If you need to report work and wages, change of address, or phone number, you will need to certify for benefits with UI Online SM or mail the paper Continued Claim form (DE 4581) (PDF). Hello PeppermintBronner. When I go to the UI online website, I hit the button to re-open my claim and after each week, the UI online website's message will come back to say to "Re-open the claim… If you have NOT CERTIFIED for benefits for a period of time (at least long enough to not get prompted to certify anymore. guys if anyone who have reopen your claim please call the edd office its a glitch in the system and an operator will help you i got to certify my benefits because of said operator. "reopen claim" states and means only 1. Via online: To reopen an employment claim online, UI Online is the fastest and most convenient way to reopen your claim. Last year, I found a thread about how to get a live person from EDD and it was helpful. Some still don't know how to prove they're legit. Therefore, unless you filed your claim before 01/10/20, you are STILL WITHIN your 12-month claim period. The best way to reopen a claim is by logging in to your Benefits Program Online account and using UI Online. Reopening is the automatic part since it had all the info and was instant She apologized and promised, “I will make sure EDD gets back to you on your claim,” she said. If you have NOT CERTIFIED for benefits for a period of time(at least long enough to not get prompted to certify anymore. The previous message said EDD would send an email or text with instructions. At 12:30 pm Sunday night, I logged on to certify for benefits like I do for every two weeks and was too greeted with the Reopen Claim message. You can reopen your claim if it was filed within the last 52 weeks and you have not used all of your benefits. TTY: Services for the deaf and hard of hearing can be reached at 1-888-334-4046.; Videophone: Services for individuals who use American Sign Language (ASL) can be reached at 717-704-8474 every Wednesday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 12-month claim ends ONE YEAR from the time your claim was filed, NOT a calendar year (01/01-12/31). She's been trying for hours, weeks, months to reach somebody -- anybody at EDD. If you certified for benefits within the last 120 days, you can continue certifying on your current claim. The best way to reopen a claim is by logging in to your Benefits Program Online account and using UI Online. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Wait til tomorrow or another few days or call. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You must call one of the numbers below for assistance in reopening your claim. This information applies specifically to California (EDD). You cannot reopen a claim more than once within the same calendar week (Sunday through Saturday). They mention if it states to start a new claim to do not do that common sense is do the same thing for do not REOPEN claim ! Those reddit people do not work for the edd. After reopening my claim (only button they gave me) I was given a date 1/24/21 to certify next again. A written Notice of Determination/Ruli… this is bs. Hey, thanks so much for your response. On EDD website I found instructions to not reopen claim but it was suppose to get taken care of by after an update on 01/22/2021. It does state bear with them while they’re trying to figure out the process! But if you are earning less money than your EDD benefit and want to receive partial benefits, enter the last day worked, employment source and $ earned. same question, got the reopen claim, and still under suspension of account. Everyone on PUA hasn’t certified since the week ending 12/26 so that’s not very helpful info. EDD is doing a horrible job, I reopened my claim on extension (first one) and with a balance of 438$ left. As if you have a balance (money) left over, after being paid benefits for the week of 12/26 (or if you will once your suspension is lifted) then under the new law written in the HEALS Act you will not have to forfeit those remaining claim benifit dollars & instead will be able to collect them during those extra weeks after the 11 week extension, so they can be claimed in weeks 3/13/20-4/10/20 so that makes the date, the Edd, & the UI webpage correct. The EDD’s top two frequently asked questions of the week are about reopening claims. They said wait till Monday folks so wait till Monday you’re only screwing yourselves! For Work Sharing claims only: 916-464-3300 For all other claims visit Contact Us. If you make more than the base pay & you have additional funds on your claim, I would still do this, although be aware you may have an issue with your “base pay period”, although that can be changed too assuming you made the same amount or more money in the period you’d like to change it to. I got the message to reopen claim after WE 12/26/2020 and have not certified since. If you are receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance or Federal-State Extended Duration benefits, you cannot use EDD Tele-Cert to certify. However if you already have reopened your claim, that is no issue, EDD will make all necessary changes needed. The EDD says it’s likely they applied before March 20 – that’s when the agency got approval to adjust eligibility requirements. "reopen claim" states and means only 1. DO NOT REOPEN CLAIM IF IT ASKS YOU TO! The total number of unemployment claims that are stuck in the EDD backlog was 777,760 for the week that ended on