I am only offering this comment because there are sooo many new Hams who might take every word literally. Dipole antenna -- See Half-wave dipole. Data -- Computer-based communications modes, such as packet radio, which can be used to transmit and receive computer files, or digital information. Also see sky-wave propagation. Emergency Communications: Alternatives to Ham Radio; NVIS Links from Dave Coombs, KØEUS; Ham4Ham, a site set up by John Borchers, KC3ASE, for those interested in software development for ham radio. The three amateur (ham) radio license classes, Technician Class Ham License ��� On-Line Help for Your Self Study. E region -- The second lowest ionospheric region, the E region exists only during the day. Compliance with National Fire Protection Association NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection, is recommended to protect your house. PL -- (Also known as CTCSS - Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System) A sub-audible tone system used on some repeaters. My question is since this is really not an electrical transformer does capacitors in series still work the same so 2 62pf capacitors give me 31pf, or does it work differently and add to 124pf? Simplex operation -- Receiving and transmitting on the same frequency. The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. Single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switch -- A switch that connects one center contact to one of two other contacts. An antenna that is parallel to the surface of the earth, such as a dipole, produces horizontally polarized waves. Use These Cool Amazon Links to Support Ham Radio Answers! Front-end overload -- Interference to a receiver caused by a strong signal that overpowers the receiver RF amplifier ("front end"). For example, a voice signal is added to the RF carrier to produce a phone emission signal. Specific absorption rate (SAR) -- A term that describes the rate at which RF energy is absorbed into the human body. The metric prefixes indicate multiples of 10. Emission -- The transmitted signal from an amateur station. This can include data modes like packet radio and text-only modes like radioteletype (RTTY). Direct current (dc) -- Electrical current that flows in one direction only. A control operator must ensure compliance with FCC rules. Show Outdated Listings. Mark n8umx, A note of thanks, Dave. I also would like to use satellite or any means to use internet by ham radio. High-pass filter -- A filter designed to pass high-frequency signals, while blocking lower-frequency signals. Mega -- The metric prefix for 106, or times 1,000,000. going to be a pain to get up and then have to take it dow again to tune. Operator/primary station license -- An amateur license actually includes two licenses in one. Live Repeater Database. I’ve got Windows 10 and a Boufang v9. Battery -- A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Reflector -- An element behind the driven element in a Yagi and some other directional antennas. A DPST switch turns two circuits on or off at the same time. This connection can be made inside (to a metal cold-water pipe) or outside (to a ground rod). Dave, brought a piece of brite stainless steel to use for a ground plane and a mag mount ant. 369 Repeaters, 231 Sites, 93 Visual Links, 34 Coverage Maps. The basic unit of frequency. I went QRT in 1986 for a private reason but returned to the hobby in 2017. A modem modulates a radio signal to transmit data and demodulates a received signal to recover transmitted data. By N4UJW. Cubical quad antenna -- An antenna built with its elements in the shape of four-sided loops. Transistor -- A solid-state device made of three layers of semiconductor material. Amateurs also call such devices a Transmatch, impedance-matching network or antenna tuner. The DPDT switch has two center contacts. Feed line -- The wires or cable used to connect a transmitter, receiver or transceiver to an antenna. Used on both phone and CW toward the end of a contact. it works. Other companies used KA until the London Convention of 1912, which adopted CQ as the international general call or "attention" signal. Fuse -- A thin metal strip mounted in a holder. In monitor mode, everything transmitted on a packet frequency is displayed by the monitoring TNC. Selectivity--The ability of a receiver to separate two closely spaced signals. FM is a method of combining an RF carrier with an information signal, such as voice. 