It's easy to default to "the team that beats everything", but in this case you'll have better luck using a different team. But it is noteworthy that you still have to defend your own Helicarrier to be successful in this gaming mode. I usually support Undying duo with Baron Zemo and Loki but any other combination on your mind will do just fine. For those reasons, we picked up some teams who can beat them. We at are in the process of revamping our Offensive Counters for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force content. It is always better to use them in Offense because we do not trust AI enough, but sometimes we can see them in Defense. Their kit is much stronger so the only question of it is justified to use them against those evil mutants. Weapon X is the only original pre-made that is a true counter for Dorm/H4H in War. You will earn rewards by defeating enemies, but this requires a well thought out strategy. Well, were officially in the Spider-Verse now! Most importantly Dormammu will be crippled by Season 2 Global effects. During a trial, you have to attack the six defences of your opponent. If you use Dormhold, the damage can be significantly more if the strategy remains the same. Players can advance to the following Division by achieving high rankings in tournaments, which increases your Tribunal Rating. Note that we are working to add more content around effective Offensive Counters in Alliance Wars and can add infographics from popular sources within the MSF community. After having visions of Naashjeii, Ajei was informed about the Web of Life and Destiny. What makes the Web-Warriors so great is that they are a designated Raid team. Infinity Watch needs to be a bit stronger to be able to win. A mirror match-up is a viable option against BA. There is no stronger team for War and they will easily beat Death Seed, even with considerable Punch Up. Unlimited X-Men is another natural counter. In Marvel Strike Force (MSF), you can step into the well-renowned Marvel Universe to protect it from dreadful foes. The following table describes each character as follows: Many MSF players want to know what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. AW Defense - Team Counters | Marvel Church Hero Asgardians are the latest AW Defense team. Keep in mind that players who unlocked new levels for MLF do not necessarily need Dormammu to beat Dormhold they can do it with full Darkhold. There are time stamps to avoid any options you arent interested in! It will depend on RNG and whose Stunners will be effective first. MLF will initiate a fight with permanent Abi Block on Kate Bishop, while Agatha can stun Squirrel Girl before she starts to heal her allies. Bionic Avengers is a natural counter for Axmen. A duplicate team is always a counter because AI cannot fully take advantage of character abilities. SG would negate Zemo, and Doom might give them enough damage to make it tricky for 8W. When a team is dependent on Evade the obvious answer for them is a team that is stronger and depends on Evade/Dodge. Neutralizing Dr. Octopus is the main goal in beating Sinister Six. That alone should be enough for A-Force to safely win the matchup. You can afford some punch-ups with them but with limitations. Underworld is a fantastic team in War Offense, but at the same time, they can be a tricky opponent in Defense too. You can check out all of our other Marvel Strike Force articles right here! Alliances are tasked with staying organized in their plan of attack with Alliance leaders having the ability to mark certain rooms for attack or as off-limits. Negative can place Ability Block on the desired target (Wong or Morgan Le Fay) before they can lay after which Taskmaster will place mass Blind. For example, if your Uxmen are 400k strong you can freely engage 1 million strong Axmen. Only this will be an unsolvable problem for most of the teams and we didnt mention any of Masters of Evil insane attacking capabilities yet. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The team comprises America Chavez, Echo, Kate Bishop, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles), and Squirrel Girl. X-Factor with Baron Zemo should be able to easily counter Bionic Avengers. Depending on the Eternals setup, there can be a punch-up or not. Dr. Doom Basic will never miss, same as Doombots. Red target frames around characters should be targeted first. We try to put out a new article every Monday, so stay tuned for even more content. When you do that you will have to kill Kang fast and deal with the rest of the team. Unlimited X-Men can always beat Sinister Six regardless of power, just by using Rogues special on Dr. Octopus. If Echos kit is a glimpse into what the future will bring for the Young Avengers, then they are going to be another must-have meta team. Hulkbusters barrier and additional HP to the rest of the team grant you an easy survival against Wakandas initial burst. Moreover, Underworld is also a natural counter for Young Avengers. Learn more. I prefer to focus on teams