• DIVERGENT THINKING (noun) The noun DIVERGENT THINKING has 1 sense:. ‘It generally means the ability to give the “correct” answer to standard questions that do not require significant creativity, for instance in most tasks in school and on standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence. I worked on a variety of different problems and challenges and this basic approach is the common denominator throughout those projects. While little research has been conducted on the impact of sleep deprivation on divergent thinking, one study by J.A. Medical Definition of divergent thinking. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for divergent thinking and thousands of other words. In free writing, a person will focus on one particular topic and write non-stop about it for a short period of time, in a stream of consciousness fashion. Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. ‎Join Us on Twitter for more! Because some of the resulting ideas are original, divergent thinking represents the potential for creative thinking and problem solving. Divergent thinking techniques is always an essential aspect of any school because it takes the student out of suffocation. With the incredible imagination power, the students use, it has become one of the unique approaches used in elementary schools. It usually happens in a free-flowing, spontaneous manner, where multiple creative ideas are engendered and evaluated. Let’s start by talking about divergent thinking. Divergent thinking, or lateral thinking, is about generating multiple creative solutions to the same problem. Creativity has often been confused with divergent thinking; and intelligence with convergent thinking. This type of thinking requires you to expand your mind and find innovative solutions. Synonym Discussion of divergent. Divergent thinking typically happens in open, free-flowing, spontaneous environments where multiple creative ideas can be shared and considered. Divergent thinking allows you to see products in materials in new and different ways. Following divergent thinking, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a "correct" solution. Design thinking refers to the cognitive, strategic and practical processes by which design concepts (proposals for products, buildings, machines, communications, etc.) Subjects' performance on both a word fluency task and a challenging nonverbal planning test was "significantly impaired by sleep loss", even when the factor of personal motivation to perform well was controlled. Divergent thinking refers to a way of solving problems wherein a variety of possible solutions are proposed in an effort to find one that works. Persons in a negative mood may choose optimizing strategies and be more concerned with the quality of their ideas, which is detrimental to performance on this kind of task. The results showed a clear distinction in performance between those with a self-reported positive versus negative mood: Results showed natural positive mood to facilitate significantly task performance and negative mood to inhibit it… The results suggest that persons in elevated moods may prefer satisficing strategies, which would lead to a higher number of proposed solutions. divergent definition in English dictionary, divergent meaning, synonyms, see also 'divergent thinking',divergent evolution',divergently',diverge'. Divergent thinking is a process of creative thinking that questions and probes to challenge assumptions and established ideas. The term “divergent thinking” refers to that strategy of solving problems characterized by the proposal of a multiplicity of possible solutions in an attempt to determine the one that works. (4:04) Diversity of ideas: Spend more time in divergent thinking and use a variety of ideation methods. [2] The author noted that during the study, while observing the children's behaviour at play, they "noted individual differences in spontaneity, overtones of joy, and sense of humour that imply a relationship between the foregoing qualities and some of the factors found in the intellectual structure of creative adults and adolescents". When you think about “brainstorming,” you are thinking about divergent thinking. It is often compared with convergence thinking, a logical process of finding the "correct" answer. OED Online,… Divergent thinking is the opposite of convergent thinking, which involves solving problems through obvious choices only. It involves breaking a topic down into its various component parts in order to gain insight about the various aspects of the topic. You can complete the translation of divergent thinking given by the English-German Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse [3] This shows that their subjects are at a distinct cognitive advantage when performing divergent thinking-related tasks in an elevated mood. "divergent, adj." Divergent Thinking Divergent thinking is an important type of thinking in problem solving, and an important concept in psychology. Compare convergent thinking. ‘Convergent thinking is a term coined by Joy Paul Guilford’ (who also coined the term for the ‘opposite’ way of thinking, ‘Divergent Thinking’). [3] This group of researchers drew a parallel between "their findings and creative problem solving by arguing that participants in a positive mood are better able both to differentiate between and to integrate unusual and diverse information". Learn more Divergent Defined 1. The goal of divergent thinking is to generate many different ideas about a topic in a short period of time. Times, Sunday Times (2010) What you have to do, apparently, is to cultivate 'divergent thinking' without getting arrested. divergent thinking - thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity out-of-the-box thinking Strategies of Divergent Thinking. One would use convergent thinking to answer multiple choice tests on an exam, but use divergent thinking methods to answer an essay. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. As one may expect, divergent thinking is thought of as a measure of creativity. Divergent Thinking Webinar Chapters (1:00) The innovation funnel: Create a repeatable process you can use each time you’re attempting to solve a new problem. This long-term study would help parents and teachers identify this behaviour (or lack thereof) in children, specifically at an age when it can be reinforced if already displayed, or supported if not yet displayed. Divergent thinking can be a useful metatheory, however, because it suggests the possibility of domain-specific divergent-thinking skills that matter in many domains, including skills that can be promoted using certain techniques. divergent meaning: 1. different or becoming different from something else: 2. different or becoming different from…. Further research could take this topic one step further to explore effective strategies to improve divergent thinking when in a negative mood, for example how to move beyond "optimizing strategies" into "satisficing strategies" rather than focus on "the quality of their ideas", in order to generate more ideas and creative solutions.