The Code appears to require enslaving the people of cities who surrender during wartime, excepting the cities of six nearby tribes which it requires be destroyed without offer of surrender. Throughout the Old Testament, the taking of multiple wives is recorded many times. Slavery and Other Forms of Unfree Labour 86 (1988): 101. March 2012; January 2014; February 2014; March 2014; April 2014; April 9, 2014 @ 4:15 pm James week 11: Stamped with His Image, Engraved with His Name. If the marriage took place, they were to be set free if her husband was negligent in his basic marital obligations. In the Old Testament, the differences between male and female enslavement were vast. Could it be modifying human DNA in some unknown way? Podbean FAQ; FMWBS; Archives. Astrology/ New Age discussion of diseases: New Age geography - country shapes and land area related to Revelation. My painting shows Christ among the 7 golden candlesticks, with UFOs and an angel in the background. [43] The code states that failure to comply with these regulations would automatically grant free manumission to the enslaved woman,[44] while all Israelite slaves were to be treated as hired servants. 1 (New York: Doubleday, 1992), pp. August 13, 2018 Ann’s Table; August 13, 2018 Messiah prophecies Revealed in IMMANUEL Bible Code; May 31, 2018 The Origins of the Word “Grace”; What is the Truth? [54] Having done this, slaves were then to have an awl driven through their ear into a doorpost by their master. Christ vividly outlines the actions of dutiful slaves, but these dutiful actions never warrant a slave's manumission from his or her master. And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money. Blood relatives of the slave were also allowed to buy the slave's freedom, and this became regarded as a duty to be carried out by the next of kin (Hebrew: Go'el).[82]. The slaves were seen as an important part of the family's reputation, especially in Hellenistic and Roman times, when the slave companions for a woman were seen as a manifestation and protection of a woman's honor. Also note that August 9, 1999, was the 30th anniversary of the Charles Manson group's murder of Sharon Tate and others in Los Angeles, significant because of the Charles Manson group's Satanic-like cult. Jesus offers the story of a master selling a slave along with his wife and children. It is understood by Jewish and Christian commentators that this referred to the sale of a daughter, who "is not arrived to the age of twelve years and a day, and this through poverty."[41]. Children were often offered to creditors as a form of payment and their manumission was determined ab initio(at the outset) with the pater(family head). Also, note that August 13, 1999 was Friday the 13th, said to be an unlucky day. ALSO: RETURN OF CHRIST, BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, DEFEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST, POSSIBLE ALIEN UFO INVASION OF EARTH IN 2022 - 2025! Jeremiah 34:14), in which both male and female Israelite servants were to be given release in the seventh year. [17][13] The Israelites did not generally get involved in distant or large-scale wars, and apparently capture was not a significant source of slaves. 1Ch. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her. THE 4TH HORSEMAN DEATH NOW RIDING AS THE COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS EPIDEMIC, SEE THE The parables present within the Gospels further complicate ideas of manumission. After the grieving was over, then he was free to make wedding plans. It was necessary for those who owned slaves, especially in large numbers, to be wealthy because the masters had to pay taxes for Jewish and non-Jewish slaves because they were considered part of the family unit. [7] In addition to showing luxury, possession of slaves was necessary for a good family background, and many wealthy men viewed their colleagues who possessed only few slaves as the type of individual who needed to be pitied. The Internal Test. ALIENS LANDING ON EARTH 2022 - 2025 MAY BE PROPHESIED IN BIBLE PROPHECIES AND NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECIES, SEE THE CALENDAR AND NOSTRADAMUS PAGES ON IT. I believe there is a Christ - UFO connection, where Christ is an alien, refer to Revelation 19 on this, where Christ returns in the future leading a fleet of UFOs. After being instructed by Yahweh to take vengeance upon the Midianites, Moses tells the Israelites to kill the male children and nonvirgin females but take the young virgins for themselves. GIANT EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES, TSUNAMIS, GIANT SOLAR FLARES, MORE EPIDEMICS, WARS, MORE ASTEROIDS. vatican city state. Marriage with these slaves was not unheard of or prohibited. These include earthquakes (such as the giant Indonesia earthquake and [100][101][102] In Col 4:1 Paul advises members of the church, who are slave masters, to "treat your slaves justly and fairly, realizing that you too have a Master in heaven.”