1) Thank You for your great YouTube videos- you have an amazing gift for teaching. Higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths. Autopatch -- A device that allows repeater users to make telephone calls through a repeater. For the foreseeable future, our 447.275 repeater will be linked to the 447.750 RMHam repeater on Lee Hill (near Boulder). Parallel circuit -- An electrical circuit in which the electrons follow more than one path in going from the negative supply terminal to the positive terminal. I also had a Yaesu FT290R working the RS Series of Satellites. To use a repeater, transmit on the input frequency and receive on the output frequency. Wavelength -- Often abbreviated λ. Click on the c4fm repeater on the map to get information. If you still have your copy, lock it up! Hertz (Hz) -- An alternating-current frequency of one cycle per second. I could not get the normal Ask Dave page to work so hope you see this here. I used a free software called drive booster from OIBIT. Sunspot cycle -- The number of sunspots increases and decreases in a predictable cycle that lasts about 11 years. to become a Technician Class (entry level) ham? The wavelength relates to frequency. Bandwidth describes the range of frequencies that a radio transmission occupies. Receiver overload -- Interference to a receiver caused by a strong RF signal that forces its way into the equipment. A lower duty cycle means less RF radiation exposure for the same PEP output. Here, in the 92 Code, 73 changes to "accept my compliments," which was in keeping with the florid language of that era. //Mike W7MDH, HI Dave. Thanks for letting me know it was a driver. A beam antenna must be rotated to provide coverage in different directions. Under certain conditions, it may refract radio waves enough to return them to Earth. Ohm's Law -- A basic law of electronics. Also, with a Transmatch in use, a measure of the match between the feed line from the transmitter and the antenna system. Electron -- A tiny, negatively charged particle, normally found in an area surrounding the nucleus of an atom. Why is this, and what do you suggest? Which was very good like all the others. We calculate power in an electrical circuit by multiplying the voltage applied to the circuit times the current through the circuit (P = IE). Hi Dave Larry. And am considering getting back into to ham radio and get my general so my question in your opinion which band would you say is the most reliable coast to coast??.. The PAPA System is a member-supported wide-area amateur radio network of inter-linked analog FM, D-STAR, DMR, and System Fusion repeaters, providing extensive coverage of the Southern California region and beyond. (On single-sideband phone, only R and S reports are used.). Its connector type is SMA-Female and gives you a gain of 2.15dBi and a frequency of 144-430MHz. Guided Self Study Although the book is self study, sometimes it’s helpful to have a guide. Controlled environment -- Any area in which an RF signal may cause radiation exposure to people who are aware of the radiated electric and magnetic fields and who can exercise some control over their exposure to these fields. CTCSS -- Continuous tone coded squelch system. This is a newer version of a previous model from the same brand. Dave Yates KJ6JVW 73, Your email address will not be published. The “Ringo” actually is a j-pole but instead of being formed like a “J,” using a 1/4-WL of parallel line to match the antenna, they wrapped the matching network around the base of the antenna to create a tapped transformer which does the same thing but is adjustable and takes up less space. You can use data like this to help you find a good HF band for operations. In 1912, after the Titanic disaster, SOS became universal. Amateur Radio Repeater Database Idaho ARRL. Sneffels Press. There was a question on 24th September 2020 by Larry about the Ringo style antenna and whether it is electrically similar to the j-pole. I know you have answered this in the past but I did not pay attention because there was no need for me at the time. Single-sideband phone (SSB) signals have an upper sideband (USB -- that part of the signal above the carrier) and a lower sideband (LSB -- the part of the signal below the carrier). Lightning protection -- There are several ways to help prevent lightning damage to your equipment (and your house), among them unplugging equipment, disconnecting antenna feed lines and using a lightning arrestor. How can I use a satellite for this function? We usually express band spread as the number of kilohertz that the frequency changes per tuning-knob rotation. Emergency -- A situation where there is a danger to lives or property. Digipeater -- A packet-radio station used to retransmit signals that are specifically addressed to be retransmitted by that station. Callsign Output Offset MHz Input PL/Mode Location Vicinity K6KEN 445.660 -5 440.660 118.8 Menifee Local W6CDW 445.620 -5 440.620 173.8 Elsinore Peak Local W6GTR/R 446.600 -5 … Computers have largely replaced teleprinters for amateur radioteletype work. At that time, 73 meant "My love to you!". These indicies show what HF propagation is like right now. Core -- The material used in the center of an inductor coil, where the magnetic field is concentrated. Alternating current (ac) -- Electrical current that flows first in one direction in a wire and then in the other. Some manufacturers call this a clarifier (CLAR) control. Nonionizing radiation -- Electromagnetic radiation that does not have sufficient energy to knock electrons free from their atoms. 