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White. Female. Age eight years. Barton would leave Johnstown a hero. Female. Seven counties were declared a disaster area, suffering $200million in property damage, and 78 people died. Sent to Prospect. Weight 110. Many bodies were never identified, and hundreds of the missing were never found. Charred in Pershing's field in a burnt drift pile beyond recognition. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Identified by her mother. Prospect, June 14th. Hair half gray. Height about 4 feet. Male. Silver ring left hand. [3] Adding the width of the emergency spillway to that of the main spillway yielded the total width of spillway capacity that had been specified in the 1847 design of William Morris, a state engineer. Right wrist badly scarred and crippled at one time Supposed to be enciente. Age twenty-two. Girl Age about eight years old. Small plain gold ring on left hand. Female. Gold watch. Supposed to be Maggie Hipp. Large. Male. Purse with $1.96. Age about twenty-five. Face very much disfigured. Red waist, worked. Cord braid at waist. Daughter of Charles Prosser, of Cresson. Black stockings. James Reese. The other three investigators, William Worthen, Alphonse Fteley, and Max Becker, did not attend. Chain with small bucket charm. Weight 130. Left leg off three inches below the knee. Hand-knit open-worked sacque.
The Johnstown Flood in rare pictures, 1889 White dress and skirt plaited. Age about forty. Two bodies. Age fifty. Small earrings with ball attached. Loesch. Red dress. Female. Black wool hose. White underclothing. Gold breast pin with brilliant setting. Dark hair. At 3:10 P. HISTORY OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD by WILLIS FLETCHER JOHNSON. Female. Female. A presentation on the diaries will be given this coming week, marking the 118th anniversary of the flood, before the collection is made a part of the Johnstown Flood Museum's permanent exhibit by 2009. Ear-drops set with white glass sets. Buried in. A round Harrison and Morton badge. Skewered by a huge tree uprooted by the flood, the house floated down from its location on Union Street to the end of Main. Female. Height about 5 ft. 5 in. Black coat. $5.08 in pockets. Dark dress Black stockings. A Hebrew. Height 4 feet 6 inches Brown hair. Medium height. Cotton undershirt. Very long dark hair, plait in back. Male.
Over 2,000 die in the Johnstown Flood - HISTORY 2-foot rule in pocket. Shoes number 5 or 6. Woolen cloth waist barred gray and black. Brown and white ring hose. Black hair. 11 shoe. No valuables. The area surrounding the city is prone to flooding due to its location on the rivers, whose upstream watersheds include an extensive drainage basin of the Allegheny plateau. 7. Light hair.
Two bodies found with gunshot wounds in Johnstown house - Yahoo! News Eleven years old. Thirty years. Small button shoes. Elastic garter. Light brown hair. Buttoned shoes, with patent leather tips. Weight 70. Long, dark brown hair, calico dress. Worsted coat. Plain gold band ring on third finger of left hand. Age fourteen years. Red underskirt. Silver ring. Full black suit of clothing. Height 3 feet 6 inches. Age about twenty. Valuables recovered by brother, T. P. Keedy. Residents were caught by surprise as the wall of water and debris bore down, traveling at speeds of 40 miles per hour (64km/h) and reaching a height of 60 feet (18m) in places. One black stocking and one button shoe. height. Age three months. Blue plaid dress. Encyclopdia Britannica. Burnt and unrecognizable. Age about twenty. No valuables. Red bandana handkerchief Blue and white cotton hose. Blue flannel underskirt. Age seventeen. During the day in Johnstown, the situation worsened as water rose to as high as 10 feet (3.0m)[13] in the streets, trapping some people in their houses. Five years old. Female. Light cloth waist with oval brass buttons. White and black checkered body. Height 4 feet 9 inches. $497million in 2016), and 4 square miles (10km2) of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed. Height 5 feet Light complexion. Gingham apron. Red flannel drawers. Fair complexion. Black stockings. Female. Aged about five years. Stucke, of Sewickley. Age twelve to fourteen. Dark hair. Light hair. Two gold rings on left hand, one with amethyst setting and one plain, marked "M. J. H.". The Johnstown flood occurred when a Pennsylvania dam failed after days of heavy rain. Light brown hair, slightly gray. One plain gold ear-ring One ring, double heart. Female. Working shoes. Red flannel underwear. Small plain gold ring and one thimble. Age twenty-three. Before hitting the main part of Johnstown, the flood surge hit the Cambria Iron Works in the town of Woodvale, sweeping up railroad cars and barbed wire. Height 4 feet 6 inches Buttoned shoes, spring heels. Light hair slightly gray. Babe. Blue coat and vest. Brown hair. A few weeks old. Small foot. Maroon colored dress. High button shoes. Age about fourteen. Gray pants, black thread run through.