[103] Adding to Paul's advice to masters and slaves, he uses slavery as a metaphor. This seems to indicate an important time for mankind; I think it may also relate to the rise to power of the Antichrist in year 2000 as Russian President Putin, especially since there was a cross pattern. [115] Such sentiments in the New Testament suggest that dutiful work and obedience was not for the hope of manumission, but rather a necessary symbol of obedience in the eyes of God. [16], If the soldier desired to marry a captured foreigner, there were stipulations. [38] Their reproductive capacities were valued within their roles within the family. September 2017. If the U.S. had been turned into a dictatorship on January 6, then this could have put the U.S,. Fortress Press, 2002. [31] Biblical authors repeatedly criticize debt slavery, which could be attributed to high taxation, monopoly of resources, high-interest loans, and collapse of higher kinship groups. [108][109] In the epistle, Saint Paul writes to Saint Philemon that he is returning Saint Onesimus, a fugitive slave, back to him; however, Paul also entreats Philemon to regard Onesimus, who he says he views as a son, not as a slave but as a beloved brother in Christ. Also then, the day of the Astrology Grand Cross in the sky: August 18 1999, was the day after Cassini, carrying Plutonium, passed close to earth. economic chaos, weather changes, and the rise to power of an evil dictator, called the Antichrist. Putin. The January 6 2021 coup attempt could have ended democracy in the U.S. and turned the U.S. into a dictatorship. Others who could hypnotize people with their gaze were Rasputin and Hitler. While the term may be different depending on how many were lost, it would be for a minimum of one month. David Noel Freedman, Allen C. Myers, Astrid B. Beck, King James Version and the New International Version translations. Greek, where each letter is also a number, "Titan" totals 666, another indication of the Cassini landing on Titan being connected with the Antichrist. Jesus' view of slavery compares the relationship between God and humankind to that of a master and his slaves. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. the death of Christ. Also: August 13 1999 was the significant future date on the Aztec Sun calendar from Mexico of 500 years ago, and August 13 1999 was predicted by the Aztecs to be an important day of change for mankind, that would change the world, as described in the book: "Day of Destiny, Where will you be on August 13 1999? Foreign residents were included in this permission, and were allowed to own Israelite slaves. [73] The later[33][34][35] Deuteronomic Code is seen by some to contradict[33] elements of this instruction, in extending automatic seventh year manumission to both sexes. Deuteronomy 15:17 and Exodus 21:5-6 outline such a code in which women's slavery became more permanent by way of voluntary extension. [22], The Deuteronomic Code forbids the people of Israel from handing over fugitive slaves to their masters or oppressing them, and instructs that these fugitives should be allowed to reside where they wish. Jesus thus never explicitly states that slaves should be manumitted for being consistently dutiful, but he is, however, complicit in violence shown towards unruly slaves, as seen in Matthew's parable of the Unfaithful Slave. [60] It is not mentioned whether slaves receive rest from non-agricultural work during this year. In Romans 1:1 Paul calls himself “a slave of Christ Jesus” and later in Romans 6:18 Paul writes “You have been set free from sin and become slaves to righteousness.”[104][105] Also in Galatians, Paul writes on the nature of slavery within the kingdom of God. [113] This declaration explicitly implies that Christ has manumitted his apostles; however, it is unclear as to whether this manumission is fleeting, and that Christ has now purchased them. Putin is attempting to destroy NATO and take over the world. [33] In Jewish tradition, the identified gifts were regarded as merely symbolic, representing a gift of produce rather than of money or clothing;[33] many Jewish scholars estimated that the value of the three listed products was about 30 shekels, so the gift gradually came to be standardised as produce worth this fixed value. PROPHECIES AND PREDICTIONS OF THE FUTURE FOR 2021 2022 - 2025. Christ refers to himself as "Alpha and Omega" to John in this vision, and since Alpha in [33][37] Similarly, it is evident that debtors could be forced to sell their children into slavery to pay the creditors. another John. Deuteronomic code applied mostly to men, while women were able to be subjected to a much different type of slavery that encompassed permanent, sexual enslavement. 