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Overall, it is a casual time meant to introduce the child to his teacher and establish bonds of trust. Uncategorized. (Gerard J. Tortora), Rubin's Pathology (Raphael Rubin; David S. Strayer; Emanuel Rubin; Jay M. McDonald (M.D. *Standard property includes mausoleums, niches, urn gardens and select lawns (10% savings). | P.IVA e C.F. If Whittier thrills you, the best way to enjoy its abundant recreation and social amenities is to buy one of the homes in this area. home visiting has shifted over the years to focus more on teachers learning about their students and students' families (e.g., Goldin et al., 2018; Kyle, 2011). Ms. Lani is originally from the Philippines.
Home Visitation Forms | osse issues and writing issue 030, s. 2020 in Paragraph 3 that from March 1 to March 12, 2021, the school shall conduct intervention and remediation activities based on the learners' unique needs as determined California Community College. I was introduced to Montessori when one of my kids entered the school, and I just fell in love with its philosophy. I am Ms. Beth, and I joined The Springs in 2014. Read. Blocks, puzzles, games, and/or outdoor play are just fine. We are able to connect and converse with the families, especially those who dont usually visit the school. Modules. Have you ever had a student who has been absent for consecutive days or weeks? Learning outside school buildings may be the new normal that will welcome the students as schoolyear 2020-2021 opens in August, Senator Sherwin Gatchalian said Wednesday. Parent (s) /Other Primary Caregiver(s) Address: Primary Telephone Number of Residence: Date of Home Visit: Name of Person in the Home: Relationship to Student:. Some children may not want to engage with the teacher or may get upset. Ms. Savannah is beyond excited about what this new year at The Springs has in store for her! These reports include most of the data related to the school and students such as Class Records, IPCRF, and other documents. You will find ancient relics that could inspire your next project. Use the module PBB Update: DepEd qualifies for PBB 2021 The Department of Education (DepEd) has qualified to receive the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Pinag-aaralan ng DepEd na gawing 2 weeks na lang ang summer vacation Pinag-aaralan na ng Department of Education (DepEd) na gawing dalawang Ready Made Editable RPMS e-Portfolio with KRA and MOVs forSY 2022-2023 Free Download KRA 1 CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY OBJECTIVE 1: Grade 6 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key The following are some reminders in using this module: 1. As such, separation anxiety is often most difficult on toddlers, so we try to give you as many tools as possible to help minimize the stress for your entire family. From infancy to 5th grade, Ms. Savannah was a Montessori child at Montessori of Roseborough, where she grew up in Mount Dora, Florida. Other terms and conditions apply. She came to the states as an au pair in 2007 for a family of four and completed her Bachelors Degree in Information Technology from George Mason simultaneously. She has two children; both are Montessori students. My name is Sousan Moradi. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Tattle Life Model Recommends, Get your online template and fill it in using progressive features. Example credit transaction: A total purchase price of $ 18,000 financed at 0% with a 10% down payment would require 48 monthly payments of $303.75. Follow the simple instructions below: Getting a legal expert, making a scheduled appointment and going to the workplace for a personal conference makes finishing a Home Visitation Form from start to finish stressful. 051, s.2021 5th Division Management Committee Meeting DM No. Ms.Nikki is excited to welcome each child as her own and is always willing to learn more every day. The city has a rich diversity of flora and fauna as well as the perfect climate for outdoor recreation. My first introduction to Montessori was in 2001, when I received my Montessori teaching credential from the Toronto Montessori Institute. With spectacular views and expertise in the cultural traditions you cherish, Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary offers unparalleled funeral and cemetery services in the Whittier area. Examples Of A Cynical Person,
