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Stephanie Bryan of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, 2 with life-threatening injuries in shooting at, Daphne Fire Department rescues dog from house fire, New airline coming to Mobile, says Airport Authority, South Sounds Music Festival releases 2023 lineup, Suspect shot in head during warrant execution: Mobile, New video halts Nakhla trial for the day, defense, Baker HS softball dedicates bullpen, retires jersey, City of Mobile reports 257K pounds of litter collected. Apply today! Vaughn is also a backer of improving the citys bayfront, which she calls an underutilized asset. MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) The 2022 midterm elections wrap up Tuesday. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Woodlawn of Fairhope Home; Neighborhood . text-align: center; For the last 10 years I have self funded my efforts to the tune of approximately $15,000 dollars, NO ONE is paying me a dime, or dictating any information to us. This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. FAIRHOPE, Ala. ( WKRG) Municipal elections, without the big names or national issues of a general election, usually have a low voter turnout. In Mobile County, the highlights include crowded races for mayor in Prichard where nine people are vying for mayor and in Chickasaw, where five people are competing for citys top election post. That was over 10 years ago, nothing has changed. Hopefully. -Vaughn said that nothing is more important to the city than infrastructure and she said improving the strained public works department is her No. The results are: President: Lee Turner Vice-President: Charles Lake 77 Dean Mosher 29 Secretary: C. Michael Arnold Treasurer: Michael Upchurch Trustee, Place 3: George Gilmore Director, Place 3: Geoff Kennedy Director, Place 4: Fred Watkins, Jr. color: white; In Robertsdale, Charles Murphy will seek an eighth term as mayor when he faces off against Roger Booth and Tim Brown. Stephanie Bryan of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, 2 with life-threatening injuries in shooting at, Daphne Fire Department rescues dog from house fire, New airline coming to Mobile, says Airport Authority, South Sounds Music Festival releases 2023 lineup, Suspect shot in head during warrant execution: Mobile, New video halts Nakhla trial for the day, defense, Baker HS softball dedicates bullpen, retires jersey, City of Mobile reports 257K pounds of litter collected. By J.D. Eastern shore mayoral races highlight coastal Alabama's municipal elections 4 0 obj Interested in a Position? She didn't think the mayor had any business double-dipping in the utilities money. Saraland almost did not have a municipal election as well as Mayor Howard Rubenstein and four of five council seats are uncontested. Im trying to weigh pros and cons and hopefully Ive made the right decision, but my vote does count I know that for a fact, said Stanley Jetson. No politics. Download the WKRG Weather APP for Android, Fire kills 13 at fuel storage facility in Indonesia, Folks near Jack Daniels facility complain of whiskey. Follow the Fox News Live Blog for ongoing updates on the 2020 Presidential Election primary races. District 37 residents voted at the Seminole Volunteer Fire Department. Follow Us. The Eagle Has Landed and The Court of Public Opinion Has Voted Less politics? We dont have an input right now, but if we have zoning we have input, said Elizabeth Gabel Wilson. All five council seats are also being contest: In District 1, four people are vying for the seat currently held by Martin: Joseph Giles Sr., Marshall Hunt, James Damien Lynum and Annie Williams; in District 2, incumbent Councilwoman Serveria Campbell Morris faces Alexis Bell and Stephani Johnson-Norwood; in District 3, incumbent Councilman Derrick DI Griffin faces Mario Yow Sr. and Mario Cannon; in District 4, incumbent Councilwoman Samantha Richardson faces Fisher Depolean Boykin, Chikesia Clemons and George McCall Jr.; and in District 5, incumbent Councilwoman Ossia Edwards faces Kalla Etheredge. Fairhope is a city in Baldwin County, Alabama. of State Elections Division to monitor the elections was a welcomed gift. All positions are available (Pres, VP, Treasure, Secretary, Member at Large, Committee Heads) Results will be announced at the 10/19 board meeting. } In Mobile County, the race for Prichard mayor is almost assured to head for a runoff. Candidates John Manelos, Annette Sanders, and Sherry Sullivan are challenging incumbent Mayor Karin Wilson. No. Hometown girl Karin Wilson disrupted the machine when she became mayor of Fairhope in 2016. . -General Weaver, Thank: you to all of you who voiced an opinion and participated in this election. Forms & Ordinances | City of Fairhope, AL Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. At least one Fairhope City Council proposed the city manager system while Kant was in office a few years ago, but Kant fought it like the plague because this city manager system would have taken away the $60K a year Kant received as superintendent of utilities. } Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). All of these forums will work together to maximize exposure. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. I honestly believe in growth, but I think it needs to be well managed, it needs to be controlled, it needs to be smart growth, said a resident. Fairhope cast over 2000 votes more than Daphne, a larger city, did in their election, and set a record for a Fairhope election. Wilson shocked coastal Alabama in 2016, when she defeated four-term incumbent Tim Kant to become mayor. Alabama state executives /BitsPerComponent 8 I've drawn plenty of cartoons about former Mayor Tim Kant in a state of paranoia because council members were "out to get him". In Orange Beach, Tony Kennon seeks a fourth term against Dan Hayes. Two of the councils five districts feature competitive races: Incumbent Councilman Wayne Trawick faces Barry Hughes in Council District 1, and Richard Dayton faces Ralph Eastburn for the Council District 3 race for the seat currently occupied by Hellmich. To view a list of statewide measures in Alabama, click here. As mayor, she used that money to hire a professional utilities manager. Buy newspaper front pages, posters and more. A YES vote says NO to politics-as-usual. But your neighbor gets it. Election Results & Information - BCC 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Fairhope election: Vote YES to say NO to politics-as-usual. 71) Browse table of contents . School boards. These will be updated as results are received throughout the night. Fairhope election results: With the exception of Councilman Mike Ford, the entire Fairhope City Council was defeated tonight. Like many of my Fairhope friends and neighbors, I . Elections in 2023 | %PDF-1.4 /Height 1650 100% remote. This election cycle we will make every effort to have an honest election by being particularly vigilant. State legislature | .partytd.Democratic { And this city manager proposal has been brought up and fought off before - but for different reasons. 2 with life-threatening injuries in shooting at, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Point:Mayor Wilson supports the city manager/district referendum, Counter point:Fairhope councilman comes out against referendum. Also running is former Mayor Ron Davis, Quinn Austin-Pugh, Linda English Burse, Rodney Tyreese Clements, Reginald Davis, Gabriel Sebastian Dortch, and Charles Harden. Promises Kept. She is touting her record on managing the citys rapid growth, its sewer system and infrastructure. Three of Fairhopes five council seats will be contested: Incumbent Council President Jack Burrell faces Deb Hopkins in the Place 1 race, incumbent Councilman Robert Brown faces Howell Gibbens in Place 4, and incumbent Councilman Kevin Boone faces Joshua Gammon in Place 5. Fairhope, Alabama - Ballotpedia Heaven forbid. Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes put native son Joe Biden above the 270 needed to become the 46th President of the United States. Municipal government Your Guide to Voting in the 2022 Fairhope, AL Election! YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Lots of stuff to vote for and against on Tuesday. The special elections are happening because of residents like Wilson who have petitioned for new zoning since last year. Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato cruised to re-election against challenger Gene Smith in Tuesday's election, carrying 76 percent of the vote. background-color: #fdd007; Colony Election Results - The Fairhope Courier The Oscars will air on ABC and can be streamed on and the ABC app as well as Hulu + Live TV, YouTube TV, AT&T TV or FuboTV. text-align: center; Single Tax Colony election results: YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. The following is a list of the current state executive officials from Alabama: Buy newspaper front pages, posters and more. q According to an advisory opinion released by the Alabama Office of Attorney General today, the election to create a council-manager form of government scheduled Tuesday in Fairhope will in effect require the City Council to adopt three single-member districts, eliminating the at-large system currently in place and likely forcing one or more current city councilors out of office in 2020. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Sullivan was the former director of community affairs in Fairhope for over 16 years when she was fired by the mayor shortly after Wilson was elected to office. Photo: City of Fairhope posts sample ballot, Four candidates for mayor } All rights reserved (About Us). Three of the citys five council seats are being contested: Incumbent Councilman Clewis (J.R.) Smith faces Mark Cauley in Council District 4; Steve Gibson faces Carl Gustafson Jr. in Council District 2; and Shane Perry, Wanda Finch and Earby Markham square off in Council District 3. The most intriguing races can be found in the Eastern Shore cities of Baldwin County, where a new mayor will be elected to Daphne and incumbent mayors face challenges in Fairhope and Spanish Fort. All rights reserved (About Us). Escambia County woman looking for man who helped, How to get flag condition alerts for Gulf Coast beaches, Lewis Bear, philanthropist and businessman, passes, Heavy equipment will help clean up illegal dump site, 50th anniversary homecoming ceremony for Vietnam, Pedestrian struck, killed on Palafox in Pensacola, Pensacola woman wins $1 million off $50 scratch-off, 2 inmates found unresponsive at Limestone Correctional, Alabama animal shelter damaged during storm, 3 arrested for large quantity of methamphetamines, Suspect at-large after Alabama bar shooting sends, Nevada Democrats face brewing civil war ahead of, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. .bptable.gray th { background:#4c4c4c;color:#fff; }. It's about Fairhope going forward. Current Mayor Karin Wilson refused to accept the $60K salary as utilities superintendent. Escambia County woman looking for man who helped, How to get flag condition alerts for Gulf Coast beaches, Lewis Bear, philanthropist and businessman, passes, Heavy equipment will help clean up illegal dump site, 50th anniversary homecoming ceremony for Vietnam, Pedestrian struck, killed on Palafox in Pensacola, Pensacola woman wins $1 million off $50 scratch-off, 2 inmates found unresponsive at Limestone Correctional, Alabama animal shelter damaged during storm, 3 arrested for large quantity of methamphetamines, Suspect at-large after Alabama bar shooting sends, Nevada Democrats face brewing civil war ahead of, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. table #officeholder-table td { (For a complete election report, read Wednesday's Press-Register.). Contested races for mayor and city council will take place throughout coastal Alabamas fastest growing cities where issues revolving around growth and planning are becoming top issues. $.' text-align: center; Joining them will be Kevin Boone, Diana Brewer, Rich Mueller and Jack Burrell. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Three of Fairhope's five council seats will be contested: Incumbent Council President Jack Burrell faces Deb Hopkins in the Place 1 race, incumbent Councilman Robert Brown faces Howell Gibbens in. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, Alabama Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, Alabama Public Service Commission Place 1, Alabama Public Service Commission Place 2, Alabama Public Service Commission President, Chief of Staff to the Governor of Alabama, Preemption conflicts between state and local governments, Partisanship in United States municipal elections, United States school shootings and firearm incidents, 1990-present, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy, 100 largest cities in America by population,,_Alabama&oldid=8659580, Cities outside the 100 largest United States cities by population, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Another crowded mayors race is occurring in Chickasaw, where five people are running for an open seat: Barry Broadhead, Derrick Jones, Robert McFall, Phillip Smithers, and William Bill Vallon. /Parent 2 0 R Proposed Planning District 37 and proposed Planning District 8 are both on the table Tuesday in Fairhope. If your child will play baseball or softball this spring, youll need to stock up on appropriate clothing and equipment. .partytd.Gray { Latest Past Events. Public policy, Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Caitlin Vanden Boom Attorney general's opinion: Fairhope petition and election are 'valid Mayor Kant is by far the worst public official in Baldwin County, in the coming weeks we will give you 1000 reasons to retire Mayor Kant and the good ole boys. Its going to give us a chance to have an input.

Election Results & Information February 7th, 2023 Planning & Zoning District 39 Results February 07 2023 District 39 Election Summary Official NOTE: During an election period Baldwin County will provide the legacy online reports. Sullivan defeated incumbent Karin Wilson. The Fairhope election to vote on change of government has been delayed to the same day as the general election, November 6th. Her opponents include John Manelos, who served 28 years working in corporate security and crisis management; Sherry Sullivan, the director of governmental affairs and economic development at Riviera Utilities and Annette Sanders, an educator and former principal of Palmer Pillans Middle School in Mobile. Can you bring your vape pen or e-cigarette on a plane? The Fairhope Courier That which Nature provides is the Common Property of all God's Children; that which the Individual creates belongs to the Individual; that which the Community creates belongs to the Community. << /ProcSet [/PDF /ImageB] Fairhope Single Tax Corporation, 336 Fairhope Avenue in Fairhope. Many people have no faith in Fairhope elections and suspect the last two election results were tampered with. Councilman Jimmy Conyers is running unopposed in Place 3, and Corey Martin is running unopposed in Place 2. Karin Wilson disrupted the politics-as-usual machine when she became Fairhopes first woman mayor in 2016. Some cities in Mobile County will not have any contested races, such as Chickasaw and Dauphin Island. To view a list of local ballot measures in Baldwin County, Alabama, click here. You or your sewage-suffering neighbor should have a seat on the council. March 3rd - "Populism Gives Rise FAIRHOPE, Ala. -- Two candidates -- incumbent Tim Kant and local artist Dean Mosher -- emerged from a crowded, seven-man mayoral contest and will now square off in an October runoff, according to unofficial results. Get the Android Weather app from Google Play, Panama City police searching for kidnapping suspect, This is why you see so many boats in Panama City, Search for sports memorabilia thieves in Florida, Mortgage rates have little reason to fall in March, Pensacola International Airport Travelcast Live Camera, Youngs height creates new debate for scouts at NFL, NBA opens investigation after Ja Morants social, Chase Elliott out of NASCAR indefinitely after tibia, Olympic ticket sales for Paris Games get off to rocky, PSGs Hakimi given preliminary charges on rape allegation, Meet the Gulf Coast CW Host: Theo Williams, The 5th Annual Mac and Cheese Festival headlines, The Mac and Cheese Festival is this weekend and were, WWE Hall of Famer The Honky Tonk Man joins Gulf Coast, Rich Harmon from CWs The 100 and the final season, Pensacon 2023: Highlights from the Gulf Coasts biggest, This is why you see so many boats in Panama City Beachs Pier Park, Search for sports memorabilia thieves in Florida continues, Mortgage rates will have little reason to fall in March, 1 killed after jet experiences turbulence event over New England, Best athletic wear for kids joining baseball and, How to watch all the Oscar-nominated movies in style, Best smart home devices for older users, according, Alabama AG accuses ethics chief of self-dealing, What Biden might try next if his student loan forgiveness, Family of cold-case victim gets justice after 40, Diamond Dolls learn leadership, lifesaving skills, 1 killed when business jet encounters severe turbulence, 1 killed amid turbulence event on business jet.