Galaxy, Magnum, Stryker, Connex and Ranger. Get it for less only at Lessco Electronics. The menu function and PC programming software are very flexible. Unlike a CB Radio, you need to have a license to operate a 10 Meter Radio. 350 Watts Modulation SSB 10 Meter Radio Check out our top sellers of Stryker CB radios, 10-meter radios, antennas and other parts you need for your setup. - $275 (Norwich, OH) Galaxy MELAKA 10 Meter HAM RADIO or CB not sure which.Seems to be in good working order, powers up, etc. Read more... From all of us here at CB World, we wish you the very best. Discontinued. CB Radios operate on the 11 Meter Band around 27 MHz with 40 channels. 300+ Watts Modulation 10 Meter Radio There are some big differences between 10 Meter Radios (10 Meter) and CB Radios (11 Meter). He makes it easy to understand and get your license quickly. Citizen Band Radio. SR94HPC - Stryker Radio On Your Wish List But Not Sure If You Have Room? FREE Shipping by Amazon. Connex (10 & 10/12 Meter) Product # Model # Description: Price* 1006750: CX-33SSB: BASE: $467.99 Not for sale in the USA at this time pending FCC approval: 1006749: CX-3400HP: MOBILE: $237.99 Not for sale in the USA at this time pending FCC approval Then Show It With This Flagged Radio. Another important aspect of operating a 10 Meter Radio is that they don't want disruption of other important communications. Chrome Ranger Noise Canceling Mic Included! A wide variety of 10 meter radios for sale options are available to you, such as built-in speaker, internet radio, and microphone. Everything you need for a ready to go, high performance 10 and 12 meter radio system. Front Mounted USB Charging Jack, Muilti-Color display and a channel changing microphone. Ideal if you are after the performance and a large display, but don't want to deal with a large sized radio. SR497HPC - Classic Radio Design Is Found In The SR497HPC With Multi-Color Display. 10A Constant, 12A Surge 12V DC Power Supply, Single Sideband SSB (USB/LSB) Modes (320 Watts SSB), 300+ Watts PeP Power Output - Upgraded model Sept 2020. Front mounted microphone, oversize meter and Built-In SWR meter. We also offer HAM radio license books from, We DO NOT recommend a magnet mount antenna, FREE - 90 Day In-Store Warranty! Built-In SWR meter and SWR high light keeps you in the know with your antenna system. 10 Meter Amateur Radio loaded with features. RONALD - Get Over 50 Watts Of Power In A Super Compact Package! offers 1,260 10 meter radio sales products. DX29HP - The Size Of A 29 With But With Exclusive Features. AnyTone AT-5555N 10 Meter Amateur Radio for Truck, with SSB/FM/AM/PA Mode,High Power Output 12W AM,30W FM,SSB 30W PEP. RCI69FFB4 - The most Powerful Radio on the Market. Connex classic design and layout make this is a great starter model. RCI69VHP - Full Sized All Mode Mobile 10 Meter Radio With Included Chrome Noise Cancelling Microphone. Products. AM / FM / SSB modes. Power output is between 45 all the way up to 400 watts PeP (peak envelope power). 10 meter radios are Amateur radios and not CB transceivers. 10 Meter Radios are Amateur Radios, also known as Ham Radios. GENERAL HP40W - Simple, Tough, Hard Working Radio That Packs A Punch with well over 100 watts modulation, you will be heard with this radio. A wide variety of 10 meter radio sales options are available to you, such as function, power supply, and use. CB Radios come with a 4 watt output, whereas a 10 meter and export radios have 40 watts plus! 10 meter radios are Amateur radios and not CB transceivers. RCI39VHP - Here's A Radio That Will Fit Into Most Trucks - And Still Deliver The Power! Manufacturer Warranty Only. 10 Meter Mobile Radio: Click for larger image: Lincoln II+ AM/FM/SSB/CW 10 Meter Radio Download Manual - Rotary switch and Up/down channel selector - VFO Mode ... Sale Item Sold Out Item Radios requiring technical services may be delayed 3 to 10 days. With a technician class license or better, these 10-meter HAM radios for sale will offer superior performance and features. RCI63FFC2 - Another Classic Ranger Radio That Is has a Chrome Faceplate and Black Case. Get a complete Base Station system with this package. New Products. The reason for this is because the 10 Meter Radios are allowed to have more wattage/power output than CB Radios. DX55F - New Version Of The Galaxy 55, But With A Smaller Case Size. They both (original and modernized) can be converted to 11 meter CB bands. 