I'm assuming you took Nerd Rage mostly for the DR bonus since you grab Almost Perfect later. Luck is great to have, and there are even valid builds centered around high Luck, but the other 4 are simply better. Be professional in these reports people → Project Admin. I’m terrible at this sort of thing and replaying the beginning of an RPG 500 times is surprisingly getting old! Not married to The Commonwealth, Major Tom's story could work with any technologically capable humanoid faction. Your character will be powerful as is and with the Broken Steel Add-on, Dogmeat and Fawkes will be sufficient followers to have due to their large health pool. Radiation Resistance (8): 25% additional rad. The extra 3 skill points are vital, get this perk right when you reach level 4, no later then that. Level 27: Master Trader. Check the perk's "Notes" section for more information. If you didn't take the cyborg perk at level 15 take it now, if you did then take the Law Bringer Perk or take Concentrated Fire. Medicine:25 Its really awesome. Mysterious Stranger. I make sure to, Again, these are just preferences, and not necessary for the build. Theres a guide on this site use it if you must. When using V.A.T.S. I decimated everything in my path even on Very Hard difficulty. Level 24: Your choice. Major Tom would die a fiery death without ever tasting freedom. This play style is defined by never accepting being overencumbered and constantly repairing or making short trips back to their housing. Go ahead. Try this build with different playstyles, it's fun. Equipment= Weapons- Infiltrator (weapon) Deathclaw gauntlet Plasma grenade and Pulse grenade Armor- I use the Regulator duster or unique variants and the Oasis druid hood when roaming around, I use the Enclave Hellfire armor and T51b helm when in heavy conflict,and lastly the Chinese stealth armor. Thanks for your help! Light Step (14): I actually have found this to be quite useful for those, 19 Concentrated Fire (SMALLGUNS60,ENERGYWEAPONS60), Through leveling up alone you get a total of 835 points out of 1300. Of course being raised by "Human Folk" Major Tom dose understand the meaning of a great many words, a basic sign / body language and common gestures. Added 10% Damage, poison and radiation resistance. The Infiltrator. The Ninja perk is very useful in that it raises your critical attack range even higher, though it must be noted that an 80 in Sneak is required for the perk, so plan accordingly. Chinese Stealth Armour, Perforator (Gun), Victory Rifle (Gun), _____________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10% DR, although you won't be taking much soon. It's a waste selecting a perk with such limited use. is often less efficient. Level9: The less you use it, the closer to 40 you should leave it. Gotta love 100% stealth crits from long range to the head! Um. This one is optional, pick any perk you want. Speech: 60 Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Unarmed skill is practically the best way to horde ammunition. While an explosive that packs a lot of punch sounds nice, Nuka grenades are more damaging. The Silent Running Perk & The Chinese Stealth Armor. Here, I wanted players to feel they had choices for a wide selection of useful firearms and melee weapons, as well as unarmed weapons, and not be geared to one thing. Sneak around with shishkebab, or at 25+ Deathclaw gauntlet. Medicine: 60 Small guns: 60 In Fallout 3, there are two things you must have for a super stealth character. Plus he is an amazingly convenient companion. +50% damage with any weapon using fire. LV11 Finesse, I love any higher chance of getting a nice critical! Best Strength Build. Please feel free to comment on this build. All DLC packs are required to properly complete this character build. You play it how you like :). Melee weapons: 60 Desmond's eyeglasses I meant just swap the order of your first 2 perks so you take your level 2 perk at level 3 and your level 3 perk at level 2. Becareful not to start trouble on the home front on accident although you can’t anyway just don’t forget the medicine bobblehead in the near future.You probably want me to shut the hell up and give you the perk list so here you go: Once you have the almost perfect perk you can collect all the bobbleheads and become king of fallout3. perk? Remember DO NOT get any attribute bobbleheads before taking almost perfect. I don't see any issues substituting Silent Running for Sandman if you prefer. Your English is perfectly fine. )Bethesda ruins is the best place to obtain the firelance from a random event and you may accidently set off the wrong random event erasing your best chance at getting the alien gun firelance.Also in the east office building here has