2 (context transitive English) To embark a ship over the stern. Slang … How to use companion in a sentence. v.t. Poop definition is - defecate. "The poop was beaten gold." All Free. Jan 29, 2021 #34 This is not the class you bring to a discussion about yachts . Etymology 2 . History of companion the floor on the raised part at the back of an old sailing ship ... Etymology [ 'püp ] (noun.) Please visit a reconstructed or preserved ship of that era, such as USS Constitution (Boston), HMS Victory (Portsmith), Hispaniola (Bristol) and ask where the sailors "pooped." poop deck: translation. noun. a weather deck on top of a poop. This was … All of this is to say that regardless of what scuttlebutt actually means, if your dog is scooting its bottom across your floors, you should look into an ointment or cream for that. I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French pope, from Latin puppis Date: 15th century 1. obsolete stern 2. an enclosed superstructure at the stern of a ship above the main deck II. Information and translations of POOP in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Hence the stuff was called "poop". Interpretation Translation  poop deck. navig. 2010. The gun-deck is the deck of a man-of-war where the battery is carried; in old line-of-battle ships, where guns were carried on three decks below the spar-deck, they were called respectively the upper, middle, and lower gun-deck. 1 decade ago. noun. to take (seas) over the stern • Etymology: 1375–1425; pouppe… When a ship takes a wave over the stern of a ship it is said to be 'pooped.' So, from the "possible" etymology, it may have been given this name as someone need to pee, people joke and say, "Pee off the poop-deck". Recorded since c.1405, from Middle French poupe, from Italian poppa, from Latin puppis, all meaning "stern of a ship". Derived terms * poop deck Synonyms * stern Antonyms * bow Verb ; To break seawater with the poop of a vessel, especially the poop deck. cuddy (plural cuddies) A cabin, for the use of the captain, in the after part of a sailing ship under the poop deck. 3 (context US dated English) … 1 (context transitive English) To break seawater with the '''poop''' of a vessel, especially the poop deck. History and Etymology for poop. English. … poppa, from L. puppis poop, stern, of uncertain origin. poop . Poop is a synonym of poo. The poop deck is the highest deck of the ship, typically at the stern. The word stern derives from Indo-European *sta-, the base of a … Latin puppis stern of a ship; Middle French; late Middle English pouppe 1375–1425; poop 2 (po̅o̅p), USA pronunciation v.t. is to break seawater with the poop of a vessel, especially the poop deck or poop can be (obsolete|intransitive) to make a short blast on a horn or poop can be to tire, exhaust often used with out . Tenses poops, pooping, pooped. [1830 40] * * * Perhaps a contraction from Dutch kajuit (“ cabin ”). Poop deck definition is - a partial deck above a ship's main afterdeck. and didn't splatter the sides of the vessel, which they would then have had to scrub. poop deck 3) naut. (from the 18th c.) 2 The sound of a steam engine's whistle; typically low pitch. Oct 25, 2017 12,034 Toronto. As verbs the difference between poop and sea is that poop is to break seawater with the poop of a vessel, especially the poop deck or poop can be (obsolete|intransitive) to make a short blast on a horn or poop can be to tire, exhaust often used with out while sea is to saw. * We were pooped within hailing of the quay and were nearly sunk. Example sentences containing poop deck. "A … Just a point of clarity... the term "fantail" is largely confined to the USN. poupe stern of a ship, from It. The term 'poop deck' refers to the partial deck above the ship's main afterdeck at the stern of the ship. This is a “page-a-day” calendar (apparently a typical Dutch thing, but fun for anyone), in which one surprising, funny or interesting etymology is discussed every day of the year :) Thus, it offers you 366 cool trivia about the histories of words you use on a daily basis, but also about interesting developments in tens of other languages! I doubt they pooped, but, if you could hang your butt over without falling off, then maybe. As a noun poop is the stern of a ship or poop can be (often|childish) excrement or poop … Puppis is the Stern or the poop deck of the Ship Argo Navis.Puppis is from Latin puppis, 'stern, poop', French poupe, from Old Provencal poppa.The word puppis was also used in