2,209 killed: Johnstown flood's legacy lives on 125 years later Female. Eventually, gravity caused the surge to return to the dam, resulting in a second wave that hit the city from a different direction. Gold ring marked James Potts, died March, 1874. Male. Dark, luxuriant hair. Burnt up almost. Supposed to be Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Holmes. Very heavy build. Middle-aged. High button shoe. Sex unknown. Age sixty. Female. Purse with seventeen cents. Supposed to be nursing. Dark pants, striped. Black eardrops. Found in Kernville. The flood caused 17 million dollars in damages. Hazel eyes. Age about fifty-five. Weight 125. Sacque with beads. Body taken by her brother. Female. Head severed from body. Auburn hair. Two rings on left hand. Age about twenty-five. Button gaiters. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Blue eyes Black Hair. Age about thirty-five. Pocketbook. Burned beyond recognition. Age about eight. Ring on left hand. Male. One small key. Auburn hair. Age about three years. Scapular around neck. Slim waist. Blue and brown striped shirt pleated in front, pearl buttons. Blue calico basque figured with white squares. White. Black dress buttoned in back. White. 11 cents in pocket-book. Plain gold ring. Age about nineteen. Female. Black dress. Brown hair, turning gray. Female. Leather boots. Blue waist. Blue calico dress. Male. Ring, marked I. (?)
District Judge remembers task of identifying every '77 Flood body Ear drop with small balls attached. Foot of female. Brown calico wrapper with polka dots. Ear-drops. Two rings with clover leaf pearl set. Finger-rings and gold stud. Plaid wool skirt. Sent to Prospect. Black and white skirt. Brown dress. Female. Age eight. P.R.R. Ring on right hand. Black knee pants supported by suspenders. Dark blue eyes. [8] Developers' artificial narrowing of the riverbed to maximize early industries left the city even more flood-prone. Dark brown eyes Pocket-book containing $43.35. Slippers. Height 5 feet 2 inches. Papers, etc. Female. 0:00. Pair of cuff-buttons. Age fifteen. 5 large keys. About this Item . Plain ear-rings. Lace shoes Blue waist Black coat. Diamond ring on third finger left hand with garnet. Plain gold ring Small ear-drop. Age sixty. Black and white barred flannel drawers. Knox and Reed successfully argued that the dam's failure was a natural disaster which was an Act of God, and no legal compensation was paid to the survivors of the flood. Male. Plain gold ring on second finger of right hand. Knee pants, black ribbed. Red flannel underskirt. Black stockings. Height 5 feet 7 1/2 inches. Breast-pin. Oroide watch. [11] Lake Conemaugh at the club's site was 450 feet (140m) in elevation above Johnstown. Two gold rings. Eye-glasses. Female. Light brown hair. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. White. Age about five years. Female. Light brown hair. One pocket-book containing two five dollar gold pieces, and one piece of gold bullion and one ten dollar gold piece, one key and one cent Also another pocket containing three pieces of old coin, two coppers and fifteen dollars in greenbacks. Tall Brown hair. Age about thirteen. Three keys and a bunch of keys. Corsets. Female. Blue dress.
