The man was also a valiant warrior, but afflicted with leprosy. Franklin reveals he has discovered Arthur’s identity as a traumatized Earthforce soldier. I spent my life in one such shelter or another. With no further words, he departed, lost in thought. Fortunately, Na'Toth learns of the plan and warns G'Kar. G'Kar and the other Narn behold G'Lan, an angelic like being in the visage of a Narn. [26], The station itself becomes a minor battleground in the war when Narn and Centauri merchant ships open fire on one another, requiring the stations' fighters to subdue them. G'Kar went and joined Sheridan and Delenn, also in the Palace at the time. Garibaldi turns down the offer. All guests at such an event are required to be barefoot, so G'Kar purposefully wears boots in order to convey an insult. The message is from his old political enemy Du'Rog, who is dying but plans to have his revenge on G'Kar. Na'Kal refuses, feeling it is surely a suicide mission and not wishing to risk one of the few Narn vessels still functioning. They watched Mollari's statement in which he declared the Republic's withdrawal from the Alliance. Horrified by these developments, G'Kar realizes that he needs to put some distance between himself and the mythos that is building around him. [19], "The Centauri stripped my world. The resistance was growing each day, but with G'Kar's mother Na'Laq too ill to move his father G'Qarn would not leave her behind to escape into the underground. Frankly, I've done some of my best writing in places like this. G'Kar prays long and desperately, fearing the inevitable. He also learns that the book of religious observations he had been writing was taken from his quarters by Ta'Lon and subsequently published, much to G'Kar's surprise. He also makes an emotional appeal to Delenn, saying that he will beg if he has to for the Minbari to provide aid. He quietly returns to Babylon 5 after the rest of his expedition is wiped out. Over the next week, G'Kar watched as the Army of Light slowly began to dissolve. Mollari insists G'Kar leave the planet, as it will probably not be safe for him. He confronts the leader of the group, telling him that he has challenged his own leadership and there must be a fight. Na'Toth's attack disrupts a planned meeting between Jha'dur and a Narn operative. "Babylon 5" The Fall of Centauri Prime (TV Episode 1998) Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar Gender G'Kar and Ivanova both realize it likely means Sheridan is dead. G'Kar: Then I cannot forgive. Having been appointed Prime Minister, Mollari has decided he wanted some distance from the capital, as many of Cartagia's supporters or other enemies of his might still be about, leaving Centauri Prime in the care of a regent. Sir G'Kar, The Red Knight [4] The Centauri are merciless in their attacks. ", When the Earth Alliance declares martial law, G'Kar is released early due to the chaos. As they toast the memories of those from their days on Babylon 5 who have passed away, Garibaldi names G'Kar.[70]. Cartagia forces Mollari to watch. When Morden asks what he wants after that, G'Kar replies he has never thought that far ahead, being satisfied knowing that his homeworld and people were safe. Nicely put. A few hours later, however, G'Kar meets him in the Zocalo and does have a drink. Against this peril we can never surrender. [6][7], "When I was a child . To stop Shiv'kala from preventing this, at Mollari's request G'Kar attempts to kill him as an act of mercy. Londo Mollari: Lyta Alexander! Julian, a drug-smuggler thriving in Bangkok's criminal underworld, sees his life get even more complicated when his mother compels him to find and kill whoever is responsible for his brother's recent death. As the Centauri abandon the palace, a group of young Narns begin to tear up the throne room in celebration. To save him from being executed as an off world spy and in gratitude for saving Durla's life, G'Kar is made a guest of the Royal Palace. Word sweeps across the planet. Cartagia dies in what looks like a fatal heart attack. News of the bombing initially sparked riots on Babylon 5, prompting a lock down of the station. They have crossed the line we cannot allow them to cross. Marcus sought out the trader on his own and managed to get a name, which he brought back to G'Kar. He also develops a bitter, ongoing feud with Ambassador Londo Mollari. One of the ones who actually listens to him is Vir Cotto, Mollari's attaché, who apologizes to G'Kar for what has happened. The Centauri ambassador first taunts G'Kar, then offers to sell it to him for the outrageous sum of 50,000 Earth credits. He approaches her and asks her to come to Narn, rather than seek asylum on Earth. Overcome with emotion, he can offer