Dec. 30, a dashboard posted on the EDD’s website shows. or 2. you have NEVER certified after opening a claim.... EDD should not have put that as its confusing but dont do it unless you fall under the above 2 reasons. please help, what if you reopen claim button , save it as a draft , but dont submit it? After selecting the Unemployment Insurance category, select the “Claim Questions” sub-category and then select “Backdate the Effective Date of my UI Claim due to COVID-19 (Ask EDD).” ; Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation – A benefit extension for … They said starting Monday well technically they said it will be done figuring out the new program by Sunday the 10th at 1am and the system will be shut done till then while hey are figuring it out. I've been having the same issue. This shit is crazy and everyone's trying to find answer -- I'm gonna wait myself. Finally solved thank jesus CHRIST and all the support from the reddit community, I was going insane but there is hope. Your claim begins the Sunday of the week you applied for unemployment. By reopening the claim. How can I get reopen claim while I am suspended? What did you do? Feel free to ask further questions as I feel like I work for them with the amount of information I know about these programs, it’s ridiculous, but as the Edd likes to tell us... “these are unprecedented times.”. On New Year's Eve, California's unemployment system suspended a large number of claims due to potential "fraudulent activity." After you follow the instructions in the video, the EDD will process your request to backdate the effective date of your new claim and you will receive a Notice of Amended Unemployment Insurance Award, DE 429 by … If you have the option to reopen your claim, EDD has us advised to advise constituents not to do so, as it a glitch they are working on and will make all necessary changes. Damn, I just filed to reopen my claim, so I'm going to miss out on 2 weeks of payments? If you have the option to reopen your claim, EDD has us advised to advise constituents not to do so, as it a glitch they are working on and will make all necessary changes. As businesses begin to reopen, many people are still waiting for the unemployment payments they are owed from the months they have been out of work. It sounds too easy to be true, & it is but not for reasons you’d think read personal experience below: My request to backdate the start date of my claim was automatically denied due to staff incompetence, so I had to call & tell them how to do their job in order to get this fixed, as the staff was like this changes your base pay period so it can’t be done, but then I said “I’ve never shown you any proof of income so how do I even have a base pay period that makes no sense, at which point the lightbulb went off & they submitted my request to be approved. This is so confusing and unfair. 1/24/21. Stupid me did that and used the same information initially applied with (I had a copy of my summary from my application). If it’s been more than 30 days since you last certified for benefits, your Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim will become inactive. The last time I certified was for these following weeks, 12/13/2020 - 12/19/2020 Week 2 12/20/2020 - 12/26/2020. "To reopen a claim, press five. Dug around the web and some newer Reddit’s and it appears that this will be fixed on Monday. It's so sad that they keep prompting people to reopen claims and yet don't give any other instruction along with it so people that are desperate right now end up clicking whatever link the EDD sent and are now screwed. Otherwise, press two," the recording intones. I understand this is a very hard time for everyone but if you’re not listening to instructions you’re only hurting yourself! If you were … The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I’m sure they know exactly that this is what’s happening it’s part of figuring out the process and if they wanted people to reopen their claim they would have stated that on their news room release on January 8! If you haven’t been paid for week 12/26 yours might say balance of $167 which means you won’t have a balance. The EDD has provided guidance for people who collected benefits earlier in the pandemic, stopped, and now need to reopen claims. It provides general information about the claim including the reason the claimant states he/she is no longer working. This is the first opportunity for employers to provide eligibility information by responding in writing and mailing the response to the notice within 10 days of the mail date located at the top of the notice. Learn how to reopen your UI claim online without speaking to a representative. Please be patient we will all get through this together! A timely employer response guarantees: 1. I have a current claim on file with the CA EDD. They say, in most cases, they can automatically re-open claims within a … so please call and be nice. or 2. you have NEVER certified after opening a claim.... EDD should not have put that as its confusing but dont do it unless you fall under the above 2 reasons. Please listen to directions! From what I've read it is a glitch in the system. Does anyone have any info on how I can be in touch with the class action lawsuit attorneys.? This method in December took about a week, now may take longer but in the end I got an additional $1500 which really helped as I’m sure it would for all of you!!! Clearly EDD is giving you precise instructions