expensive new clothes could be, so I frequented neighborhood rummage sales, and happily accepted hand-me-arounds from friends my age, clothes they no longer wanted. I have logged in my study-time. Todd Sommerfeldt can be reached at or via Twitter @SommerfeldtLAX. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Ellen M. Frantz: Program to focus on dark money in judicial races, Fred Kurtz: Biden, handlers want total government control, Lewis Kuhlman: House wrong to open door to more corruption, Sue Milisch: City leaders indifferent to needs of senior taxpayers, Steve Cahalan: Aarons Reef aquatic pet store opens in downtown La Crosse, La Crosse man arrested in child sex sting, Aaron Rodgers is still with the Packers after his darkness retreat. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. But it doesn't mean he's a criminal. Glenn Wolfe: Lincoln Middle School as homeless shelter? Kimberly DeFazio and Robert Wilkie write that UW-La Crosse requires teachers in the humanities to quantifiably measure the effects of great books, and claim that something called evidence-based teaching is being forced on professors and has thus made a mockery of academic freedom by t. It's a rural highway. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Polzin: Why Wisconsin AD Chris McIntosh hasnt lost faith in Greg Gard, Steve Cahalan: Aarons Reef aquatic pet store opens in downtown La Crosse, Aaron Rodgers is still with the Packers after his darkness retreat. Others are taking time off to recover. Text size. La Crosse Public Library Archives :: Tracking Down Tribune Articles la crosse tribune letters to the editor - Please subscribe to keep reading. Our weekly round-up of letters - La Crosse Tribune | Facebook This is a non-partisan position, but the extreme polarization that impacts other elected positions also impacts our court elections. The Panthers finished just ahead of the third-place Elkhorn co-op (137.9167) and fourth-place Mount Horeb (136.05). She averages 17.3 points and 5.4 assists and has made 38 3-pointers this season. You can register for this public event at our website at Letters: Fine words on Ukraine will mean little if Britain doesn't send jets. We need to vote for responsible and talented people to govern us. When we first met, Tim was in a private law practice, a significant part of his practice was as a criminal defense attorney. Johnson has scored more than 20 points in two of her past four games, and she helped the Panthers become the second team this season to beat Elk Mound (25-2) on Thursday. Letters from readers - Star Tribune Learn more at La Crosse speaks up: Letters to the editor for the week of Feb. 17, 2023. Hunter Biden. We need less government oversight, not more. Critical race theory simply observes that a race of people that is dominant tends to use systems that diminish people of other races. Email You have permission to edit this article. Many citizens will not be informed when they vote. By keeping their confidence, the Panthers came back and scored a 34.633 on the uneven bars, and that was only beaten by Nicolets 34.817. This outlet covers news and events happening in the Lake Geneva-area local government, schools, and businesses. Our weekly round-up of letters published in the La Crosse Tribune. To meet our states workforce needs, and ensure strong, safe and vibrant communities, students like me cant afford another tuition increase and further disinvestment of our basic needs. After all, we have all seen how well that has worked on Losey Boulevard and Mormon Coulee Road. NCAA's proposed rule changes a good start, Kirby Smart says. The Panthers went out and made that a reality on Friday with a second-place finish in the WIAA Division 2 state meet at Wisconsin Rapids High School. When I called back I got the message that it was BTC but we cant take your call right now. You have permission to edit this collection. The paper was first founded in 1904, following a media scandal in which existing publications failed to report on the recent creation of a power monopoly in La Crosse. La Crosse speaks up: Letters to the editor for the week of Jan. 20 He tried, he really did. Get in-depth stories from the La Crosse metro area and beyond - including news, sports, opinion, obituaries, entertainment, and politics. Kokomo, IN (46901) Today. We kill off the native creatures, drain the swamps, cut down the forests, poison the rivers and lakes, dig huge holes, deplete the soil and foul the . Ideas have consequences. These shops are just two of many businesses in Viroquas downtown. or. There are those who will be diligent, read the responses to specific questions presented to the candidates. Please subscribe to keep reading. La Crosse, WI Full Time Feb. 16, 2023 View all featured jobs. Our weekly round-up of letters published in the La Crosse Tribune. My Aunt Debbie, seven years older than I, and clothed by my grandmother with a grandmothers sense of style, was more my size, only taller. Each writer is limited to one published letter every two months. This is called voting with your head in the sand.. Stuff in our apartment came from fathers store. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Todd Sommerfeldt has covered sports for the La Crosse Tribune since 2003 after doing the same previously in the Fox Cities and Rock County. At times, he has strayed from fundamental mainstream psychological and medical science, and promoted controversial ideas that potentially have had adverse impact on his readership. I did my purchasing and got up to the till and lo and behold I was told that my purchases had been paid for by the person behind me -- a "pay it forward. Letter . General . Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Even clothes Im wearing, someone wore before. That was my dad to a T. Dad was a salesman by trade and could find a deal on virtually anything. Im not sure I was able to hide my horror and disappointment when I opened my present. Low 36F. Letters To The Editor | WIAA girls basketball: A look at Saturday's sectional finals. MADISON Jackson Shramek fully understood what stood between him and a WIAA Division 3 state championship on Saturday night. The Office of Congressional Ethics is one of the only safeguards against corruption in Congress. You can cancel at any time. la crosse tribune letters to the editor - Not only just a drag show, but an all ages welcome drag show. You have 250 words remaining. We are proud of our employees and value their role and commitment to carrying on our mission for the next 100 years. Todd Sommerfeldt - La Crosse Tribune, Wis. (TNS) Mar 3, 2023 20 min ago; Facebook; Not gonna lie, OHearn said when asked about her level of concern after the floor exercise. However, minerals for batteries are mined under highly pollutive and environmentally devastating conditions. Alzheimers impacts more than 6 million individuals and it was energizing to meet other volunteers who are pas, What a happy experience. There is nothing good about grown men dressing up as women to get up on a stage and dance, especially if there are children present. WIAA state team gymnastics: West Salem co-op places second in Division 2 1 of 11 Kay Evenson: Be informed for Supreme Court vote this month Feb 1, 2023 There is a big decision to be made on Tuesday, February 21. . WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis. The West Salem co-op gymnastics team understood it had a chance to make this season a special one when the season began, and expectations only grew from there. Aquinas High School boys basketball coach Brad Reinhart walked off the court to discuss his team's WIAA Division 4 regional quarterfinal win o, MADISON He won, he shook hands with his own coaches and those of his opponent, and he raced up the stairs that separate Sections 116 and 117. This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to groom the next generation to embrace sexual perversion. 1 by The Associated Press, but a loss to Alma Center Lincoln knocked them down a spot entering the tournament. I learned something recently that really surprised me. As a District Attorney for Vernon County, Tim now has the ability to choose his cases based on merit and, is in a position to select who to prosecute. Whether the platform be social media, broadcast journalism, print journalism and even local newspapers, they too must bear responsibility for providing a stage that spreads dubious health information.