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Chicago Rents connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs allowing property partners to quickly fill vacant units, advertise units free of charge, and receive individualized support. Property Owner/Manager Client Payment Agreement REQUIREDif more than 6 months rent owed. Catholic Charities, 2601West Marquette Road, Chicago IL 60629, 312-655-7700. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email in the Receive Waitlist Opportunities section. According to officials, the reopening of ILRPP will provide an additional $297 million to renters and landlords in an effort to prevent [] These are our neighbors, this is our city, and together we can ensure that we all have stable homes. Rent Relief Update: All Chicago is no longer accepting applications for this round of funding. Last revised by staff. All Chicago: Full listing of drop-in and by-appointment resources for persons currently homeless or at risk of homelessness. Chicago Rents keeps me well-informed with updates as they occur, and they are very responsive to any questions or concerns around the process. Ready for Supervisor: Your application is under review and may move to Funding Requested provided that all documentation is in order, we determine that you have not previously received payments under another rental assistance program, and we have remaining funds.[HS1]. Call 312-361-1707. If a tenant is unable to pay their portion, Chicago Rents will aid in making prompt payments as long as the tenant is eligible with the program. The city's Department of Housing is accepting applications from Chicago tenants and landlords 10 a.m. Monday through Dec. 18. Note: There is no waiting list for Emergency Housing Vouchers they are issued by referral from Chicago Continuum of Care (CoC) agencies. Everyone living in the apartment over the age of 18 must fill out the application. South Chicago Community Service Center. The application must be completed jointly by the tenant and property owner, and if approved, funds will be paid directly to the property owner. A separate Rental Assistance Program (RAP) from the Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS) helps Chicagoans who have housing right now, but who may be at risk of becoming homeless due to a loss of income or another eligible emergency. Rental assistance is not a public-charge benefit. Chicago Rents connects property partners with tenants andsupplies rental assistance as needed. Learn more atLearn more at Chicago.gov/COVIDVax. You can also contact the IHDA IRPP call center with questions at 866-454-3571 or questions.ilrpp@ihda.org. The Department of Housing's Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is meant for tenants and landlords who have been financially impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emergency Rental Assistance program makes available federal assistance for households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have experienced financial hardship during the pandemic and need assistance to pay your rent and/or utility bills, you may be eligible for Cook County Emergency Rental Assistance. We are hoping to receive additional funding and will select from this application pool if we do receive more funding. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use an online service. You may appeal, but because funding is exhausted, your appeal would only be considered if we receive additional funding. Make an earnest money payment of $300.00 to ensure that the unit is no longer marketed once the application is approved. Payment of future rent, or rent arrears to prevent eviction, Security deposits in cases of fire, flood, foreclosure, domestic violence, or eviction, You are at risk of becoming homelessdue toeviction, loss of income or other emergency, You economically classify as a low-income household, Your landlord completes the RAP requirements, Eviction notice, proof of loss of income or proof of other qualifying emergency, Paystub, benefits statement, or affidavit (explanation) of no income, Driver's License, State ID, CityKey, or other. Interestedin becoming a Chicago Rents Property Partner? Nevertheless, we recognize that many eligible households in need were not able to receive assistance because of the limited amount of funding. 2023 Chicago Housing Authority. Once the page loads, click "I do NOT have a registration code.". Tens of thousands more are just one unexpected setback away from joining them. The Department of Housing's Emergency Rental . You have selected an eligibility criteria that requires contacting any of the six DFSS Community Service Centers for assistance in completing your application. See the Homelessness Prevention Programs section. This program offers rental assistance and supportive services, ensuring housing stability and providing connections to community-based support. HUD Awards $5.6 Billion in Annual Grants for Affordable Housing, Community Development, and Homeless Assistance, Chicago Receives $60 Million, Nations Largest Award, to Address Unsheltered Homelessness, Statement on All In: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness, Chicago Low Income Housing Trust Fund (CLIHTF) Rental Subsidy Program (RSP). The Emergency Rental Assistance Program from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is still accepting applications from all Illinois tenants. The city of Chicago will provide renters with $102 million in financial assistance and create more than 2,400 affordable rental units across the city, Mayor Lori Lightfoot's administration . Email nthornton@nhschicago.org or call NHS Client Services at 773.329.4111. Rent Relief Resources If you're a renter having trouble paying your rent, utilities, or other housing costs - or if you're a landlord trying to stay afloat with tenants in this situation - help may be available. IHDA said it will also be adding new software in this next round of rental funding which launches next month, to help streamline the process. Chicago Rents keeps me well-informed with updates as they occur, and they are very responsive to any questions or concerns around the process. Upload documents such as pay statements, bank statements, and your ID. 21,947 applications with only a tenant