30:5). [83] Both women and men are able to be used as sexual slaves, effectively to breed more slaves; however, such sexual use requires change in status for female slaves, but not for male slaves. during a period of time in the future called the End Times. [38], Sexual slavery, or being sold to be a wife, was common in the ancient world. [7] Other than these instances, it is unclear whether or not state-instituted slavery was an accepted practice. liturgical year. [84] The prophet Nehemiah rebuked the wealthy Israelites of his day for continuing to own Israelite slaves.[85]. Christ appears among 7 golden candlesticks. [110] According to Catholic tradition, Philemon freed Onesimus.[111]. There are different methods of predicting the future - such as psychics who have psychic predictions where they actually see the future, Nostradamus was this psychic type of prophet. [83] This manicipia(enslavement) of children by the pater did not exclude the selling of children into sexual slavery. Deuteronomy 21:9 states that the female slave must be treated as a daughter if such permanent status is to be established. [21] Kent Brown at Whitworth University claims that since the army did not receive a direct instruction by Yahweh to take the virgin girls captive, this cannot be justified as the obeying of a divine order; the Israelites were enslaving the virgin women for their own sexual pleasure. Leviticus instructs that during the Sabbatical Year, slaves and their masters should eat food which the land yields, without being farmed. 20:3. (Reenacted and amended Dec. 21, 1988, P.L.1329, No.170) AN ACT . If Scorpio is considered to be the Eagle, and Aquarius the man, then we have the four beasts seen in Revelation 4 that sit at the throne in heaven, that have the faces of an eagle, a man, a lion, and a calf. English 11/12: Technical Reading and Writing for Trade and Industry (0.5 Credit) How many of the above statements do you think are true? [67] In the Covenant Code, if an ox gores a slave, the ox owner must pay the servant's master a 30 shekel fine.[68]. [24][25], It was also possible to be born into slavery. Also in Revelation there are the [2][3][4] There are also references to slavery in the New Testament.[5][6]. So the Cassini probe journey to Saturn actually may be the journey of mankind to "Satan". Considering again Cassini going to Saturn: as for the planet Saturn, possibly Saturn represents "Satan"-- the Antichrist is said to be a Satanic imitation of Christ, actually the son of Satan. Rey further argues that these women were not viewed as equals to Hebrew women, but rather as war trophies, and thus their captors had no qualms in engaging in sexual violence. My videos on Youtube. And 1999 has 666 upside-down, 666 being the number of the Antichrist in Revelation 13. This August 1999 Grand Cross, which is one of the most amazing astrological alignments ever seen in history, consisted of: the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the sign of Leo, Mars and the Moon in Scorpio with Pluto close by in Sagittarius, Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus, and Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius. The authorities intervened first and foremost to protect the former category of each--citizens who had fallen on hard times and had been forced into slavery by debt or famine. In the Ancient Near East, wives and (non-adult) children were dependents of the head of household and were sometimes sold into slavery by the husband or father for financial reasons. 35:22; 2Sam. 30:4; 31:17; cf. WATCH OUT FOR GIANT VOLCANO ERUPTIONS AND EARTHQUAKES MAGNITUDE 7, 8 AND 9 AROUND THE WORLD IN 2021 - 2025. Do not underestimate Putin - Putin has hypnosis mind control powers he can use to control people, hypnotizing them by staring at them, his eyes are said to be intense and hypnotizing. [1] These individuals were not permanently in this situation and were usually released after six to seven years. [91] Jesus' teaching on slavery was metaphorical: spiritual slavery,[92] a slave having two masters (God and mammon),[93] slavery to God,[94] acting as a slave toward others,[95] and the greatest among his disciples being the least of them. And have updated recently King James Bible Code pages 6a and 17f on Psychics and the Afterlife, and King James Bible Code page 10 added on COVID-19. The Gutenberg Bible, as the three friends’ creation would come to be known, signalled a step-change in printing techniques. [33][62], The earlier[33][34][35] Covenant Code provides a potentially more valuable and direct form of relief, namely a degree of protection for the slave's person (their body