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The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Mary Potter Center for Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC 27565. We have partnered with the county and made arrangements for anyone without access to WiFi who wishes to livestream the meeting. To join the livestream meeting, please use the following link: The following documents are to be completed if you are requesting a transfer for your child based on one of the following reasons: GCPS Transfer Request - Open Enrollment 2023-2024, GCPS Transfer Request Form - Special Requests, Permanent Employee Student Transfer Request 2022-2023, Permanent Employee Student Transfer Request 2023-2024, Transfer Into GCPS -- Continuing and Permanent GCPS Employee 2022-2023, Transfer Into GCPS -- Continuing and Permanent GCPS Employee 2023-2024, Transfer Into GCPS -- New Student From Outside of Granville County 2022-2023, Transfer Into GCPS -- New Student From Outside of Granville County 2023-24, Please make sure you have completed the correct form in its entirety and submitted it to the Granville County Public School Superintendent's office. Oxford, NC 9d. Granville Early College High Schoolalso offers an opportunity to take advanced placement coursework and exams, and is ranked above the state average in academics. Explore. Skip To Main Content. Granville County Public Schools provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. Franklin County Schools / Homepage A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment. Legal guardians must present court-ordered custody/guardianship documentation. The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege. The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Mary Potter Center for Education, 200 Taylor Street . VGCC students can take courses during the day, at night, or online, choosing from more than 40 curriculum programs. We will always do our best. Members of the public are invited to view via livestream. For most of you, your employee ID number is the . Student Information & Registration - Granville County Schools LogOn | SmartFind Express | PowerSchool 501 to 1,000. To join the livestream meeting, please use the following link: Join us as we chat about how to create a standout resume that is sure to catch the eye of potential Employers! We won't give up. Log-in for timekeeper to clock-in, view checks, and more. BOE Regular Meeting. The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege. January 27, 2022, "Financial Planning & Budgeting", Butner Stem Middle School Soccer team- (Undefeated season), US News: Best Schools - Wilton Elementary School, Revlon and JF Webb High School Renew Historical Partnership, Student Named Winner of National Art Contest. Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search, CTE Teacher-Technology/Computer Programming, Instructional Assistant - Exceptional Children, Instructional Assistant - Exceptional Children Substitute, Volunteer Assistant Boys Track & Field Coach, Volunteer Assistant Girls Track & Field Coach, Exceptional Childrens Teacher (General Curriculum), School Nurse - Grant-Funded, Time-Limited Through June 2024, Exceptional Childrens Teacher (Self Contained), Assistant Athletic Coach- Girls Softball Coach, Long-term Substitute Instructional Assistant - Exceptional Children, Child Nutrition Services Cashier Assistant, PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s). Granville Academy offers two public learning options. Unfortunately, this position is no longer available. Gmail and Google Apps log-in. . Powered by In addition to the Granville County Public School System are two charter schools. The Granville County Board of Education Operations Committee will meet in-person at the Board of Education Office at 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, NC on Thursday, March 2, at 2p.m. The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Mary Potter Center for Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC 27565. Members of the public are invited to view via livestream. Staff - Northern Granville Middle School The purpose of the meeting is to receive information and discuss proposed attendance zones pertaining to the Creedmoor Elementary School closure and G. C. Hawley . Empower. The system was formed in 1963 from the merger of the former Granville County Schools and Oxford City . Policy Code 4130: Discretionary Admission. Public comments for this meeting can be made in person at the Board Meeting, or in writing by using the following link: Comments made using the link must be submitted between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on March 6, 2023. Clear. We have partnered with the county and made arrangements for anyone without access to WiFi who wishes to livestream the meeting. In compliance with NC law, students must be 5 yrs of age on or before August 31st to be considered for Kindergarten. Welcome to the new school year! Art Teacher. 104 Belle Street If It is not presented, 30 days will be given to provide documentation or the student shall be excluded from school. The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Mary Potter Center for Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC 27565. . Vance County Schools Henderson, NC Educate. Human Resources - Granville County Schools Members of the public are invited to view via livestream. Members of the public are invited to view via livestream. In addition to the Granville County Public School System are two charter schools. A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment. Granville County Convention & Expo Center, 4185 US-15, Oxford, NC 27565, USA, Butner-Stem Middle School, 501 E D St, Butner, NC 27509, USA, Kindergarten Registration & Pre-K Application, High School Curriculum Bulletin & Registration Handbook, Animal Food & Supplies Drive: Leadership Granville, Baby Diaper & Wipe Drive: Leadership Granville, Parent University: Financial Aide Workshop, Let's Get Ready: Kindergarten ~ Routines, Requirements, and Relationships. Granville Academy is designed to provide students with choices and opportunities they may not have previously had through the traditional educational experience. Committed to Excellence and Achievement for All. You have an incomplete application for Current Time/Date on Server: 11:13:08 AM 1 Mar 2023 (Wed) Menu. (919) 693-5240. They may visit