no response. An extreme version of this trope is Heel–Face Door-Slam, which happens if rejecting an apology also involves killing the offender. I only enjoyed parts because it was setting up his downfall, and of course to see Bester again. As Babylon 5 prepares for a week long series of festivities celebrating the religious traditions of the various races on board, a courier named Tu'Pari arrives with a message for G'Kar. What really made it a tear-jerker for this troper was that you can see the anguish in Vir's eyes. He knocks out Cotto and drags Mollari to a quiet location in Downbelow, severely beating him in the process. My authority comes from the Kha'Ri! After Morden left G'Kar seemed to really start thinking about it then go "feh!" As Sheridan moves his White Stars to confront the Centauri fleet, Londo orders his ships to withdraw. Refusing to do so, G'Kar informs the League of Non-Aligned Worlds about her presence, knowing the races that have been ravaged by Deathwalker will want revenge. G'Kar often says that he dreams of the day where the Centauri are completely annihilated. He explains that the Shadows came to Narn one thousand years ago, and that G'Quan perceived them to be engaged in some great war beyond the stars. In the Council Chamber, Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) makes his case to the Non-Aligned Worlds for financial support from them. He fails to observe Kosh nearby, who quietly withdraws without saying anything. The Kha'Ri demanded that G'Kar return to Narn to lead them or at least give them his blessing. made me remember G'Kars answer how he wanted to annihilate the Centauri and suck the marrow from their bones but kind of loses steam as Morden keeps pushing on "Well then what?". The other Narn stand down. He asks G'Kar to read from the Book of G'Quan, which speaks of G'Quan and the last of the Narn telepaths driving the Shadows off Narn during the First Shadow War. While both wanted to destroy the other, only Londo had a desire for "a rebirth of glory" and "a renaissance of power". Throughout the year 2258, G'Kar engages in a number of political, covert, and military related conflicts and intrigue, all designed to weaken the Centauri Republic. Feel this in your heart: Love and Forgiveness complete Karma. While he is not supposed to officially speak with the Narn, Garibaldi convinces him to talk to G'Kar anyway. The ceremony requires the use of a G'Quan Eth plant, a now rare plant almost eradicated during the Centauri occupation, and has to be performed at a precise time. To completely and utter erase them! He also tells G'Kar not to believe everything he hears about him in the future, but G'Kar interrupts and says he understands. I didn't invade Narn! I would hate very much for them to find you. You'll frighten the children. Dr. Franklin treats G'Kar's eye, replacing it with a prosthetic that operate outside of his body, amusing G'Kar greatly (though he is initially distraught that it resembles a human eye, though Franklin promises it will eventually be adjusted). He calls for a meeting of the Security Council in an attempt to warn them "that all of their races stand on the edge of extinction." We are now at war! He states his belief that G'Kar is instrumental in organizing and promoting the Resistance on Narn, something Na'Far and others want stopped. G'Kar bid him a final goodbye.[62]. Despite "giving" G'Kar to Mollari, Cartagia still sees fit to amuse himself by torturing G'Kar. Narn With Ryan Gosling, Kristin Scott Thomas, Vithaya Pansringarm, Gordon Brown. It would be better for him to have a heavy boulder tied around his neck and be hurled into the deepest sea than to face the punishment of betraying one of my dear ones! Lantz announces that Earth is prepared to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Republic, something virtually everyone on the station perceives to be akin to appeasement. His exact duties within the Alliance during these years are not known. Well, it’s an imperfect universe. This is probably the closest thing I have to a home." [68], In 2275, G'Kar is on Centauri Prime using a Changeling Net to disguise his appearance, when at a public address attended by Emperor Mollari and Prime Minister Durla, he foils an attempt on the Prime Minister's life. In here, you cannot run from yourself." G'Qarn(Father)[2]Na'Laq (Brood mother) G'Ryka (Daughter) [3] Tra'Kar (Cousin) [3]G'Sten (Uncle) "So you stayed silent, and with the help of these Shadows the Centauri destroyed my world...". This is enough to renew the Narn's loyalty to G'Kar. The ship's logs guides them to an unexplored planet where G'Kar encounters what appears to be a small community of Narns that have survived the crash of a Centauri slave