and its health) itself. Philemon is requested to treat Onesimus as he would treat Paul. And for me there may be a psychic element also in my predictions for 2021 to 2025. This codification extends the basic lex talionis (....eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth...),[64] to compel that when slaves are significantly injured by their masters, manumission is to be the compensation given; the canonical examples mentioned are the knocking out of an eye or a tooth. These slaves could be sold or given away as needed, but also showed that the family was capable of providing generous amounts for their daughters to be married off. [20], The taking of female captives is also encouraged by Moses in Numbers 31. Also in Revelation, there are descriptions of angels, but the angel there can be an angel of death, carrying plagues. Paul does not explicitly ask Philemon for Onesimus's manumission; however, the offer a "fee" for Onesimus's escape has been discussed as a possible latent form of manumission. Glancy, Jennifer A. Slavery in early Christianity. [96] Jesus also taught that he would give burdened and weary laborers rest. Note Revelation 2:10 "be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life". This is the Astrology chart. He is identified by the number 666. A METEOR HITTING IN RUSSIA MAY RELATE TO THE ANTICHRIST RISING TO POWER THERE AS PUTIN. [54], While many commentators see the Holiness Code regulations as supplementing the prior legislation mandating manumission in the seventh year,[79][80][81] the otherwise potentially long wait until the Jubilee was somewhat alleviated by the Holiness Code, with the instruction that slaves should be allowed to buy their freedom by paying an amount equal to the total wages of a hired servant over the entire period remaining until the next Jubilee (this could be up to 49 years-worth of wages). To empower cities of the second class A, and third class, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships of the first and second classes including those within a county of the second class and counties of the second through eighth classes, individually or jointly, to plan their development and to govern th These chattel slaves engaged in full-time menial labor, often in a domestic capacity. of the original, and fresh errors were introduced in each stage of the process. ; May 31, 2018 Bible Code Table – “Pure Language” – By Bible Code Researcher Ann; May 17, 2018 “Ten Kings” Bible Code – From Bible Code Student Lea; April 26, 2018 “Animal Assad” – New Bible Code … For my predictions I use Astrology, combined with Bible prophecy including the Book of Revelation, Nostradamus prophecies, and numerical methods. The answer is none; all of them are false. 25:1; cf. And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. As the name implies, these individuals sold themselves into slavery in order to pay off debts they may have accrued. [7] One of slaves' main functions was as status symbols for the upper members of society, especially when it came to dowries for their daughters. The murder of slaves by owners was prohibited in the Law covenant. The Bible Doctrine Institute upholds the Bible as the inspired, infallible, inerrant word of God (Pro. [112] Modes of manumission, in the New Testament, are once again disputed in a letter from Paul to Galatians in which Paul writes "For freedom Christ has set us free". If a female slave was betrothed to the master's son, then she had to be treated as a normal daughter. ASTROLOGY CLUSTER IN AQUARIUS ON FEBRUARY 12 2021 MAY INDICATE A POSITIVE ENERGY THEN, POSSIBLY RELATED TO THE COVID VACCINES. [39][40] An Israelite father could sell his unmarried daughters into servitude, with the expectation or understanding that the master or his son could eventually marry her (as in Exodus 21:7-11.) Matthew 24:36-51: Jesus' Parable of the Faithful Servant, wherein Jesus again compares the relationship between God and humankind to that of a master and his slaves. [33], There were two words used for female slaves, which were amah and shifhah. The Holiness code also exhibits this, allowing foreign residents to sell their own children and families to Israelites, although no limitation is placed on the duration of such slavery. 1700 B.C. Dr. John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible. Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament. THIS PAGE. [19], M.I. under Putin's control in his attempt to take over the world. PUTIN THE THIRD ANTICHRIST OF THE NOSTRADAMUS PROPHECIES RISES TO POWER, THE FIRST TWO ANTICHRISTS WERE NAPOLEON AND HITLER. ... II. George B. Cheever, D.D, Witchcraft and divination in the Hebrew Bible, Development of the Christian biblical canon,, Articles with disputed statements from July 2019, Articles lacking reliable references from March 2020, Articles with sections that need to be turned into prose from March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 February 2021, at 07:31. THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE RIDING IN 2021 -2025. [38] These slaves had two specific roles: a sexual use and companionship. ), DoubleDay:1992, A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law (2 vols). In contrast to the Old Testament, the New Testament's criteria for manumission encompasses Roman laws on slavery as opposed to the shmita system. revolves around Saturn/Satan. , The Bible stipulates the treatment of slaves, especially in the Old Testament. The Bible teaches that the earth is the center of the universe. [33][62], A special case is that of the debtor who sells himself as a slave to his creditor; Leviticus instructs that in this situation, the debtor must not be made to do the work of slaves, but must instead be treated the same as a hired servant. This may be the John who was Christ's disciple, or it could be Raymond Westbrook (ed). In fact, it was a man's concubine that was seen as the "other" and shunned from the family structure. I wonder if COVID-19 may have been created by aliens to prepare for an alien UFO invasion (described below) within a few years, by slowing down environmental destruction. If he wished to end the relationship, the code stipulated he must free her. The Cassini Saturn space probe crashed into Saturn/Satan. I think the force behind that coup attempt and the dark and disturbing things that have happened over the past 4 years was the Antichrist Russian President Greek represents the number 1, and Omega represents 800, this gives us a number of 801. [8][9] Abolitionists used texts from both the Old and New Testaments to argue for the manumission of slaves, and against kidnapping or "stealing men" to own or sell them as slaves. One of the first discussions of manumission in the New Testament can be seen in Paul's interaction with Philemon's slave Onesimus. Such were bought to be betrothed to the owner, or his son, and if that had not been done, they were to be allowed to be redeemed. Evidence of this viewpoint is found in the Code of Hammurabi, which permits debtors to sell their wives and children into temporary slavery, lasting a maximum of three years. I think Putin was using his hypnotic mind control powers to control the previous President. Men assigned their female slaves the same level of dependence as they would a wife. The Bible contains many references to slavery, which was a common practice in antiquity. [7], Debt slaves were one of the two categories of slaves in ancient Jewish society. IN 2021 - 2025 THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE RIDE: THE FIRST HORSEMAN THE ANTICHRIST 666 IS PUTIN, THE SECOND HORSEMAN WAR, THE FOURTH DEATH AS DISEASE EPIDEMIC SARS -LIKE COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS. [13][14][15] [1] The Bible stipulates the treatment of slaves, especially in the Old Testament. Many of the patriarchs portrayed in the Bible were from the upper echelons of society and the owners of slaves and enslaved those in debt to them, bought their fellow citizens' daughters as concubines, and perpetually enslaved foreign men to work on their fields. The Covenant Code clearly institutes the death penalty for beating a free man to death;[69] in contrast, beating a slave to death was to be avenged only if the slave does not survive for one or two days after the beating. 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, "Exodus 21 - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible - Bible Commentary", "Adam Clarke's Bible Commentary - Exodus 21", "Exodus 21:7 Commentary - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible", "Leviticus 19:20 Commentary - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible", Jewish Encyclopedia: Antislavery Movement and the Jews: Emancipation in the Bible, God Against Slavery, p. 140, by Rev. Announced on December 21 2020, a faster spreading COVID-19 in the U.K., which is very ominous for the world, see this page. (Israel's foreign slaves, by contrast, were enslaved for life. [87] In his parables, Jesus referenced slavery: the prodigal son,[88] ten gold coins,[89] unforgiving tenant,[90] and tenant farmers. Tags. The English Bible is a translation of a translation of a translation (etc.) Manumission within the Roman system largely depends on the mode of enslavement: slaves were often foreigners, prisoners of war, or those heavily indebted. To determine the function, many scholars look at repetitive descriptions in texts that were written around the same time and reports of other cultures from the well-documented Graeco-Roman culture.
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