Johnstown Police find decomposing bodies, cremated remains at funeral Light brown hair. Identified by D. M. Given. Gray eyes. Dog Treats in Hollsopple on Red flannel skirt. Dark hair. Unidentified containers of cremated remains and decomposing bodies were found in a Johnstown, New York funeral home after police executed a search warrant Friday. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Two gold band rings. Male. Weight about 225. Age seven. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. Age nine. Plain ring on right hand. Gold pin. Quite aged. White skirt. Black eyes. Male. (Age eighteen to twenty?). By dark, the entire city was a lake anywhere from 10 to 30 feet deep, the destruction so nearly complete that all many could do was pray. White dress trimmed with embroidery. Hair black. Plaid dress pleated in front. (Epilogue: Page 403) 17 likes. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Record of Bodies. Identified afterwards as Francis Fores (Feris). Green and purple striped dress. The dam was 72 feet (22m) high and 931 feet (284m) long. Age about twelve. true. Female. Blue calico dress with star figures. Female. Mustache black. White linen collar with brilliant collar-button. Brown hair. Burlap apron. Supposed to be Mr. Evans, Machinist. Child. Gold watch, No. Age about nine months. Boy. Gloria's father, John Hamilton, is a wealthy lumber man who controls a dam upstream of the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Short white hair. Brown hair. Male. He quickly assembled a group of men to save the face of the dam by trying to unclog the spillway; it was blocked by the broken fish trap and debris caused by the swollen waterline. Following the 1936 flood, the United States Army Corps of Engineers dredged the Conemaugh River within the city and built concrete river walls, creating a channel nearly twenty feet deep. When the flooding began, the area's telegraph lines were down, preventing anyone. Plain gold ring with raised square centre and diamond set, on second finger of left hand. Black overcoat. Brown hair. KEELER & CO., 1889 Disastrous flood (1889) in the town of Johnstown, Pa., U.S. Johnstown lies at the confluence of the Conemaugh River and Stony Creek; at the time of the flood it was a leading U.S. steelmaking centre. No valuables. Child. Pocket-knife. One cuff-button and large key. Middle-aged. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Small button shoes. Weight 160. Flannel skirt. Auburn hair. Plaid dress, no sleeves. About eighteen. Black stockings. Age ten. Brown hair. All but the hips and lower limbs burned away. Gun screw-driver. Long breast-pin with brilliants. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Identified and removed by her mother. Two dollar and a half gold breast-pin. Screw-driver. At first supposed to be George Helsel, but found to be a mistake.
The Johnstown Flood (1926) - IMDb Red woolen stockings.
Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love - POLITICO Pencil Several letters. Light brown hair, cut very short. 29-10. Pocket-book, containing $1 in paper and $1.30 in silver. Officials say the search at the . Female. Weight 125 pounds. Black hair. [3] Modern dam-breach computer modeling reveals that it took approximately 65 minutes for most of the lake to empty after the dam began to fail. Plain gold ring. Red waist anchor figures. Weight 60. Received of J.A. Muslin drawers. Blue eyes. Workers lowered the dam, which had been 72 feet high, by 3 feet. Supposed to be a Fitzharris. One gold ring. People who . Part of a skirt of a petticoat, the band of which was made of ticking The shoulder strap holding up the skirt was of the same material. Age eight. Pocket-knife Bone tooth-pick $6.31. Comb in pocket. Very short nose. Female. Old scar on left side of face. Age six. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Female. Gingham apron. Black hair. Large carved gold ring on third finger of left hand. Silver watch, knife, etc., taken by A. Craver of Ebensburg. Very few clothes on. Aged. Slippers. Age sixty-five. engraved thereon. Revisiting the timing and events leading to and causing the Johnstown Flood of 1889. Black hair Long coral breast-pin. Female. Wart on left shoulder. Weight 50. THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. The Johnstown Flood. Calico dress. Height 5 feet. Laced shoes. Coleman, Neil M., Kaktins, Uldis, and Wojno, Stephanie (2016). Woolen shirt, has evidently been blue. "Johnstown". Male. Son of J. L. Smith, marble cutter. Black jersey coat. Knife, books, papers, etc. Barred flannel drawers. Weight about 170. Weight 150. The lake was about 2 miles (3.2km) long, about 1 mile (1.6km) wide, and 60 feet (18m) deep near the dam. Red and black striped shirt. Dark pants. Age about thirty. Rhinestone ear-rings ruby set, two sets lost out. Light eyes. Barred dress. The Carnegie Library in Johnstown is now operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association,[28] which has adapted it for use as the Johnstown Flood Museum. White skirt, Woolen underwear. St. John's Cemetery. Breast-pin. Female. Blue calico dress. Weight 65. Blue coat with four pleats. Nothing but a rule. Female. Buttoned shoes. Black hose. Light complexion. Green cloth dress Blue checkered apron and white apron underneath Gold ring with red set. Red barred flannel underskirt. Match safe. Button shoes. [10] These alterations are thought to have increased the vulnerability of the dam. Taken back to Johnstown, Pa. Sandy hair. Female. $5.00 in gold. Button shoes. Male. Height about 3 feet 6 inches. Black hair. Of Woodvale's 1,100 residents, 314 died in the flood. Dark eyes Right hand deformed. Buried at St. John's, June 9th. No valuables or other articles. 329 Railroad street, Johnstown, Pa. Black striped waist. Female Age eighteen months. by Mr. Hayes' order. Black pants Toy pistol. Height five feet. Dark hair. Small tooth-pick. So not only was there a wall of water hitting the town, it brought it's own weapons. Black hair. Dark complexion. Rosette breast-pin, black, bound with gold and set with pearls. Black woolen stockings, home knit Buttoned shoes. Red underwear. Male. Lead-pencil. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Black stockings. Male. Wooden pipe. Weight 135.