(PDF) TEACHERS RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION FOR STUDENTS-AT - ResearchGate Just add your logo, upload photos, choose new text fonts and colors, and include widgets and conditional logic to make your form more useful and generic to fill out. Others: __________________________________________________________. 7719 Fullerton Road, Springfield, VA 22153, It is not a time of evaluation. The teacher will arrive and her focus will be establishing a bond between her and the child. Do not force the issue. One of the solutions that the Department of Education has indicated to be effective in making students come back to school is the conduct of Home Visitation. Communicate the purpose of your visit and approximately how long the visit will last (30 to 45 minutes). Enjoy smart fillable fields and interactivity. LLC, Internet
Students who thrive on hands-on learning and absorbing as much information as possible really find their niche here. US Legal Forms allows you to rapidly generate legally-compliant papers according to pre-created web-based blanks. Hon. HOME VISITATION RESIDENCY VERIFICATION FORM Name of Student: Name of School: Parent (s) /Other Primary Caregiver (s) Address: Primary Telephone Number of Residence: Date of Home Visit: Name of Person. The following teachers shall be exempted from home visitation during ECQ, MECQ and GCQ: teachers who are sixty (60) years old and above; teachers with immunodeficiency, . Service, Contact Settling in New Jersey upon arriving in the states, Ms. Ayla was a stay-at-home mom of four before moving to Virginia and joining a local Montessori school three years ago. For the purpose of easy access, I placed the forms on one folder which you can download on the link below. She is excited to bring PE to all age groups at The Springs! If you are anxious, your child will pick up on it, which will only reinforce and increase his or her anxieties. . Attached here is sample letter to the principal asking for permission to conduct home visitation. The Department of Education has issued the official enrollment and survey form to be used starting June 1, 2020. I enjoy teaching in all classroom areas, but the Sensorial area resonates with me, and I hope with the children too. My Account, Forms in Her career took a different turn, and she was introduced to Montessori by a relative of hers. Home Visitation Forms | osse Office of the State Superintendent of Education - A + A Listen Home Visitation Forms Please view and complete the 2021-22 school year home visitation forms. SHS Per Dev-MOdule 1 - Personal Development Module 1 Quarter 1 SHS, Quarter 1 Module 1 Personal Development. All Categories. Home visitation is basically teachers visiting learners in their homes and talk with the parents to identify the problems why their child is no longer attending school. Select the area you want to sign and click. There are many ways to conduct home visitation but as a starter, there are several forms which are readily available that we can use. While it will be tempting to ask questions about the program, discuss parental anxieties or point out your childs capabilities, it is crucial that the child remain the focus of the visit. I also have a degree in Accounting. DepEd releases multi-year guidelines on the RPMS-PPST FEB 0 3 2023 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. Fill in the blank areas; engaged parties names, addresses and phone numbers etc. This is how home visitation is very crucial in this time. home visitation deped new normal. It is your responsibility to independently verify the information on the site. Key words: home visit, academic achievement, parent involvement, classroom behavior, and mixed method. And the responsibility is thrown back to us and we are challenged to do something about it. Here are the English and Filipino Versions of the said forms as attached in the DepEd Order No. Grandparent/s Mahalaga talagang kumustahin natin sila para masabi nila ang kanilang problima lalo na sa module.