ship. [9], During the Earth-Minbari War, G'kar was the one to broker the deal for humans to buy weapons. A compromise is finally reached where the serum would be shared, but the hope of "immortality" ends when Deathwalker's ship is destroyed by the Vorlons. The assassin takes G'Kar to a secluded part of the station and tortures him with a pain giver, though G'Kar refuses to cry out. [56], Despite outward prejudice from members of the royal court, G'Kar stays at Mollari's side constantly on Centauri Prime, even sleeping in his room at the foot of his bed. G'Kar is visited by his uncle, Warleader G'Sten, who tells him that they have lost all their holdings in three key sectors. The scavenger, however, refused to speak to G'Kar and a bar fight broke out. They request sanctuary, and Sheridan agrees to the request, even as Frederick Lantz, a representative from EarthGov is there to investigate the Centauri situation (they have continued their aggression against other worlds). Sheridan asks the Centauri, Narn, and all the other races that have mutual defense treaties with Earth to suspend them for the duration of the civil war. He also began writing his thoughts down in a book, which would eventually be known as the Book of G'Kar. Mollari is knocked out for two hours, leaving G'Kar to assess the situation. The doctor is there with a message from Turhan, given to Franklin to ensure it would be delivered. View Quote. Londo&G'Kar discover Na'Toth is a prisoner of the Centauri. We ate. [35], "I know it is much to ask, but it is well past time, to ask. G'Kar refuses, laughingly stating he would rather see Mollari dead than survive himself. "It's a cell. One of the ones who actually listens to him is Vir Cotto, Mollari's attaché, who apologizes to G'Kar for what has happened. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. That same day, G'Kar ran away and killed his first Centauri. 2. He first thought he could have it finished by the time he is released. Mollari convinces what is left of the Royal Court that they should take it as a sign from the gods to abandon Narn. Actually I was watching the end of the Shadow War and that question "What do you want?" Ambassador G'Kar returns to Babylon 5 shortly thereafter, with the Shadow War over and the ancient enemy gone forever (along with the Vorlons and the rest of the First Ones). You risked your life to save mine. Proud, stubborn, and wrathful, G’Kar represents a people who have suffered greatly at the hands of the Centauri, centuries of slavery and oppression, their homeworld ransacked of its resources, and countless deaths even before the bloody struggle for liberation. [33], "What is left for Narn if all of creation falls around us? this moment still brings tears to my eyes. [26], "You cannot take what you do not own! Sinclair agrees to speak to Mollari, but his appeal is unsuccessful. 2 years ago. G'Kar and Mollari are both present at the wedding of Sheridan and Delenn, and after the ceremony share a drink. Delenn tells G'Kar that his people's actions in the past years make it difficult for anyone to trust their word now. I've gotten used to them. They repeatedly duck his inquiries. Even the Kha'Ri are swept up, demanding that he return to Narn for his blessing, or more. Like all Narns, G'Kar had a different name at birth. Now I see it is as much about how we got here as where we're going. He also denies a report that the Narn have lost six of the last seven battles as "Centauri propaganda." report. [32], G'Kar hears rumors about the Rangers, and suspects Sheridan and Delenn are working together on putting together a new Alliance. G'Sten explains the Kha'Ri is perpetuating the myth that the Regime is holding its own. We know only that it is always born in pain.". Though it take a thousand years...we will be free!". That's just it: their places couldn't have been reversed because G'kar lacked a key ingredient: ambition. Press J to jump to the feed. G'Kar joined "Arthur" and they successfully routed the gang. Many of the people on board view this as a divine sign and that Babylon 5 is a blessed place. He informs the ambassador that he has hired an assassin from the Thenta Makur who will stalk G'Kar, making him live in fear for 48 hours, and then he will die. December 24, 2278 He finds Ta'Lon has been keeping vigil outside his quarters since his imprisonment began. He puts the rest of his affairs in order, leaving his copy of the Book of G'Quan to Na'Toth in the hopes of her eventual conversion. "I sense in you a warrior spirit, but a priestly manner and refined education...Sir G'Kar.". G'Kar assesses that the Centauri must be planning on attacking the homeworld far sooner than they had expected. [18], As the highest-ranking member of his