I filled my pot with enough of the water/dye solution to cover half of my yarn cake. Heat it up. Feel free to have a look around … in addition to my fiber art, I also share knit and crochet patterns, home crafts, DIY, beauty recipes, and much more. Set the yarn in the solution and turn the heat to a medium. Dyed yarn should be allowed to cool slowly in the dye bath. Dye the yarn. To dye your yarn with the Wilton colours, add with toothpicks so the intensity gradually increases to your desired shade. Very gently stir the yarn in the dye pot. Setting the dye color in yarn will also keep your projects from fading, so those bright orange socks that you knit will always stay as vibrant. Allow the dye to work it’s magic. Don't feel intimidated: it's easier than it sounds. While the specifics will change depending on what dye you choose to use, the basic supplies of dyeing yarn will remain the same. Then turn off the heat source and allow your yarn and dye solution to cool down to room temperature. Then you mix up some soda ash and put it in each of the bags of yarn and let the two sit together for about 10 to 12 hours. Cover with another piece of plastic wrap, tuck in the sides and press down the middle. Of course you do! Want to learn how to make dyes for your yarn with food waste? This dye takes a little longer to adhere to the yarn than other dyes, so it’s best to let it simmer for around 3 hours. Yellow onion skins don’t need long to extract color – these will be done giving pigment in about 30 minutes. While disperse dye will change the color of light acrylic yarn, the result is always a pale to medium tint. If you’ve followed FiberArtsy for a while, you know that over the years, I have explored many techniques for dyeing a variety of yarn colorways and patterns. Wash carefully with dish soap. The first step will be to divide your yarn up into different closeable plastic bags. Also remember that the quantity of dye color, water, and acid (I am using vinegar) depends on the range of yarns you are willing to dye or the saturation you anticipate to have at the end. Fill a bowl with warm water and add 1/2 Tbsp citric acid for every 100g of yarn you plan to dye If you estimated how much yarn you have, round up. Chalk Legs shows you how to paint dots and wisps of coloured dye onto your yarn by hand. You should wear some plastic gloves whenever using dye. I like Kool-Aid because it’s cheap, non-toxic and comes in lots of bright colors. Let’s get down to the knitty-gritty. Boiled in plain water, the dye turns blue! (It should be slightly wet at this point after its washing.) This is where the nerdy (we mean science) bit comes in. Ne… First, you need to scour the yarn to remove chemical treatments or oils that the yarn might have as these can stop the dye from bonding. Maybe you already have but the results just weren't that great. As for the Kool-Aid dye, get multiple bowls or glasses to mix your different colors in. Even though there's a plethora of yarn, no one knows exactly what colors are your favorites: and after all, dyeing your own yarn is just plain fun. 5. That said, it has some limitations. Gently squeeze out any excess water from the skeins that have been soaking, and place them in the dye bath, making sure to cover them with dye completely. One way to successfully change the color of acrylic yarn is to use light-colored yarn and a special dye called disperse dye. The 6 Yarn Dyeing Techniques I will discuss are: In this article, we will explore the various colorways and patterns of hand dyed yarn and the techniques to achieve them. Once my yarn was reskeined, I dyed it in long sections (5 feet or so) as well as shorter sections to create multiple rows of the same color with spots of contrasting dye in between.Here’s my tutorial for How to Dye Self Striping YarnExamples of Self Striping Yarn, I hope this tutorial explains the differences between these various yarn colorways and patterns. Most fabric, yarn, and craft stores will have a special section in their yarn aisle for cotton yarn. After you soak your yarn in clean water, stir the dye in the pot, then place your yarn in the vat. However, if you want your yarn to have random areas of various colors, use the Kettle Dyeing Method. 