Required fields are marked *. Please match the strips in the photo to the originals in your TV before ordering. Zaheedi farjan. $22.50. When i checked on the main fuse, it was tested good. This kind of problem usually caused by one of the bad backlight LED in the LED bar. Hello jestineyong, please I need your help. Checking on the secondary side output voltages had proven the problem is in the power supply circuit. To repair capacitors on HAIER LE28F6600C, you must disassemble to the back of your HAIER LE28F6600C TV and disassemble the protective shell if the capacitors are not already visible. Thanks for the info. Thanks.good review Your feedback on the post is welcome. Very professional repair with clear photos and explanation. Over $45.00. Bulgy Capacitors Found In Enhance Model Computer SMPS, Mosquito Killer Racket Repaired For Low Sparking, Bulged Caps And Bad SMD PWM Found In Two Dead LG 12v Adapters, Dell Laptop Misbehavior on Booting Repaired. This is the main cause of the TV shut down. You're all about looking hot, but prefer not to break a sweat just lying on the couch. (function() { $12.00. var IE = /*@cc_on! Good repair Suranga and it was fortunate that you had the exact same If not, then you may have a hinge switch or cable problem. But I am somewhat confused by your sentence that you were happy to earn some money from this repair, do you not get paid for the electronics work you do? With the backlight shown above, users will enjoy 16 different color options to choose from. I have 42inch LG 2010 manufactured,slim border if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { | Browse our daily deals for even more savings! all in all may I just say, keep up the good work, your reach goes further than you'd ever know.Anderson.South Africa. Thanks, Suranga. if (document.getElementById("af-form-413914580")) { } Thanks for your article. } This usually indicates the LED backlight have problem. //
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