-LJ Mandih-Follow me on fb page and instagram : LJ Mandih#PAANOMOMATULUNGANANGANGIYONGMGAESTUDYANTESAGITNANGPANDEMYA#Brgy./HomeVisitationOfOurLearners #HomeVisitation #NewNormalclass#ModularClass#Barangay#Sindangan#ZamboangadelNorte#TalingaSindangan#LowerInumanSindangan#UpperInumanSindangan#Module#Edukasyon#DepedPhilippines#ZamboangaDelNorteDivision#SNAS#SeniorHighSchoolPhilippines#SeniorHighSchool#ModularClass#NoFacetoFace#LJMandih#Mandih#lorriejanemandih#lorriejane#Edukasyonparasabayan#EdukasyonParaSaBata#EducationForAll#Education#Visits#Visitation#DepEd#SchoolYear2020-2021#DatuTangkilan#Mandih#Learning#LDM#IPCRF#MonitoringTool#LearningIntervention#LearningCompetency General Chemistry 1 Quarter 1 Module 1: Properties of Matter, Filipino 8 q1 Mod1 Karunungang-bayan, Module for Sec. Published on February 19, 2021Home Visitation |Barangay Visitation|Home visitation of learners| Education|Deped Philippines |Zamboanga del Norte Division| Ne. By this, we get to understand more and develop empathy towards our students. Reaching the parents or guardian of the learners by phone or social media might help but according to the Department of Education, conducting a home visit is the most effective way in making students come back to school. .com, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Name ___________________________________________________________________, Nick Name ________________________________ Gr, Place of Birth ___________________ Date of Birth _______________ Gender _____, Others: _____________________________________, Others: _______________________________________________________, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (William Appleman Williams), The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon), Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (Warren L. McCabe; Julian C. Smith; Peter Harriott), Principles of Managerial Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman; Chad J. Zutter), Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia (12a. Let's see how this works. Legazpi City, Date _________________________ In the meantime, we wish to help you by providing a copy now. Seeing you have a friendly exchange is also beneficial. Guarantees that a business meets BBB accreditation standards in the US and Canada. I hope there will be more coming up to help our teacherss of the new normal gained knowledge and ideas they can impart to their co-teachers and to their students. By: Florabelle R. Porras Virtual INSET 2021 - Day 5 - Morning Session. Bigaa Elementary School The Department of Education (DepEd)- Surigao del Sur Division formally welcomed the new Schools Division Superintendent Josita B. Carmen, CESO V on October 25,2019 during the Management Committee Conference at Shacene Grand Ballroom, Tandag City. As such, is a great opportunity for educators to think out of the box for the new normal way in education. General business hours: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Daily, Immediate Need: Call 24/7 at 562-699-0921 Italiano. Lacky Impianti una realt solida che si distinta nel tempo per qualit e affidabilit, sapendo adeguarsi alle novit temporali che il mercato e le realt moderne richiedono continuamente, adeguando la propria struttura ed organizzazione alle richieste del caso. :) Thank you. Cemetery Hours: Sunrise to Sunset Daily Restaurants are of great economic importance in Whittier. Home; Chi Siamo; I nostri servizi; I nostri progetti; Contatti; 0542 641725 Contattaci. Ed.). Use the module All FILES here can be downloaded for FREE. Ms. Heba Almostafa is originally from Syria. New Sick Leave Form 6; RPMS Tools and Forms; School Calendar 2021-22; School Calendar 2022-2023 . Become Premium to read the whole document.
Approach/ message teacher when you need Us, Delete May 17, 2021. Join us right now and get access to the #1 collection of browser-based templates. Prices quoted include 10% savings and endowment care. I completed the AMI Montessori Assistance to Infancy training in 2017 and am excited to join The Springs team. Ms. Mary hails from India, a country with a strong Montessori heritage, and has almost 20 years of teaching experience in the US. Reaching the parents or guardian of the learners by phone or social media might help but according to the Department of Education, conducting a home visit is the most effective way in making students come back to school. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 16. The teacher is not evaluating your home, your family, your parenting, or anything at all. Low-income Housing Tax Credit Handbook Pdf, 60.000,00 (i.v.)
Whittier is also surrounded by cities that impact on its economy making this area a great family destination. Home visitation is basically teachers visiting learners in their homes and talk with the parents to Every teacher is required to submit their reports throughout the school year. The home visit is simply one more tool for easing your childs transition.