portion. The program is currently accepting applications. These are our neighbors, this is our city, and together we can ensure that we all have stable homes. To date, the City of Chicago has provided over $110 million in direct financial assistance and legal services to impacted Chicagoans since the onset of the pandemic, city officials said. Paid: Your application has been paid. Applications in this pool will be eligible for review if we receive additional funding. The Emergency Rental Assistance programs below are currently open! We know how to end homelessness, but we need your help to do it. They may ask you to submit more documents. You can also call 312-698-0202 (Chicago) or 833-221-9821 (Suburban Cook) to . Apply December 6, 2021 - January 9, 2022. Contact System Administrator with any login issues, such an inactive account. These programs offer long-term housing subsidies with an income-based tenant portion. I especially look forward to the Advisory Council meetings. Letter from landlord stating intention to renew lease for another 6-12 months Domestic violence affidavit form Letter documenting recent discharge from hospital, institution system of care, or corrections Documentation of displacement due to fire or flood Notarized letter from lease-holder documenting end date of housing (if doubled up) Eviction Help Illinois provides renters with free eviction prevention assistance. Please choose one that applies. Illinois renters (including subsidized) unable to pay rent due to a COVID-19 related financial hardship can apply to receive grant funds to cover up to 15 months of rent. Valid email address. All Rights Reserved. It is an umbrella term for any program meant to help those struggling to pay rent or utility bills stay afloat during bad times. What is your email address? The application portal for the next round of rental and utility grants to those financially impacted during the COVID-10 pandemic will open Monday December 6, 2021.Review the FAQs at chicago.gov/renthelp to find out more about what you need to apply. Do you qualify for Cook County Emergency Rental Assistance? Download the Landlord checklist PDF to find out if your tenants qualify and what documents youll need in order to be ready to apply. One unit at a time! An eligible household is defined as a rental household in the City of Chicago in which at least one or more individuals meets the following criteria: Eligible households may receive up to 12 months of assistance, plus an additional 3 months if the grantee determines the extra months are needed to ensure housing stability and grantee funds are available. This assistance may cover rent and security deposit. The following documents may be required before final approval. The Rent Reimbursement Program refunds the portion of rent (23%) assumed to cover property tax paid on the unit. The Illinois Housing Development Authority will accept applications for assistance until January 9. For more information, visit www.cookcountylegalaid.org. Staff will assess impacted person/family eligibility for financial assistance and other community resources and make a referral to a CoC agency. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. This includes $2.8 million in assistance through Court-based ERAP, serving people through the Early Resolution Program. They have allowed our business to help owners who want to keep units occupied and invest in the greater mission of ending homelessness. The application must be completed jointly by the tenant and property owner, and if approved, funds will . CHAs waiting list for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is closed, however waiting lists for CHA Public Housing and the Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program are open and accepting applications. "It's just like I have anxiety so I know how that could feel, but I just felt like beyond lost, I reached out to you," she said. The payment of existing housing-related arrears that could result in eviction is prioritized. According to figures published by HUD and posted on the City of Chicago's website, 80% of the area median income for a single-member household is $52,200 and $59,650 for a 2-person household as of April 1, 2021. Click here to learn more. Heres the documentation that needs to be submitted for eligible tenants. Some of the members on the Landlord Advisory Council include: If you are interested in joining the Landlord Advisory Council, please email chicagorents@allchicago.org. Chicagos Coordinated Entry Center: Impacted persons must be sleeping in a shelter, outside, in a vehicle, or any place not meant for human habitation. We will not be able to fund the application with our current funding, but applications in this pool will be eligible for review if we receive additional funding. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is still accepting applications from all Illinois tenants, including those living in the City of Chicago or suburban Cook County. Check the Emergency Rental Assistance Status. Please call or visit any of our sixCommunity Service Centerslisted at the bottom of this page for help in your language. Note: Each of the programs listed below conducts its own eligibility screening and review process. Cookies are widely used by organizations (like Yardi) in order to make their websites or services work, or to function more efficiently, as well as to provide reporting information. Providing great service and quality affordable housing to help end homelessness goes beyond the individual and can be a great catalyst for change in Chicagos neighborhoods and communities. The Rental Assistance Program is available to Chicago renters who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 300,000 applicants have sought pandemic rent assistance so far through Illinois, Cook County and Chicago programs, and some officials say there is a need for more help. There has been extensive press coverage about the need for an eviction moratorium during the COVID-19 pandemic, but little about the effect that moratorium has on residential landlords. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. They have allowed our business to help owners who want to keep units occupied and invest in the greater mission of ending homelessness.