90 Watts PeP and loaded with all the features you are looking for. AT-6666 has FM、AM、USB、LSB、PA modulation mode. SR-955HPC 10 Meter Radio with Amazing Clear Audio. APOLLO2 - Direct From Europe Is The Apollo2 Compact 10 Meter Radio. DX86: List Price $329.95 New Model - More Info Our Price $269.95 Buy Now and Save $$$ (25 -30 watt radio after performance tune up) 10 Meter Amateur Radio loaded with features. © Copyrighted by CB World 2021, DX2517 - Galaxy 10 Meter Base Amateur Ham Radio 10 Watt AM / 25 Watt with SSB, DX29HP - Galaxy 45 Watt 6 Band 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio, DX33HP2 - Galaxy 45 Watt 6 Band 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio, DX44HP - Galaxy 45 Watt 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio, DX47HP - Galaxy 100 Watt 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio, DX55F - Galaxy 45 Watt Mid-Size Chassis 10 Meter Amateur Ham Radio, DX55HP - Galaxy 45 Watt 10 Meter Amateur Ham Radio, DX66V2 - Galaxy 45 Watt Mid-Size AM 10 Meter Amateur Ham Radio, DX86V - Galaxy 45 Watt Mid-Size 10 Meter Amateur Ham Radio with AM/SSB, DX94HP - Galaxy 100 Watt High Powered SSB 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio, DX98VHP - Galaxy 200 Watt 10 Meter Amateur Ham SSB Radio, DX99V2 - Galaxy 45 Watt 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio, LINCOLNII+ - President 10 Meter / 12 Meter Transceiver Amateur Ham Radio, PREDATOR - Top Gun Technologies 50+ Watts 10 Meter Amateur Ham Radio, RCI39VHP - 60 Watt 10 Meter Radio - Echo, TB, RF & Mic Gain, RCI63FFC2 - RANGER AM/FM 10 Meter Mobile Radio, RICHARD - President 40 Watt 10 Meter Radio, RONALD - President 10 Meter / 12 Meter Amateur Ham Radio, SR25MC - 10 Meter Amateur Ham Radio 20 Watts 7 Color LCD with RF/MIC Gain, SR447HPC2 - Stryker 10 Meter 55 Watt Amateur Ham Radio, SR497HPC - Stryker 10 Meter 110 Watt Amateur Ham Radio, SR655HPC - Stryker 10 Meter 80-90 Watt Amateur Ham Radio, SR89MCV2 - Stryker 10 Meter Remote Mount 40 Watt Amateur Ham Radio, RICHARD - President 50 Watt PEP 10 Meter Radio. Part 97 does not require type acceptance of Amateur radios. This radio is HOT! 1. Get it as soon as Fri, Oct 9. DX47HP - One Of The Few Radios That Halo Light Around The Controls & Switches. please note: free shipping for us orders only contact us at for international shipping quote president - ronald 50 watts 10/12 meter am/fm amateur radio with … The original one I had would only do 10. Classic look and feel with a front microphone jack makes the DX99V2 a favorite. Closeout Sale! You can also choose from no 10 meter radios for sale, as well as from fcc, ce 10 meter radios for sale, and whether 10 meter radios for sale is … Transmitting on Amateur radio frequencies may require a license in your country. This means that you can still use a standard CB antenna- just be sure to get an antenna that has a power rating that will handle the power output of your 10 meter radio. 10 Meter Radios are Amateur Radios, also known as Ham Radios. Stryker SRA10 10,000 watt antenna - lights up blue when you talk! Very limited supply of a classic radio with the final amplifier featuring four (4) 2SC2879 transistors. Galaxy Melaka 10 Meter Ham Radio or CB? Just keep in mind that, even for CB Radios, the FCC requires users to follow certain codes of conduct and equipment restrictions. Same features and functions as previous models with updated receiver. Only 1.5 inches tall and less than 5 inches wide! Easy to operate layout with a front microphone jack. Features frequency changing microphone, Dual watch & Scan function. RCI2970N4 - Poor Band Conditions? RICHARD - Small In Size, But Loaded With Features. World's Largest Supplier of Amateur Radio, Ham Radio, and Communication Equipment. … Dimmable blue lights, and talk-back. Note, many 10 meter radios are illegal to use in the US, even with a ham radio license. Welcome To Bob's CB Shop: Since the inception of CB radio, when the FCC took the 11 Meter band from the Amateur Radio community in the 1950s, the equipment and uses have evolved over the years. Fast world wide shipping on the latest top Cb radios and 10 meter radios. DX94HP - Sharp Looking Full Featured Radio That Doesn't Break The Bank. If you need to talk long range, 10 meter is absolutely a solid