Reply. Find what you need in four easy steps. #7430 .264” 130 gr. 1 - 11 of 11 Posts. I started with the min load of 22.2 grns. : 0.697 G7 B.C. On the list below, you can find all the rifle reloading data we have currently available. It was the biggest group at 2.25". Sierra has released very comprehensive 6mm Creedmoor load data , covering fifteen (15) different bullets from 55 to 110 grains. NEW- 22 Creedmoor 85.5 Berger LR Hybrid Target. Kind of already know the answer here but wanted to run my opinion past you folks. Continue with Facebook. 6.5 creedmoor rifle reloading data 6 indicates maximum load - use caution loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended. Scroll down for ... 20 Rounds: We use all new brass for our ammunition. I'm considering a 22br and I think you can still get an 88 eld above 2900 fps. charge weight in grams and grains as well as muzzle velocity in meters and feet per second. 2.810” indicates maximum load - use caution loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended. Using bullets from Hornady A-MAX or GMX. ELD ® Match Item No. dmoor SECTIONAL DENSITY: 0.301 DIAMETER: 0.264" *147 gr. 23.2 produced a .620 and concluded with a .900 group at 23.7 grns. "20-count box of 75-gr ELDM 22 Creedmoor loaded ammo. 224 dia) 22 Hornet TNT Green 30 22 Hornet 33 22 Hornet 40 22 Hornet 50 22 Hornet 52 218 Bee 46 6mm Creedmoor 90 6mm Creedmoor 100 6mm Remington 70 6mm … Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type Primer Notes; Accurate - Nitro 100 NF: 143 gr. To be brutally honest I wasn't expecting good results so I didn't set the chrony up! 62x25mm Tokarev Ammo. The data that I used was from the low end of Sierra's data for the 90 Smk's. Read more Join Waitlist $ 119.99. tmk c.o.a.l. Click "Get Data" to view results. The 6.5 Creedmoor combines excellent accuracy, good mag-feeding, good barrel life, … 6.5 Creedmoor - Manufacturer Loading Data. 22.7 took it down to .960. A chronograph for example, mostly only a rare expensive piece of laboratory technology a few decades ago, is now part of almost every precision shooter and reloaders equipment, and a very affordable one at that. 22 creedmoor 80gr ELD-M Re26 F210 43.0. Pistol; Rifle; Cowboy; GR. CALIBER 22 CREEDMOOR BULLET 88 HORNADY ELD-M BRASS PETERSON LRP POWDER HODGDON H4350 PRIMER FED210M VELOCITY 3250 F/S G1/ G7 .545/ .274 COAL 2.600″ REC. powderi / velocity g 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 h4895 32.0 33.6 35.1 36.7 Become a Load Data member, access over 301,612 load recipies. Within the … If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. Powder Bul Weight C.O.L. Complete Your Load Pack Here!.270 to .338. : 0.351 VELOCITY (FPS – feet per second) POWDER 2300 2400 2500 2550 2600 2650 I have a 22-243 Improved build that is currently going together with a Krieger 28in 1-8tw barrel that I may have to give these a try in. All the loads are developed by the staff of Handloader magazine and the archives of … Might want to take a look at a 22br or 22 Dasher even. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. Have been looking without success for any loading data on the Hornady 88 gr. Why Load Development? Reamer must be a no turn neck reamer. In fact, by mid-2018 far more pressure-tested data existed for the 6mm Creedmoor than many other recently introduced factory rounds, probably due to its popularity as a wildcat. Powders include Hodgdon, Alliant, Norma, Winchester, Ramshot, Accurate, IMR 3349. 3370. Page 1 of 9 Revised: 04/09/2020 Peterson Cartridge: 22 Creedmoor Load Data Cartridge Specifications Test Specifications / Components Initial Comments: Since its’ inception, in 2007 by Hornady, the 6.5 Creedmoor has seen some pretty meteoric Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Základy šípiek; Propozície. is a powerful search engine that allows you to search an ever-expanding database of loads. Choose Your Brass for 22 Creedmoor: Clear: Need to add any notes about this item? As part of its online Load Data Center, Nosler offers very complete load data for the popular 6.5 Creedmoor cartridge.This medium-sized cartridge has become one of the most popular chamberings for tactical and PRS shooters. 