62pf capacitors are hard to find, thats why I used so many capacitors on the first try. Resonant frequency -- The desired operating frequency of a tuned circuit. The frequency is set by a tuned circuit using capacitors and inductors. Your email address will not be published. Logging and QSLing for the Radio Amateur in the Electronic Age, Radio Frequency Interference in your Ham Shack: A Case Study, Bob Schaeffer, KJ��G, recalls early history of Montrose Amateur Radio Club, Communicating is a critical element of preparedness, Trebuchet for Punkin’ Chunkin’—Royce Seymour’s (AA��JD) 2010 PieceMaker, Emergency Communications: Alternatives to Ham Radio, 2010 Field Day with the Montrose Amateur Radio Club, 2010 Montrose Amateur Radio Club Field Day (video), Montrose Amateur Radio Club antenna repair party, 2014 Field Day with the Montrose Amateur Radio Club, Near Real Time F2 Layer Critical Frequency, https://m.facebook.com/groups/110389536041840?view=permalink&id=951263845287734, Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, Amateur Extra Videos Available on USB Thumb Drive, Exploring Radio Mathematics (My November 2020 QST Article), General Videos Available on USB Thumb Drive, How to Support Ham Radio Answers and Ask Dave, Resource Page: QRP Labs QCX 5w QRP HF Radio, Technician Videos Available on USB Thumb Drive. Balun -- Contraction for balanced to unbalanced. One that is perpendicular to the earth's surface, such as a quarter-wave vertical, produces vertically polarized waves. In the National Telegraph Convention, the numeral was changed to a friendly "word" between operators. An electronic component specifically designed to oppose or control current through a circuit. Antenna switch -- A switch used to connect one transmitter, receiver or transceiver to several different antennas. Detector -- The stage in a receiver in which the modulation (voice or other information) is recovered from the RF signal. Sometimes when I tune my antenna, the antenna knob well be on 3 ( for instance) and the transmitter knob well be on 5 or 6 why is that? I am studying for the General License and appreciate your videos. Is a Ringo style antenna electrically the same,as a j-pole? Radio frequency (RF) radiation is nonionizing. Series circuit -- An electrical circuit in which all the electrons must flow through every part of the circuit. Sky-wave propagation -- The method by which radio waves travel through the ionosphere and back to Earth. The voice information (or data) changes the RF carrier frequency in the modulation process. Dave I have tried to send an email to you but I keep getting put in a proper address I have put I ke0og.net/ask-dave and it doesn’t work, Hi Dave, I was wondering if maybe you knew the answer to this and would tell me. I can’t say if they’re electrically equivalent but I think probably not. The system includes the Transmatch and the line to the antenna. PSK31 using Digital Master on Ham Radio Deluxe. ARRL is no longer accepting data for its Repeater Directory directly from state Frequency Coordinators but instead from the publishers of “RF Finder,” an application that is popularly used on “smart phones.” This is apparently due to some sort of agreement between the ARRL and “RF Finder.” There is now a working agreement between the Utah Frequency Coordinator and RF … However, I live a little too far away to reach the repeater from inside my garage. The ionosphere bends radio waves as they travel through it, returning them to Earth. I recently purchased a btech uv-5×3. Schematic symbol -- A drawing used to represent a circuit component on a wiring diagram. Thanks for any help. The FCC generally considers amateur operators and their families to be in a controlled RF exposure environment to determine the maximum permissible exposure levels. A device to couple a balanced load to an unbalanced source, or vice versa. The MUF may vary for radio signals sent to different destinations. The reason for this has to do mainly with FCC rules, which largely restrict Technician-level licensees to thos… Amateur Radio Related Links: FCC o ARRL o QRZ o AMSAT ULS Amateur Callsign Lookup Page o eHam.net Indiana Repeater Council o Iowa Repeater Council Missouri Repeater Council o Michigan Area Repeater Council Wisconsin Association of Repeaters o SouthEastern Repeater Association . Used on CW to save time and to improve communication. The entire antenna is ½ wavelength long at the desired operating frequency. Peak envelope power (PEP) -- The average power of a signal at its largest amplitude peak. Shortwave broadcast stations use this type of AM, as do stations in the Standard Broadcast Band (535-1710 kHz). Conductor -- A material that has a loose grip on its electrons, so an electrical current can pass through it. Your video for Chirp and Boafeng states I need a driver downloaded with a red cable I already