choice. or Best Offer. Similar to the Connex 3300 With the added function of a built-in SWR meter. Band C is CB. 10 Meter Radios are Amateur Radios, also known as Ham Radios. Stryker is one of our top selling brands for CB radios and 10 meter radios. DX98VHP - Make The Other Radios Weep Beneath The Power Of This Behemoth! Legal operation in the US requires at least a technician class amateur radio operators license or better. YAESU FTDX-101MP HF 6M HF SDR TRANSCEIVER ATU 200 WATTS. Sim Card Radio and Solution. Discontinued. Accessories. LINCOLNII+ - Smaller In Size - Loaded With Features! With This High Tech Display. This High Power Radio Might Help! Unlike the 10 Meter Band, access to these frequencies are unrestricted by the FCC, hence the name "Citizen's Band". Export and 10 Meter Radios have significantly more power than the typical single final CB Radio. This radio is been around long enough to be considered a classic. The reason for this is because the 10 Meter Radios are allowed to have more wattage/power output than CB Radios. Get advice, hear about specials, and much more when you follow us on social media! or Best Offer. This product complies with fcc regulations for 10 meter/amateur radios. Fully adjustable echo & talk-back controls. We DO NOT recommend a magnet mount antenna Direct to battery power connection is Required. If you need to talk long range, 10 meter is absolutely a solid choice. DX99V2 - The Classic DX99 From Years Ago Is Back! 10 meter radios can be used anywhere a CB radio can. Use at your own risk. If the neon green is not visually pleasing, you can choose from 6 different colors to allow you to view all the information clearly. Blue lights with dimmer. Please understand that there may be possible delays in delivery/transit times due to carrier restrictions. Details about President Lincoln II 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio AM/FM/SSB/LSB/USB/CW. If you are tired of CB and want a better system, upgrade to a 10 meter radio for significant range and feature improvements. $89.99. SR955HPC - Do You Want A Stryker With ALL The Features? Both (original and modernized) will do 10 meters AM/FM upper and lower sideband. The potentially very high power output (radio energy) of 10 Meter Radios can actually damage soft tissue and organs (similar to a microwave) so proper use is important! Stryker 10 Meter Amateur Radio Comfortable Durable Tool Perfect Fit Safe Black Galaxy Dx99v2 45 - $499.95 Galaxy Dx99v2 45 Watt Compact Am/fm/lsb/usb 10 Meter Radio Built In Swr 10 meter radios operate between 28 ~ 29 MHz and require a HAM radio operators license for legal operation in the US. Please check with local authorities. Serving the 11 Meter radio community for over 35 years, Bob's CB has the very best in 10 meter and CB radio equipment for the trucker and hobbyist. There is a 40 channel bank per band. A wide variety of 10 meter radio options are available to you, There are 8,884 suppliers who sells 10 meter radio on, mainly located in Asia. Multi-Color user selectable lighting, oversize meter and adjustable echo. Stryker SR-955 HPC 10 Meter Amateur Radio. Same size as a 29, fits in all big trucks. RCI63FFD4 - The most Powerful Radio on the Market. C $967.69. According to FCC regulations, CB radios are allowed a max output of 4 watts. Easy To Operate. Ranger RCI2970N3 300w 10-12 Meter Radio w. Sideband USB/LSB/CW. 2970N4 AM/FM/SSB 10-12 Meter Amateur Transceiver. Connex CX3400HP 10 Meter. RCI39VHP 10 Meter RCI 39 VHP * IN STOCK ON SALE* (416) New April 2018 RCI-39VHP with smaller size chassis the same size as a Cobra 29 Cb radio. (40) 40 product ratings - Stryker SR-A10 Center Loaded CB 10 Meter Radio Antenna Mirror Mount. The Best 10 Meter Radios For You. Catch the band openings with this rock solid stable mobile radio. A complete 250 watt Base Station package! The Anytone AT-5555N is a full sized, full featured mobile with FM,AM,USB,LSB,PA modulation mode. New Features With Higher Power MosFet Finals. Content and Images Many of them have a band selector knob. According to FCC regulations, CB radios are allowed a max output of 4 watts. The NEW DX66V2 incorporates Starlit faceplate, blue LED's in the meter, channel and frequency displays. Cell Phone Repeater. Therefore, 10 meter radios are not governed by Part 95 of 47 C.F.R, but by Part 97 of 47 C.F.R. Get the best deals for 10 meter radio at (except finals), 60+ Watts PeP Power Output (90 watts after Peak), 60+ Watts PeP Power Output (90 Watts with Peak), 100+ Watts PeP Power Output (110 Watts with Peak), FREE SRA198 Ranger Noise Cancelling Microphone, Multi-color display, can rotate every 5 seconds or stay on one color. 