5. To dye your single ball of yarn, add 1-2 sachets of Kool-Aid, depending on how intense you want your colours. If the dye bath evaporates to a point where the yarn is not covered with dye, add more water. But wait, do you feel like a fish out of water? Use your fingers to make sure you get color on all the yarn. Blue Sky Alpacas Sport Weight yarn, which is 100% alpaca is perfect for dyeing and will absorb the color of the onion skins beautifully. Yarn - must be 100% or a high percentage NATURAL fibres. The great thing about dyeing your own yarn is that you can create your own totally unique shades. Dyeing methods There are a lot of dyeing methods floating around out there, but I’ve found that dye kits and liquid RIT dyes are among the easiest to navigate. Gradient, Gradated or Ombre refers to a yarn that is dyed with a color gradually changing from lightest to darkest. In order for all hanks and skeins not to tangle up in the water, they need to be made into big loops and tied up in several spots. If using Kool-Aid, try dyeing your yarn two different colors by placing two shades of Kool-Aid in the dye bath or opposite sides. Mordant the yarn. In terms of the dye recipe, the only modification that should be made is using only the dye and acid and skipping the other chemicals. Dyeing cakes of yarn creates asymmetric colorways by limiting the access of fiber to the dye. I’ll work on that. Enjoy! Raspberries give a truly gorgeous pastel pink hue. We want your first steps in yarn dyeing to be easy, and that means sticking with animal (protein) fibers for your at home yarn dyeing. A good rule of thumb is 1/4 cup of vinegar for every 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of yarn, with enough water to cover the yarn. The difference in a yarn’s ability to absorb dye, is all to do with the cellular structure of these fibers, and how they chemically bond with different types of dye. While the yarn is soaking, you will mix up your acid dye according to the manufacturer directions. 4 Tie-Dye Yarn Projects + Tutorials. Place the yarn in the dye bath. If you use berries, make sure you pulp them first to get the best result, and strain the dye before you use it on your yarn. They contain both an acid dye, which forms a chemical reaction with the animal fibers and a direct dye, which works on the plant fibers in the blend. With this method, the varying lengths of time that each section is soaked in the dye creates the gradient. Start by tieing your yarn end loosely to the chair top, then start winding around and around. Your best bet is to stick with an animal fiber (like wool or alpaca), which will happily slurp up any dye you give it. Choosing the colors! Rinse well to remove any debris, and hang to dry. How To Dye Yarn with Koolaid First, before we start to actually dye the yarn, we need to prepare the yarn. A very popular effect for dyeing yarn is the desire to achieve a mottled look or even streaks and splotches. Citric acid raises the acidity of the yarn, allowing the dye to adhere. *A mordant is a substance used to help bind the dye to the yarn fiber. Raspberries should be pulped before steeping in water to extract color, and need to be strained out of the dye bath before you drop in your yarn. Voila! Still with us? Dyeing yarns with common, non-toxic kitchen supplies is an answer to this. Using a metal spoon, move the yarn around in the pot for about half an hour. Fading ombre yarn. In order for all hanks and skeins not to tangle up in the water, they need to be made into big loops and tied up in several spots. Step 10: Leave the bowl in the microwave with the door closed and let it cool down slowly. The wool yarn can sit in the dye bath by itself but make sure that there is plenty of room for the dye to penetrate through all the fibers. Fading ombre yarn. Choose white, 100% cotton yarn. While acrylics and cottons are great for quick and affordable knitting, these fibers don’t hold dye easily. Moving the … As an Amazon Associate, this site earns from qualifying purchases by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. This technique gives you precise control over the placement of the various dye colors. Let’s get you started with just the basics of how to dye yarn at home. Let your yarn sit for at least 30 minutes. In order to prevent your hand dyed yarn from bleeding, you need to permanently stick the dye to your yarn. Updated: Feb 10, 2021 by Annette Browning. Let sit for at least 8 hours. You have successfully dyed your own yarn using food coloring! A few old saucepans - most tutorials suggest a big pot like an old pressure cooker, but it depends how much wool you want to dye at a time. It is also worth mentioning, that white vinegar is needed in the dye setting process. Mix according to the dye directions for the type of dye you have. Create beautiful cards with our range of dies, Published on December 19, 2018 7 min read. The color should wash out the first time you put the clothing item into your washer. 