"I see my service as Bishop Ordinary as a form of "intervention", because this service is bigger than my service alone. Currently she serves as Ecumenical Pastoral Associate for St. Luke's Episcopal Church.Reverend Madeleine known as Pastor Maddie provides pastoral care to the home-bound, sick and dying in the St. Luke's parish, and to others in the community. which is active in many parts of the world including the United States, Latin America, Africa, Italy, Austria and India. Weisman is a member of the Good Shepherd Companions, Cleveland, OH, serves on the CSC Leadership Council, and has a pastoral charge under the title of the Regina Coeli mission parish, Cleveland. Thomas E. Cusack was ordained as a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Davenport, Iowa. These priests, however, accepted the hermeneutics of the continuity of Pope Benedict XVI, while the priests of the Institute of the Good Shepherd were authorised by the Vatican to use the Tridentine form of the Roman Rite exclusively and criticize the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Good Shepherd Companions, An Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate holds to the foundational tenants of the Catholic Faith as expressed in creedal statements through the centuries. To this end, the priests of the Institute are at the service of the dioceses to take on any type of traditional apostolate. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. With the same aspiration to unite the Roman Church with the Anglican tradition through establishing Ordinariates, GSC members feel the call of God’s Spirit toward Ecumenical and Interreligious unity. He felt quite privileged that Archbishop Milingo was one of his classmates and appreciated that the Better World Movement integrated the humanness and spirituality formulated by the Vatican II Council. Knitters & Crocheters. He collaborated in the founding of the St. Barnabas Mission and its successor, The Good Shepherd Companions an Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate, served as the President of Married Priests Now! Donate Now. His transformational journey as a priest started in earnest after studying in Rome and was given the assignment of being the National Director of the Better World Movement in the Philippines. Michael Aparo, Wethersfield, Connecticut. Tom serves on the GSC Board of Consultors. John Bray Chapter then became the next priest for Good Shepherd. The Prelature authorized his episcopal ordination. Shanon has an active blog www.thegreenshepherdess.org and owns/operates a small fair-trade store in Fairport Harbor, Ohio www.thegreenshepherdess.com She is an adjunct faculty member of Global Ministries University and the People’s Catholic Seminary. Bishop Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, a native of Linz and a resident of Pettenbach, Austria, is a cofounder of the Roman Catholic Womenpriests movement and a retired special needs teacher. The year 2013 saw the consolidation of many of these ministries with the St. Barnabas Mission serving as their hub and these other initiatives as spokes to form a wheel which can be added as the St. Barnabas Mission grows. Everyone is important. The St. Barnabas Mission is active in the United States, Latin America, Austria and India. Jesus is probably best recognized as a healer of physical and spiritual brokenness. Gail is employed in the Department of Children & Family Services’s Multi-Systemic Therapy Unit meeting therapy needs for high-risk families in Cleveland, OH. being able to affect and influence this only view of the Roman Catholic Church in regards to celibate canonical priesthood. But I think Mass every Sunday is very important and this concern is a real burden for me when I do not see parishioners at Mass. She was ordained on May 26, 2018 at Trindle Spring Lutheran Church, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. On June 17, 2017, Rev. Rosary Making Group. He initiated the Spanish music ministry in his Catholic parish in Charles Town WV from 2005-2007. Bishop Ordinary, Good Shepherd Companions, An Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate. Being a Christian is more than just knowing about Jesus. The Vicariate was founded by the International Society of the Apostles Sts. This determination supports FCM’s providing support for such small faith communities. Knowing Jesus means we are in a relationship with Jesus. 