27 product ratings - STRYKER SR497HPC 110 WATT 10 METER RADIO WITH 7 COLOR SELECTABLE FACEPLATE. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. COVID-19 Notice: Our business is open and we are shipping orders. Features a frequency counter, blue lights, and SWR meter / warning light. Unlike a CB Radio, you need to have a license to operate a 10 Meter Radio. DX66V2 - One Of The New Smaller Sized Galaxy Radios. President … LINCOLN II - President Amateur 10 Meter Ham Radio. Blue meter and channel lights, Echo reverb for that big radio sound. AM, FM mobile 10 Meter Radio Volume, Squelch, Mic Gain, RF Gain Lighted face w/six colors to choos.. ... AM, FM, SSB 10 Meter Radio Black Radio and Heat Sink Volume, Sque.. CONNEX3300HPB - Easy To Operate Radio With The Most Used Features. 90 Watts means big power in a small package, Fits in overhead cubbies for Kenworth, Freightliner, and Peterbilt trucks, Super compact design, less than 5" wide and only 1.77" tall, Large, color selectable display for easy viewing, Massive 200+ Watts PeP Power Output (250 Watts PeP after setup), A complete package - Just select your antenna mount, 50 Watts PeP (75+ Watts with Amateur Radio Alignment), Echo / Reverb & Talkback For Clear Connex Audio, Extremely Stable Single Sideband SSB (USB/LSB) Mode, Galaxy DX98VHP 250 watt radio already modified, Fits into Semi Truck Cubbies and Drawers -- Same size as Cobra 29, Variable Talk Back Controls, Echo and Roger Beep. DX86V - AM & SSB Modes In A Small Package. Visit for testing, locations on getting your license, online practices tests, and more. WIFI Radio and Solution. We suggest our pre-built DXBK4GA cable assembly. The end user consumer is solely responsible for acquiring such license and for the proper use of all radio equipment. SS-158FB4 - We Found Only A Few Of These Powerhouses Left! Now the modernized version is extremely easy to convert. AM/FM, Mic Gain Control Dual MOSFET's, Built in Echo Dimmer control Adjustabl.. Especially designed for Freightliner, Kenworth, Peterbilt and Volvo trucks. 12 foot high quality coax cable with removable connector, Heavy duty extended radio mounting bracket, Super clear and compact President Speaker, wire, with fuses, battery terminals, and radio connector pre-installed, 2940 N Plainview Rd Walcott, Iowa 52773 USA. Select the Peak option for 11 meter frequencies. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! No Items... Go Shopping! Stryker SR-655HPC 10 Meter Amateur Ham Mobile Radio AM FM 70+ Watts PEP 7 Color. Small in size - LOADED with features. 10 Meter Radios are a big step up from CB Radios. Interested in getting licensed? The 10 Meter Band consists of frequencies stretching from 28.000 to 29.700 MHz. With their high power output, 10 Meter Radios can overpower CB transmissions and other important local communications. Items: 0 . Amazing SSB Performance Out Of The Box. Digital Radios and Solution. $219.99$219.99. Toggle navigation ... -NOW ON SALE!-$149.95 Buy . Ranger RCI 936FC4. CX33HPC1 - Finally A Connex Radio That Will Fit Into Your Overhead Console! Ares 10 meter amateur mobile... Indonesia CB radio CB radio function CB radio price. Analog Radio and Solution. Connex 3300 HP 10 Meter Radio $299.95 10 Meter Radio SR-497HPC. SR-655HPC 10 Meter Radio With Very Loud & Clear Receiver; Will fit any radio location. The Anytone AT-6666 is a full featured mobile with FM,AM,USB,LSB,PA modulation mode. roger, beep and instant emergency button. Simple, no frills operation. Part 97 does not require type acceptance of Amateur radios. $669.95 Ranger. Since the 10 Meter Band is intended for long range communication, more wattage is needed. Out of the box, you will not get Channel 19 with a 10 Meter Radio. this one is good it does 10 and 11 meters. About Us. Includes the famous Ranger chrome noise cancelling microphone. High - Low power switching. Our Products. Fully adjustable echo and talk-back controls. 10 METER RADIO. 10 Meter Radio SR-89MC. SR655HPC - Join the digital age! president - ronald 50 watts 10/12 meter am/fm amateur radio . 