have. D region -- The lowest region of the ionosphere. Modem -- Short for modulator/demodulator. It acts mainly to absorb energy from radio waves as they pass through it. Earth ground -- A circuit connection to a ground rod driven into the Earth or to a cold-water pipe made of copper that goes into the ground. But why the letters CQ? I just wanted to thank you and let you know that thanks in a large part to your videos, I got my Technician license on October 10 2020, then my General license on October 23 2020 and my Extra class license today November 8, 2020. You can refresh this page to get the latest data. Doing this would allow soil and water to enter the conduit and plug it. Reflection -- Signals that travel by line-of-sight propagation are reflected by large objects like buildings. Deci -- The metric prefix for 10--1, or divide by 10. A lot to think about though it would be beneficial to get ones amateur radio or ham license now at least you have us old timers to ask for help. Today, amateurs use it more in the manner that James Reid had intended that it be used --a "friendly word between operators.". If we could count electrons, we would find that if there are 6.24 × 1018 electrons moving past a point in one second, we have a current of one ampere. Impedance -- The opposition to electric current in a circuit. I also really enjoy your reviews and am using them to help me decide what to include in my new station build. Sometimes called skip, sky-wave propagation has a far greater range than line-of-sight and ground-wave propagation. Such electromagnetic radiation with frequencies as low as 3 kHz and as high as 300 GHz are considered to be part of the RF region. Watt (W) -- The unit of power in the metric system. The German delegation proposed its own SOE, which was already in use on German ships as a general inquiry signal similar to CQ (which was then used only by the Marconi system). Limiter -- A stage of an FM receiver that makes the receiver less sensitive to amplitude variations and pulse noise. Euphemism for a deceased Amateur Radio operator. Microphone -- A device that converts sound waves into electrical energy. RST -- A system of numbers used for signal reports: R is readability, S is strength and T is tone. Over the years from 1859 to 1900, the many manuals of telegraphy show variations of this meaning. Sidebands -- The sum or difference frequencies generated when an RF carrier is mixed with an audio signal. Single-pole, single-throw (SPST) switch -- A switch that only connects one center contact to another contact. Ammeter -- A test instrument that measures current. Control operator -- An amateur operator designated by the licensee of a station to be responsible for the transmissions of an amateur station. This extends the coverage of this linked repeater pair far into the Denver area and much further south including filling in a number of dead spots. Connected -- The condition in which two packet-radio stations are sending information to each other. Variable-frequency oscillator (VFO) -- An oscillator used in receivers and transmitters. A BFO is needed to copy CW and SSB signals. A sub-audible tone system used on some repeaters. Those who hold an expired license may not operate an amateur station until the license is reinstated. In the Western Union company's "92 code" used even before the American Civil War, the number 30 meant "the end. I was having trouble with the download chirp. This is the card he sent me. Call sign -- Series of unique letters and numbers assigned to a person who has earned an Amateur Radio license. It consists of a length of wire or tubing, opened and fed at the center. Yehuda 4X1TQ / K8HGZ / WQRS / WD2XEQ. It originally included NYC Metro and Long Island, but has expanded to cover eastern New York. Click here: http://www.ke0og.net/ask-dave and fill out the form. Within the past decade, the methods and communications gear have evolved from basic CB or FRS radios, to now include VHF-UHF FM, HF SSB, and HF digital communications. Skip zone -- An area of poor radio communication, too distant for ground waves and too close for sky waves. I saw this coil up loop of coax which is not mention on the instructions. Double-pole, single-throw (DPST) switch -- A switch that connects two contacts to another set of contacts. Modulation -- The process of varying an RF carrier in some way (the amplitude or the frequency, for example) to add an information signal to be transmitted. The j-pole is a vertical, and the mast below it normally has zero influence on “performance” at all. Box 1428 Burbank, CA 91507 (818) 843-4080 Voice It is the most likely local ham radio frequency-coordinated FM Simplex channel to be activated in SHTF scenarios, especially when infrastructure and repeaters are down. Uncontrolled environment -- Any area in which an RF signal may cause radiation exposure to people who may not be aware of the radiated electric and magnetic fields. I want to study and