faith on the station, it falls to G'Kar to hold a particular religious ceremony during the Days of G'Quan. [60] While imprisoned, G'Kar and Mollari continued to talk about Mollari's plan and their predicament. ", When Lt. Warren Keffer is killed in hyperspace at the very end of 2259, he managed to send a probe with a few seconds of an image of a Shadow Vessel. Afterwards, they went to a tavern to drink heavily, celebrating their victory against ruffians who would prey on the weak. Upon her return to the station, Sakai thanks G'Kar for his assistance. The assassin uses the device to frame Sinclair for the attempted murder of Ambassador Kosh of the Vorlon Empire just after the ambassador's arrival. Sheridan, busy with a mission off station, approached Delenn to discuss bringing G'Kar in. Sheridan insists G'Kar stand down, and after his rage almost overwhelms him, G'Kar collapses in sorrow. According to G'Kar watching them eat, "that's horror for you. [52][53] When Mollari is fighting for his life in Medlab after suffering a heart attack, G'Kar makes the surprising move of joining Cotto as he keeps vigil at Mollari's bedside. During his time in the Kha'ri, he made his share of political enemies, and by 2258 he claimed to have survived two assassination attempts. They tell him they want him to be their ruler and lead them in glorious revenge against the Centauri. After the Centauri Republic is liberated from the Drakh, Cotto, having succeeded Mollari as emperor, has two large gold statues of Mollari and G'Kar placed at the gates of the capital city, positioned so as to appear they are watching each other's backs. Good point OP, thats a perspective I'd not thought about. It's a sense of patriotism that permeates the series (Sheriden and Neroon are both described as such) that these two share, and i think it was that trait G'kar recognised in him when he decided to forgive. "[48], G'Kar can not so easily avoid Mollari completely, however. Mollari ignores G'Kar's statement and explains that the Narn is to be paraded through the streets of the capital and then into the palace and before Cartagia. On the day of Earth President Luis Santiago's death, G'Kar leaves the station (leaving Na'Toth to fill his place for him) to investigate the new enemy. G'Kar states it is merely a technicality that Turhan himself actually did nothing during the occupation. He explains he has been trying to warn everyone for a year but no one will listen—the Shadows have returned. When G'Kar learns of the attack from Na'Toth, he realizes instantly it is not the work of the Centauri or any other one of the known races but rather an unknown one. A transport of injured Narn civilians has recently arrived from one of the fallen colonies. G'Kar told Londo that he could never forgive the Centauri, and the Narn could never forgive the Centauri, but G'Kar could forgive Londo. Even as they do, however, a report comes in that the Shadows are attacking races openly—the Second Shadow War has fully begun. I'm re-watching Babylon 5 and was just thinking how moving the scene is when G'Kar forgives Londo. And he has the indecency to start dying on his own!". In exchange for G'Kar promising to discontinue the smuggling there, Garibaldi gives him information on an alternate (and much safer) route. Despite his orders, they murder the Centauri who had attacked the dead Narn and plan a massacre of all the Centauri on the station. G'Kar says that the Centauri are simply trying to control them, a fact to which Na'Far concedes, but insists that the time for action is not yet at hand. A super trope of Reformed, but Rejected. [11], "No one here is entirely what he appears. A month or two after the War is over, Captain Sheridan invites both men to a meeting. He meets with G'Kar in his quarters. During this Mollari asks G'Kar how he feels about making history, to which G'Kar responds (while eating the wedding rice) that "you cannot hope to make history, you can only hope to survive it." Evidently disappointed at the answer, Morden leaves and G'Kar dismisses the incident as foolishness. He rushes to C'n'C to inform Cmdr. While Mariel protests her ignorance of it, G'Kar (who has an ongoing affair with her) quickly realizes she did intend to murder her husband, but agrees not to be a "rumor mongerer." G’Kar: I would be dead if not for you. Suddenly, a being of light appears and saves Sheridan. G'Kar suspects Mollari may have somehow sent a warning, but lacking proof he can do nothing. Weep for us all. Feeling useless, G'Kar decided to seek out Michael Garibaldi, still missing when his starfury vanished (during the Shadow's feint at the station). As I live and breathe... Lyta: I suggest you remove your hand, Ambassador, or you won't be doing either for very long.. . G'Kar prays and awaits for word from the front. ©2012-2017 Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. However, as the war between his people and the Centauri progresses, he becomes kinder, tolerant, and more farsighted. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She requested this not only to protect Mollari from the scheming nobles of the royal court, but also to serve as an important symbol that two races that had once so hated each other could work together. He can learn; I did. [38], "...and they made a very satisfying 'thump' when they hit the floor!". [22], Part of G'Kar's conclusions are drawn from his faith in the Book of G'Quan, which tells about an ancient enemy a thousand years old from the darkest corners of space that was so powerful it nearly overwhelmed the stars themselves. The other nobles agree, feeling there is nothing there but ruins anyway. G'Kar—who had never even heard of their race until they came to him—is completely uninterested in giving any assistance, as they have nothing to offer in terms of a strategic alliance. This time, they wish to force the Centauri into abandoning all claims to Quadrant 37. The Byron plot once again is dramatically uninteresting. G'Kar: I spent my years in one shelter after another. Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn. Soon thereafter, a massive Centauri strike force does indeed attack Narn itself, quickly overrunning its orbital defenses and beginning orbital bombardment with mass drivers. The Centauri announce they will be withdrawing and begin to evacuate. Shortly after the arrival of Lyta Alexander, G'Kar proposes that she assist the Narn in acquiring telepaths among their people. Relatives The first transmissions are confused, but a follow up expedition confirms the destruction of the military outpost and the presence of Centauri ships securing the planet. Forgiveness is the release of resentment or anger. G'Kar, as Londo's greatest foe and friend, releases him from the prison as a mercy kill, despite the Keeper waking up and killing him as well. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. [I want] to suck the marrow from their bones... and grind their skulls to powder. Na'Far states the time is not right, especially with the Centauri killing 500 Narns for every one of their own killed. He found the trader on a small, remote human colony. Realizing she will do just that, he arranges for a wing of Narn Frazi fighters to head to the planet and render assistance to Sakai. [2], In December 2278, on the last day of his life (sans his artificial eye courtesy of Durla), Mollari reveals the keeper on his neck to G'Kar and his plan to free Sheridan and Delenn. One of them is Counselor Na'Far, who explains he is there to replace G'Kar as leader of the Narns on station. [22], When a human cryo ship arrives at the station, it brings with it a malicious, invisible creature that begins to terrorize the station. G'Kar then receives word from Sheridan, asking for a meeting. "I had believed your people only capable of murder and pain...I never thought I'd say this, Mollari, but 'to the health of your Emperor!' but it was also huge because of the hatred between them, it gave way and became a true friendship. Londo Mollari approaches G'Kar at this time, offering him a chance for revenge. However, Turhan suffers a major heart attack after he arrives on the station but before he can reach the reception. Place of Birth A few Narns had been interrogated by Centauri officers regarding Narn's defenses. At the Assembly, G'Kar relates a message that the Regime has officially declared war against the Centauri Republic. At the beginning of his diplomatic service, G'Kar ruthlessly seeks advantages for his race, and has an intense dislike bordering on outright hatred of the Centauri, due to his race's suffering during the Centauri occupation of the Narn Homeworld. As months pass, G'Kar becomes a spiritual figure, with many Narns coming to him for guidance. Sinclair threatens to expose the evidence unless the Narns withdraw. [5], During the final years of the occupation G'Kar's family worked as slaves in the household of a wealthy Centauri aristocrat and Spoo ranch owner. Alias Rank [23], G'Kar is invited to Mollari's Day of Ascension ceremony. Regardless of Delenn's concerns, G'Kar leaves. Speaking of G'Kar and forgiveness, I've always felt the scene between him and Vir in the elevator is one of the most powerful of the series. The vision that changes to one of G'Lan. G'Kar, however, can think only of the now unopposed Centauri war machine...and the Shadows. Insulted when Ambassador Mollari sends his aide Vir Cotto to negotiate the Euphrates Treaty, G'Kar instructs Ko'Dath to fill in for him while Cotto is there, growling to her to "not give away the homeworld. He tries to fight, but is shot with a stun gun and captured. We slept. However, the ship is destroyed as soon as it exits hyperspace, which the Regime attributes as an accident. If I surprised you, so much the better.". G'Kar tells Mollari that he "sees" things more clearly now, and that the Centauri's heart is empty. 