the Oxford Public Library, 210 Main Street, Oxford, NC 27565 and use the librarys WiFi services. LINQ Time Keeper - A Module of the LINQ Payroll system. Granville County Convention & Expo Center, 4185 US-15, Oxford, NC 27565, USA, Butner-Stem Middle School, 501 E D St, Butner, NC 27509, USA, Kindergarten Registration & Pre-K Application, Animal Food & Supplies Drive: Leadership Granville, Baby Diaper & Wipe Drive: Leadership Granville, Parent University: Financial Aide Workshop, Let's Get Ready: Kindergarten ~ Routines, Requirements, and Relationships. Internships & Employment - Granville County Schools Home Departments Career and Technical Education Internships & Employment Internships & Employment Mrs. Tamara Rodebaugh, Career Development Coordinator: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM. We have partnered with the county and made arrangements for anyone without access to WiFi who wishes to livestream the meeting. Oxford, NC 27565 Please click to register. 8. BOE Regular Meeting. Main. Home - Granville Central High School A copy will be distributed to the Board of Education members. School Mission: To be a student-centered school that empowers and inspires its students to succeed. A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications. More. To join the livestream meeting, please use the following link: Please clickto register. Home. Our Vision: Every student will reach his or her full potential, prepared to thrive in a changing world. The Granville County Public School system would like to thank you for your interest in having a studentattend our schools. Oxford. We empower EVERY student EVERY day. Wilson County Schools Job Board The following positions are always available: Bus Drivers and Substitute Bus Drivers Contact: Danny Williams, Jr., Executive Director of Transportation (252) 399-7839 School Nutrition Substitutes Contact: Jamie Narron, Director of School Nutrition Services (252) 399-7849 A Zoom link will be sent to your email upon registration. LINQ Time Keeper - A Module of the LINQ Payroll system. Notarized statements are not acceptable. 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM BHS Tennis @ Franklinton (8608) . Timekeeper: LINQ (opens in new window/tab) Wisdom Where . Public comments for this meeting can be made in person at the Board Meeting, or in writing by using the following link: Comments made using the link must be submitted between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on March 6, 2023. SPOTLIGHTING OUR GRANVILLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS! The Board will also meet in Closed Session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege. LINQ Time Keeper - A Module of the LINQ Payroll system. OUR MISSION Home - Granville County Public Schools Granville County Convention & Expo Center, 4185 US-15, Oxford, NC 27565, USA, Butner-Stem Middle School, 501 E D St, Butner, NC 27509, USA, Kindergarten Registration & Pre-K Application, Animal Food & Supplies Drive: Leadership Granville, Baby Diaper & Wipe Drive: Leadership Granville, Parent University: Financial Aide Workshop, Let's Get Ready: Kindergarten ~ Routines, Requirements, and Relationships, being involved with their child's education. If you have any questions concerning student transfers or which form you should complete contact: Parents/legal guardians register students. The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular Board meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Mary Potter Center for Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC 27565. Media Center - Instructional Assistant Granville County Schools 4.2 that has not been submitted. Home - J.F. Webb High School TimeKeeper. With its multi-campus locations in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren Counties, Vance-Granville Community College(VGCC) is one of the 58 institutions of the North Carolina Community College System, offering educational and training programs to meet the needs of local businesses and helping them stay competitive in todays workforce. Person County School's Benefit Management Website . Members of the public are invited to view via livestream. In partnership with the community, we will continually improve all educational services to prepare our students today for a successful tomorrow. Welcome to Granville County Schools SmartFindExpress Please click on the following links to view orientation videos on how to register and use SmartFindExpress: Employee Orientation Video Substitute Orientation Video QuickTime is needed to view videos. They may visit the Oxford Public Library, 210 Main Street, Oxford, NC 27565 and use the librarys WiFi services. Granville County Convention & Expo Center, 4185 US-15, Oxford, NC 27565, USA Mar 8 Parent University: Financial Aide Workshop 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Mar 16 Early Release;PD all day Mar 17 Teacher Workday all day Mar 20 Quarter 4 Begins all day Mar 20 BOE Work Session 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Mar 23 A copy will be distributed to the Board of Education members. Our School - South Granville High School You can use this site without being registered or signing in, but registered users who sign in may have access to additional features and information. 6. 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Human Resources - Granville County Schools Human Resources The Human Resources Team Our Location: 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, NC 27565 Phone: (919) 693-4613. A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment. 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM. Our Blended learning utilizes online, blended, and face-to face instruction. Granville County Schools is a public school district located in OXFORD, NC. Search. Granville County Schools Jobs, Employment in Granville County, NC A copy will be distributed to the Board of Education members. that will not be submitted. This event is scheduled for Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we chat about "tools you can use" to effectively plan and budget your finances. A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment. Tar River Elementary School is the site for students K-12who attend Granville Academy on the southern part of Granville County. Our 5 star Academy program offers students the opportunity to learn in a fully virtual environment.