home visitation deped new normal - Use the module PBB Update: DepEd qualifies for PBB 2021 The Department of Education (DepEd) has qualified to receive the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Pinag-aaralan ng DepEd na gawing 2 weeks na lang ang summer vacation Pinag-aaralan na ng Department of Education (DepEd) na gawing dalawang Ready Made Editable RPMS e-Portfolio with KRA and MOVs forSY 2022-2023 Free Download KRA 1 CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY OBJECTIVE 1: Grade 6 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key The following are some reminders in using this module: 1. Meeting basic needs The demand for basic needs, like diapers, wipes, and food, has skyrocketed. Provide printed information for parents on homework policies and on monitoring Home visitation is basically teachers visiting learners in their homes and talk with the parents to identify the problems why their child is no longer attending school. There are many ways to conduct home visitation but as a starter, there are several forms which are readily available that we can use. All Rights Reserved. She is a mother of three children. With infants, when the parent is out of sight, they are out of mind (dont worry they still love you just the same!). November 1, 2020 Homeroom Guidance Quarter 1 Week 4. Dont worry about planning an elaborate activity. DepEd School Forms Compilation (SF 1-10) May 3 2021. SF 9- School Form 9 ( learner's Progress Report Card) Grades 1- 12 Free Download! According to the Department of Education (DepEd) Undersecretary Diosdado San Antonio, home-based learning is already part of education even after the pandemic. I am originally from Iran.
Get Home Visitation Form Deped - US Legal Forms She loves languages and speaks Italian, English, Spanish, and French.
Home Visits: What Are They and Why Do We Do Them? Attached here is sample letter to the principal asking for permission to conduct home visitation. She knew she was passionate about Montessori and wanted to be a Lead Teacher at The Springs. If this is not possible, minimize sibling involvement as much as possible. 15 giugno 2021; Posted by: Category: Senza categoria; She received her Primary Certificate at The Barrie Institute in Silver Spring, MD. I learned a lot, but learning about and then coming to experience the Montessori Method was a welcome change. Download your copy, save it to the cloud, print it, or share it right from the editor. Open the doc and select the page that needs to be signed. Open it up with cloud-based editor and start adjusting. If you have such questions, let the teacher know and she will find another time when you can speak privately, Naturally, parents have anxieties about a new phase in their childs life and that is OK. I enjoy traveling, watching movies, exercising, and spending time with my two children in my free time. Install the signNow application on your iOS device. We seek to ensure that all of the data presented on the site regarding new homes and new home communities is current and accurate. While there have been University Tutor Login,
DepEd prepares Self-Learning Modules for education's new normal Guide, Incorporation
Call Parent Form Free Download - Deped Tambayan Rose Hills has several Southern California locations to assist you with your memorial arrangements, whether you are planning in advance or experiencing a time of need. We already have over 3 million people making the most of our rich library of legal forms. Learning Materials. Home visitation provides support for parents to better understand their child's development skills through daily home activities. A home visit is basically a play date for the student and his teacher. R.E.A. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. Attached here is sample letter to the principal asking for permission to conduct home visitation. Highest customer reviews on one of the most highly-trusted product review platforms. 0 Source: LRMDS Portal Click here to Download. I am starting my 6th year at THE SPRINGS. Knowing your child is entering a classroom with a teacher who already has a sense of who he or she is and who is not a complete stranger, is not just a relief for the child, but for you as parents as well. Multi-Year RPMS-PPST Tools and Guidelines for Classroom Observation, DepEd releases multi-year guidelines on the RPMS-PPST, SHS - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key, Grade 10 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules (SLM), 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key - Updated Links, Grade 7 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key, Pinag-aaralan ng DepEd na gawing 2 weeks na lang ang summer vacation, Ready Made Editable RPMS e-Portfolio with KRA and MOVs for SY 2022-2023, Grade 6 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key. Schedule a home visit 7 to 10 days in advance. Ideally, teachers then bring assets and insights discovered during those visits into the elementary classroom (Kyle et al., 2005). Offers apply to new and qualifying cemetery contracts only. I hold an AMI diploma from the Montessori Education Center of Arizona and a BS in Sociology from Presbyterian College. MELCs. 008 s. 2023 MULTI-YEAR GUIDELINES ON THE RESULTS- SHS - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key The following are some reminders in using this module: 1.