10 Meter Radios are not designed to communicate with CB Radios. Large easy to read meter, lighted faceplate and plenty of PUNCH POWER. CX36HPF - Connex Has Released A Radio With A Built-In Frequency Counter! 10 Meter Radio SR-25MC. Built-In SWR meter. Special Radio. Programmable RB sound function. Dual MosFet final transistors for maximum output power. SR-447HPC2 10 Meter Radio. Absolutely! Same size as a Cobra 29. We DO NOT recommend a magnet mt antenna, Back in stock! The 10 meter band opens occasionally and with this radio, work the weak stations. According to FCC regulations, CB radios are allowed a max output of 4 watts. 10,501 10 meter radio products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which speaker accounts for 10%, walkie talkie accounts for 2%, and portable radio accounts for 1%. In the U.S. it is legal to purchase and listen on amateur radios frequencies but a license is required to transmit. From United States +C $46.65 shipping estimate. 515 10 meter radios for sale products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which radio control toys accounts for 31%, earphone & headphone accounts for 17%, and speaker accounts for 14%. ODM Products. Nice looking and a top performer. A wide variety of 10 meter radios for sale options are available to you, such as handheld, passive. Ranger (RCI-2970N2) - AM/FM/USB/LSB/CW/PA, Black, 10 & 12 Meter Amateur Mobile Radios GENERAL LEE - Are You A Rebel? Was: $99.99. Choose from several different backlit faceplates with features ranging from frequency counters, echo and talkback, stable SSB (single sideband), and much more. The antenna system requirements and installation difficulty is exactly the same as a CB, so much so that the two are often found side by side in many big trucks today. 10-meter amateur radios are the next step after CB radios. DX33HP2 - Galaxy DX33 Continues With The Newest DX33HP2. 4.2 out of 5 stars 80. Click Here For ADVANCED SEARCH Options! The RCI-39-VHP packs a lot of power in a smaller size radio with 80 watts, dual echo control , variable talk-back, variable RF power control and more. The Galaxy 98 BIG RIG series is one of the best radios ever built. Get help getting your HAM license with a study guide written by the world famous Gordon West. This item Ranger RCI-2970N2 DX AM-FM-SSB-CW 10 & 12 Meter Mobile Radio Galaxy-DX-959 40 Channel AM/SSB Mobile CB Radio with Frequency Counter Uniden BEARCAT 980 40- Channel SSB CB Radio with Sideband NOAA WeatherBand,7- Color Digital Display PA/CB Switch and Noise Cancelling Mic, Wireless Mic Compatible This is it! Therefore, 10 meter radios are not governed by Part 95 of 47 C.F.R, but by Part 97 of 47 C.F.R. The neon backlit interface makes the Stryker ham radio very easy to maneuver. Large digital meter displays receive signal, transmit power and SWR. RCI2950DX-CD - New Styling With Color LED Display. Unlike a CB Radio, you need to have a license to operate a 10 Meter Radio. Sales, Supplies, and Service. Excellent service, lowest prices, help with question about cb and 10 meter radio, repair, warranty and tuning. CB radios operate on the 11 meter band, or around 27 MHz. Small enough to mount in the limited space most trucks now provide. The FCC wants to make sure that 10 Meter Radio operators understand the importance of operating the equipment properly and following the rules. High Power With All The Features Expected In A BIG RADIO. Power output is between 45 all the way up to 400 watts PeP (peak envelope power). Blue channel LED & meter light. Take A Look At The SR-94HPC. CB Radio ANYTONE AT-6666 28.000 – 29.699 Mhz 40 Channel Mobile Transceiver AT6666 AM/FM/SSB 10 Meter Radio DESCRIPTION: This is very nice model with the large LCD displays and the high power level. SR-655HPC 10 Meter Radio With Very Loud & Clear Receiver. SR-447HPC2 - The Little Brother Of The SR497 Is The Stryker SR447HPC2. DX44HP - Blue Lights And A Larger Meter Makes This Galaxy Stand Out. High output and greater range than standard CB, the Galaxy, Stryker, Ranger, Connex, President and other brands found here are all designed to maximize your performance. General Interest. The reason for this is because the 10 Meter Radios are allowed to have more wattage/power output than CB Radios.
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10 meter radio for sale 2021