How far away were bodies found from the Johnstown flood? Summarizing the floods impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Debris from the Johnstown Flood. Height 4 feet 5 inches.
History of the Johnstown Flood, p.178 Male. Male. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. Black dress. White cotton underskirts. Gray wool undershirt. Red hair and mustache. Red flannel waist. Plain string and bag around her neck. A Wood & Morrell store-book. Age six months. Ribbed stockings. Red and black striped skirt, stripes one inch wide. Age one and one-half years. Package of Japanese headache cure. Earring-drop. 65 and collar-button worked in. Weight 170. Black coat. Age thirty. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Red hair. Overall, I'd rather have a flood hit a brewery and be filled with barrels than barbed wire. Age eighteen. Age sixteen. Valuables placed in hands of her son Patrick. Blue gingham striped apron Blue woolen dress. Weight 160. Blue eyes. It began to prosper with the building of the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal in 1836 and the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Cambria Iron Works in the 1850s. Initials R. A. W. Valuables. Knit stockings. Heavy gray undershirt. Weight 140. Weight 110. Black hair. Pair of steel knuckles Key. Male. Dark complexion. One thimble. Female. He had just sat down to eat his supper when the crash came, and the whole family, consisting of wife and eight children, were . Middle-aged. Spring heeled shoes. Buried at "Prospect," June 9th. Found at Conemaugh furnace. The death toll hit 2,209 with one out of three bodies found being unidentifiable.
Female. Weight 100 White. Male. Gray hair. Lace collar. Unmarried. Blue dotted waist and new buttoned shoes. Supposed to be child of J.M. Winter opening hours have begun for the Johnstown Flood Museum and Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Childrens Museum: we are CLOSED Tuesdays and Wednesdays; OPEN Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 10:00 am-5:00 pm; and OPEN Sundays from noon-5:00 pm. Blood set. Age two and a half years. Imagen de la librera. Brown wool hose, white feet. Blue, brown and white striped shirt Gum coat. Sent to Morgue by Alexander Hart. Age about 55. Age thirty-five to forty. Age about four years. Badly burned. Cuff-buttons in wrist band of sleeve White cotton socks. 12, Grand View. Buttoned shoes. Coleman, Neil M., Wojno, Stephanie, and Kaktins, Uldis. Age forty Black pants. Tobacco pipe. Blonde hair. Weight 60. Blue dress. ticket. Smooth face. $1.10 in silver. Brown hair. No shirt. Black stockings. Light hair partly gray. One pair silver scissors. Female. Weight about 50. About twenty years. Found just below Lincoln bridge.
Burial Records - Johnstown Flood National - National Park Service Sent to Prospect. Age twelve. Striped flannel shirt. Gold watch and chain. Female. Brown canton skirt. Light underwear. Black stockings, with red and gray stripes on the top. Age twenty-five. Light drawers. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Silver open faced watch. Male. Two pocket-knives. Weight 225. Female. Scapular around her neck. Gum boots. One small ear-drop. Dark blue suit. Short nose. Coleman, Neil M., Wojno, Stephanie, and Kaktins, Uldis.