HOME Visitation FORM RPMS RPMS RPMS RPMS - StuDocu PDF Department of Education We believe every family we serve deserves the very best, and our Ratings and Reviews reflect how important service excellence is to us. Ms. Diana enjoys travel, sports, music, and dancing in her free time and is a mom to her daughter, Jora. keep going!
The Importance of Home Visits - Children Incorporated Stay nearby so your child feels safe, but try to participate as little as possible. Before embarking on this journey, she completed a Bachelors Degree in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation from the University of Padova and got a CELTA certificate from Cambridge University. Guidelines on the Evaluation of Self-Learning Modules for Quarters 3 and 4 for School Year 2020-2021. theteacherscraft April 09, 2020 Reading Materials. DepEd faces challenges amid new normal. She has been a Montessori Infant Toddler teacher for nine years. Such a reaction is perfectly normal. Posts Making final arrangements ahead of time makes emotional and financial sense. TopTenReviews wrote "there is such an extensive range of documents covering so many topics that it is unlikely you would need to look anywhere else". 439387 R.I. Bologna n. 02437371202 | Sito realizzato da. Discovery, research, and the creation of knowledge is embedded into a Whittier College education. *Expires 3/31/2023. The choice is entirely yours and you are not required to have a home visit. Use the modul 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key - Updated Links Message to Learners This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so Grade 7 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key The following are some reminders in using this module: 1. Contact usfor details. Create your signature, and apply it to the page. I will also complete my early childhood education associates degree this year. Education in this new normal was done in different learning modalities. This is a Premium document.
Important Home Visiting Information During COVID-19 | MCHB She worked in customer service and communications for almost three years and has a certification in event planning and marketing. Similar to Flores, Merly Villasanta, a single parent from Antipolo City, also takes on two jobs to raise her four kids, who are all attending school this year. Click on Doneafter double-checking all the data. Home visitation is basically teachers visiting learners in their homes and talk with the parents to identify the problems why their child is no longer attending school. 02, s. 2021 amending DepEd Order No. She has been a Primary teacher for ten years, and after the pandemic, it was time for her to go back into the classroom and continue her passion for guiding and teaching the Primary age group. She may leave a small gift with the child or ask him or her to bring an item to school on the first day, such as a picture of his or her family. Community Status AllGrand OpeningComing SoonClose Out, Sort by Default # of Matching Homes City A-Z City Z-A Price (Low-High) Price (High-Low) Builder A-Z Builder Z-A Community A-Z Community Z-A Sort by Default City A-Z City Z-A Price (Low-High) Price (High-Low) # Bedrooms Low-High # Bedrooms High-Low Builder A-Z Builder Z-A Plan Name (A-Z) Plan Name (Z-A), 27136 Observation Ct. Valencia, CA 91381, 8601 Western Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620, 2323 W. Broadway Anaheim Anaheim, CA 92804, 118 Astronaut Ellison S. Onizuka Street Los Angeles, CA 90012, 2941 W. Lincoln Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801, 2500 West Rosecrans Ave Gardena, CA 90249, 8923 Orangethorpe Ave. Buena Park, CA 90621, 8920 Los Coyotes Court Buena Park, CA 90621, Simplify homebuying with these financial tools, Enter your address to request your free cash offer. She was a public school teacher before discovering the Montessori Method in 2017 and believing in it. The top employers in this area include Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, Whittier Hospital Medical Center, and Johnson Controls. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. #DepEd #NewNormal #Homevisitation #Education #PhilippinesThis is a new normal set up for Philippine Education. For wild fun, head to York Field. At, we update the content on our site on a nightly basis. Kahit bumalik pa ang normal na tinatawag, new normal o better normal ang gusto ng iba, naniniwala ako na iyong home-based learning ay option ng bawat mag-aaral, said San Antonio.
She also played for her college team while majoring in Physical Education.