a raider with a flamer that carrys US Army 30 handy flamethrower recipes that respawn on her every 73 hours. Useful since early on most enemies faced are Raiders (which will occasionally be female). I've taken out a Behemoth single handedly after paralyzing him and going to town on his head with the Terrible Shotgun, Major Tom Free Damage Resistance is always nice. Note that I left Fortune Finder out. 3 more skill points per level. Head back up to the bar and watch the exchange between Burke and the Sheriff, afterwards Burke will shoot the Sheriff in the back and you can then kill Burke and loot both bodies (gaining the Sheriff's house key). After the player tries to bury Major Tom with Armor and Weapons he could never carry. and acquiring all followers in the game. 6 → 30 If you're having more fun with the Shishkebab than your guns, go with Ninja. LV13 Silent Running, What a sneaky snake. This one is optional, pick any perk you want. The extra 10% Damage against Females can come in handy during any point of the game, there are also no other perks that are vital at level 2 and 3, unless you use Intense Training. Don’t be overwhelmed by Fallout 4. Quest:Ant might perk from those! Iron Fist does not increase skill points for Unarmed (like the Tag perk); however, it raises the damage you do with Unarmed. perks like Cannibal or Mysterious Stranger and perks that increase your tag skills like Gun Nut or Cyborg especially also no Almost Perfect use Nuclear Anomaly instead to make the rest of the game WAY better if you haven't gotten to the end of the whole game a.k.a. In addition to high Unarmed / Melee Weapons skills, you'll want a high Medicine skill to get the most benefit from Stimpaks. If at level 18 you took Law Bringer then now is the time to take CF, however if the Law Bringer perk is useless to you then take PP. 3. Having ammo is awesome, and at level 11 I honestly see no major perks you need, unless you really want Animal Friend. LV7 Fortune Finder, A nice perk to have to get some extra caps. Level 9: Commando. Scrounger The thing is: I DON'T USE ANY. You’ll want to have at least one bread-and-butter combat skill. LV2 Gun Nut (1) Start out with the Gun Nut Perk's to get a nice base of Repair and Small Guns considering you will spend a lot of time repairing things such as armour and weapons to sell. Swift Learner becomes useless after level 30 and so, having 2 ranks of it is also pointless (no offense). This is if you use a lot of ammunition and feel the need for it. Another advantage your fists have over grenades are that they never run out and hardly weigh a thing (lol). Limbs only receive 50% of the damage they normally would. Mainly because I didn't know what it was really <.<. The less you use it, the closer to 40 you should leave it. Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. If addicted to alcohol, Major Tom may carry random alcohol. An added 5% chance of a critical hit. Your limbs take half the normal damage. Hah I said PP. Demo Expert (6): There are a few instances in the game where scripted assaults will be facilitated by having more damage from mines or grenades, but in general I pick up way more mines than I'll ever use. Fingers are always found on Raiders and you can steal from people and counteract the bad karma. +50% damage on criticals, and by now they are all criticals. As well as subject animals corresponding with the Space Monkey program. Grenades and mines, since they won't alert the enemy until they explode (throwing a grenade freehanded still alert them, though), making them good first strike weapons (plus reverse pickpocketing them will ensure that the target is killed instantly); List your character from lvl 2-30 (as you can't choose a lvl 1 perk) and give as much detail per level as to which perks and skills to select, Please also list your initial, and end-game, Tip: if you’re going melee build, invest in perks like. The only particular weakness of this build would be tough bots prior to getting Robotics Expert (even then, I still easily kill everything but Sentry Bots) and areas that are highly Radioactive. Why? Level 16: Action Boy/Girl. health: 133 → 266 Time To Roam the Evil Wastes and Obliterate Evil. If it takes more than one head-shot to kill something, then you want to make sure every shot hits (and counts), so take this perk. 4 ST, 5 PE, 6 EN, 10 CH, 6 IN, 10 AG, 10 LK Can be used on turrets too. Bloody Mess, however, is just a fun perk to have! Leads a crew of Jericho and Charon. Also note that The Pitt expansion allows you to have an extra 3% DR, which I have not included, (*) This is only advantageous with Female Characters. Also I would like to point out that this is not the order I chose these perks in, so feel