5-4-19 G'Kar Forgives Babylon 5: Another funny moment between Londo and G'Kar Babylon 5 - Lyta meets G'KarGaribaldi in Love Garubaldi G'kar smuggling Cavour and Garibaldi, 1860 Londo offers the Alliance nothing but defiance, with the approval of the Drakh. Marcus reluctantly leaves G'Kar behind and returns to Babylon 5. While there, G'Kar is presented with the electro-whip that was used on him along with the guard who wielded it, courtesy of Minister Vole, an enemy of Mollari's. After cooling his rage, G'Kar appeals to Commander Sinclair, who is in the middle of a dock worker's strike. Even as they do, G'Kar is checking on the nuclear devices and discovers two are missing. However, because of an accident in the docking bay, the ship carrying the plant to G'Kar is destroyed. ", "There are humans for whom the words 'never again' hold special meaning, as they do for us. Capture of this planet will force the Centauri to halt, prolonging the war indefinitely and allowing the Narn to regroup and rebuild their defenses. The attack make his approach impossible, so it falls to G'Kar. It is known that he helps a group of Rangers with a rescue mission and participates in a diplomatic conference at Babylon 5 in March of 2265. He warns that if G'Kar touches the Emperor, then Narn will never be free. A Centauri battlecruiser arrives, demanding custody of the Narn ship. G'Kar finds this suffices, and goes forward with the ceremony. about the Centauri attacking other races after being unchallenged in committing atrocities against the Narn. Despite his ailing health, Centauri Emperor Turhan wishes to come to Babylon 5. Expecting a threat, G'Kar is taken aback when Franklin tells him that the Emperor had come there to apologize in person to the Narn for everything that was done against them by his people (and especially his family). G'Kar shows Endawi the Book of G'Quan - specifically, a drawing of a ship that matches the Shadow vessel exactly. G'Kar: Mollari †Londo Mollari ... My people can never forgive your people. G'Kar only backs down when the rioters are broken up by security. G'Kar quickly assigns the blame to the Centauri (and they, of course, blame the Narn). "I have seen what power costs. G'Kar again becomes a bodyguard when Mollari returns to Centauri Prime to investigate Centauri attacks on Alliance shipping lanes. [51], Back on Babylon 5, G'Kar continues to function as the diplomatic representative for the Narn while serving on the advisory board for the Alliance. "Do you mind if I talk to you?" A fight nearly breaks out, but is interrupted by G'Kar who stops them and tells them that they cannot succeed if they fight amongst themselves. The guards (loyal to Mollari) leave. [16], When Earth President Luis Santiago is scheduled to arrive on the station for a conference, G'Kar is insulted that the Narn delegation is seated next to the Vree at the banquet. Faith and Forgiveness - One day Jesus taught his disciples this: “Betrayals are inevitable, but great devastation will come to the one guilty of betraying others. She eventually accepts, and he arranges to have Ta'Lon take over his duties as Narn representative on Babylon 5. I think G'Kar was able to forgive Londo because he remembered that moment and realized possibly that their roles could have been reversed in the whole sorry affair. But what really makes G'Kar agree to the idea is the anticipation of seeing the shocked reactions of the Centauri nobility at seeing a Narn in their midst. G'Kar, mindful of the responsibilities he has to his religious community, made arrangements months in advance to acquire the plant. Mollari's sleeping keeper awakens and forces the elderly emperor to choke G'Kar. G'Kar wanders in and questions them. He also explains that the key to this is Babylon 5, and it must be protected. [65], G'Kar and Alexander eventually part ways and G'Kar returns to Alliance space. G’Kar: Yes, but I’m a better person. Narn RegimeAmbassador (2256-2259 and 2261-2262)King Arthur's New Round TableSir (Knight) "You have the opportunity, here and now, to choose. Mollari left to find the Emperor and came back in a different state. [55] In 2262, Delenn asks G'Kar to act as a bodyguard for Londo Mollari when Mollari returns to his homeworld to prepare for the position of Emperor.
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