experiment with auto patch and phone patch. N2EST is a cartoonist and makes custom QSL cards. Usually refers to the bands from 80 to 10 meters, sometimes including 160 meters. For the list of videos, click the appropriate level: Every time I post something new you'll get an email with a link. 73 -- Ham lingo for "best regards." CLICK HERE TO UPDATE A REPEATER. Also called PL. In an antenna, the resonant frequency is one where the feed-point impedance contains only resistance. Giga -- The metric prefix for 109, or times 1,000,000,000. There are usually four or more radial elements parallel to or on the ground. The first authentic use of 73 is in the publication The National Telegraph Review and Operators' Guide, first published in April 1857. Ohm's Law gives a relationship between voltage (E), current (I) and resistance (R). Yagi antenna -- The most popular type of amateur directional (beam) antenna. Color code -- A system in which numerical values are assigned to various colors. Electromotive force (EMF) -- The force or pressure that pushes a current through a circuit. Ham -- An Amateur Radio operator licensed to operate amateur radio station. These frequencies include the shortwave-broadcast bands and the amateur bands from 160 to 10 meters. They were easy slips. You are showing your age as i am. Third-party communications agreement -- An official understanding between the United States and another country that allows amateurs in both countries to participate in third-party communications. Amplitude modulation (AM) -- A method of combining an information signal and an RF (radio-frequency) carrier. Slow Scan TV. Open circuit -- An electrical circuit that does not have a complete path, so current can't flow through the circuit. The station license also lists the call sign of that station. Phonetic alphabet -- Standard words used on voice modes to make it easier to understand letters of the alphabet, such as those in call signs. Malicious (harmful) interference -- Intentional, deliberate obstruction of radio transmissions. An antenna that has both horizontal and vertical polarization is said to be circularly polarized. Variable resistor -- A resistor whose value can be adjusted over a certain range, without removing it from a circuit. Ham-bands-only receiver--A receiver designed to cover only the bands used by amateurs. The frequency can be changed by adjusting the components in the tuned circuit. Parasitic element -- Part of a directive antenna that derives energy from mutual coupling with the driven element. Jumper--A small piece of wire used to connect two parts of a circuit. I was not going to buy another cable if I could help it. Look forward to the live streams on Thursday and Saturdays. Upper sideband (USB)--The common single-sideband operating mode on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10-meter HF amateur bands, and all the VHF and UHF bands. See duplex operation. It has one driven element and one or more additional elements. Ham-bands-only receiver--A receiver designed to cover only the bands used by amateurs. Also called dummy antenna. Capacitance -- A measure of the ability of a capacitor to store energy in an electric field. To use a repeater, transmit on the input frequency and receive on the output frequency. Amateurs use prosigns in CW contacts as a short way to indicate the operator's intention. Final-- 1) The final tube(s) or transistors in an amplifier - - "I just put new finals in this transmitter and I'm getting a lot more power output." ke0og.net/ask-dave is a web address not an email address. Spurious emissions -- Signals from a transmitter on frequencies other than the operating frequency. Impedance includes factors other than resistance, and applies to alternating currents. K -- The Morse code abbreviation for "any station respond." RF overload -- Another term for receiver overload. Q signals -- Three-letter symbols beginning with Q. Polarization -- The electrical-field characteristic of a radio wave. KA7RRA. Thanks for you time. The conduit is there to easily replace the transmission line without digging another trench. Thanks again for your great videos. Teleprinter -- A machine that can convert keystrokes (typing) into electrical impulses. Radio-frequency interference (RFI) -- Disturbance to electronic equipment caused by radio-frequency signals. Beam antenna -- A directional antenna. A directional wattmeter measures both forward and reflected power. I’m not familiar with the Ringo antenna. Show Offline Repeaters. should the antenna ,and transmitter knob be on the same number ?? Tropospheric ducting -- A type of VHF propagation that can occur when warm air overruns cold air (a temperature inversion). to upgrade to General or Extra Class and get on HF radio? Splatter -- A type of interference to stations on nearby frequencies. I would like to try a make a J-pole antenna, to help my handle reach the repeaters.
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