words. 3. Of great force, power, or intensity; deep or intense. Usage: a heavy sleep; fell into a profound sleep; a sound sleeper; deep wakeless sleep. 2. Someone who is addicted to heavy sleeping and needs some loud noise or a heavy impact to wake up. Antonyms: heavy. suggest new. Rhymes. very sound sleeper. examples. Translate: to : Synonyms. It is characterized by high-speed, passenger rail cars running in separate rights-of-way from which all other vehicular and foot traffic are excluded. She's a heavy sleeper : it takes a lot to wake her up. Other examples include: heavy : light, fat : skinny, dark : light, young : old, early : late, empty : full, dull : interesting. Antonyms for profound Antonyms for (adj ) profound. That which lies dormant, as a law. 4. Dirty Little Billy. In a state of sleep; sleeping. 34 Synonyme für Afternoon Nap (andere Wörter und Sätze für Afternoon Nap). Main entry: wakeful, light. fast asleep person. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with this app. one who sound asleeps. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Restless sleepers DO sleep and they stay asleep - but they just can't be still during sleep. definitions. Antonyms: shallow. … Here you use the antonyms for soft. How to use sleeper in a sentence. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. He was a heavy sleeper, a heavy eater and a heavy smoker – certainly not an ideal husband. Synonyms for sleepily in Free Thesaurus. 2. _____ The other answers are incorrect and I don't understand them. someone who fast asleeps . light sleeper / antonyms. Pages 33 This preview shows page 25 - 28 out of 33 pages. Find Words. Translations. Main ... profound, wakeless, heavy, sound. popular. Phrases with opposite meaning to Light Sleeper. 3. Bolt – means “to lock”, “not to move”, while at the same time it may be interpreted as “moving very quickly”. Antonyms for sleeper. adv. That which lies dormant, as a law. Antonyms. 1. phrases - 21 Lists. b. phrases. He was a heavy sleeper, heavy eater and a heavy smoker - certainly not an ideal husband. I am sleep nigga and need a human to wake me up, the alarms don't cut it. Definition: of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment. Disclaimer: Neither the picture nor the content belong to me. (of food) High in fat or protein; difficult to digest. one who fast asleeps. Cheese-stuffed sausage is too heavy to eat before exercising. She's a heavy sleeper : it takes a lot to wake her up. Antonyms: deep. Antonyms of adj wakeless 1 sense of wakeless Sense 1 heavy, profound, sound, wakeless-- ((of sleep) deep and complete; "a heavy sleep"; "fell into a profound sleep"; "a sound sleeper"; "deep wakeless sleep") INDIRECT (VIA deep) -> shallow-- (not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply; "shallow breathing"; "a night of shallow fretful sleep"; "in a shallow trance") Antonyms for sleepily. deep sleeper. Of great intensity: heavy activity; heavy fighting. Chapter 930 - The Holy Source Of Endless Summer. good sleeper. Large in yield or output: heavy rainfall. This film is heavy. 2. a. Inactive; dormant. To put things into perspective, the antonym of a sleeper car is a rice burner, or something an 18-year-old that saw 2 Fast 2 Furious is likely to drive. Imperial Beast Evolution. Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Afternoon Nap? Having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity. Quickly find synonyms,related words,antonyms and definitions. heavy A doorman, bouncer or bodyguard. Cloud English thesaurus and dictionary. Help you to search a WordNet lexical database for English. popular. light synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'light out',light into',green light',lighten', definition. Usage: in a light doze; a light sleeper; a restless wakeful night. sound sleeper. Bed – 1) Something sleepers lie upon, 2) What a stream lies on 4. ----- September 23, 2010. Relation antonyms o same relation but reversed roles. Oedipus - The Roman Empire / Jew #2 - The Spanish Inquisition TV-shows. Definitions. Notes. Log in. b. Indifferent: politicians who are asleep to the needs of their constituents. heavy high in fat or protein; difficult to digest. heavy good. Need to translate "heavy sleeper" to Russian? sleep (ə-slēp′) adj. Definition: (of sleep) easily disturbed. 4. #awake #alert #passed out #heavy sleeper #antonym: insomnia Synonyms for sleeper in Free Thesaurus. Sleeper definition is - one that sleeps. English Vocabulary in Use_Upper-Intermediate_Vocabulary Reference and Practice, 4th-2017_(Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell).pdf pages: 280 Sentences. 5. heavy laden to a great extent. Numb, especially from reduced circulation of blood to a limb: My leg is asleep. Here are 2 ways to say it. 5. (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight; "heavy hydrogen"; "heavy water" (antonym) light (classification) chemistry, chemical science 12. heavy sleeper. 3. a. These antonyms of the word soft are provided for information only. The answer is: A light sleeper. Try out Spruce, our experimental quotations and lyrics search engine. 1. Dead. Definition: (of sleep) deep and complete. In North America, heavy rail can also refer to rapid transit, when referring to systems with heavier passenger loadings than light-rail systems, but distinct from commuter rail and intercity rail systems. 10. of great intensity or power or force; "a heavy blow"; "the fighting was heavy"; "heavy seas" (antonym) light (similar) big 11. 2. 1918, Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Land That Time Forgot Chapter IV The surf was not heavy, and there was no undertow, so we made … She was heavy with child. actors. In or into a state of sleep. Large, as in number or quantity: a heavy turnout; heavy casualties. A fight started outside the bar but the heavies came out and stopped it. Having relatively great weight: a heavy load. est 1. Uploaded By minimiii. In or into a state of apathy or indifference. antonyms. Because someone who is a light sleeper does sleep but they wake easily. A light sleeper is the opposite of someone who sleeps like a log - Why? Understand light meaning and enrich your vocabulary School Griffith University; Course Title IBA 1101; Type. They are uploaded here, not for any bad purpose but for entertainment only. synonyms.
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