1. Soak the yarn. Ever wondered how to dye polyester, a notoriously difficult material to dye? I like to mix with hot water and an additional splash of vinegar to dissolve the dye. Too much dye and you have a big blob of color, too little, and it barely shows up.Here’s my tutorial for How to Speckle Dye or Sprinkle Dye YarnExamples of Speckled Yarn. If you wash the yarn, the dye simply washes away. Once the dye bath is your desired color, add the yarn again. Cooling time. Here’s some of our favorite things you can use to dye your yarn. It gives a gentle yellow-orange hue that shows up best on white yarns. Dyeing cakes of yarn creates asymmetric colorways by limiting the access of fiber to the dye. These can be dyed in a pattern such as repeating stripes of the same colors or the colors can be randomly placed along the skein. If dyeing wool you must be aware of possible felting. This can be done with a warping board for weaving looms or with specially constructed PVC contraptions. Here is a very good tutorial on how to Hand Dye Gradient YarnExamples of Gradient Yarn. In the following video tutorial, we will learn how to dye yarn that has already been wound into a cake, creating a unique-asymmetric colorway. What could be more fun than switching your spaghetti for yarn and your ingredients for natural dye colorings, to WIP-up your very own brilliant shades of yarn! Variegated yarn is sometimes also called Space Dyed yarn. Refill your dyepot with water the same temperature as the soaking water, then add the liquid dye and stir. White will be the best, because it will give you the brightest results. Step 1: Materials. In order for all hanks and skeins not to tangle up in the water, they need to be made into big loops and tied up in several spots. Here you will see how to dye your yarn with those outlined materials. You want the fibers to be completely saturated. You can achieve a Semi Solid or Tonal Yarn with a variety of methods. Mix them up with the same ratio as you did in step two above. Phew! It is absolutely essential, the fiber will not take dye without it. Let sit for at least 8 hours. Really a yarn swift is preferable but I don’t have one, so I use two chairs like so: The further apart the chairs, the larger your loop of yarn. Use 8 grams of alum and 7 grams of cream of tartar for every 100 grams of yarn that you want to dye. First, before we start to actually dye the yarn, we need to prepare the yarn. Once the yarn in the seran wrap has cool to the touch, remove the yarn and add it into a colander placed in your sink. 12. Do not tangle up yarn while washing! How to Dye Bamboo Yarn. Thanks to its chemical composition, red cabbage is a very interesting vegetable to work with. Plant fibers aren’t as easy to dye, so I wouldn’t recommend using them. The yarn label will always specify that the cotton has been mercerized, so you’ll know before you dye. Here you will see how to dye your yarn with those outlined materials. Not scouring the yarn enough will result in much less vibrant results, so make sure you leave plenty of time to complete this super important step. In the following video tutorial, we will learn how to dye yarn that has already been wound into a cake, creating a unique-asymmetric colorway. After your yarn has soaked, place it in your dye bath and cover with water. Dissolve both powders in boiling water, but cool the water before you drop in your yarn, or you will felt it. Rinse your yarn using room temperature water and let it dry. This simply means that if you click through an affiliate link and buy a product, we may get a small commission, at absolutely no extra cost to you. Avoid a vessel made of aluminium as it will alter the way the dye works. While disperse dye will change the color of light acrylic yarn, the result is always a pale to medium tint. What they say is that food coloring works as a dye only if your fabric is 100% from animals. If you're using two dye pots, put one half of the yarn in one bowl and one half in the other, draping it over the edge in between the two. Kool-Aid, food coloring, certain leaves and flowers, and lots of fruit and veg make great