on what to do as of January 8 under news room! You can figure out if you have remaining funds by pressing the little home icon in the upper left of the screen after logging onto UI online, then look for the word “Balance” towards the bottom of the screen, If there is money there & you have been paid for the week 12/26 then you have remaining benefits, and can collect them in the dates outlined above. Two days later, a representative from EDD called Hardy. Therefore, DO NOT reopen your claims and just wait. You can request to backdate your claim date to the week you became unemployed due to COVID-19. If you have the option to reopen your claim, EDD has us advised to advise constituents not to do so, as it a glitch they are working on and will make all necessary changes. If you filed for unemployment within the last 52 weeks (12 months) and have not exhausted your benefits, you must reopen your claim to restart your benefits. To continue receiving benefits, you must reopen your claim. If you have the option to reopen your claim, EDD has us advised to advise constituents not to do so, as it a glitch they are working on and will make all necessary changes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Edd/comments/kuhtha/awesome_news_u_wont_see_me_posting_nomore_lol/, The unofficial subreddit about (not consistently monitored by anyone employed at) the State of California's Employment Development Department: https://edd.ca.gov, Press J to jump to the feed. The unofficial subreddit about (not consistently monitored by anyone employed at) the State of California's Employment Development Department: https://edd.ca.gov, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. However if you already have reopened your claim, that is no issue, EDD will make all necessary changes needed. Did this happen to anyone else. Reopened claim (clicked link today) and now says certify on 1/24. If you are still working, write, “still working.” When you My claim was never flagged or suspended & didnt need to i.d./verify. Back pay 300$ should be received within the next few days. If you certified for benefits within the last 30 days, you can continue certifying on your current claim. Still pending since 12/19/20. So all these people that are opening their EDD page and it says re-open claim this is probably the process they’re trying to figure out! Has anyone notice that the new date is incorrect... it says 4/10... the extension is only 11 weeks that should end 3/13.....obviously the update is incorrect. If you are like me and ended up reopening our claims...lets pray that it does not set us back because I have no knowledge of what to expect at this point. So, even when the UI online website's notification is changed back to "reopen your claim" after the Saturday of the 1st week of submitting the reopen claim request, just wait up to around the 10th business day (or some time at the end of the 2nd week) to see if there's the new UI online notification message about certifying for UI benefits. So just be aware you too may have to do their job for them & spend an unfortunate amount of time calling & explaining how to do their work for them if your request gets denied quickly like mine did. This is good. However if you already have reopened your claim, that is no issue, EDD will make all necessary changes needed. Was stuck on hold for an hour and a half patiently waiting for an (EPR) "Employment Program Representative" who fixed my claim in less than 10 minutes. Author: Josh … A: If you do not want to claim benefits for the week(s) on the claim form, do not submit the bi-weekly EDD forms. & if your balance is higher than $668 after being paid for 12/26-> I have great news for you, keep reading! Hopefully a new update will fix the problem, if not you can always try calling but it's hard to get thru, I'll just wait for a new update myself. I did and they gave me a date to certify again. If your balance is greater than the sum of 4 weeks of paid benefits (>$668 for those receiving the base PUA benefit), then I suggest you log onto UI online immediately & hit the “ask edd” button at the bottom of the page & find the question that asks to “backdate the start date of my claim” where (anyone receiving the base amount of PUA & many others as well) can change the start date on your claim easily to 2/2/20 in order to receive ALL your benefits for ALL the weeks of pay available to you as a receiver of PUA. This sucks... CA EDD should have been proactive about this and changed their settings. This is all so messed up and I've never seen such unorganized bullshit in my life. This notice is mailed to the very last employer when a claim for UI benefits is filed. It now 2/06/2021 and everything is still the same. The federal government expanded unemployment benefits so we can help more Californians impacted by COVID-19: Pandemic Unemployment Assistance – Provides unemployment benefits for people who don’t usually qualify for regular state Unemployment Insurance. They tell us one thing on the website and then I hear the opposite somewhere else. Actually you are incorrect on this. I hope this gets resolved soon. Select the "Reopen an Existing Claim… A lot of people called EDD and for those who got thru the representative they fixed the problem and change the reopen claim to certify. However if you already have reopened your claim, that is no issue, EDD will make all necessary changes needed.
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reopen claim edd reddit 2021