1. He leads them. Who is St. Hildegard of Bingen? Contact : 216-941-9789 reginacoeliqoh@gmail.com, Bishop Bernard Callahan, Landsdown, Pennsylvania. He married Antoinette [“Ann”] Perry in 1984, and they have two grown daughters. Spirituality pulsates throughout creation. History. I am filled with gratitude for the Christ-Spirit in my life and how that Presence is using me as an instrument of His Love and Light in the world. I live in andhra Pradesh, india. We shall not see his likeness again. She served as Director of Faith Formation for a rural parish in the Diocese of Cleveland following the completion of her M.Div. The Bishop Ordinary and Board … The Bishop Ordinary and Board appoint assistants and committees as needed. I see you are from the U.S. Perhaps life was/is harder for shepherds where you come from? It was on November of 2014, during the national meeting with the Federation of Christian Ministries (FCM), that Dr. Philip Belzunce felt a call from the Holy Spirit to come full circle with his community of relations to celebrate and affirm his original calling to the Catholic priesthood. and MA in Systematic Theology from Washington Theological Union. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Paul Diederich of the Western Orthodox Church, Sept. 15, 1991 at South Church, Hartford, and incardinated as a priest in the Ecumenical Catholic Diocese of America, December, 2013. He says he always knew he wanted to be a priest, and his grandparents provided him with a deep-rooted faith that was further strengthened by “many lay and Religious friends…without whose prayers and example of a Christian life this vocation would never have come to realization. He has a strong interest in the development of small faith communities and their implementation of Vatican II principles. Shelter House Ministry. Good Shepherd Companions, an Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate functions under a canonical mandate from Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo in accord with Canon 1792 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law “The supreme law of the church is the salvation of souls.” We welcome Christians of all traditions and all people of good will to join us in our service to others and our worship. Fr. We derive great satisfaction in serving with a Higher Purpose and facilitating  individuals, couples, families, groups and communities through transitions in their life journey and their transformations for growth, healing and well-being and how to reconnect with their Body-Energy-Emotion-Heart-Mind-Soul-System-Spirit (BEEHMSSSTM) in their evolutionary and transformational Life Journey. Paed., Pettenbach Austria. He has also lectured at the C.G. Because we are not born on this earth in a vacuum, no one goes through life always and absolutely alone. He currently teaches Latin and Spanish at Blue Ridge Middle School in Purcellville VA. Weisman is a member of the Good Shepherd Companions, Cleveland, OH, serves on the CSC Leadership Council, and has a pastoral charge under the title of the Regina Coeli mission parish, Cleveland. The more we can influence the world in the process of embracing the diverse parts of the Church, the less oppressive we become to one another, to women, to people with different orientation, to our planet earth, and to humanity in general. Presbyterian, and Disciples of Christ. Magna Cum Laude: Don Bosco College, Newton New Jersey, 1960;   He taught high school Latin, English, Italian, Religion and Geometry 1960-1963 in Rosemead, CA and  1964-65 at the former St. Anthony High School, Bristol, CT. Since then, it has grown into an interna-tional network of caring. Shanon has also worked closely with a missionary program in India for almost two decades. Special Olympics. She has travelled to Bingen, Germany several times over the last few years to walk in the footsteps of Hildegard of Bingen for research and personal/professional development. Shepherds are not just priest but also parents, teachers, managers, etc. By 1984, there were about 35 registered members. Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs. Rev. After his wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s ten years ago, they spent four years in Slovenia. Program. In 2015 the name was changed to Good Shepherd Companions, … They have been active in the local community for almost three decades. These many replications of patterns of interactions become our very own "dance," encoded in the many replications of familial, religious and cultural interaction. He earned a BA in Catholic Theology, and an M.Div. He does not live by calculating his gains or how long he has worked: he is not an accountant of the Spirit, but a Good Samaritan who seeks out those in need," the Pope said in a June 3 homily. Please see revmaddie.net to view her blog. For the past 20 years, Gail has served families in the inner-city providing therapeutic services with a focus on healing and resolving trauma experiences. From 2007 until 2013 he developed a partnership between the St. Barnabas Mission and the Federation of Christian Ministries which has enabled over 40 members of FCM to receive religious body endorsement for their specialized ministries employment. Our hearts burn within us. Good Shepherd Companions, (GSC), are inspired by the Spirit of Jesus as were His companions along the road to Emmaus. Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash. (The story of the Good Shepherd still has a very special place in my heart) My future son-in-law once spent the summer up on the pyrénées mountains as a shepherd and he is a gentle, kind person too. After a number of years doing volunteer pastoral work in her parish and in a hospital setting following her service as a Benedictine sister and marrying a man who had been divorced, she became involved with the movement for the ordination of women as Roman Catholic priests in Europe. He works for a non-profit as an addictions counselor. Companions of OGS Attached to the Oratory are Companions and Associates, who are an important part of the Oratory family. As shepherds, priests are configured to and must remain close to Jesus the Good Shepherd, and must stay close to their flocks, Wuerl said. The Bishop Ordinary serves as President, and has an elected Board for consultation and planning. Companions, after a period of probation, promise to keep a Rule of Life, based on the Rule observed by the professed brethren. Trusting in God’s Spirit to bring God’s healing and loving work to fulfillment, the St. Barnabas Mission invites and encourages all the baptized and especially those in ordained ministries to join their energies together as partnerships in their community to bring the Gospel’s transforming “light and salt” for our world in the vision of Vatican II. We envision a new invigorating movement of conscious care for the earth and all its creatures. I believe in Married Priests Now! Bishop Joseph F. Catrambone, M.Div., D.D. He did his undergraduate work at Borromeo Seminary in Wickliffe, Ohio, majoring in philosophy, and received his diploma in Catholic theology from the University of Tubingen, Germany, where his teachers included Hans Kung, Joseph Ratzinger (on the Catholic faculty), and Ernst Kaesemann and Juergen Moltmann (on the Lutheran faculty). Her ministry reaches out to all of God's people. Rev. GSC models Jesus’ spirituality. Catholic—sharing the beliefs and vision of the Ecumenical Councils. All are available online. Tewksbury, Massachusetts. As shepherds we can use the first reading for our examination of conscience. Companions keep a Rule of Life based on the Rule observed by the professed brethren. The papal insignia on his pectoral cross shows Jesus portrayed as a shepherd. On August 06, 2013 Ecumenical Catholic Dioceses named Bishop Catrambone Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Central America; Bishop Catrambone was installed in Philadelphia Pa. on December 21, 2013 On August 06, 2014, he was announced by Archbishop Peter Paul Brennan as the first Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of  Guatemala. He has a parish in Trainer and is looking to expand Catholic ministry into Philadelphia. She became a member of the St. Barnabas Mission in 2012 and was ordained as a Roman Catholic Deacon on February 10, 2013 and a priest on May 18, 2013 for service in the St. Barnabas Mission and the ECDA. Inspiration is living with awareness of God’s Spirit empowering our actions. Poor children in the USA, Central America, Africa, and India are a deep concern. Further blessing me with a life partner, with whom to live and work according to His Purpose for my life and our life together on this earth. Gail M. Weisman is a native of Cleveland, OH and the first woman to earn a Master of Divinity degree from St. Mary Seminary, Wickliffe, OH in 2005. His service in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia inspired him to begin lay ministry in underserved urban areas which led him eventually seek  ministry and eventual ordination into independent Catholicism. In 2011, the year of his 50th anniversary of ordination as a priest, he accepted ordination as a community based Catholic bishop in the international Roman Catholic reform movement at the hands of principal consecrator Peter Paul Brennan and three other Catholic bishops two of whom were Catholic women bishops, members of Roman Catholic Women Priests, on the eve of Pentecost and the Feast of St. Barnabas in the city of Detroit. Michael Aparo was ordained Roman Catholic Deacon for the Archdiocese of Hartford,1974 and served as Deacon at St. Peter's Church, Hartford, CT 1974-1984. He is also a board member of The Married Priest Now! Dagmar Braun-Celeste, Kelley's Island, Ohio. He currently serves as Chair of the FCM Committee for Denominational Concerns and as Co-Chair of the FCM Roman Catholic Faith Community Council. On June 29, 2002 along with six other women Christine was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest on the Danube River on the border between Germany and Austria by a married Catholic bishop. This is one version of the Apostle’s Creed: We believe in God, creator of heaven and earth. It is sometimes counter-cultural and works towards bringing real peace and justice to all. Pastor, The Community of St. Hildegard. In order to survive, we need others, whether we connect through persons, family, society, religion, or culture. How to be a good shepherd? She has also traveled to the Holy Land and India where she offered seminars on women and ecclesial leadership. We joyously become inclusive vs. discriminatory and we become one of the sources of love, creativity and wisdom that allows the spirit to be free!”