yarn dyes and can give you brilliant colors. Whereas, basic dyes should only be selected when you need to dye deep shades and toxicity isn’t a concern for you. First things first, here’s the basic supplies you need for any yarn dyeing project. ), so it’s not the most powerful dye on the market. It needs to be ‘fixed’ or ‘set’ with heat. First, before we start to actually dye the yarn, we need to prepare the yarn. This is your time to get seriously creative in the kitchen, and we have a feeling you’re going to love it. Copyright © LoveCrafts Inc. (and its affiliates). This type of dyed yarn has been super popular in the past few years. You … This will help the dye spread smoothly through the yarn. One way is to pour the liquid dye directly on several areas of the soaking yarn and allowing the liquid dye to disperse. Most yarn in normal skein form is not long enough to achieve multiple rows of the same color. If you’re anything like the LoveKnitting crew, you love DIY. They offer a lot of different bases, just make sure you choose a natural animal fiber yarn, or else your dye won’t hold. You will want to simmer your materials in water for about an hour. You can set up bowls or mason jars with different dye strengths in each ranging from most diluted to full strength. As it flows away from the original dye spot, it naturally dilutes and therefore lightens the color.Here’s my tutorial for How to Dye Semi Solid YarnExamples of Semi Solid or Tonal Dyed Yarn. Well, that’s all for this post. I have a “just a pinch” measuring spoon that I like to use and I just about filled it. Professional, hand dyed yarns are only a click away! If you want a more dusty, muted color, however, you could try gray instead. The next morning add the soaking bugs into a big stainless steel pot and bring to a boil. This includes wool, bamboo, merino etc. It’s very important to ensure all fibers are clean from oils, dirt and industrial processes. They do not give the burgundy red that you might expect! If you use alum powder mix it with cream of tartar. Speckle Dyed: You can’t have missed the speckles that have been appearing on yarns recently. Not using enough will cause problems setting the dye. A very popular effect for dyeing yarn is the desire to achieve a mottled look or even streaks and splotches. Let me show you a step by step process of how to dye fabric and yarn with avocado dye.It’s a great way to dye your yarn for those crochet projects by using what you have in the kitchen. One way to successfully change the color of acrylic yarn is to use light-colored yarn and a special dye called disperse dye. It’s important to rinse the dye thoroughly so it does not come off on your skin or furniture once the yarn has been worked up into a finished item. Step 2. Setting yarn color can be an important step in keeping one project from ruining another project or other clothing. While your yarn is mordanting, make your dyes. Wash carefully with dish soap. Once the yarn is cool, rinse all the colour out in cold water. Do not tangle up yarn while washing! Like tie dyeing a t-shirt, there are many ways you can dye yarn to achieve unique results. I bet you’re dye-ing to get started now, right? Registered office: 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, Delaware 19808, U.S.A. This give the best chance for the item to take up as much color as possible. She shares her love of dyeing, felting, crochet and knitting as well as other craft projects. This uneven setting of the dye to the fabric is actually quite simple to achieve with a little practice. Reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour. 3. And for this dye job, the larger your loop, the further apart your color repeat. Heat your yarn until it has absorbed or “exhausted” all of the dye. Let the yarn cool completely. I am using wool yarn and wool fabric (an old blanket from the thrift store) and silk. To Dye with Black Beans You Will Need: Yarn – 1 to 2 skeins of yarn made from natural fibers like wool or cotton. Use a tiny bit of dish soap to wash the yarn and rinse until the water runs clear and there is no more dye coming out of the yarn. Fiber reactive dyes are the best option for dyeing plant based yarns like cotton, linen and bamboo. Otherwise, if you try to nuke it nonstop for 9 minutes, the yarn will actually burn. Stir to make sure it is dissolved and then with a pair of tongs submerge the yarn ball into the water. Chalk Legs shows you how to paint dots