Algae uses energy from the sun and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce oxygen. Energy resources such as oil, gas and petrol have begun to fall short to meet the world's requirements. Algae is photosynthetic organism that has several types and also advantages and disadvantages associated with it. • First generation biofuels come from sugar, other starches, as well as animal and vegetable oils. Algae is an aquatic organism and it uses photosynthesis to produce food. Can be Used in existing Diesel Engines: One of the main advantage of using biodiesel is that can be used in existing diesel engines with little or no modifications at all and can replace fossil fuelsto become the most preferred primary transport energy source. Algae … It might still be a long time for anyone to be reading about cars running on algae biofuel. Advantages of biodiesel. Algae biofuel doesn't always meet its energy efficiency targets. No fuel source is completely positive or completely negative. However, the problem with algae is water use. 5. Algae from wastewater solves two problems: Biofuel and clean-up Date: April 2, 2015 Source: Rice University Summary: In one of the first studies to examine the potential for using … Biodiesel can be used in 100% (B100) or in blends with petroleum diesel. Using algae as fuel is a promising concept, but more research has yet to be done. List of Disadvantages of Algae Biofuel Algae has the same concerns of monoculture that the agriculture industry experiences. Examples include biodiesel and biogas. Consumers need to weigh the pros and cons of biofuels to determine whether they feel comfortable with this resource as an alternative to traditional fuels. To cope up with this, scientists have come up with a way to make fuel out of plant material. Algae fuel is also known as the third generation biofuels, and some energy experts believe that algae fuel is the biofuel of the future that will significantly decrease the need for fossil fuels, and with it help reduce the total amount of harmful greenhouse gases responsible for climate change problem. One of the major benefits that can be derived from algae is the algae biofuel. Advantages of Biofuels. Currently, the suspension-based open ponds and enclosed photobioreactors are commonly used for algal biofuel production. Algae growth may create quality variations during the refinement process. It is Renewable – Since it is produced from organic materials – plants and animals – instead of from fossil fuels, biodiesel is much more renewable than its petroleum based counterparts. • Algae biofuel is the third generation. Algae come in different names, colors, habitats, form, and textures. • Second generation oils are derived from industrial waste products, such as wood chips. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Industrial Pollution Biofuel advocates frequently point out the advantages of these plant- and animal-based fuels. This means that it could potentially become a longer term replacement for fossil fuels if a viable alternative isn’t found [2]. Ethanol biofuel, other alcohols and diesels fall into this classification. Some people prefer using algae, which grows in very inhospitable regions and has a limited impact on land use. Algae Biofuels. For now, it would all be just about the production process, and the pros and cons of algae biofuel. One major worry being faced by people is that the growing use of biofuels may just mean a rise in food prices as well.
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advantage and disadvantage of using algae as biofuel 2021