Johnstown Flood Victims | Access Genealogy Large broad face. The owner's license was suspended . New buttoned shoes No. Red flannel skirt. According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; 124 women and 198 men were widowed; 98 children were orphaned; and one third of the dead, 777 people, were never Plain gold ring. Male. Bunch of keys with checks and name. Deformed. Age twenty. Female. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet 6 inches. High broad forehead. Weight 150. Age eight. Money returned to committee on valuables. Black hair. Had shoes on. Calico dress cut in two at waist. Female. Light hair Gray wool dress pleated. Female. Large hair-pin. Age eight or nine. Sandy hair. D. Rees, his nephew, June 4. Plain gold ring. White. It took workers three months to remove the mass of debris, the delay owing in part to the huge quantity of barbed wire from the ironworks entangled with the wreckage. With blue merino stockings. Age forty-seven to fifty. One stud Taken by friends. Plaid underskirt. Package of Japanese headache cure. Home knit red flannel skirt. Large pocket-knife and five cents. Watchman at Wire Mill. Female. Age eighteen. White and black or blue striped collar. Blue woolen stockings. Male. Tall and large. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Blue eyes. Gingham apron. Female. Age about eight. Home-knit stockings. Also child found. Weight about 75 pounds. Door key. Rather small face Striped black and white skirt, pleated front and pearl buttons. Button shoes. Male Age twenty. Gray woolen dress with red and white mixed stripes and brass buttons. Identified by his wife. Male. 1889 Johnstown Flood morgue records of found bodies Disk will be mailed pdf . Age forty-three. Medium size. Age two to three years. Black coat. Height 5 feet 4 inches Auburn hair. Plaid skirt. Age thirty-five. Bunch keys Match safe. Top of head bald. One set diamond ear-drops. Valuables placed in hand of Mr. Ossenburg, brother-in-law. Weight 125. Two plain hoop rings on third finger of left hand. Gaiter shoes. Black hair. Samples of dress and skirt on coffin. Age not known. Male. Black hair. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Presbyterian Church Morgue No. Red skirt, with six inches of checkered cloth at top of band. Weight 130. Weight about 75. Dark flowered calico waist. One plaited ring. B. I. or J. Barred cotton dress pleating in front, buttoned behind. Two rings on right hand. Heavy brown hair, plat, and tied with black ribbon. Jacob Nolen says that John Thomas (?) St. Louis, Mo Lady's gold open-faced watch, stem-winder. But at around 10:30 a.m. Thursday - 39 years and one day to the date of the flood - workers with Everett-based Cottle's Asphalt Maintenance found that Yamaha 200 buried in the ground while they . Red short basque with red buttons on it. Removed to Catholic Cemetery. Pair of new gum boots. Height 3 feet. Light hair. Brownish red hair. Ring with setting on right hand. Thirty pennies. Black diagonal coat and pants. Small key. Gold ring, small. Saloon-keeper, Clinton street. Weight 115. Male. Black jersey, large buttons. Earrings plain gold. Scapular. Rubber finger ring in pocket. White handkerchief around neck. Valuables given to Mrs. A. Small child. Dark high button shoes. However, owing to the delay at the stone arch, the flood waters gained renewed hydraulic head, resulting in a stronger, more abrupt wave of water hitting places downstream than otherwise would have been expected. Male. Very heavy. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Manhood age. Very small shoes. Shumaker. Female. Male. Supposed to be Meredith, above Caldwell's store. A roadside plaque alongside Pennsylvania Route 56, which follows this river, proclaims that this stretch of valley is the deepest river gorge in North America east of the Rocky Mountains. Key. Black or gray wool skirt with two broad ruffles at bottom. One very small key. The new river walls withstood Hurricane Agnes in 1972, but on the night of July 19, 1977, a severe thunderstorm dropped eleven inches of rain in eight hours on the watershed above the city and the rivers began to rise. Gray underskirt. Male. Now the lake is draining due to drought and climate change. Comb with glass beads. Interred in Sandy Vale or Grand View. Weight 180. Age thirty-five. Apron with red bar. Age about thirty-six. Inside of locket a star with S. H, words trademark alone a star. Age twenty-five. So did the grim work of recovering the bodies of the dead. Last summer, Beale's yellowing journals were found in an old Philadelphia carriage-house, shedding new light on a catastrophe that killed 2,209. Gum coat. Laced shoes. Gold ear-rings. As it hit Johnstown, all hell broke loose. Female. [9] During the night, small creeks became roaring torrents, ripping out trees and debris. Weight about 110. Home-knit hose. Badge of Junior Mechanics 43 cents in change. Black and gray mixed knee pants. Large. No shoes. Age thirty-eight. Female. Boy of sixteen or seventeen years (Johnstown). Adding to these factors, slag from the iron furnaces of the steel mills was dumped along the river to create more land for building. Well dressed. Female. Lace waist over top of dress. Age about twenty-one. Age twenty. Received valuables of 277. Sacred heart. Age thirty-one. Aged. Black and green striped skirt. Female. Dark hair. Blue striped waist and dress. Female. Identified by the father. Two keys. Female. Valuables. (Cambria Iron Co., Miller.). Boy. Cash $79.09. Height 5 feet 4 inches. The in-depth story of the deadly 1889 Johnstown Flood caused by the Johnstown Dam Collapse.On Memorial Day of 1889, western Pennsylvania was caught by a mass. Female. Age fifty. Blue dress. Male. No valuables. Height 5 feet. White cotton underwear with pearl buttons. Muslin drawers. Age about sixteen years. Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. Black jersey. Though the Flood of 1889 bears the name of Johnstown, the reason for the flood started 14 miles up river at "Lake Conemaugh." The 3-mile long body of water was originally called the Western Reservoir and was built by the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal system in 1852.