and wisps of coloured dye onto your yarn by hand. How To Dye Cotton Yarn with Rit Dye. Did you know most of the ingredients you need for dyeing yarn can be found in your very own kitchen cupboard? When doing just 1 yarn ball very little dye is needed. There are several yarn dyeing techniques for achieving a gradient or ombre yarn. Find out more about how we use your personal data here. How to Dye Acrylic Yarn With Food Coloring According to one expert, you cannot use food coloring to dye synthetic yarns. We hope now you know how to dye acrylic yarn or fabric with both disperse and basic dyes. Do not let the yarn touch in the middle of the ring! Step 4. As you might guess, Solid Color Yarn is exactly what it sounds like: a skein of yarn that has been dyed one solid color. To avoid this, bring the bath to a simmer very slowly and make sure the dye bath doesn’t go … The dye can be in powder or liquid form. There’s hours of fun to be had, mixing dyes to come up with your own hue. Once the dye has become absorbed into the yarn I turn the yarn applying more colours to any undyed areas and layering colour. Affiliate Advertisements: This site participates in various Affiliate Programs. Wrap yarn in plastic wrap. With these yarn dyeing techniques, you will be able to create your very own colorful art yarns! My favorite technique is hand painting … I enjoy the control that applying dye by hand gives me but there is also something super fun about the spontaneity of the kettle dyeing method.FYI – This is my favorite source of blank yarn for dyeing. For Kool-Aid, soak your yarn in cold water. Let the yarn cool completely. All you need to dye with avocados are the following items: Undyed Yarn – I used yarn from the May Knitcrate DIY dye kit (read all about Knitcrate here and use code CHOP20 for 20% off), but you can find the same yarn here. Step 3. For Wilton food coloring, soak your yarn in a cold water and vinegar mix. Make sure that the dye bath is lukewarm and raise the temperature to a simmer slowly. Immerse the wet fabric or yarn in the cochineal dye bath. This is great if you have leftover dyes from Easter or baking. Rinse and dry the yarn. Now mix the darker color of dye and add to your heated water in the crockpot. If you want to find yourself a fiber reactive dye, use a tie-dye kit, which already has the soda ash additive mixed into the powder. Learn how to dye yarn with this easy-to-follow tutorial. Then add about 2-3 skeins to each pot to soak in room temperature water for about 30 minutes. Heat the water slowly and let it come to an almost boil, once it gets to this stage, very gently stir the pot to disperse the dye. Like the other skins, you only need the skins of 2 or 3 onions per 100 grams of yarn. How to Dye Yarn in Variegated Colors Prepare and tie up the yarn the same way you did in the first step above. Tutorial: How to dye fabric and yarn with avocado dye Step 1: Scouring Process. Unlike animal and plant fibers such as wool or cotton, acrylic yarn is synthetic and does not absorb dye easily. (Follow all safety precautions when using fiber dyes! With speckle dyeing, contrasting yarn dye color is literally sprinkled on top of the yarn. Rinse in cold water until water runs clear. Black Beans – 1 lb of dried black beans will produce enough dye for 1 to 2 skeins of yarn. First, I dyed half of the ball of yarn with Yellow Sun. Staring at your beetroots in bemusement? All-purpose dyes like Rit are great if you’re dyeing fiber blends. This increasingly popular dye pattern involves a combination of … This is done with some form of heat. And when we’re talking DIY, we mean Dye it Yourself of course. (2002). Dyeing at home may not be your main thing, and even if it isn't, hand dyed yarns can still hold a place in your heart and your stash. Celebrate the joy of creating! Add enough cool water to cover the yarn and add 3 tablespoons of white vinegar. All rights reserved. You can use almost anything if you are willing to experiment! Salt only works with berry dyes, and vinegar produces less intense shades than alum powder. Many people have begun to dye their own yarn and roving to create a truly unique yarn. Dyed-it-yourself yarn! Add the yarn to the water. Copyright © 2021 FiberArtsy.com on the Brunch Pro Theme. If only one fiber is present, the other chemical reaction is wasted and remains unused, which means it’s no good for dyeing plant fibers because it’s difficult to tell when all the dye is taken