I use the 5e equivalent for spells from special mobs. RELATED: Dungeons and Dragons: 10 Best Melee Feats, Ranked Each type comes with its own terrifying characteristics, though the night hag has the worst feature in our opinion. Horrific Appearance: Any humanoid that starts its turn within 30 feet of the hag and can see the hag's true form must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. The first hags, night hags, were the children of Khyber, and have served as ambassadors between dragons and rakshasa.1 After the fiends' defeat at the hands of the dragons during the Age of Demons, the hags have been scattered across the planes, Khyber, and the Demon Wastes. All faerie dragons have innate spellcasting ability, gaining new spells as they mature. 5e SRD; SRD System (WotC) SRD FAQ (WotC) d20 Modern SRD (WotC) Pathfinder SRD (Paizo) d20SRD Facebook; D&D Wiki; ... Red Dragon; White Dragon; Dragons, Metallic. When the candle is snuffed out, the eye sockets glow red. There are endless horrific possibilities when it comes to hags. A night hag knows that if it’s caught before collecting the soul it’s after, the mission is a failure, and there’s no point in hanging around, so all it takes is a light wound (12 hp of damage or more) for the unmasked night hag to cut and run, making its escape via the Ethereal Plane or a casting of plane shift. Having only recently begun playing the Dungeon Master for my group, I’d noticed that many of the monsters shown in 3/3.5 never made it into the 5e format. Traits Amphibious: The hag can breathe air and water. (i.e. Most adventurers have a strong fighter or two in their parties. Having grown up on Dungeons and Dragons 3/3.5e, I had fallen in love with the various monsters presented throughout the numerous source materials. Hags are cruel, ancient, evil, magical creatures that come in a variety of types like night hags, green hags, and sea hags. The person holding it feels paranoid and cruel, but gains advantage on Perception checks. They have been called by many names over the centuries including Witch Stones, Adder Stones, Snake Eggs, Hex Stones, Fairy Stones, Holy Stones, Holeys, and Eye Stones. Hags are ancient creatures that have existed since the Age of Demons. The sea hag's terrible appearance inspires fear in those who come near her, requiring a DC 11 wisdom saving throw or frightening a creature within 30 feet. The color of the faerie dragon designates which spells it can cast, so a Green one could cast the spells for Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.) An Annis Hag has a huge rusty nail, the length of a forearm. I am coming to the conclusion of the Red Hand of Doom with my players. Hag history was difficult to trace due to their propensity towards lying and self-interested exaggeration, but one myth known by ogres and hill giants corroborated a certain legend. If a sea hag even lays her eyes upon something beautiful, it draws her into a fit of rage as she schemes to destroy or corrupt it. Red, 1/day each: dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion. I'm using various CR dragons, drakes, etc as a stand in for some of the bosses. So far, the PCs have found a little treasure and minimal magic items (scrolls & potions, a cape of the mountebank , and a homebrew Lifeblade ). I'm open to homebrew items, older D&D items, DMG items, or items from other published resources. And so, this project was born. It then materializes the rest of the body as a specter, until the eyes are gouged out. Hag Stones can be any type of stone as long as they possess a natural hole through it and if in your possession, should be considered a sacred object. What magic items would be well-suited for the night hag Widow Groat's personal lair? A skull of any local beast, a candle melting upon it. Orange, 1/day: color spray. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. I actually took Matt's advice for converting old content - just take the 5e equivalent and throw it in there and make it work.
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red hag 5e 2021