that are fun to use in modes that I enjoy. Undying is best to pair up with TW or NW because both teams have three members, which is ideal. You can place Ability Block on Magneto to prevent Blind, or you can willingly take Blind knowing that Silver Samurai will cleanse. In War, Dark Hunters and Weapon X should be used against some more important enemies than WW, but outside of War, those two teams can easily deal with them. However, many players have wondered what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. Beast provides them with full cleansing after being hit by Cloaks ultimate and Jubilee/Bishop synergy will tear apart New Warriors after that. Astonishing X-Men is another pick against New Warriors. To enforce this, Scopely, MSFs developer, uses a Victory Point system. Horsemen teams are designed to be meta for specific features. Uxmen are fully vulnerable against the Undying duo. Taskmasters and Mr. Negativitys kit together will tear apart Emarauders with an insane punch-up. Kestrel is a Hero who is a nightmare for Web Warriors. The only thing I can say is that Fantomex, Gambit, and Rogue are mandatory. Nonetheless countering them is easy and it can be done with teams that are not considered as first offensive options at the moment. Infinity Watch starts with Immunity meaning that they will be fully safe from any Ability Block Bionic Avengers has to offer. Aside from Eternals, existing Horseman teams can also easily beat HA. Unfortunately, this team has a lot of summons that are Ikariss best friends. Stubborn and a bit reckless, Kate Bishop is the perfect leader for the Young Avengers. Darkhod / Dormhold is a current META for all game features and not only for Arena. X-Factor 5Th Msf | Popnable FINISH OLD TEAMS! Anyway, now that this stupid pop-up is here, I'll tell you that if you like Nerds on Earth, you should give our email list a try. They were specifically built to hard-counter 8W. Although Iron Man has low health, he deals huge amounts of damage to enemies. The following table describes each character as follows: MARVEL. However, you must save Ikariss ultimate to be used in the second turn to flip mass Evade that will be placed by Echo. MSF: Young Avengers counter - It is not the happiest match-up, but they can do it if there is no other solution. Using DD in defense was never my thing but there are people who are doing that. He assumes the role of the guardian for his team. Successful counter with zemo factor und shadowlands. The natural counter for Eternals is Darkhold. New Warriors are usually combined with Eternals for offensive purposes since there are only three of them and only 2 Eternals and they synergize perfectly. Dark Hunters with Dormammu is another viable way of dealing with Dorm/H4H. He deals debilitating blasts to enemies while buffing his Bionic Avenger allies. Their damage output is greater than Wakandas even in CC but you should be careful though because immunity on Wakanda members will prevent you from controlling the battle with Ability Block. Tauna posted two videos about it. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. You should not have any difficulties and you can allow yourself a punch-up of at least 100k. Their WAR mechanic allows you to challenge literally every team if you are aware of their potential and if you built their ISO-8 properly. We send 2-4 emails a month maximum. MSF: Spider weaver counter - Outside of War, they dont have nearly as much bang for their buck, but inside of their chosen mode theyre quite powerful. Gamers should keep in mind that you have a limited number of attacks for each room, so you have to plan accordingly. We have a recap and review of that episode here if you dont mind spoilers. Possible justified counters are obvious. Kestrel will prevent Mister Sinister from cloning while summons from Maria Hill and Nick Fury will do the rest while attacking an enemy with Defense Down. MSF: Best Iso-8 for America Chavez - Usage: ~counter <target team: optional > <power: optional >. You can afford significant punch-ups without fear of losing. Ghosts passive will always target Phoenix, allowing her to quickly summon Dark Phoenix while all her allies are alive and fully charged. Although you have to keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn while Scarlet Witchs ultimate focus is on Dormammu. Unfortunately, with Axmen you cannot expect wins if punch-up is significant (50k+). Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. X-Men are logical counters to Brotherhood, but the presence of DD can fully change the outcome. She hails from a Utopian parallel, and yet she is here to fight and save the day. Having that in mind, it was important to pinpoint them as counters. Infinity Watch starts with Safeguard and Immunity, which nullifies Rogues early special ability. To counter this team, the strategy is simple you need to place Disrupt+Trauma on Absorbing Man or to place Ability Block while removing Taunt in the process. Though I'm still skeptical X Force is far from top tier. Doom Raids are a challenge. If you can survive their initial burst and use Ultimate with Red Hulk victory is yours. They cannot be killed easily with Axmens initial burst, and they can fully take out Jubilee and Beast from the battle. Plus, Spider-Man is an iconic Marvel character, and so its nice to be able to play with him and not lament about his weakness. Darkhold can beat almost anyone in every game mode, so they are a logical choice. It is important to say that an easy answer for Darkhold/Dormhold is Darkhold without Scarlet Witch and with a character who can grant your MLF to play first (Emma/Loki/Cable). in War, they will place Trauma, Heal Block, and Blind the entire enemy team, which should be more than enough for everything H4H has to offer. I saw on youtube a punch up 230k with XFactor+Zemo. Her passive attacks will destroy Web Warriors one by one. MARVEL Strike Force Software SCOPELY Those two teams are specialized in War, but they cant do much outside of it. For early access to graphics like this, as well as offers on roster reviews and my resource management tool, join our public discord server If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you have to do is add Dormammu to the Underworld team. For example, as long as Echo isnt Blinded, enemies cant Assist. Ghost Spider is here to spread those around so everyone gets a debuff. For early access to graphics like this, as well as offers on roster reviews and my resource management tool, join our public discord server The best way to deal with them is to combine Eternals with Black Bolt, Yo-Yo, and Crystal. However, many players are curious about what the perfect counter is for her. At the moment 3 teams that I mentioned should grant you victory 100%. Uncanny X-Men with Magik can be a real threat so it is safest to use META teams against them. They will be unaffected by Blind and their control and damage potential is considerably higher than Death Seeds who are specialized for Raids after all. Marvel Strike Force " has been published on September 26 2021. For all other teams, Secret Avengers will pose an unsolvable enigma that can be beaten only by META teams. Underworld is a new WAR counter for AW META defense. That way, he can have a better chance to avoid debuffs if his Omega plays first. The Young Avengers is a squad in MSF that consists of several characters. Regardless of RNG, you can allow yourself a huge punch-up with BO against Axemen. Comic Haul: This is My Pile of Marvel Bronze Age Comics Im Ready to Clean, Review of Paizos Starfinder Galactic Magic. Rebirth seems like an ideal team for War Defense. Inhumans stats are mediocre now, but Yo-Yos presence will significantly increase sustain of your Eternals giving Ikaris enough time to survive and use his ultimate for the second time. Black Order is no longer META and there are numerous options to deal with them. Most of them have additional bonuses just for Offense, but Taskmaster has everything in Warr generally. Weapon X can also easily deal with Deathseed. In early testing Infinity Watch is able to punch down on Young Avengers similar to Heroes for Hire, It's really odd to have a war defense team that beats a specific offense team. Place Abi Block with Mister Negative on Spider Weaver If you can do that, victory is near. Lest something new everyday! In theory, you can afford a certain slight punch-up, but even if you are a lot stronger nothing can guarantee you success. They have Immunity and Safeguard at the start (will protect them against initial mass Blind and buffs stealing) and their damage potential is high enough to deal with the new Horseman team. Black Order is an obvious answer for them Thanos plays first allowing you to quickly transfer your targeting from Bishop to Beast while his special fully counters Beasts ultimate. The presence of Crystal grants healing to your Inhumans while Eternals are doing the job and BB is here only to exploit his passive and finish out enemies earlier. He is a savage brute that shreds single targets. Keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn and Scarlet Witchs ultimate and focus on Dormammu. Well I hope this helps you take your Squad from a D+ to a B- Commander! Both teams can grant you an insane punch-up and you will not be bothered if you spend any of them against Symbiotes. Well it's honestly been "if they can take infinity watch then they can take anyone" lately so it's not really just "1 or 2 won't work", I've only tested it against a young avengers minus echo team but xforce beat them without issues, however it was a 30k punch down. Though at super high levels with war bonuses and boosts I strongly recommend switching to the Eternals team. The following table describes each Bionic Avenger: Cosmic Crucible contains 3 trials, each of which lasts 24 hours. Weapon X is considered the best counter for the Young Avengers. PSA: In War, do not attack Young Avengers with Infinity Watch - reddit As long as Thanos focus is high enough to flip buffs on Mercenaries you can afford almost any punch-up. Omega