Latin as a standard word for 'ship', but technically it refers to the rear deck of the ship which is the poop deck, the afterpart of a ship.. WordNet 3.6 . See Poop deck, under Deck.See also Roundhouse. Etymology 2= Possibly onomatopoeia as a verb 'to shit'. As nouns the difference between poop and poo is that poop is the stern of a ship or poop can be (often|childish) excrement or poop can be a set of data or general information, written or spoken, usually concerning machinery or a process or poop can be a slothful person while poo is (countable|colloquial|often|childish) excrement; faecal matter. poop - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. To the rest of the world, these … {{11}}poop (n.1) stern deck of a ship, c.1400, from M.Fr. Etymology 1 n. The stern of a ship. transitive verb Date: 1748 It is professional enough to satisfy academic standards, but accessible enough to be used by anyone. [1830-40]1830-40] * * * Universalium. poop . poop deck An exposed partial deck on the stern superstructure of a ship. a superstructure at the stern of a vessel 2) naut. Meaning of poop deck with illustrations and photos. Meaning of POOP. A high, exposed deck at the stern of a ship, with cabins below. 1808–10, William Hickey, Memoirs of a … Member. {{12}}poop (n.2) excrement, 1744, a children s euphemism, probably of… Wikipedia foundation. ), from Old Provençal or Italian poppa, from Latin puppis "poop, stern," a word of uncertain origin. n. 1 (context often childish English) excrement. (of a wave) to break over the stern of (a ship) 4) naut. Poop deck, from the French word "poupe", which in turn is from the Latin word "puppis", meaning stern. The makeshift toilets were at the back of the ship ( the poop deck ) so the excrement could be washed away as the ship sailed away. Oct 25, 2017 4,144. Jan 29, 2021 #35 Denman said: Yes, it's … The term half-deck was formerly applied to the after part of the deck … antonym.com Word of the Day: conundrum. Definition of POOP in the Definitions.net dictionary. navig. Verb (1) earlier, to break wind, from Middle English poupen to … Nautical, Naval Terms (of a wave) to break over the stern of (a ship). Reply . MisterHero. Sorry to be a party pooper. Poop comes from the Latin, puppis meaning ‘ship’, particularly the back or ‘stern’. As verbs the difference between historian and poop is that historian is while poop is to break seawater with the poop of a vessel, especially the poop deck or poop can be (obsolete|intransitive) to make a short blast on a horn or poop can be to tire, exhaust often used with out . Joost de Valk says: December 11, 2017 at … A high, exposed deck at the stern of a ship, with cabins below. [Slang.] poop deck. vb. Noun . poop "stern or aftermost deck of a ship," c. 1400, from Old French poupe "stern of a ship" (14c. n Poop (Naut) A deck raised above the after part of a vessel; the hindmost or after part of a vessel's hull; also, a cabin covered by such a deck. lunarworks. link So the stern deck. As a noun poop is the stern of a ship or poop can be (often|childish) excrement or poop can be a set of data … under quarterdeck. Common Collocations poop out, poop deck. Nautical, Naval Terms to take (seas) over the stern. A flush deck is a spar-deck clear from stem to stern of houses or other encumbrances. Lv 6. See illus. Poop is waste matter after a bowel movement or feces. Your claim about the Dutch "sailing well before" the English is bit specious, as is your etymology of "poop deck". I [[t]pup[/t]] n. 1) naut. What does poop mean? 0 0. poop-deck | definition: an exposed partial weather deck on the stern superstructure of a ship | synonyms: weather deck, shelter deck. Noun; The stern of a ship. To embark a ship over the stern. n poop deck an exposed partial weather deck on the … Trending Searches negative-impact telugu define white-person creative some … ; v. t Poop (Naut) To break over the poop or stern, as a wave. If a sailor had to go to the bathroom he would ask permission from the officer on deck to be excused from his post to go to the poop deck or ,moreso he had to “take a poop”. The site has become a favorite resource of teachers of reading, spelling, and English as a second language. Member. Definitions / Usage / Related words; poop deck Definitions. under quarterdeck. Etymology 1 Recorded since circa 1405, from (etyl) poupe, from (etyl) poppa, from (etyl) puppis, all meaning "stern of a ship".
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poop deck etymology 2021