. GSC participates with other renewal groups like Interna-tional Federation for a Renewed Catholic Ministry; Feder-ation of Christian Ministries, Married Priests Now!, and local Ministerial Associations. Good Shepherd Companions - An Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate. With his wife and others he founded a Couples ministry in St. Vincent’s Parish Baltimore MD. Archbishop Brennan was consecrated by Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, the retired Roman Catholic Archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia and famous charismatic healer and exorcist in Africa and Italy, who had been ordained a bishop by Pope Paul VI. Dr. William J. Manseau is among the over 100,000 Roman Catholic priests who have married since the Second Vatican Council’s call for renewal and reform of the Church. Good Shepherd, teach us to be sheep that cares for one another, that through the love that we show, the world may know you. Along with clergy, each community elects 2 non-clergy members to be voting members of the synod. Dr. Manseau serves on the executive committee of the International Federation for a Renewed Catholic Ministry (www.renewedcatholicministry.org) which represents ministry reform associations in 7 countries and is based in London, England. They are often occasions of social healing and spiritual reconnection. She has recently published a book through Fortress-Augsburg Press, “30 Day Journey with St. Hildegard of Bingen” and is currently writing a new book on her call to ordained ministry to be published in 2021. The HELP Program. He did graduate Philosophy studies at Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, Italy, 1964; earned a MSW: UConn School of Social Work, West Hartford, CT,1970;  He did theology studies at St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, CT, 1971-73 and Holy Apostles Seminary, Cromwell, CT, 1980-84. It is the Spirit of God, Life force and Divine Presence that can "intervene" in the goodness of humanity and heal the divisions that we replicate. Another world view that my wife and I share is that we are more than just a collection of parts, for each part/piece of us contains our whole. They have 2 adult children, adopted from Central America as infants. Ordained a priest by Richard Cardinal Cushing in 1961 in Boston he married in 1969 and obtained subsequently two doctorates in ministry in social transformation and psychology and clinical studies to equip him to work on behalf of the Church’s reform and renewal. This is an on the job training program requiring prior theological training. 249404 Royal Fold, New Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5EA Parish Priest: Fr Larkin Telephone: 01422 832085 Website: www.thegoodshepherd.org.uk Email: Parish Priest: pp.thegoodshepherd@dioceseofleeds.org.uk Facebook: The Good Shepherd Halifax Deanery: www.halifax-deanery.org.uk Parish Safeguarding: … He and his wife Ginny have two children, both married, and five grandchildren. As an international, transformational community rooted in the long history of Christianity, east and west, we are more than a territorial diocese. Rev. Some animals such as a cat can do that, but not sheep. She is a member of the Federation of Christian Ministries. Likewise, we … He has served as a Volunteer Chaplain at Cedarcrest Hospital in Newington, CT,  and a Volunteer at Connecticut Valley Hospital and at the Village at South Farms [assisted living facility], in Middletown, CT. It is of the highest quality. “I am convinced that the voice I heard was God  asking me to answer the call and offer the gift of myself to God in the priesthood, just like Jesus Christ offered himself up to the Father. Shepherd’s Care. And because He is the good shepherd, the sheep listen to His voice and recognize the voice of the true shepherd, and they follow it. Hospital ministry integrates treatment for the whole person, physical, spiritual, emotional. Together we hope to develop new ways of addressing this need, along with supporting active ministries already in place. We are committed to foundational Catholic teachings and beliefs and to moving forward with the work begun by the Spirit at Vatican II toward being an inclusive and just Church. For most of us, our good shepherd in human form is the pastor of our parish. Being Ecumenical, we are open to all the followers of Jesus, and working toward reunion of all the Baptized. Good Shepherd Companions describe ourselves as an Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate building bridges of understanding and cooperation for the common good of the Human Family. The Bishop Ordinary serves as President, and has an elected Board for consultation and planning. Scholarship Ministry. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and for the American Institute of Medical Education at various locations in Greece. We live an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, and all creation. I believe that an experience, an event, is not an isolated occurrence, affecting only the immediate surroundings, but has reverberations elsewhere. It is an awareness of our unity and respect for the world around us, clarifying and nurturing all relationships, recognizing that everything is more than mere objects for our use. Followed by Rev. Shepherd’s Share. She is a member of the Synod of Bishops in ECDA, St. Barnabas Mission and the International Society of the Apostles, Sts. The Oratory of the Good Shepherd is a dispersed Anglican religious community that operates in Australia, Europe, North America and Southern Africa. Contact: PH: 301-221-4807, EMAIL: josephcatrambone@yahoo.com, Rev. He has served as chairman of the department of psychiatry at St. Joseph Holo-Psychiatric Care Center 1983 to 1987 and is presently on the board of the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation, where arts and the imagination fuel the mind and offer a practical alternative in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Rev. She also holds a Masters of Art degree in Art Therapy. am Fr. He says “I hope the Holy Spirit can use me to help married couples grow in their love and to help bring love as a unifying force among Christian churches and with other world religions.”. It was founded by a group of priest dons in the University of Cambridge in 1913 and, at present, it consists of 41 professed members (‘Oratorians’) and 75 companions (similar to Franciscan ‘tertiaries’ and Benedictine ‘oblates’). House Churches were a basic structure of the early Christian Movement. Faith is more than adhering to doctrine. If you need assistance please phone John Adams on 0408 698 030 who is co-ordinator of this parish pastoral ministry. Shanon was named the Fairport Harbor Citizen of the Year in 2019 for her long-time dedication to the village. K. Anthoniswamy, I am a catholic priest belonging to the congregation of Good Shepherd Companions. Family and Community: Shanon married Richard Sterringer in 1990, while still in high-school. Sack Lunch Sunday. Email Rev. Carlos Jose Caguiat who was then followed by Rev. The sheep follow him because they know his voice. With his wife he is Co-Vice President of the Federation of Christian Ministries Southern Region. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who lays down His life for the sheep, does so in order that the sheep might have abundant life. In 2013 four more bishops were ordained to develop a path making team model of a renewed Catholic ministry. Priests are taught they have to be ready to lay down their lives for the sheep and honour and glory of God. He was the driving force behind FCM’s redetermination by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a Convention of Churches. In 1991 he entered sales full time and continues that in semi-retirement since 2007. Dr. Joel Brence is a retired psychiatrist, native of Lorain and resident of Lakewood, Ohio. I am from a poor family. She earned a Certificate as a Pastoral Minister from the Diocese of Cleveland while working in the M.Div. Locations. It consists of ten program units conducted over three semesters. He was a Social Worker for Catholic Charities, and  the State of Connecticut, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. The Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds - Registered Charity No. Shanon is a well-seasoned retreat director and has offered numerous retreats for women and men on various topics, most notably topics relating to St. Hildegard of Bingen. Priests are called to be a good shepherd and a Guardian of the Blessed Sacrament. He has served as President of the Interfaith Clergy Association, Newington CT. Rev. He was also elected Bishop Ordinary of the Good Shepherd Companions, an Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate. As, Jesus was the perfect model for them. Deacons, Priests, and Bishops of Good Shepherd Companions generally follow a work-er priest model for their own financial support. November 24, 2020 « Sidewalk Prayer Groups in front of Planned Parenthood; Thanksgiving » + Google Calendar + iCal Export. GSC members engage in healing, the most damaging wounds of Christianity’s history: the dividing of Christ’s Body, the Church. Contact: 216513-5825 celeste@tyriannetwork.com, Bishop Joseph Catrambone, Central America. Bishop Joseph F. Catrambone, M.Div., D.D. Celebrating Mass on Good Shepherd Sunday, May 3, the pope said the feast reminded him of the more than 100 priests and 154 doctors who have died in Italy “in an act of service” to victims of COVID-19. The St. Barnabas Mission, ECDA’s companion ministry, exists to build bridges of faith, hope and love and draws its mandate from Galatians 3:27-28 and Vatican II.
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priest companion of the good shepherd 2021