Red and the company fully negate their assists and as soon as Safeguard and Immunity are off, Infinity Watch has no means to answer them. Bionic Avengers is a new synergy and there are definitely more teams that can deal with them and save you the teams I already proposed for other enemies. Bionic Avengers will almost fully ignore Web Warriors dodge potential making them easy targets, even if the punch-up is very high. Those results are accurate, but they can be misleading. However, the above mentioned counters are known to excel in the Alliance War. With Emma Frost, your Rogue will play first and neutralize an enemy Rogue and her special. AI will never be fully effective meaning that you will be the one who controls the battle. While Weapon X can allow themself a great punch-up if Omega Red is not the character with the highest HP in the teams, Dark Hunters must be of similar strength if they wanna have a chance to win. Weapon X is another hard counter for Hero Asgardians. Having toons with Skirmisher of high level can help you remove initial buffs on Dormammu, after which you can take the control of the battle and hopefully prevail before the time is off. After that, everything is much easier depending on who accompanies your Eternals. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Raids are a mode that you participate in every single day, whereas WAR isnt ongoing. Vindication at last. Since we already mentioned them as a justified counter against Darkold/Dormhold, it may sound strange that MLF and company can be used against Weapon X in the opposite direction. Even improved Nobu is still almost harmless and can easily be replaced by Dormammu. The trick is to find a team that is the least important and can be used for this task. This prevents their negative effects from being removed or flipped. Mass Blind on start and constant removal of Pym Techs buffs make things really easy for Magneto and the company. View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. Possible Defensive Teams in room 3 (click on the teams name to scroll to team): Eternals (Fortifier) + Tangled Web (Striker), Eternals (Fortifier) + Baron Zemo (Fortifier) + Loki + Emma, Eternals (Fortifier) + New Warriors (Striker). All Rights Reserved. Young Avengers form a powerful team. Bionic Avengers are considered the perfect counter for Spider-Weaver. With the shocking She-Hulk: Attorney at Law reveal of Hulk's son, Skaar, the lineup of the long-awaited MCU Young Avengers may be complete. As an alternative, dont care about war because its roughly 50% chance youll win anyway and then you dont have to worry about it. The third team that I will propose is Symbiotes with Silver Surfer. Unlimited X-Men and Eternals will probably make overkill when facing a Mercenary team, but frankly, with them, you dont have to worry about Mercenary strength because you can afford insane punch-ups. The best way to deal with them is to combine Eternals with Black Bolt, Yo-Yo, and Crystal. Unfortunately, her grandmother fell ill and became too frail to continue weaving the beautiful textiles that paid her tuition. If your Omega Red is playing the first target opponent Omega Red, focus on him with other characters and try to turn rewind Silver Samurai (with Lady Deathstike). Underworld is the new Offensive option that counters AW METAs defense. As long as Night Nurses ultimate is on level 7, you have nothing to fear because Symbiotes debuffs will be your advantage on NNs turn. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars lasts 24 hours in Marvel Strike Force and allows players to attacks the specific zones shown below and score points for their Alliance. He is a soldier reanimated with cybernetic technology. We dont know who will be the fifth character to fill out the team yet, but my money is on Hawkeye favorite, Kate Bishop. You must use Emma instead of Stitcher or Bruiser to grant yourself cleansing, though. Infinity Watch will beat Wakanda on pure strength and will offer you a significant punch-up. Underworld and Undying will easily deal with Emarauders. If you cant kill Captain America fast enough and he is about to use his special in the second turn, things may become difficult but depending on the team you are using (all suggested counters fit the criteria) you will have plenty of options to slow or control Captain so he cannot use his special ability on time. Gamma is the best team in the game for War by far. Conquer Wars With Accurate Counters!. Spider-Man now grants random positive effects to Web-Warrior allies whenever a negative effect is applied to an enemy. Web Warriors can be a formidable opponent but there are several teams that can help you not use META teams against them. Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force! Thereafter, players should focus on Kate Bishop. Players should remember that Viv-Visions attack strikes in a line, either back or front rows. Young Avengers DESTROYED with this Counter | BIG Punch Ups | MSF In that case, it would be best to Abi Block Archangel.