[3]. Horne[7] illustrated that even when motivation to perform well is maintained, sleep can still impact divergent thinking performance. in arithmetic Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Learn more. How to use divergent in a sentence. Divergent and Convergent thinking skills are both important aspects of intelligence, problem solving and critical thinking. In a study documented by Lieberman, the relationship between these two traits was examined, with playfulness being "conceptualized and operationally defined in terms of five traits: physical, social and cognitive spontaneity; manifest joy; and sense of humour". (Psychology) psychol analytical, usually deductive, thinking in which ideas are examined for their logical validity or in which a set of rules is followed, e.g. A series of related studies suggested a link between positive mood and the promotion of cognitive flexibility. Future research opportunities in this area could explore a longitudinal study of kindergarten-aged children and the development or evolution of divergent thinking abilities throughout adolescence, into adulthood, in order to substantiate the link drawn between playfulness and divergent thinking in later life. It is often used in conjunction with convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one "correct" solution.Divergent thinking typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, such that many ideas are generated in a random, … Through spontaneous, free-flowing thinking, divergent thinking requires coming up with many different answers or routes forward. Divergent thinking is cognition that leads in various directions. Defining Divergent Thinking The word divergent is partly defined as “tending to be different or develop in different directions.” Divergent thinking refers to the way the mind generates ideas beyond proscribed expectations and rote thinking—what is usually referred to thinking outside the box, and is often associated with creativity. WHAT IS DIVERGENT THINKING? In his book, he identifies 25 choices men and … are developed.Many of the key concepts and aspects of design thinking have been identified through studies, across different design domains, of design cognition and design activity in both … Convergent thinking is considered black and white, while divergent thinking has gray areas. Divergent Thinking Definition Divergent thinking, often referred to as lateral thinking, is the process of creating multiple, unique ideas or solutions to a problem that you are trying to solve. DivergentThinking@X89545864 Follow the Hyperlinks to Choose Your Own Adventure through this Nonfiction Blovel! Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary A divergent question is a question with no divergent questions allow students to explore different avenues and A simple example of a divergent question is: Divergent Thinking Definition & Examples divergent thinking noun psychol thinking in an unusual and unstereotyped way, e.g. [2] This study highlighted the link between behaviours of divergent thinking, or creativity, in playfulness during childhood and those displayed in later years, in creative adolescents and adults. In this study, twelve subjects were deprived of sleep for thirty-two hours, while a control group of twelve others maintained normal sleep routine. Dictionary entry overview: What does divergent thinking mean? Divergent Thinking. Times, Sunday Times (2013) Psychology Definition of DIVERGENT THINKING: Thinking that formulates new solutions to problems. Divergent thinking is taking a challenge and attempting to identify all the possible drivers of that challenge, then listing all of the ways those drivers can be addressed. Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. In a study documented by Lieberman,[2] the relationship between these two traits was examined, with playfulness being "conceptualized and operationally defined in terms of five traits: physical, social and cognitive spontaneity; manifest joy; and sense of humour". 1. thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity Familiarity information: DIVERGENT THINKING used as a … The author noted that during the study, while observing the children's behaviour at play, they "noted individual diffe… Parallels have been drawn between playfulness in kindergarten-aged children and divergent thinking. The construct of intelligence is defined as the ability to produce the single best (or correct) answer to a clearly defined question, such as a proof to a theorem. Below is one definition of divergent thinking: Divergent Thinking Definition: Divergent thinking can be described as unconventional As one may expect, divergent thinking is thought of as a measure of creativity. It ensures that you define and understand the problem first, discuss it and look at it from different perspectives, and not blindly jump into building a solution. Divergent thinking, also referred to as lateral thinking, is the process of creating multiple, unique ideas or solutions related to a problem that you are trying to solve. In a study at the University of Bergen, Norway, the effects of positive and negative mood on divergent-thinking were examined. It typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing, "non-linear" manner, such that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. Parallels have been drawn between playfulness in kindergarten-aged children and divergent thinking. / dɪˈvɝː.dʒ ə nt / different or becoming different from something else: They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion. It is a spontaneous, fluid, non-linear mental approach based on curiosity and nonconformity. The possibilities are endless. Tiny doses of magic mushrooms can BOOST your problem-solving skills - without the risk of a 'bad-trip'; Tiny doses of magic mushrooms and truffles could help you to produce more new and creative ideas, design fixation and divergent thinking in primary children: Designers of all ages and engaged In all disciplines can benefit from divergent thinking exercises and approaches to design, Sittin' on the dock of the bay, wastin' time #8211 and it's all fine. Divergent definition is - moving or extending in different directions from a common point : diverging from each other. What is divergent thinking? to generate several possible solutions to a problem Compare convergent thinking Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Sleep Loss and "Divergent Thinking" Ability", Divergent Thinking in Psychology: Definition & Examples, Fuel Creativity in the Classroom With Divergent Thinking,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from March 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 February 2021, at 00:08. : creative thinking that may follow many lines of thought and tends to generate new and original solutions to problems — compare convergent thinking. Many possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and unexpected connections are drawn. [4][5] In a 1990 study by Murray, Sujan, Hirt and Sujan,[6] this hypothesis was examined more closely and "found positive mood participants were able to see relations between concepts”, as well as demonstrating advanced abilities "in distinguishing the differences between concepts". In fact, it is also a type of thinking very common in children, where joy, imagination, and a fresh perspective make their reasoning more free. [7] Research on sleep deprivation and divergent thinking could be further explored on a biological or chemical level, to identify the reason why cognitive functioning, as it relates to divergent thinking, is impacted by lack of sleep and if there is a difference in its impact if subjects are deprived of REM versus non-REM sleep. Creativity can be the bridge between science and humanities education; Professor of creativity at Cardiff Metropolitan University Gareth Loudon looks at how creativity can help pupils and students develop complex problem solving and critical thinking skills.. Activities which promote divergent thinking include creating lists of questions, setting aside time for thinking and meditation, brainstorming, subject mapping, bubble mapping, keeping a journal, playing tabletop role-playing games,[1] creating artwork, and free writing. [7] This study showed that even "one night of sleep loss can affect divergent thinking”, which "contrasts with the outcome for convergent thinking tasks, which are more resilient to short-term sleep loss". 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