10 talking about this. The Hornady manual and website, Sierra, Nosler, Berger, Barnes, Hodgdon and Ramshot have nada, most of them only go up to 80 grains, although Sierra has some data for their 95 … Join the discussion. Šípkarsky klub Zlaté Moravce. It'll be interesting to see if their higher BC will be enough to out perform the faster shooting 75gr ELD-M. Hodgdon has upgraded the performance and look of its free on-line Hodgdon Load it longer and pressure goes down. A database of 6.5 Creedmoor handloads. Propozície softy. 22-250 Remington; 22 Creedmoor; 224 Valkyrie; 243 Winchester; 6mm Creedmoor; 6mm GT; 25-06 Remington; 260 Remington; ... 6mm Creedmoor 90gr Hornady ELD-X. 243 Winchester cases held 49. 6.5 Creedmoor / 6.5mm Creedmoor (Using 120/123 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 59 loads. From $ 39.99. TWIST 7.5 QUANTITY 50 Quantity. Run & Managed by Horizon Firearms. Primary Menu . ZM Darts. 22 Creedmoor 80 Berger VLD Target. ELD in the .22-250, this in an 8" twist. Load data for 6.5 cm 140 gr hornady eld using superformance. Rifle reloading – handloading data for rifle calibers. ... ELD-X (HDY) FED 210m: Hybrid 100V (Hodgdon) HDY: 1.910" 2.800" Starting: 36.8 gr: 2,433: 14 44.0. 270 Winchester; 270 ... 22 Creedmoor 88gr Hornady ELD-M. From $ 39.99. Getting to 22CM from 6CM is a straight forward pass through a FL die. Bullet Type Primer. July 2nd, 2017 6.5 Creedmoor Load Data from Nosler. DOWNLOAD Peterson .22 Creedmoor Load Data Article PDF » Along with load data, this article has specific sections dedicated to: Primers, Rifling Twist Rates, and Reloading Supplies. Save Share. Scroll down for ballistic drop data: Box Quantity: 20 … 15 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Joined Nov 22, ... Their load data is for 2.800 COAL. While all F4 Defense rifles shoot multiple loads with excellent accuracy and performance we wanted to offer our customers a custom hand 26333 C.O.L. : 2.800" G1 B.C. While waiting for them, I performed a “literature search” of published 6mm Creedmoor data and found plenty, not just from Hornady but from Hodgdon, Sierra and Speer. Now we have Alpha Munitions producing factory 22 Creedmoor brass, and the stage is set for a complete takeover of the big 22cal scene. Propozície Ženská liga; Propozície I,II,III,IV liga INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD — USE WITH CAUTION Rifle Data 147 GRAIN BULLETS 5eeC r6. For flexible usage, we provide our reloading data in metric and imperial dimension systems, i.e. 10 Shot Load Development. Ammo has been loaded and tested with a 1:8 twist barrel. 12 43.5. Load Dev Tool; Load Dev ... 22 Creedmoor Hornady 80 ELD-M. Read more Join Waitlist $ 119.99. From the velocities I'm seeing with the 22 creedmoor, your gonna be upwards of 3200 fps with a 90 grain bullet given a 24" barrel. With the 88 grain ELD-M 224 Valkyrie load- I started with H-4350, but ran into a couple issues: Bridging of powder in 22 caliber drop funnels (Hornady Lock-N-Load bench measure, RCBS Uniflow powder measure) Excessive load compression near and at max load causing bullets to stick in seating stems (that’s a first for me) 3515 fps - 24"" barrel Loaded by Spark Munitions exclusively for Horizon. Load Dev. ALL 95 gr 100 gr 107 gr 108 gr 120 gr 123 gr 129 gr 130 gr 135 gr 136 gr 139 gr 140 gr 142 gr 143 gr 144 gr 147 gr 150 gr 153 gr 153.5 gr 156 gr. 24 Hot 22 creedmoor 95gr SMK R26 powder F210 40.5 2995 12 41.0 3022 29 41.5 3085 12*** 42.0 3130. VIEW PRODUCT Reloading Dies Reload your own 22 Creedmoor ammo using this set of dies from Whidden Gunworks made for Horizon Firearms. Add to cart. 3305. If you are considering building a .22 Creedmoor, we recommend you download the full Peterson .22 Creedmoor article, which is available in PDF format. Read more Join Waitlist $ 119.99. A page dedicated to growing the popularity of the 22 Creedmoor. Shooting this round in a faster twist-rate barrel or tight-necked reamer is not recommended and could be dangerous to the shooter." The 22 Creedmoor finds itself in the perfect configuration for functionality with heavy bullets within short action magazine system limitations.
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22 creedmoor 88 eld load data 2021