up. So, you want to learn how to dye wool with food coloring. A few years ago, I figured out how to create a 14 foot skein of yarn using cheap Dollar Tree door hooks. Remove any excess liquid from the yarn… Rinse any excess dye from your yarn, and hang your yarn up to dry. Get ready for the ultimate guide to dyeing yarn. The tricky part of immersion dyeing is getting your yarn to take up the dye evenly which is done by moving the skein around in the dyepot. Microwave in intervals - 3 min on, 3 min off, 3 min on, 3 min off, 3 min on - a total of 9 min cooked, but with resting intervals. After your yarn mordants, Place it into the dye, and simmer for 1 – 2 hours. Use 8 grams of alum and 7 grams of cream of tartar for every 100 grams of yarn that you want to dye. This can be done with one dye color across the entire skein or it can also be one color gradating to a second color. Let the dye bath cool by itself. Now, if you’re using something like superwash wool yarn, then it won’t dye as vibrant and as easily with Kool-Aid the way 100% regular wool will. How To Dye Yarn with Koolaid First, before we start to actually dye the yarn, we need to prepare the yarn. ), The speckle dyeing method is really very straightforward but it does take some practice to control the dyes. You can also find more yarn dyeing tips at my Beginner’s Guide to Hand Dyeing Yarn and How to Heat Set Yarn Dye. To dye your single ball of yarn, add 1-2 sachets of Kool-Aid, depending on how intense you want your colours. The base color can be anything from solid to multi colored. Red onion skins give a similar shade to yellow onion skins, but slightly darker. Let your yarn sit for at least 30 minutes. Then add about 2-3 skeins to each pot to soak in room temperature water for about 30 minutes. Use your hands or a clean fork to gently shift the yarn around and reveal more blank patches. In my experience, the yarn ends up creating a wicking effect, drawing the color up the yarn to the middle. Place your dye bath over the heat, either on the stove top or if you’re using a crock pot, turn this on. It is best to avoid large variables in temperature if using a protein fibre eg: plunging from hot water into cold, as this will cause felting. Some areas are lighter and some are darker with stronger tones of the same dye color.This gives the yarn a mottled or marbled look which adds more interest to a knit or crochet piece than a solid dye color. In contrast, alpaca, merino, wool, and mohair absorb dye really well. Follow this ultimate guide to everything you need to know about how to dye yarn and soon you’ll be creating real-life magic before your very eyes. 5. Use your fingers to make sure you get color on all the yarn. But to make it more interesting, I only made 3 of the 6 skeins into big loops. But to make it more interesting, I only made 3 … (I know we were amazed too!) I used white Peaches & Creme cotton, but WeCrochet has a great selection of bare yarns that are perfect for natural dyeing! You can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email. In our first episode, Ragnhild Lie from Lofoten Wool is back to show us how to dye yarn, and we each get to try dying a skein of yarn using indigo. green and blue (Mixed Berry & Lemon Lime work particularly well). Then soak equal sections of yarn in each.Another way you can dye gradient yarn is to dip a full skein in a dye pot and then gradually lifting out sections of the yarn. Move the yarn around and continue dyeing it. Dampen the yarn by dipping it in water and wringing it out well. How To Dye Cotton Yarn with Rit Dye. Therefore, the dye has to be fixed or set. Also remember that the quantity of dye color, water, and acid (I am using vinegar) depends on the range of yarns you are willing to dye or the saturation you anticipate to have at the end. After your yarn has soaked, place it in your dye bath and cover with water. Get 15% off your first order, exclusive deals and free patterns. The basic Immersion Dyeing Method: Presoak your wool yarn in a warm water/vinegar mix. If it still has dye in it, repeat the microwaving until it's gone. Allow the yarn to simmer in the Blackberries are very plentiful in the summer, and you could pick enough to dye a whole closet of thick wintry jumpers. Not too tight! In terms of the dye recipe, the only modification that should be made is using only the dye and acid and skipping the other chemicals.
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