free to do things in whatever order you want. If you're having more fun with the Shishkebab than your guns, go with Ninja. Rhesus Monkey The main power of … But this build does expect you to have Operation Anchorage as well as The Pitt DLC's. My build focus mainly on chances to do critical strikes as the damage boost upon critical can never be underestimated. Make sure to have these skills at or above the values listed in order to be able to take the corresponding perks. Below is an interactive map showing marked Fallout 3 locations and select unmarked ones. On my user page I have a walkthrough on what I did, which I didn't post here due to extensive spoilers. When using. Bill_Dungsroman. Big Guns:17 I really enjoy seeing a build that doesn't use Almost Perfect. Don't try to be rich, and get the Megaton house. Level 30: Almost perfect. Now go and collect those bobbleheads! Higher chances of hitting head when using V.A.T.S. Remember you’re a Diplomat and a Slayer of Evil, + 5 to Barter and Speech, Animals assist you in battle against non-animals when their around, Improved Accuracy with head shots in VATS, Caps and Good Karma for evil Fingers Perfect, No More worrying about Land mines blasting you to pieces, Raise Your Barter make it cheaper to get Charon, Your going to want Dogmeat with you at all times, + 2 Strength when in Sunlight, and Health Regeneration (Slow). Scrounger Note: Any armor you equipped your merc with, will never degrade so T-51 power armor is the best choice. Go ahead. Robots were the only weakness for this build, not anymore. Going to LV 30 will allow you to get higher Lockpick and other vital skills, this is based on getting to LV 20, ,mainly because I don't have the time to put into this. Did you forget to level up a skill, take this if you did. Chester is supposed to be a neutral, cool looking character. This made Major Tom happy.Yet still, Major Tom was easily bored and dreamed of adventure beyond the Commonwealth. No I didn’t so you better not have collected any bobbleheads. Level 20: Grim Reapers Sprint. Must have. At end game this character will have 100 in all skills and 10 in all attributes, along with 85% damage and radiation resistance. Sniper rifle, BoS Power armor, and BoS Power armor helmet. Level 17: Better Critical's. I never actually went looking for any books and only had to distribute 9 points at level 30 to max all my skills. Sneak:17 Make sure you complete the quest Those! Only things left to do are some quests, collecting items, and finding bug exploits. Gameplay At the end of the tunnel theres some big ants that are hostile kill them but DON’T search their bodys as the glitch wont work. +50 pounds of carry weight. Level 8: Strong Back. Caps and Bad Karma for the Ear of the Weak and Good Perfect, Become more efficient with Energy Weapons and dehumanize your self, Raise Your Science, Melee or Medicine/ or Small Guns if less than 60, Paralyze your Enemies when fighting unarmed, Extra Strength in the Sun and Slow Health Regen, No Effects From your Constant Rad Poisoning, Time To Roam the Wastes Killing Everything that pisses you off for being nice. I have not attempted to increase Charisma as the advantages it brings are not substantial enough to justify it (Increased disposition is not worth it with 100 speech), This build is aimed towards those who use VATS, if you never use VATS then some perks can be swapped out (Gunslinger and Commando etc) for other perks such as Scrounger (you will need more ammo if you don't ever use VATS) or you could invest more points into SPECIAL (though I believe it is not worth it), If you go for a melee character you could get the Ninja and Paralyzing Palm Perks. This is another perk to take for fun. Perception 2 I'am can ask you a thing? Requirements are steep, so prepare early! Not to mention the ammo can be found on Outcast patrols or Enclave soldiers. (Meaning you cant go to GNR or fix the radio tower!). 1) General build. Seeing how this is a high Intelligence build, I'll start working on a high Strength build as an alternative! Fallout 3 doesn't get much more fun than that! Just go eat some people now. Peace With Quantum Chemist, you can virtually have limitless Nuka Cola Quantums for creating Nuka grenades by gathering Nuka Colas from traders and gathering components from Crazy Wolfgang. Why would you not take Iron Fist at all even though you took Ninja and Paralyzing Palm? For instance, I try to get to 50 Sneak right away for Silent Running and then I prepare for Cyborg by pumping some points into Medicine and Science. Medicine:25 But the filler perk (+10% exp) is best taken as early as possible. Level 2: Lady Killer.
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fallout 3 builds 2021