Home Visitation Form | PDF | Schools - Scribd University Of Illinois Application Fee, Business. and supporting student work at home She then received her Masters at American University in International Education with a focus in Study Abroad Education. Start completing the fillable fields and carefully type in required information. Ensures that a website is free of malware attacks. 18 "Conducted home visitation for students-at-risk revealed as less practice competency by the respondents with 2.3514 mean. Cemetery hours:Sunrise to Sunset Daily
I hope to continually inspire children to reach their potential by tapping into their unique strengths and interests, leading and inspiring future educators through my dedication to the practice of teaching. A toddler does not because they are rooted in the present. Low-income Housing Tax Credit Handbook Pdf. What is Home Visitation? We are here for you in your time of need. While mass gathering is not yet allowed by the IATF, schools shall initiate online orientation program for parents, online trainings for learning facilitators, and webinars on home-school partnership. Whittier - FD970 | Alhambra - FD17 | City of Industry - FD1660 |Hua Yuan - FD2404, 2023 SCI Management, L.P., All Rights Reserved, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Others: _________________________________________________________, Name Position E-mail Address Contact Number WE only LINK them so you can have access to their shared files. They offer a perspective on each individual family's struggles, what they are lacking, and what they find to be the most difficult challenges in their lives. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding. Time _________________________, Name ____________________________________________________________________ that their new experience with these learning modalities shall be properly . As teachers, you will get to know your learners. Search results for: "quarter 2 home room guidance" Uncategorized. 007, s. 2020 entitled "School Calendar and Activities for . Provide training and materials for parents on how to improve childrens study I have my Infant and Toddler Montessori Credential, and this will be my ninth school year with The Springs. Answer. In her free time, Ms. Fernanda likes to go to the park and enjoy watching movies with her family. By home visitation, we get to know more of our students and their families on a more personal level. DepEd prepares self-learning modules for educations new normal. The Department of Education (DepEd) on Wednesday announced that it is already addressing challenges in the basic education through the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP), which will be in effect by the time school year 2020-2021 opens on 24 August. 052, s.2021 Provision of Technical Assistance on DepEd Order No. The homes in this area are built using the best skills and facilities that makes them trendy for years. Try to schedule the visit when other siblings are not present. However, the home visit (as well as in the first weeks of school), is not a time to show it. WINS improvement Plan 2021: Wash in School Plan 2021, G9 Problems Involving Right Triangle LP by Ms teams, Special P Education Department -2021-2022 and, Title-PAGE-Principle-2 Level-12 school based management, Probability dec 2 2020 - Probab and Statistics that are very difficult to understand, Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Bachelors of Science in Business Administration (BSBA 01), Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (ACCA102), The Life and Works of Dr. Jose Rizal (SOC 700-3), Philippine History, Government And Constitution (HSTORY1), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction (DRRR 01), Entrepreneurship In Tourism And Hospitality (THC1109), Financial Accounting And Reporting (AC108), Grade 8 DepEd Curriculum Guide in English, Synthesis Paper of Ian Stewarts Natures Number Mathematics, EDUC 9 Module 2 Handouts BUILDING AND ENHANCING NEW LITERACIES ACROSS THE CURRICULUM, Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business Module Midterms, Ugnayan ng Wika, Kultura at Lipunan (Kabanata 1), Cost Accounting Guerrero Answer Key (Chapter 1), 2 Annex 2 Homeroom Guidance Monitoring Evaluation TOOL School. Use the modul 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key - Updated Links Message to Learners This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so Grade 7 - 3rd Quarter Self-Learning Modules and LAS with Answer Key The following are some reminders in using this module: 1. The visit is an opportunity for your child to get to know his new teacher on his own turf, so to speak. | We are receiving a high volume of repair evaluation requests due to saturated lawns and fallen trees in addition to new memorial orders from a pandemic backlog. We heard that there will be no available hard copy of SF9 soon. Theft, Personal That is basically making us teachers visit our students in their homes. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Home visits humanize the relationship, turning finger-pointing into teamwork and understanding. My teaching journey started when I started tutoring at the age of sixteen and soon realized that teaching was not only my work but my passion.